Book picks similar to
Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess: Lighting Dance of the Supreme Shakti by Shambhavi Lorain Chopra
The Perfume of Silence
Francis Lucille - 2010
Based largely on actual dialogues between Francis Lucille, a spiritual teacher of non-duality, and some of his disciples, the music of freedom that it conveys resonates between the words, and gives the reader an inkling of the peace and happiness that are experienced in the presence of an authentic master. Francis Lucille was for over twenty years a close friend and disciple of Jean Klein, a well recognized French teacher of non-duality. They both belong to a lineage of Advaita Vedanta teachers stemming from India. (Advaita Vedanta is the main nondualist Hindu spiritual tradition). Jean Klein's guru, Pandit Veeraraghavachar, was a Professor at the Sanskrit College in Bengalore. Their teachings, despite some superficial similarities, are quite different from those of most contemporary western neo Advaita teachers.They emphasize for instance the importance of the direct transmission from guru to disciple, through presence, beyond words, and they recognize that the same universal truth was expressed by various saints, philosophers and teachers throughout history and across the world. That which matters here is not the form of the teaching, direct or gradual for instance, as much as the authenticity of the teacher, the vibrancy of his realization, the outpouring of his love, the freedom of his humour, the brilliancy of his intelligence, the splendor of his poetry, the spontaneous sharing of his peace. Nonduality is the common ground of Buddhism (especially Zen and Dzogchen), Advaita, Sufism, Taoism, the Kabbalah, the Gnosis and the teachings of Jesus in the Thomas Gospel, the teachings of Parmenides, Plotinus, Gaudapada, Abinavagupta, Meister Eckhart, Ramana Maharshi, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Ananda Mai and many others.
The Holy Geeta
Chinmayananda Saraswati - 1992
Swami Chinmayananda's commentary on the seven hundred and one verses of the the Bhagavad Geeta.
The Bhagavad Gita: The Song of God Retold in Simplified English
Edward Viljoen - 2019
This unique edition of the timeless epic is designed to be accessible for readers without any prior experience of Hinduism. Not simply a translation of the original, Viljoen has simplified and restated the Gita's complex ideas, so that a first-time reader can fully appreciate the scope and beauty of this magnificent Indian classic. Written in concise, modern language the retelling vividly captures the power and depth of the original work.Part of the Mahabharata, the Gita is a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna. Its verses contain some of the key ideas of Hindu philosophy--Dharma, Moksha, and various yogic practices. Originally written well over a thousand years ago, the Gita has proven to be a timeless source of wisdom, inspiring philosophers and revolutionaries alike in the millennia since it was written.In addition to the retelling of the text, this edition includes a character list, a glossary of important terms, and chapters exploring the back-story from the Mahabharata and the impact and meaning of the Bhagavad Gita itself. The Bhagavad Gita is an approachable way for today's readers to engage with one of history's richest spiritual epics.
Sivananda Saraswati - 1988
Sense impulses and biological urges are common to animal and man alike. Sex is one of the prominent, most important and absolutely essential aspects of human, animal as well as plant life. Sex is an integral part of life—human, animal and plant. While this aspect of life is regulated by nature in plants and by instinct in animals, in man it is left to his common-sense, intelligence and his developed reason to control and regulate the same. The vast and ancient scriptures of the world offer human society specific rules and regulations in this respect. With regard to India, as a nation, our forefathers followed the do’s and don’ts of the Dharma Sastras in meticulous detail and this, in large measure, contributed to their health, longevity and spiritual welfare.But alas, in the present-day world, and more particularly among the educated class, in all walks of society and in all age groups, norms of conduct laid down by the scriptures are flouted with so much impunity that we see, all around us, the number of physical, mental and moral wrecks increasing every day. One reason for this sad state of affairs is modern man’s ignorance of his own scriptural treasures.Swami Sivananda came on the Indian scene, in the early thirties, to blast this ignorance of the people by offering the hoary wisdom of the ancients through the media of his simple English writings. It is well known that spiritual treatises apart, the great Master, whose love for mankind knew no bounds, wrote a number of books concerning health, hygiene and medicine. One such book was "Practice of Brahmacharya" which dealt mostly with the subject of celibacy, and where celibacy was not possible, a regulated sex life. This book has been popular with the public.This apart, the Swamiji’s thoughts on the subject of sex and sex sublimation are also to be seen here and there spread over his voluminous writings. In the present volume, all of Swamiji’s thoughts and instructions on the subject of sex and celibacy have been gathered up from "Practice of Brahmacharya" and elsewhere, and thoroughly edited, with a view to offering the public, and especially to the younger generation, a working guide to the vital subject of sex sublimation. This has been done as an act of loving service to modern youth who are often left groping in the dark by an irresponsible society. These days we often hear about "juvenile delinquency," but this juvenile delinquency itself is the result of adult irresponsibility. The youth of the world craves for guidance which is often not forthcoming from the parents, teachers or society.It is hoped that this book of holy Master Swami Sivananda will fill the above-mentioned lacuna and offer the youth of the world the knowledge and guidance which they so richly deserve in a vital area which affects their physical, mental, ethical and spiritual well-being.We pray that the blessings of the holy Master may pour on all those who may chance to go through the following pages and open up a new chapter in their lives. May all be healthy, happy and spiritually blessed. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu!8th September, 1988.—THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY
The Mother
Sri Aurobindo - 1927
Revelatory, inspired writing, frequently called the "Matri Upanishad".
I Remember Union: The Story of Mary Magdalena
Flo Aeveia Magdalena - 1992
With the guidance of Spirit, they design the prophecy that will be fulfilled in 2000 years. That prophecy is now unfolding and we are all being called to remember our design. Now is the time.
Appalachian Folklore Omens, Signs and Superstitions
Nancy Richmond - 2011
It includes hundreds of whimiscal superstitions as well as folk cures, charms, and chants practiced by the early settlers of Appalachia.
Dancing with Siva
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami - 1991
India's tolerant and diverse vision of the Divine is all here: meditative, devotional, philosophical, scriptural and yogic.
365 Goddess: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess
Patricia J. Telesco - 1998
Through the ages, people have celebrated the role of goddesses in maintaining the fl
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times by Pema Chodron Summary & Study Guide
BookRags - 2011
26 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more – everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times. This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times by Pema Chödrön.
Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy
Georg Feuerstein - 1998
Tantra has been widely misunderstood in the West, however, where its practices are often confused with eroticism and licentious morality. Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy dispels many common misconceptions, providing an accessible introduction to the history, philosophy, and practice of this extraordinary spiritual tradition. The Tantric teachings are geared toward the attainment of enlightenment as well as spiritual power and are present not only in Hinduism but also Jainism and Vajrayana Buddhism. In this book, Georg Feuerstein offers readers a clear understanding of authentic Tantra, as well as appropriate guidance for spiritual practice and the attainment of higher consciousness.
The Magic Monastery: Analogical and Action Philosophy of the Middle East and Central Asia
Idries Shah - 1972
The Magic Monastery differs from its predecessors in that it contains not only traditional tales--mostly unpublished--but also stories specially written by Shah to complete the book as 'a course in non-linear thinking.'
Spinal Breathing Pranayama - Journey to Inner Space
Yogani - 2006
Moreover, this simple daily practice purifies and opens us to our ecstatic inner realms, taking us on an exciting journey to inner space. The consequences of this journey are as practical as they are profound. This book provides easy-to-read instructions for beginning and continuing with the practice of "Spinal Breathing Pranayama," addressing in a surprising degree of detail the many experiences and questions that can come up. Yogani is the author of two landmark books on the world's most effective spiritual practices: "Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living," a comprehensive user-friendly textbook, and "The Secrets of Wilder," a powerful spiritual novel. The "AYP Enlightenment Series" makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. "Spinal Breathing Pranayama" is the second book in the series.
Feast of the Morrighan
Christopher Penczak - 2012
Author Christopher Penczak (Gates of Witchcraft and others) presents a modern grimoire for the Morrighan, introducing readers to this fierce Celtic goddess in her many forms and guises, and providing lore, guided meditations, magickal workings, and formularies for your own work with the Morrighan.