Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Ellen Notbohm - 2005
    Framed with both humor and compassion, the book defines the top ten characteristics that illuminate the minds and hearts of children with autism. Ellen's personal experiences as a parent, an autism columnist, and a contributor to numerous parenting magazines coalesce to create a guide for all who come in contact with a child on the autism spectrum. Don't buy just one of this book- buy one for everyone who interacts with your child! Give the gift of understanding. Helpful chapters include:My sensory perceptions are disordered Distinguish between won’t and can’t I am a concrete thinker. I interpret language literally Be patient with my limited vocabulary Because language is so difficult for me, I am very visually oriented Focus and build on what I can do rather than what I can’t do Help me with social interactions Identify what triggers my meltdowns


John J. Macionis - 1987
    A widely acclaimed writing style, vivid illustration program, and extensive highlight features--applied chapter-opening vignettes, full-color Global and National Maps, thought-provoking theme boxes, applications and exercises--capture reader's imaginations and help them see clearly how sociological concepts and issues affect not only life in general, but their individual lives as well. An accompanying CD-ROM features a library of video selections illustration major concepts and theories, animated Global and National Maps, author's tips, chapter slide shows, etc. A companion Website is also available.The Sociological Perspective. Sociological Investigation. Culture. Society. Socialization. Social Interaction in Everyday Life. Groups and Organizations. Deviance. Sexuality. Social Stratification. Social Class in the United States. Global Stratification. Gender Stratification. Race and Ethnicity. Aging and the Elderly. The Economy and Work. Politics and Government. Family. Religion. Education. Health and Medicine. Population, Urbanization, and Environment. Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies.For anyone interested in a cutting-edge introduction to sociology and social diversity from a global perspective.

The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction

Ann Charters - 1983
    This brief edition of the most widely adopted book of its kind offers all of the editorial features of the longer book with about half the stories and writer commentaries in a shorter, less expensive format.

Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

Sherry Turkle - 2011
    Developing technology promises closeness. Sometimes it delivers, but much of our modern life leaves us less connected with people and more connected to simulations of them.In Alone Together, MIT technology and society professor Sherry Turkle explores the power of our new tools and toys to dramatically alter our social lives. It’s a nuanced exploration of what we are looking for—and sacrificing—in a world of electronic companions and social networking tools, and an argument that, despite the hand-waving of today’s self-described prophets of the future, it will be the next generation who will chart the path between isolation and connectivity.

Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others

Steven A. Beebe - 1996
    Fueled by the authors' conviction that skills inform principles; principles inform skills, Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others maintains a careful balance between theoretical and skills-oriented material. This book integrates a key emphasis on diversity with examples drawn from a variety of age and ethnic groups and special boxes that focus on gender and diversity issues. A chapter on intercultural communication supplements this integral material by relating it to the other-oriented approach

Nutrition: An Applied Approach

Janice L. Thompson - 2004
    Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase. Used or rental books If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code. Access codes Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase. -- Nutrition: An Applied Approach, Fourth Edition introduces you to nutrition with an innovative, applied format that discourages rote memorization and promotes long-term understanding of the material. Building on your natural interest in nutrition, the authors demonstrate in a clear, conversational style how key nutritional information relates to your personal health and nutrition, and show how to debunk commonly held misconceptions.The applied approach is reflected in the functional organization of the micronutrient chapters, focusing on the vitamins and minerals and their primary functions within the body. The applied content is focused on key content areas: fluid and electrolyte balance, antioxidant function, bone health, and energy metabolism and blood health--topics of particular importance to instructors. You can easily grasp this accessible conceptual framework for understanding the role nutrients play in bodies and overall health.The Fourth Edition features MasteringNutrition(TM), an online homework, assessment, and tutorial system that allows instructors to personalize the nutrition course like never before with next generation course management tools. Master topics through interactive mini-lessons, quizzing, and immediate wrong-answer feedback.This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience--for you. Here's how: Personalize learning with MasteringNutrition Improve results quickly by mastering concepts from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience to keep you on track.Help students visualize and understand tough topics: All-New Focus Figures appear in bold, full-page displays throughout the text to help teach you the toughest topics in nutrition. Emphasize applications: Practice core nutrition concepts by using MyDietAnalysis, a software system that allows you to complete a diet assignment and then enter the information to create a variety of reports, in addition to other tools. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringNutrition does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringNutrition search for ISBN-10: 0321908740/ISBN-13: 9780321908742. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321910397/ISBN-13: 9780321910394 and ISBN-10: 0321956737/ISBN-13: 9780321956736.MasteringNutrition is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

The Stories of English

David Crystal - 2004
    But how did it evolve? How did a language spoken originally by a few thousand Anglo-Saxons become one used by more than 1,500 million? What developments can be seen as we move from Beowulf to Chaucer to Shakespeare to Dickens and the present day? A host of fascinating questions are answered in The Stories of English, a groundbreaking history of the language by David Crystal.

A First Look at Communication Theory

Em Griffin - 2008
    The 32 theories represented in the text reflect a mix of foundational and recent scholarship and strike a balance of scientific and interpretive approaches.

The Essential 55

Ron Clark - 2003
    How many authors would travel coast to coast on a bus to get their book into as many hands as possible? Not many. But that's just what Ron Clark, author of The Essential 55, did to keep his book and message in the public eye. And it worked. After his Oprah appearance, sales skyrocketed: we've sold more than 850,000 copies in six months! The book sat tenaciously on the New York Times bestseller list for 11 weeks. Ron Clark was featured on the Today show, and in the Chicago Tribune, Good Housekeeping, and the New York Daily News--not to mention the calls we've received from teachers and parents who want to get their hands on Ron's guidelines for teaching children. Now in paperback, The Essential 55 will be the perfect book for parents and teachers to slip into their own backpacks, to read on the train or at lunch, and to highlight the sections that resonate for them. And with an author who is truly a partner in getting his message to the masses, we just can't lose.

Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft

Janet Burroway - 1987
    A bestseller through six editions, Writing Fiction by novelists Janet Burroway and Elizabeth Stuckey-French explores the elements of fiction, providing practical writing techniques and concrete examples. Written in a tone that is personal and non-prescriptive, the text encourages students to develop proficiency through each step of the writing process, offering an abundance of exercises designed to spur writing and creativity. The text also integrates diverse, contemporary short stories in every chapter in the belief that the reading of inspiring fiction goes hand-in-hand with the writing of fresh and exciting stories.

Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things

Richard Wiseman - 2007
    In Quirkology, he navigates the backwaters of human behavior, discovering the tell-tale signs that give away a liar, the secret science behind speed-dating and personal ads, and what a person's sense of humor reveals about the innermost workings of their mind- all along paying tribute to others who have carried out similarly weird and wonderful work. Wiseman's research has involved secretly observing people as they go about their daily business, conducting unusual experiments in art exhibitions and music concerts, and even staging fake seances in allegedly haunted buildings. With thousands of research subjects from all over the world, including enamored couples, unwitting pedestrians, and guileless dinner guests, Wiseman presents a fun, clever, and unexpected picture of the human mind.

The Prince

Niccolò Machiavelli
    Hence: Can Machiavelli, who makes the following observations, be Machiavellian as we understand the disparaging term? 1. So it is that to know the nature of a people, one need be a Prince; to know the nature of a Prince, one need to be of the people. 2. If a Prince is not given to vices that make him hated, it is unsusal for his subjects to show their affection for him. 3. Opportunity made Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, Theseus, and others; their virtue domi-nated the opportunity, making their homelands noble and happy. Armed prophets win; the disarmed lose. 4. Without faith and religion, man achieves power but not glory. 5. Prominent citizens want to command and oppress; the populace only wants to be free of oppression. 6. A Prince needs a friendly populace; otherwise in diversity there is no hope. 7. A Prince, who rules as a man of valor, avoids disasters, 8. Nations based on mercenary forces will never be solid or secure. 9. Mercenaries are dangerous because of their cowardice 10. There are two ways to fight: one with laws, the other with force. The first is rightly man’s way; the second, the way of beasts.

The Personality Puzzle

David C. Funder - 1996
    A new capstone chapter on personality disorders synthesizes these domains/paradigms. The Fourth Edition adds a new chapter on cognition and the self, new coverage of the Big Five personality traits and of personality in a developmental context, and a new Student Website to enable effective study and review.

Human Development: A Life-Span View

Robert V. Kail - 1995
    With its comprehensive, succinct, and applied coverage, the text has proven its ability to capture students' interest while introducing them to the issues, forces, and outcomes that make us who we are. Robert V. Kail's expertise in childhood and adolescence, combined with John C. Cavanaugh's extensive research in gerontology, result in a book with a rich description of all life-span stages and important topics. A modified chronological approach traces development in sequential order from conception through late life, while also dedicating several chapters to key topical issues. This organization also allows the book to be relatively briefer than other texts?a benefit given the enormous amount of information covered in the course. Benefits: NEW! Up-to-date findings and references introduce students to the perspectives of those who are currently shaping the field and those who pioneered it. New examples include a greater number of diversity examples to appeal to the broadest possible range of students: a diversity theme index is in the back of the book. Real People: Applying Human Development boxes illustrate how a development issue is manifested in the life of a real person. Examples include "Tell Me About a Girl That You Like A Lot and "Still Flying at 91." NEW! Read about the latest research insights?Current findings and references introduce you to the perspectives of those who are currently shaping the field and those who pioneered it. NEW! Study smarter?Learning Objectives (listed at the beginning of each major section and repeated as subheads throughout the section) help you study more efficiently by focusing your attention on important upcoming topics. NEW! Build critical thinking skills painlessly?Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, texting, and other current topics make the book's Think About It questio

Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience [with MyPsychLab & eText Access Code]

Neil R. Carlson - 2010
    " The ninth edition of "Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience" offers a concise introduction to behavioral neuroscience. The text incorporates the latest studies and research in the rapidly changing fields of neuroscience and physiological psychology. The theme of strategies of learning helps readers apply these research findings to daily life. "Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience "is an ideal choice for the instructor who wants a concise text with a good balance of human and animal studies. MyPsychLab is an integral part of the Carlson program. Key learning applications include the MyPsychLab Brain. Teaching & Learning Experience"Personalize Learning"" - "MyPsychLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program. It helps students prepare for class and instructor gauge individual and class performance."Improve Critical Thinking"" "-Each chapter begins with a list of Learning Objectives that also serve as the framework for the Study Guide that accompanies this text."Engage Students"" "-An Interim Summary follows each major section of the book. The summaries provide useful reviews and also break each chapter into manageable chunks."Explore Theory/Research"" - "APS Reader, "Current Directions in Biopsychology" in MyPsychLab"Support Instructors"" "- A full set of supplements, including MyPsychLab, provides instructors with all the resources and support they need.0205962092 / 9780205962099 Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0205206514 / 9780205206513 NEW MyPsychLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card 0205940242 / 9780205940240 Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience