The Grumpy Old Git's Guide to Life

Geoff Tibballs - 2011
    We all know one! They like to groan and grumble, offering their own commentary on the shortcomings of modern life. Whether it is queues at the supermarket, the state of the health system, the price of a pint these days, the hairstyles of teenagers, or the number of Maltesers you actually get in a bag, there is always something that will get their goat. 'The Grumpy Old Git's Guide to Life' is a hilarious celebration of all these grumps, how to identify one, what exactly they find so irritating and why we find their rants quite so amusing.

Marching Bands Are Just Homeless Orchestras

Tim Siedell - 2010
    The bookstore or library is half full of that kind of crap. What you're holding here is a collection of quips and observations with a refreshingly gloomy, sometimes twisted, always funny take on life. Or lack thereof.With illustrations by renowned artist Brian Andreas, this book is a glimpse inside the humorously askew mind of a writer whose witticisms have been featured on NPR, printed onto t-shirts, performed on stage in Germany, and posted online at the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times. He's been named one of the top funniest people on Twitter by the likes of Maxim, MSNBC and Mashable.

Mixed Blessings

Barbara Brown Taylor - 1986
    Originally preached for the congregation of All Saints' Episcopal Church in downtown Atlanta, the topics of these sermons range from conversations with Abraham and Moses in the texts of the Hebrew scriptures to our awareness of the communion of saints and how to recognize a miracle when one comes our way.

The Power of Love: Sermons, Reflections, and Wisdom to Uplift and Inspire

Michael B. Curry - 2018
    Love is the only way. Those who follow in my way follow in the way of unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial love. And that kind of love can change the world. --Bishop Michael Curry Two billion people watched Bishop Michael Curry deliver his sermon on the redemptive power of love at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex) at Windsor Castle. Here, he shares the full text of the sermon, plus an introduction and four of his favorite sermons on the themes of love and social justice. The world has met Bishop Curry and has been moved by his riveting, hopeful, and deceptively simple message: love and acceptance are what we need in these strange times.

The Book of Kindness: How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself

Om Swami - 2019
    Even a word of encouragement, a compliment, a helping hand can be equally, if not more, profound. Make such acts a habit and Nature will reciprocate in kind.' In his latest book, bestselling author Om Swami suggests a definitive means to achieving true happiness: through kindness. In his signature candid style, he clarifies that the only way one can be successful in the quest to achieve happiness for oneself is to first spread happiness and show kindness to others. With real, inspiring, life-changing anecdotes, Om Swami goes on to illustrate how compassion and gentleness are intrinsically connected with humanity. The Book of Kindness will help you understand, practice and master kindness, the key to inner bliss and fulfilment, and the only means to attain the happiness that you seek.

The Unvarnished Jesus: A Lenten Journey

Brian Zahnd - 2019
    These forty-six daily meditations on the life and ministry of Jesus drawn from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are a spiritual solvent to help remove the layers of lacquer comprised of political and cultural assumptions that prevent us from seeing just how challenging and compelling Jesus of Nazareth really is. The Unvarnished Jesus is a forty-six day project to restore the incomparable image of Christ.

Found Art: Discovering Beauty in Foreign Places

Leeana Tankersley - 2009
    After a whirlwind courtship, a move across the world, and the unexpectedly difficult re-entry from a year overseas, Leeana finds her life (and her soul) has been changed forever.With an artist’s eye, Tankersley uses each chapter to piece together moments and memories from her journey—a handwritten note from Kuwait, a braid of fringe from a Persian rug, an original poem, a bit of basting thread, a swatch of black silk from a borrowed abaya, a mesquite leaf, a Navy SEAL trident, a receipt from the Russian-Georgian restaurant on Louisiana Street—to create a work of unexpected beauty.Found art emerges … a literary collage created from salvaged stories of loss, hope, and belief that just might change your soul, too.

Why We Left An Anthology of American Women Expats

Janet Blaser - 2019
    “Why We Left: An Anthology of American Women Expats” is a fun, inspiring and humorous read you'll enjoy from cover to cover, full of useful and encouraging words of wisdom from 27 women who made the move and couldn’t be happier. In inspiring words straight from the heart, the contributors share their plans and preparations, hardships and challenges, joys and satisfactions as their new lives in Mexico unfold.

Friendship of Christ: Exploring the Humanity of Jesus Christ

Robert Hugh Benson - 1912
    In The Friendship of Christ, first published in 1912, the Catholic convert son of an Archbishop of Canterbury shows how anyone can achieve a deeper relationship with God the Son. The book shows how Christ works in the soul of those who seek him, in his public life, and in the historical examples given in the Gospels. "There is one supreme friendship to which all human friendship points," writes Benson, "one ideal friend in whom we find, perfect and complete, that for which we look in the faces of our human lovers."

Dismantling the Fantasy: An Invitation to the Fullness of Life

Darryl Bailey - 2010
    What is it that remains when the spiritual path, and even enlightenment, is transcended? Dismantling the Fantasy is a consideration of the movement out of thought itself. This may sound extreme or even impossible, but again it is a simple consideration of your potential as a human being, and you can easily understand it from the life experience you already have.

An Invitation to Freedom: Immediate Awakening for Everyone

Mooji - 2011
    These simple yet profound instructions, questions, and contemplations will lead you directly into the heart of truth and absolute freedom. This could be the greatest discovery you make in your life. Also available as an audiobook read by Mooji.

The One Year Praying Through the Bible: Experience the Power of the Bible Through Prayer

Cheri Fuller - 2003
    You love going through the Scriptures. But you want to do more than just turn the page and check "Bible reading" off your daily to-do list. In The One Year Book of Praying through the Bible, respected author Cheri Fuller leads you through the Bible in one year, helping you pray Scripture passages back to God.The One Year Book of Praying through the Bible is the perfect companion to The One Year Bible--and the perfect way to pray through the Bible within a year. Each daily reading is wonderfully fresh, amazingly personal, and consistently tied to the daily Scripture passages from The One Year Bible. Following each devotional you'll find a short prayer designed to launch you into your own prayer time and a thought-provoking quote from a contemporary or historical Christian.I pray with all my heart. --Psalm 119:145

The Course in Manifesting 3 Book Box Set: (Becoming Magic, Doing Magic & Advanced Magic)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
    In this course, I outline the exact steps that enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose, abundance and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the New Thought and Law of Attraction greats, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting money or love, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by New Age spirituality and the whole Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. BECOMING MAGIC (Book 1) Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, lays the groundwork for becoming a magical person, reawakening the power that lies within you. From here, the plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. DOING MAGIC (Book 2) Book two, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And this book will show you how. ADVANCED MAGIC (Book 3) And finally, we complete the journey with Advanced Magic. It’s time to think a little deeper, feel a little keener, experience a little more intensely, and so consolidate and strengthen your knowledge. This book is designed to increase the fledgling power that you discovered from the first two books of the course. We now need to build on what has gone before, boosting your success, increasing your Magical power and making your manifestations more reliable… and more spectacular. Be warned: if you want a quick fix of positive thinking, to be told that using Magic and the Law of Attraction is fast and simple, and anyone can master it with ease, I suggest you buy a different book.

Walking in Light

Kelvin Cruickshank - 2009
    From his early days growing up in an isolated rural environment to travelling the world as an acclaimed psychic investigator, Kelvin's life story is amazing, inspirational and at times heart-breaking. Walking In Light shares memories of his earliest psychic experiences and his struggles to accept his gift, and recalls many of the amazingly accurate communications he has shared with believers and sceptics alike.

Small Miracles of Love & Friendship: Remarkable Coincidences of Warmth and Devotion

Yitta Halberstam - 2002
    Shares a collection of seemingly random events that took on meaningful significance in people's lives, each demonstrating the power of love and friendship.