The Smart Money Woman

Arese Ugwu - 2016
    She’s living a fabulous life. Great car, gorgeous apartment, well paid job. Meet Zuri. Broken down car, an apartment she cant afford, a job she’s about to lose. What’s a broke girl to do? With her best friends Tami (the flighty fashion designer), Lara (the tough oil and gas executive), Adesuwa (the conservative lawyer), and Ladun (the fabulous housewife), Zuri grows a little, learns a lot and navigates her way to making better financial decisions and building wealth. This book tackles, debt, spending, the consumerist culture of the African middle class, the fear and misconceptions surrounding money and the lack of it, love, friendships, cultural and societal pressures and the roles they play in success. With each chapter comes a Smart Money Lesson, there to help you work your way up the financial ladder.

Get Your House Clean Now: The Home Cleaning Method Anyone Can Master

Beth McGee - 2015
    You can become an expert at cleaning your home. All you need are the right tools and supplies, a little motivation, and the method that Beth McGee has perfected over 20 years as a home cleaning professional. Beth shares the products, process, and encouragement you need to make this seemingly daunting task manageable. Get Your House Clean Now: The Home Cleaning Method Anyone Can Master, is filled with unique information beyond the recycled cleaning tips you’ve seen on the Internet. This is not a seven day or 30 day course on getting your home clean. This book will prepare you to get your house clean as soon as you're ready to get started, no matter how dirty it is. Whether you just want your home to sparkle, start your own cleaning business, prepare your home to rent or flip, or help your house cleaner work most effectively for you, this book will help you do it. Beth will instill in you knowledge to last a lifetime for keeping your home clean.

Lies Women Believe/Companion Guide for Lies Women Believe- 2 Book Set

Nancy Leigh DeMoss - 2002
    In "Lies Women Believe," Nancy Leigh DeMoss exposes areas of deception common to many Christian women -- lies about God, sin, priorities, marriage and family, emotions, and more. She deals honestly with women's delusions and illusions and then gently leads them to the truth of God's word that leads to true freedom."Walking in Truth," the companion study to "Lies Women Believe" will help women go deeper into God's Word, walk more fully in His grace, and experience the joy of the abundant life Christ promised.

Off the Reservation

Glen Merzer - 2014
    Congressman Evan Gorgoni of Bloomington, IN, has served eight terms in a dysfunctional Congress and reached his limits of frustration. A medical event brings on the epiphany that there is no point in continuing to serve. But his frank expression, on Meet the Press, of his rationale for ending his political career is met with the unbidden call that he seek the White House—an unlikely destination for a vegan Congressman with a disdain for political posturing. Featuring 20 vegan recipes and a solution to America’s Electoral College problem, Off the Reservation is an original take on the art of the possible. "Glen Merzer's Off the Reservation is as politically savvy and poetically literate a book as I have read in a long while. It is a completely gorgeous and rewarding experience."--Jason Alexander, Actor “The book is called Off the Reservation , but it’s 100% On The Money about how far removed political discourse has strayed from reality. With unparalleled wit and insight, Glen Merzer dispatches one Evan Gorgoni to go forth and speak the truth to a weary nation, and the result is one of the best reads I’ve had in years. I loved it!” —Ed Begley, Jr., Actor/Environmental Activist “I literally couldn’t put down this superbly-written book once I began to read. Why? Because Off the Reservation is wildly entertaining and deeply inspiring. And because I laughed out loud so many times I lost count. What a fabulous, powerful, meaningful book!” —John Robbins, author, Diet For A New America, and Co-founder, “ Off the Reservation is the best book I’ve ever read!” —Howard F. Lyman, author, Mad Cowboy “Glen Merzer’s Off the Off the Reservation is a masterpiece of wit and relevance. Twenty-first century America is portrayed here in the language of politics—an unlikely feat but a convincing one, thanks to Merzer’s keen eye for both straight facts and tortuous contradictions. Intelligent, relevant, up-to-date, and unwavering, Merzer’s fictional analysis gets to the heart and soul of American society today. I confidently predict that anyone who has the good fortune to read this book will treasure the experience.” —Philip Appleman, poet and novelist

The Power of the Pussy: Part Two - Marriage, Divorce, Relationship, and Dating Advice for Women

Kara King - 2013
    In this book you'll discover unique and compelling advice specifically designed to conquer a variety of real life issues that women may face when dealing with men. The Power of the Pussy Part Two will help you: -Discover powers that men have and use this knowledge to your advantage. -Draw men to you naturally and effortlessly. -Heal from a divorce and come out of it better than ever! -Use your powers within a marriage to re-ignite the flame or change the dynamics of the relationship. -Learn tips and tricks to keep a good man head over heels in love with you, eager to remain faithful, and happy to stand by your side for life. -Overcome baby daddy drama, rejection, and other real life issues that other dating advice books won't dare discuss! The Power of the Pussy has been hailed the ultimate must-read dating guide for women of all ages. The first book laid the foundation, while Part Two digs deeper into the world of feminine power. This book will make you laugh, leave you feeling empowered, and enable you to deal with anything a man throws your way! DISCLAIMER: This book contains strong language, sexual content, and subject matter that may be offensive to some readers.

How To Make Him BURN With Desire...Only For YOU (FOR WOMEN ONLY Book 2)

Lanie Stevens - 2013
    There are a few chapters dedicated to what men have shared with me about things that will make them leave a relationship or be unhappy with their mate. However, this book is to empower you (women) and help you get ANY man to desire you. Get any man without making changes to your looks, behavior or personality. If you decide to make changes it will just be to improve yourself AND because that is what you desire. Let's face facts, most relationship books tell you "what you need to do to change yourself" and attract a man. Some tell you that you need to be a "bitch" and others that you need to be a "pussycat"…really? Just like there are all kinds of reasons you are attracted to a certain man, there are all kinds of reasons he will be attracted to you. Why would you arbitrarily change anything about yourself? What if the thing you change would be the ONE thing he would like about you? There are a few things that I found ALL men hate: 1) women who let themselves go physically; 2) women who "nag, bitch and complain"; and 3) women who use the "bait and switch" to get their man. I will cover those things in the book BUT this book is not written to change you. This book will have men desiring you (and only you) in spite of what you look like, your personality, physical appearance or outward desirability. You will learn a technique that can be used at any time and place. A technique that will have him wanting you and thinking about you with desire….whenever you please. Ladies, the power of the pussy is not located between your legs. It is located between your ears! You just don't know how to use it…yet! In "Pussy Whip" A Guide To Control Your Man I taught you a technique that will change your life. Did you read it and listen? This book will take it a step further and add desire to your capabilities. You don't need to remember how long to look in someone's direction, how many times to bat your eyelashes, whether you should call him or not, how many dates before having sex….silly dating books written by people who don't know my technique. If you want to change yourself to attract a man...go for it! It you want to have a man (any man) desiring you using one simple technique... then this is the one book you need. One technique to have ANY man panting after YOU!!! It may be a total stranger OR the man who sleeps next to you each night. He will think of you with a burning desire! Lanie Stevens is the author of: Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book One Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book Two Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book Three "Pussy Whip" A Guide To Control Your Man (non-fiction) How To Make Him BURN With Desire…Only for YOU (non-fiction)

Freed To Lead: F3 and the Unshackling of the Modern-day Warrior

David Redding - 2014
    The workouts are simple – no gimmicks, trends, or fancy gear – and participants take turns leading. No one pays a dollar, yet every man involved will tell you that F3 keeps him in the best shape of his adult life. In Freed To Lead, F3 co-founders Dredd and OBT tell the story of how F3 began on New Year’s Day 2011 at a Charlotte, N.C., middle school and how its dramatic growth showed they had launched something more than just a workout group. Through anecdote and metaphor, they show how F3’s Three Fs – Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith – cure the “SadClown Syndrome” that plagues too many men and offer a solution to our society’s leadership vacuum.

Delivering Her Gift

Beverly Evans - 2019
    The gift that came as a result was a surprise we didn’t see coming. Logan Ambrose, a gorgeous surgeon with a broken past. A hero, a savior, and the charming doctor that stole my heart. I gave him my v-card and he crept into my heart as quickly as he left. Seeing Logan again and finding out I'm pregnant at the same time? Insane. "Logan you're going to be a dad." How do I begin to tell him this life changing news? I mean, a drunken one-night stand shouldn't be this complicated. I definitely didn't expect what came next... That he would be the doctor that’s delivering our baby!


Paul Forster - 2019
    Eat what you want, when you want, who you want. Millions of people from desperate teens, to pop stars, to brides and successful businessmen are attracted to the cure for fat. One which allows them to eat anything they want and still lose weight. Quickly it passed between the users and those around them, even a kiss shared the microbe that would condemn the affected. Silently over weeks tens of millions of people were infected. No corner of the Earth would escape the carnage. The lucky ones became mindless beasts, looking for their next taste of human flesh, the hunger taking over everything they were until they exist purely to feed. A few unfortunate souls suffer with the hunger of the dead but the mind of the living, they're neither dead nor alive but something in between, something far more dangerous to the surviving humans. The government have given up on their citizens having been unable to contain or destroy the plague that is destroying humanity. Everyone wants something from you, whether it’s your bottle of water or the flesh off your body. Where the dead haven’t ravaged, the army have destroyed in a desperate attempt to stop the spread. In the South East of England a Police officer, soldier, executive and IT geek are amongst those trying to make their way in the new dead world. Unsure of their place in it or how long they’ll last until they become a feeders next meal. In the world of the dead, what will the living have to do in order to survive?

English Fluency For Advanced English Speaker: How To Unlock The Full Potential To Speak English Fluently

Whitney Nelson - 2015
    Regardless of what actions are taken, progression is slow or limited.Here is a checklist to see if this guide is for you. You Are an Advanced English Speaker If.. ✔ You can understand 70% of an English speaking movie.✔ You can answer simple questions in a conversation, but you have a hard time elaborate your points when trying to explain in more details.✔ You can have a short conversation, but you stutter sometimes when you speak.✔ You can write better than you speak.✔ You stutter when you try to speak fast.✔ You can speak quite well, but you have a strong accent.If one of those sounds familiar to you, perhaps you have found the right book. This book is essential for you to break through and not only improving your spoken skills but developing them so well that you can speak like a native English speaker.Armed with the proven tips, tricks, and techniques in this book, you’ll discover that you’ll be soaring to an entirely new and exciting level of learning within days. On top of that, these guidelines can be used nearly effortlessly. Proven Technique That Works You’ll discover what “shadowing” is and how it can painlessly take you to a supreme status in your studies. You’ll also learn about a related method of learning to pronounce English fearlessly. It’s called the “scriptorium method.” Once you try it you’ll realize why so many people praise its effectiveness.English is not an easy language to learn. But if you are using proper methods to learn and speak, you’ll find that your next level of learning is just a click away. Learn and adopt these techniques, tips, and many more secrets revealed in this book, and your English fluency will be on a whole different level in 60 days !Remember: Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.Download Now and Start Speaking Fluent English!

The Magic of Manifesting: 15 Advanced Techniques To Attract Your Best Life, Even If You Think It's Impossible Now

Ryuu Shinohara - 2019
    What if there were straight-forward, easy principles to get everything you want in life? Maybe you already manifest regularly or you’ve heard of it, but never tried it. Using manifestation means using the power of your thoughts, feelings or beliefs to bring something into your physical reality. At first, it sounds abstract, but science has proven, everything is made of energy: objects, animals, thoughts, and humans. There are laws that control how this energy flows and where it goes just as there are laws of gravity and laws of growth. The more you know about these laws the easier it is to navigate the energy you need in the right direction. No wonder that even stars like Will Smith, Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga swear by manifestation as the secret to their success. Jim Carrey makes it sound really simple. He says: “As far as I can tell, it’s just about letting the universe know what you want and then working towards it while letting go of how it comes to pass.” Yet, there are reasons why some people are better at manifesting than others. There are a couple of fundamentals you need to understand in order to apply manifestation effectively. Yet, with a little guidance and the right techniques, your best life is waiting for you. This is only a select sample of what you’ll discover in The Magic of Manifestation: Flap or Fab: Why you should care about manifestation more than you think The scientific secret behind changing your reality Why you might be manifesting your misery and how to avoid these common mistakes The smartest and most powerful way to attract anything you want in life How scientists manipulate your life with one particular weakness that outweighs all of science’s strengths (check page 27) Is everything connected? Essentials about energy, flow, and connection Why your ego is the enemy and what you can do about it 5 practices to guarantee your manifestation success story The #1 mental exercise Olympians and star athletes practice daily to increase their performance Intention vs. goals: The major difference and which is best to achieve success in life The biggest money lie revealed (check page 102) and how to create true abundance Warning Signs that you have a scarcity mindset and how to get rid of it And much more. If you think “manifestation” is just another 2020 buzzword, then you haven’t heard the success stories of millions of people who made their dreams come true with this one powerful tool. It goes from 6-year-old Kabir who manifested to become the Malaysian David Copperfield and got invited to perform in The Magic Castle in Hollywood to family father Daniel who manifested his dream house in Maui.

A Train to Moscow

Elena Gorokhova - 2022
    When she leaves for Moscow to audition for drama school, she defies her mother and grandparents and abandons her first love, Andrei.Before she leaves, Sasha discovers the hidden war journal of her uncle Kolya, an artist still missing in action years after the war has ended. His pages expose the official lies and the forbidden truth of Stalin’s brutality. Kolya’s revelations and his tragic love story guide Sasha through drama school and cement her determination to live a thousand lives onstage. After graduation, she begins acting in Leningrad, where Andrei, now a Communist Party apparatchik, becomes a censor of her work. As a past secret comes to light, Sasha’s ambitions converge with Andrei’s duties, and Sasha must decide if her dreams are truly worth the necessary sacrifice and if, as her grandmother likes to say, all will indeed be well.

Power Texting Men! The Best Texting Attraction Book to Get the Guy (Relationship and Dating Advice for Women 3)

Gregg Michaelsen - 2014
    We got that. But too many times ladies are texting like we are your boyfriends. We are NOT. At least not yet and maybe never if you don't FIX your texting. We are also not your girlfriend, we don't want to hear how your make-up session is going even though we benefit from it and say we do.Power Texting Men! will;Give you 21 jaw dropping seductive texts that you just gotta use!Make him respond when YOU want him toKeep him hooked on you all day and night until the next dateCrush ALL your texting blundersShow how timing, structure, intent and emoticons MATTERYour night game and your future man demand the complete package out of you. Any weak link in your armor could send him packing. What I am finding is that YOUR weak link is TEXTING MEN!This texting attraction guide will change this...don't push that guy away EVER againLadies, Do Not Pass Up this Book;Learn the power of less is moreHit him with wit and keep his senses arousedSay things that he has never heard from another womanLearn the secrets of "radio silence"Book a date without him even realizing that YOU just asked HIM outTEASE the crap out him with your thumbsIf you want to know what men WANT you to say when texting, ASK a man. You are lost when you text guys and I WILL fix this. I teach ladies how to get the reaction they want. They tell me what they text and it is often the polar opposite of what they SHOULD be texting. They then say, "Wow, he just asked me out!" Yes because you finally figured out his simple brain by listening to a ME...a MAN with a simple brain!Do you lack confidence? Comfortable in Your Own Shoes: The Building of a Confident Woman is LIVE! This is my confidence course JUST for women and WOW - does it work!

Baby City

Freida McFadden - 2015
     Nobody knows this truth better than Emily McCoy, a third year resident working in Baby City, the affectionate nickname for the busy Labor and Delivery unit at a New York City hospital. On a typical day in Baby City, Emily delivers more babies than the number of hours of sleep she manages to squeeze in that night. And definitely more than the number of dates she's been on since she started her training in OB/GYN two years earlier. As Emily works tirelessly to safely herald baby after baby after baby (after baby) into the world, she becomes well acquainted with the three hard facts of Baby City: 1) Babies never come when you want them to. 2) Babies always come when you don't want them to. 3) You don't know who your true friends are until your baby is sliding down the birth canal.

Available: A Very Honest Account of Life After Divorce

Laura Friedman WilliamsLaura Friedman Williams - 2021
    Sure, their sex had become a little formulaic, and yes, their life together mostly revolved around their kids, but whose doesn’t?Then came the shocking, utterly clichéd discovery of his affair. Five months of emotional turmoil later, Laura found herself single for the first time in 27 years and with two choices: to eke out her existence, or reinvent herself. A little encouragement from her friends and one astonishing one-night stand later, she realised that she had a sexual appetite she’d never explored, and that being a mother didn’t mean she had to ignore it. She could be independent, a good mother, and have a great sex life all at the same time… couldn’t she? From G-spots to bald spots, dirty talk to dating fiascos, Available is the unflinchingly honest, empowering, and humorous true story of a life turned downside up.