Paleo: Paleo For Beginners: Start Your Ideal 7-Day Paleo Diet Plan For Beginners To lose Weight In 21 days

Olivia Rose - 2015
    The Paleo diet is known by other names such as the cavemen diet, hunter-gatherer diet, and Stone Age diet. The concept behind this diet came from the premise that what worked for the forefathers’ health would also work for today’s population. Adoption of the eating habits, food selections, and lifestyle of our prehistoric ancestors are the main objectives.Included in the diet are mostly fish and meat and products of plants such as vegetables, fruits and nuts. As there were no ways to process foods back then, all processed foods are to be avoided in this diet. The only sugar that is allowed is honey. Salt, on the other hand, is limited. Off-limits are the grains, dairy products and all canned, cured, smoked, and preserved productsI wrote this book specifically thinking in you: the one's that who wants to weight loss while staying energized and healthier. I wrote this book to show you how you can have an absolutely amazing experience while you are in the Paleo Diet. I will tell you what to eat or not, how to follow a simple 7 day meal plan, how to prepare some amazing recipes ( over 50 paleo recipes includes!). The Paleo diet is a success because of the following reasons: it is simple, doable, and effective. Weight loss is achievable within three weeks and great health is possible for good with continuous implementation of this diet in your lifestyle. My goal is simple. I will help you prepare your journey with Paleo, transforming it into an absolutely amazing experience. I will teach you what to eat or not, showing you how to make some amazing paleo recipes. I will take you through a step by step with 7 Day Meal Plan where you simply can't get lost! So let's go for it! For a limited time you can download "Paleo Diet" for 0.99 Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn Inside... Introduction Chapter One - Paleo Diet: An Introduction Chapter Two - Paleo Diet And Its Holistic Benefits To The Modern Man Chapter Three - The 21-day Challenge Chapter Four - The Basics of the Paleo Diet Chapter Five - Goodbye To These –Restricted Foods in the Paleo Diet Chapter Six - Sample Paleo Meals For A Week Chapter Seven - Amazing Paleo Recipes Chapter Eight - Frequently Asked Questions Chapter Nine - The Paleo Diet: The Conclusion Much, much more! Download Your Copy Right Now!

The PCOS Plan: Prevent and Reverse Polycystic Ovary Syndrome through Diet and Fasting

Nadia Brito Pateguana - 2020

Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks

Randall J. Strossen - 1989
    John had no special genetic gifts and no interest in drugging up; plus, he had to keep the training routine and the accompanying diet very simple as well as extremely effective. Enter SUPER SQUATS, and six weeks later, the 150-pound, somewhat shaky version of John Doe had been replaced by a 180-pound fire breather who knew he could walk through walls, because he'd just done it. SUPER SQUATS is the definitive book on the classic 20-rep squat routine . . . it's been around for almost 75 years and it's the system that turns scarecrows into musclemen. Whether you're trying to outgrow your size small shirts or are hunting for a win at World's Strongest Man, here's the winning recipe when it comes to bulking up. 112 pp.

Extreme Transformation: Lifelong Weight Loss in 21 Days

Chris Powell - 2015
    Whether you're looking to lose the baby weight, that last ten pounds, or several hundred, this is the program that can change your life forever. They share their most effective secrets for weight loss success through diet and exercise and go into detailed focus on how to develop a powerful, sustainable mental change to keep the weight off forever. With their help, readers will "see" the hidden path of transformation; be guided through fast and fun exercises; enjoy loads of recipes (both quick and gourmet) along with advice for food shopping, preparation, and more! With an incredible expansion of the Carb-cycling core that has driven Chris's first two national bestsellers, the Powells guide you from the very first step to reach your ideal weight and transition to lifelong maintenance--high-impact results in as little as three weeks.

Strong: Over 80 Exercises and 40 Recipes For Achieving A Fit, Healthy and Balanced Body

Zanna Van Dijk - 2018
    Step away from the treadmill. There's another way to get results, and it's all about balance.Being in great shape doesn't mean depriving yourself or running your body into the ground. In STRONG, personal trainer and Instagram star Zanna Van Dijk busts these myths and reveals her no-fail formula for a powerful, lean physique and lasting health and happiness. STRONG gives you all the motivation and practical tools you need to get started on your fitness journey. Zanna's inspiring and achievable approach to eating well and training effectively features a comprehensive guide to lifting weights, detailed workout routines, sustainable nutrition tips and simple principles of health and wellness. After you've worked up a sweat, her mouthwatering, easy recipes prove that nourishing food isn't just fuel - it can be absolutely delicious and bursting with flavour too.Make your body STRONG. Move it. Nourish it. Thrive.

Stretching Your Boundaries: Flexibility Training for Extreme Calisthenic Strength

Al Kavadlo - 2014
    Watch yourself move with the fluidity and grace of a great dancer. Feel your strength as you power into and hold the most challenging of bodyweight exercise moves. See yourself ripple with the muscular, toned, symmetrical physique that signals the perfect marriage of form and function. All of this could be yours—with the right mindset, the right knowledge, the right mentor and the right blueprint for success. Enter Al Kavadlo—and his hard-earned skills in the world of bodyweight exercise training. This is a man who walks the walk of his talk—and then some. A man who models the capabilities and qualities of a bodyweight master—while also being able to teach and inspire others in the most practical of manners. In Stretching Your Boundaries, Al provides a blueprint that anyone can follow to achieve supreme physical elegance, mobility and strength—and to amp up their game in any aspect of physical performance. Stretching Your Boundaries could have been called “Yoga Meets Calisthenics”. Or “Zen and the Art of Stretch”. Because—as with the best of the physical culturists—there is a deep, yet lightly-carried spiritual “vibe” to Al’s teachings. There is a humble joy and a sense of well-being emanating from the man—that speaks volumes about his program. If you really want to succeed as a physical culturist—and if you really want to live a healthy, happy, long life—then the right combination of spirit, wisdom and hard, skilled practice is the essential recipe, or template if you will. In Stretching Your Boundaries you will find the time-tested tools you need to continue cultivating yourself as a magnificent human artwork. Fitting Al Kavadlo’s message is the medium: the book has gorgeous design and stunning photography—that will inspire you for years to come. “The ultimate bodyweight mobility manual is here! Al Kavadlo’s previous two Dragon Door books, Raising the Bar and Pushing the Limits, are the most valuable bodyweight strength training manuals in the world. But strength without mobility is meaningless. Al has used his many years of training and coaching to fuse bodyweight disciplines such as yoga, martial arts, rehabilitative therapy and bar athletics into the ultimate calisthenics stretching compendium. Stretching Your Boundaries belongs on the shelf of any serious athlete—it’s bodyweight mobility dynamite!—"COACH" PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning "An absolutely masterful follow up to Raising the Bar and Pushing the Limits, Stretching Your Boundaries really completes the picture. Both easy to understand and fully applicable, Al's integration of traditional flexibility techniques with his own unique spin makes this a must have. The explanation of how each stretch will benefit your calisthenics practice is brilliant. Not only stunning in its color and design, this book also gives you the true feeling of New York City, both gritty and euphoric, much like Al's personality." —MIKE FITCH, creator of Global Bodyweight Training “Stretching Your Boundaries is a terrific resource that will unlock your joints so you can build more muscle, strength and athleticism. Al's passion for human performance radiates in this beautifully constructed book. Whether you're stiff as a board, or an elite gymnast, this book outlines the progressions to take your body and performance to a new level." —CHAD WATERBURY, M.S.

Food Freedom Forever: Letting Go of Bad Habits, Guilt, and Anxiety Around Food

Melissa Hartwig Urban - 2016
    1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain What does 'food freedom' mean to you? Maybe it's eating whatever you want without negative consequences to your health or waistline. (Good luck with that.) Maybe it's giving up your obsession with calorie counting, food restriction, and the scales. (Now we're getting somewhere.)Bestselling author and nutritionist Melissa Hartwig defines true food freedom as being in control of the food you eat, instead of food controlling you. It means indulging when you decide it's worth it, savouring the experience without guilt or shame, and the returning to your healthy habits. In Food Freedom Forever Melissa outlines a simple three-part plan that will help you to discover food freedom for yourself, no matter how out of control you feel. It will point you down a self-directed path that keeps you balanced, satisfied and healthy, without requiring that you obsess about food, count calories or starve yourself. By the last page, you'll have a detailed plan for creating the perfect diet for you, finding your own healthy balance, and maintaining the kind of control that brings you real food freedom every day.Welcome to food freedom.

The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet

Nina Teicholz - 2014
    She documents how the low-fat nutrition advice of the past sixty years has amounted to a vast uncontrolled experiment on the entire population, with disastrous consequences for our health.For decades, we have been told that the best possible diet involves cutting back on fat, especially saturated fat, and that if we are not getting healthier or thinner it must be because we are not trying hard enough. But what if the low-fat diet is itself the problem? What if the very foods we’ve been denying ourselves—the creamy cheeses, the sizzling steaks—are themselves the key to reversing the epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease?In this captivating, vibrant, and convincing narrative, based on a nine-year-long investigation, Teicholz shows how the misinformation about saturated fats took hold in the scientific community and the public imagination, and how recent findings have overturned these beliefs. She explains why the Mediterranean Diet is not the healthiest, and how we might be replacing trans fats with something even worse. This startling history demonstrates how nutrition science has gotten it so wrong: how overzealous researchers, through a combination of ego, bias, and premature institutional consensus, have allowed dangerous misrepresentations to become dietary dogma.With eye-opening scientific rigor, The Big Fat Surprise upends the conventional wisdom about all fats with the groundbreaking claim that more, not less, dietary fat—including saturated fat—is what leads to better health and wellness. Science shows that we have been needlessly avoiding meat, cheese, whole milk, and eggs for decades and that we can now, guilt-free, welcome these delicious foods back into our lives.

Champions Body-for-LIFE

Art Carey - 2008
    The Body-for-LIFE 12-week journey has changed the lives of millions. What makes it so successful?It's Simple. It Works.All it takes:12 weeks4 hours of exercise per week6 small, balanced, and nutritious meals per day—never be hungry againNow, Body-for-LIFE Champions and Challengers share how they created new and better lives for themselves, simply by following these three rules:1. Know your reasons for changing (Chapter 2)2. Write them down (Chapter 3)3. Get started (Chapter 4)You do have the power to change your body, your mind, your life.Read how men and women become Champions as you follow the 12-week story of two Body-for-LIFE Challengers. Mark Unger, a major in the U.S. Marine Corps, and Alexa Adair, a college student, share their personal Journeys of Transformation—from their Decisive Moments, to Starting the Challenge, Week 12, and a year later. Week by week, they chronicle the excitement, the tough moments, and the life-transforming experience of finishing their own personal Challenges.Science Shows Body-for-LIFE WorksFor more than 10 years, millions of people have proven with their real-life transformations that Body-for-LIFE works. Now science shows it works, too! In a clinical study of overweight men and women, the people who followed Body-for-LIFE:Lost approximately twice as much body and belly fat as the control group and moderate exercise higher-carb groupDecreased body fat by 21 percent on averageDecreased body weight by 11 pounds on averageDecreased belly fat by 26 percent on averageChampions Body-for-LIFE is for everyone—whether you're starting your first Body-for-LIFE Challenge or your fourth.

The 3-1-2-1 Diet: Eat and Cheat Your Way to Weight Loss--up to 10 Pounds in 21 Days

Dolvett Quince - 2013
    He helps trick your metabolism into cooperating with his rapid weight loss formula for success." --Mehmet Oz, M.D. Want to finally lose the weight and keep it off? Want to be able to eat the foods you love? Reaching your goals can only happen when you don't feel deprived and you continue to stay motivated. Now, celebrity trainer and star of the hit reality series The Biggest Loser, Dolvett Quince, tells you how to do all of that and more in his revolutionary program, The 3-1-2-1 Diet. This 21-day program works by manipulating your body's natural tendency to slow its metabolic rate in response to calorie restriction. It takes a new approach to getting lean-one scientifically based on changing up food and calories to tap into your body's potential to burn fat. This unconventional plan results in greater muscle and less fat than any other diet you've ever tried. Dolvett's effective eating plan is as easy as 3-1-2-1: three days of clean eating, one day of cheating, two more days of clean eating, and one final reward meal at the end of the week. No foods are off limits and you will never feel deprived because the plan is flexible enough to fit into any lifestyle. You'll lose weight fast-10 pounds or more in just 21 days-and you won't plateau. Dolvett's simple meal plans and delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes, together with his fast and effective workouts that combine cardio and body-shaping moves, will have you back in your skinny jeans in less than three weeks!

The Lean Muscle Diet: A Customized Nutrition and Workout Plan--Eat the Foods You Love to Build the Body You Want and Keep It for Life!

Lou Schuler - 2014
    Why? At some point, everyone stops dieting. The Lean Muscle Diet solves the sustainability problem while offering immediate results. It's simple: act as if you already have the body you want. If a reader is, say, a 220-pound man who wants to become a muscular 180-pounder, he then uses The Lean Muscle Diet's formula to eat and train to sustain a 180-pound body. The transformation begins immediately, and the results last for life.Lou Schuler, who has sold more than one million copies of his fitness books worldwide, and Alan Aragon, nutrition advisor to Men's Health, have created an eating and "metabolically expensive" exercise plan designed to melt fat while building muscle. the best part? the plan allows readers to eat their favorite foods, no matter how decadent. with full support from Men's Health, The Lean Muscle Diet delivers a simple—and simply sustainable—body transformation plan anyone can use.

LL Cool J's Platinum Workout: Sculpt Your Best Body Ever with Hollywood's Fittest Star

L.L. Cool J. - 2006
    Here he shares the secrets of his transformation in a uniquely creative, yet no-nonsense regimen—enlivened with humor and sheer force of personality—that will inspire readers to enjoy working out as never before, while building a body they never thought possible. The book offers four levels of fitness, from Bronze to Platinum, including:- a 4-week beginner's program that takes inches off the waist and boosts energy-a 5-week program for intermediates that increases strength while maintaining muscular and cardiovascular endurance- an advanced 9-week program that turns the body into a muscle-building and fat-burning machine—complete with 6-pack abs and as much energy as LL Cool J- the hardcore 3-week fat-torching program LL used for the "Control Myself" video—a new level in ripped-to-the-bone fitness and sex appeal- a special 4-week "Diamond" program for women seeking to shape up fast for summer or an upcoming event- meal plans and recipes that fuel workouts while burning fat with food

The Supercharged Hormone Diet: A 30-Day Accelerated Plan to Lose Weight, Restore Metabolism and Feel Younger Longer

Natasha Turner - 2011
    The Supercharged Hormone Diet gives us the information we need to get our hormones back on track — in thirty days flat.The Hormone Diet taught us the ins and outs of how and why our hormones play the biggest part in our weight-loss woes — a valuable resource and diet guide to our hormones and how they affect our health. Now, The Supercharged Hormone Diet allows us to start losing weight as soon as we crack open the book.In this busy, fast-paced world, we don't always have time to research the science behind our diets. We want to lose weight sooner and faster. Turner has created an accelerated hormone diet with the same basic principles as the original (eating the right foods to correct your hormonal imbalances) and she's plucked out the most important information from The Hormone Diet. It includes the questionnaires and assessments to get you started, a higher protein detox than the original, the key tips for sleep and exercise, a handy food list, a new two-week meal plan, a work chart to help you stay on top of your goals and many new hormone diet-friendly recipes.The Supercharged Hormone Diet gives us exactly what we need — a quick-start diet plan with a thirty-day time frame.

The Cure for Alcoholism: The Medically Proven Way to Eliminate Alcohol Addiction

Roy Eskapa - 2008
    This is the first step.Featuring new and updated information and studies, including an introduction by actress Claudia Christian, the second edition of The Cure for Alcoholism delivers exactly what millions of alcoholics and families of alcoholics have been hoping for: a painless, dignified, and medically proven cure for their addiction. Backed by 82 clinical trials and research that extends back to 1964, The Sinclair Method deploys an opiate-blocking medication in a very specific way—in combination with ongoing drinking—to extinguish the addictive “software” in the brain. The de-addiction process rolls back the addictive mechanism in the brain to its original pre-addicted state—before the first drink was consumed, making this program an actual cure for alcoholism.Drs. Roy Eskapa and David Sinclair of The Sinclair Method have put together a sound scientific book that proves that with this particular method, alcoholism can be cured in more than 78 percent of patients. What’s more, the treatment avoids the dangerous withdrawal symptoms, allowing patients to detox gradually and safely while they are still drinking. This removes the need for expensive and unpleasant inpatient rehabilitation programs. Actual drinking levels and cravings automatically decrease until control over alcohol is restored. The bottom line is that patients can control their drinking or stop altogether with the simple yet powerful process outlined in The Cure for Alcoholism.Including a new introduction by actress Claudia Christian about The Sinclair Method’s impact on her life, updated trial information, and a letter explaining the treatment that can be given to doctors by patients, The Cure for Alcoholism is a revolutionary book for anyone who wants to gain control over drinking.

Maximum Muscle: The No-BS Truth About Building Muscle, Getting Shredded, and Staying Healthy (The Build Healthy Muscle Series)

Michael Matthews - 2012
     The 6 biggest myths& mistakes of building muscle that stunt 99% of guys' muscle gains. (These BS lies are pushed by all the big magazines and even by many trainers.) The 4 laws of muscle growth that, when applied, turn your body into an anabolic, muscle-building machine. You'll be shocked at how easy it really is to get big once you know what you're doing... The real science of healthy fat loss that makes losing 1 - 2 lbs of fat per week not only easy, but guaranteed. All successful weight loss programs work thanks to these 3 simple laws, and you can put them to work right away. And more! The bottom line is you CAN achieve that "Hollywood hunk" body without having your life revolve around it--no long hours in the gym, no starving yourself, no grueling cardio that turns your stomach. Download this book now and learn what most guys will never know about getting bigger, leaner, and stronger!