Mind What You Wear: The Psychology of Fashion

Karen J. Pine - 2014
    Why do your choose the clothes you do; do they express your true personality and can they really determine the course your day will take? Or even your life?In this book Karen Pine goes ‘behind the seams’, revealing the hidden secrets contained in the clothes we wear. She uncovers startling evidence for how our clothes have the power to change our minds. And she shows how making a simple tweak to what you wear can literally be life-changing.Karen unmasks how the right outfit can make you a better thinker. Or more likely to get the right job. She shows how clothes can boost your confidence, bolster your self-esteem or lift your mood. And the impact a colour change can have on your sex appeal.Karen combines new insights from scientific psychology with years of research into nonverbal communication, as well as impressions gained from her passion for clothes and behaviour change.The book will appeal to anyone curious about the psychology of fashion and will be invaluable to fashion students, designers and marketers. It gives the reader an expert and close-up view of what lies beneath our wardrobe habits and how our fashion identity emerges. And it contains practical advice on how to create an individual style, banishing fashion anxiety and sartorial monotony from your life forever.

Love, Sex, and Your Heart

Alexander Lowen - 1988
    This groundbreaking new study from the author of the bestselling Love and Orgasm, The Language of the Body, Betrayal of the Body, and Narcissism reveals that heart diseases can actually be linked to disturbances in sex and love. Dr. Alexander Lowen explains: how emotions are expressed physically, even in the way our bodies grow, how pain can freeze psychological development, preventing us from giving and receiving love, how blocked emotions can literally constrict the heart and heighten our risk of coronary disease, how special therapeutic techniques can unlock repressions and reduce strain on the heart, why true sexual fulfillment is the key to emotional wholeness. This revolutionary book does for unfulfilled love what the Friedman/Rosenman classic Type A Behavior and Your Heart did for agression-charts its physical effects and shows how to relieve or prevent them. Through actual case histories and revealing diagrams Love, Sex, and Your Heart demonstrates how it is possible to protect your heart and, at the same time, to achieve a more loving, peaceful, and rewarding life.

Life Is a Test: How to Meet Life's Challenges Successfully

Esther Jungreis - 2006
    Whether counseling a searching soul or addressing a packed house in Madison Square Garden, her message is elegantly universal. In Life Is A Test, the Rebbitzen's insights on faith, her soul-stirring wisdom, and her palpable love of all people saturate every page. Life Is A Test is really three books in one, each bearing a particular focus to help readers look for the message embedded in any difficulty. The book begins with tests of self-discovery and then examines the challenging realm of interpersonal relationships, concluding with a section on perceiving the Divine Design in the big picture of global events, as well as in one's own world. Regardless of age or experience, people of all persuasions will find meaningful substance in Life Is A Test. Rebbitzen Jungreis has captured so many of our deep-seated questions, and has graciously provided us with a decipherable answer key.

The Melanin Empath: Discover the Knowledge of Melanated Beings Born With Empath Energy

Jade Asikiwe - 2019
    The ancient connection to the cosmos, and the side effects of knowledge… (Two Manuscripts in one, includes: Melanin Gift of the Cosmos, and Empath Natural Healing for Begginers) Do you frequently experience deep emotions: both of your own and of others’ face sensitivity to sensory stimuli or feel as if you can sense positive or negative energies when you walk into a room? No need to worry. You are not going crazy, and you are definitely not alone. You may just be an empath, a natural healer. Some people are quite sensitive to others, especially when dealing with crowds, which can drain them both mentally and physically. Does this sound familiar to you? Maybe just a simple trip to the supermarket exhausts you, causing you to need an hour of alone time as a way to recharge your energy. Maybe you are particularly sensitive to superficial people, or find yourself almost repulsed by narcissists and selfish behavior. It may also just be that you don’t feel as if you "belong” in this world as if there’s something greater behind what can physically be seen. In any case, there is an answer for why you feel this way. Dive into the realm of spirituality and open your mind to the possibilities that coexist with it. It is a journey of self-discovery and enlightened understanding. In "The Powers of an Empath & Natural Healer”, you will discover: The characteristics that distinguish one type of empath from another, along with which type is particularly significant to you The importance of crystals and how they can aid your empath type The #1 particular personality that can eventually destroy an empath if you’re not cautious and how to avoid them Why we, as a species, are more than just “human” The miraculous ingredient helpful in protecting and keeping your emotions in check The 7 energy channels to be aware of and protect Why you are a gift to the universe and how you can develop your ability for good The versatile plant you should be incorporating into your everyday life for relief 5 ways to properly take care of yourself in our energy-filled universe And much more. Even if you are skeptical about the spiritual world and the powers of natural healing, there must be an explanation for your unique perspective of the universe and your ability to sense the energy around you. If you are even slightly curious to understand more about your powers as an empath, it can only benefit your current knowledge to discover more. After all of the confusion you have had to endure throughout your life, you owe it to yourself to recognize the “why” behind it all. You are not going crazy and you do not need therapy, you have a special gift that most common people don’t want to or can’t comprehend. Unearth the explanation behind your misplaced feelings and begin your life as the natural healer and empath you were born to be. Even if you may not be interested in pursuing life as an empath, uncovering more about who you are and how you perceive the universe will simply help you grow as an individual.

Quantum Love: Use Your Body's Atomic Energy to Create the Relationship You Desire

Laura Berman - 2016
    . . but what about staying in love? Once the intense excitement of a new relationship starts to fade, you may think your only options are to somehow recapture that early magic or settle for a less than fulfilling love life. Now love, sex, and relationship expert Laura Berman, Ph.D., taps the latest scientific and metaphysical research to offer an inspiring alternative: a higher level of love beckoning you to move forward, not backward.Using the essential truth we’ve learned from the study of quantum physics—the fact that at our molecular core, each of us is simply a vessel of energy—Dr. Berman explains how you can use what’s happening in your inner world to create a level of passion, connection, and bliss in your relationship that you’ve never imagined possible. Drawing on her clinical practice and case studies as well as her personal journey, she guides you to: ·         Plot your unique energetic frequency of love with her Quantum Lovemap ·         Work consciously with the energy of your body, heart, and mind ·         Make four key commitments designed to raise your energetic profile ·         Bring your frequency into harmony with your partner’s so that you can grow together ·         Learn how to have Quantum Sex (which is every bit as good as it sounds)Quantum Love is the best possible experience of love, and it’s available to absolutely everyone, whether you’re seeking a mate, in a relationship that’s struggling, or just finding that love has turned lackluster through the stresses of life. You can’t go back to the honeymoon phase, but there is something so much better within your reach. Quantum Love lets you reach new heights of intimacy as you gain a fuller sense of purpose in life and love.

Lucid Dreaming Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide to Waking Up in Your Dreams

Charlie Morley - 2018
    Charlie Morley has been lucid dreaming since he was a teenager and has trained with both Eastern and Western experts in this profound practice. In this introductory guide, Charlie explains how lucid dreaming is a powerful gateway into the subconscious mind and how it can help the reader transform, improve and heal all areas of their life. In this book, the reader will learn to use the virtual reality of the dream state to:- Explore creative ideas- Understand addictions and unhealthy behaviours- Heal phobias and overcome fears- Forgive the past- Live a more awakened lifexThis title was previously published within the Hay House Basics series.

SOS Help for Emotions: Managing Anxiety, Anger, and Depression

Lynn Clark - 1997
    Using the techniques and tools of cognitive behavioral approaches and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, Lynn Clark can help anyone learn to manage their troublesome emotions for a happier, more peaceful life. SOS Help for Emotions teaches adult readers what to do to manage feelings in ways that don't get them in trouble or hurt others. Concepts include: 11 common irrational beliefs and self-talk 10 cognitive distortions 5-step self-analysis and improvement process 5 "hot" connecting links 4 anger myths 3 major "musts" that shape our irrational behaviors self help sections for anxiety, anger, & depression An essential book for anyone teaching anger management and emotional skills. From Parents Press

Intuitive Self-Healing: Achieve Balance and Wellness Through the Body's Energy Centers

Marie Manuchehri - 2012
    "We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing," teaches Marie Manuchehri. "The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance." With Intuitive Self-Healing, this registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level. Offering a compendium of illuminating case studies and practical self-care techniques, Marie invites you to learn more about: The chakra system-how to access and activate seven energy centers that hold the key to our wholeness and intuitive gifts A chakra-by-chakra examination of specific health and emotional issues, with easy self-assessment quizzes Energetic preventative care-detecting and addressing potential health problems before they physically manifest Hands-on tools for accessing intuition, including one-minute exercises to ground and balance your energy-anywhere Your intuitive style-how to discover your unique strengths for reading and working with subtle energyThrough her popular radio show and workshops, Marie Manuchehri has provided invaluable guidance for those seeking to take a more active role in their own well-being. "Everyone has the power to create a vital, fulfilling, and healthy life," teaches Manuchehri-and with Intuitive Self-Healing, she offers key insights for awakening your own life-changing gifts.

The Miracle Of Mindfulness: The Classic Guide to Meditation by the World's Most Revered Master

Thich Nhat Hanh - 2021
    With his signature clarity and warmth, he shares practical exercises and anecdotes to help us arrive at greater self-understanding and peacefulness, whether we are beginners or advanced students. Beautifully written, The Miracle of Mindfulness is the essential guide to welcoming presence in your life and truly living in the moment from the father of mindfulness.'One of the most influential spiritual leaders of our times' Oprah

Covert Narcissist: Uncover the Covert Narcissist’s Manipulation Tactics, It’s Effects on the Brain, and the Road to Recovery (Passive Aggressive, Psychological Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Healing,)

Grace Lewis - 2019
    You have survived 100% of your worst days. My relationship with my covert narcissist left me confused, broken, and utterly drained. I didn’t think anyone could ever understand what I went through. Trying to explain it was hard enough. He didn’t yell, he didn’t hit, yet no one had ever caused me so much pain and then turned around and said I had only myself to blame. That’s what makes covert narcissists so dangerous, they’re so subtle and quiet, masters of deceit. If you feel like you have been pushed to the brink of insanity, losing control, forgetting who you even are I want to let you know that you are not alone. What helped me eventually overcome my deep attachment to my narc was understanding how the mind of a narcissist works and understanding what was going on in my own head while all of this was happening. By identifying the nature of the covert narcissist, recognizing the abuse cycle, and understanding the manipulation tactics I was able to finally stop the madness inside my head. In this book I go over all these points as well as reasons why we’re attracted to the narcissist, why they’re attracted to us, and most importantly tips on moving on after experiencing this type of abuse. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Abuse Cycle Manipulation Tactics Brain Chemistry and Abuse Why We're Attracted To and Who Attracts The Narcissist Tools for Recovery Don't let the covert narcissist fool you any longer , download your copy today! Available now for only $0.99!

Passionate Presence: Experiencing the Seven Qualities of Awakened Awareness

Catherine Ingram - 2003
     "Usually people associate a sense of unbound presence with epiphanies in life-being present at a birth, or a death. People lose themselves in sexual union, in nature, or in the presence of a heart-wrenching beauty. In those moments they forget to keep up the story about the one having the experience, and all that is left is the actual experience." In Passionate Presence, internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher Catherine Ingram shares her insights and wisdom for connecting more intimately to the experience of our daily worlds. Through her popular interactive Dharma Dialogues (dharma meaning truth, or "the way"), she has helped thousands of spiritual seekers everywhere in their quest for awakening by encouraging them to give up the quest. Now she brings nearly thirty years of experience to a book that shows us how to recognize these everyday miracles, and become more cognizant of life's greatest gift: our own passionate presence. Based on "non-dual" teachings that rely on direct experience, with numerous stories illustrating her points, Ingram takes readers on an eye-opening journey that will help them to: o Know the seven traits of passionate presence: silence, tenderness, discernment, embodiment, genuineness, delight, and wonder o Relax in simple presence to dissolve barriers between people, foster better communication, and create inner peace and harmony o Discover why true aloneness can never be lonely o See how tender mercies can purge intense feelings of anger and much more. Filled with illuminating anecdotes and personal reflections, Passionate Presence reveals our true natures and opens the doorway to the divine in all of us. Inspiring and profound, it is certain to gain a wide and devoted readership.

Why Walk When You Can Fly: Soar Beyond Your Fears and Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally

Isha Judd - 2008
    At the core are four “facets” — simple, powerful statements of profound truths. As you use the facets, an abiding sense of well-being and present-moment awareness will permeate your life.Through parables, moving testimonials, and humor, Isha imparts the essential truths that we have nothing to fear and we are all one. This inviting, accessible book will help you live a life of unconditional love, happiness, fulfillment, and peace.

The Power of Attitude

Mac Anderson - 2004
    In The Power of Attitude, entrepreneur Mac Anderson presents some strong suggestions that can guide readers toward success. A complement to his first book The Nature of Success, this book features the same powerful imagery but emphasizes the internal workings of the mind and heart that drive a person in productive paths. As founder of Successories, the leading manufacturer of inspirational and motivational wall decor, Anderson practices what he preaches with notable results. In his introduction, he writes of his hope to "energize and inspire you to live the life of your dreams, and then also to make a positive difference in the lives of others."

The Mental Equivalent

Emmet Fox - 2006
    How do you do it? You build in the mental equivalents by thinking quietly, constantly, and persistently of the kind of thing you want, and by thinking that has two qualities: clearness or definiteness, and interest. If you want to build anything into your life-if you want to bring health, right activity, your true place, inspiration; if you want to bring right companionship, and above all if you want understanding of God-form a mental equivalent of the thing which you want by thinking about it a great deal, by thinking clearly and with interest. Remember clarity and interest; those are the two poles. Wilder Publications is a green publisher. All of our books are printed to order. This reduces waste and helps us keep prices low while greatly reducing our impact on the environment.

In Sync with the Opposite Sex: Understand the Conflicts. End the Confusion. Make the Right Choices.

Alison A. Armstrong - 2006
    End the Confusion. Make the Right Choices.