The Complete Magician's Tables

Stephen Skinner - 2006
    Stephen Skinner's classic set of tabular correspondences.Anyone practicing magic won't want to miss this comprehensive book of magician's correspondences. Featuring four times more tables than Aleister Crowley's Liber 777, this is the most complete collection of magician's tables available. This monumental work documents thousands of mystical links-spanning pagan pantheons, Kabbalah, astrology, tarot, I Ching, angels, demons, herbs, perfumes, and more!The sources of this remarkable compilation range from classic grimoires such as the Sworn Book to modern theories of prime numbers and atomic weights. Data from Peter de Abano, Abbott Trithemium, Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, and other prominent scholars is referenced here, in addition to hidden gems found in unpublished medieval grimoires and Kabbalistic works.Well-organized and easy-to-use, The Complete Magician's Tables can help you understand the vast connections making up our strange and mysterious universe.

Voudon Gnostic Workbook: Expanded Edition

Michael Bertiaux - 1989
    Complete with charts and graphs and instructive interdimensional physics, The Voudon Gnostic Workbook is an "object of desire" among students of the occult. Weiser's long-anticipated republication of this rare text will be an event in the annals of esoteric publishing, as the book itself is somewhat of an "unholy grail." There are listservers devoted to it and much discussion of the mysteries held within its pages. While The Voudon Gnostic Workbook has remained a controversial book considered important for masters of metaphysics, it recently came into popular culture and renewed popularity when Grant Morrison revealed it had been the inspiration for his cult comics 'The Invisibles', using the cribbed time travel from Bertiaux' s masterwork. Voodoo is not an evil religion and is much misunderstood. It derives from the Dahomean Gods called the "Loa." Esoteric voodoo is actually a highly practical procedure for leading us into making contact with the deepest levels of our being and most ancient modes of consciousness. Michael Bertiaux's Voudon Gnostic Workbook is the most comprehensive and illuminating contemporary book on the subject. Launched out of a correspondence course and series of classes for students and followers of Voudon Gnosticism and the O.T.O., this seminal text is at once one of the most mysterious and magnificent of all esoteric books.

Practical Protection Magick: Guarding & Reclaiming Your Power

Ellen Dugan - 2011
    This helpful handbook is chock-full of protection witchery and psychic self-defense techniques you can use to keep yourself and your home strong, secure, and protected.With her trademark humor and candor, best-selling author Ellen Dugan teaches how to weave safe and sensible protection magick into your Craft practice and daily life. This unique practical guide reveals how to pinpoint your psychic strengths, set boundaries, diagnose a problem with divination, and maintain health on physical, psychic, and magickal levels. You'll also find precise and potent spells, rituals, and warding techniques to defend against psychic attacks, emotional and psychic vampires, hexes, unwanted ghosts, and other forms of negativity threatening your home and your well-being.

Shadow Magick Compendium: Exploring Darker Aspects of Magickal Spirituality

Raven Digitalis - 2008
    Exploring the shadow self is not only safe, it's necessary for balance and healing. The author of Goth Craft invites you down a unique magical path for navigating inner and outer darkness and harnessing the shadow for spiritual growth.Shadow Magick Compendium sheds a positive light on this misunderstood and rarely discussed side of magical practice. There are ritual meditations for exploring past experiences, dispelling harmful behavior patterns, and healing a fractured soul. Learn how to safely fast and perform other methods of self-sacrifice, invoke a deity into yourself (godform assumption), get in touch with your Spirit Animal, take advantage of the Dark Moon and eclipses, and perform a unique ritual with your television for a new perspective on society. From astral journeys to sigils to dark herbs, you'll find an array of magical techniques to navigate the shadows and mysteries of yourself and the world at large.

A Magical Course in Tarot: Reading the Cards in a Whole New Way

Michele Morgan - 2002
    A Magical Course in Tarot offers an unprecedented understanding of this mysterious art. Appealing to both novice and experienced Tarot readers, Michele Morgan's method taps into the psychic energies that are inherent in everyone. Morgan's strategy, which can be applied to any of the various Tarot decks, allows the reader to begin reading cards after the first chapter. Accompanied by 78 beautifully penned original illustrations, this guide is divided into three sections, including how to follow one's instincts, traditional and historical meanings of the cards, and a detailed analysis on the interactions among the cards.

Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary

James Wasserman - 1993
    John and A Master of the Temple. These were the only two works regarding the magical diary published in Crowley's lifetime. Both were first published in Crowley's immense collection of magical instruction, The Equinox. John St. John chronicles Crowley's momentbymoment progress during a 13day magical working. Crowley referred to it as "a perfect model of what a magical record should be." A Master of the Temple is taken from the magical diary of Frater Achad at a time when he was Crowley's most valued and successful student. It provides an invaluable example of a student's record, plus direct commentary and instruction added by Crowley.With commentary and introductory material by editor James Wasserman, Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary is the most important and accessible instruction available to students of the occult regarding the practice of keeping a magical diary.This revised edition includes a new introduction by Wasserman, a foreword by noted occult scholar J. Daniel Gunther, revisions throughout the text, a revised reading list for further study, plus Crowley's instructions on banishing from Liber O.

The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses

Anonymous - 1996
    Purported to be of ancient Hebrew origin, the 6th and 7th Books of Moses presents a seried of conjurgations and sigils to be used by the practioner to safely eleicit the aid of various spiritual beings and forces.

The Sacred Wheel

Momma White Cougar - 2012
    Come on a journey through the Wheel of the Year, joining in the celebration of the Gods, Goddesses and festivals that have been a part of mankind since the Dawn of Time.Although aimed at beginning Solitary Practitioners, the original Heartsongs would add depth to the workings of even the most seasoned Pagan.

Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover

Christopher S. Hyatt - 1991
    This is a new and expanded edition wherein you will find a wealth of practical and passionate Tantric techniques utilizing the archetypal images of the Tarot. Nothing is held back. All of the methods are explicit and clearly described."Each of us has a Guardian Angel—a companion and lover who waits just behind the images that flood our minds during sleep or reverie. A protector and guide who disguises as the individual with whom we fall in love; an ideal lover who has adored us since the beginning of our individual existence and who will never abandon us until the instant we merge our being into Absolute Godhead."

The Bible of the Adversary

Michael W. Ford - 2008
    This Bible is for both beginners and serious Adepts, presenting the ideological theological foundations of the Spirit of Samael and Lilith. The Bible of the Adversary contains: Definitions of Magick, The Adversarial Doctrine, Luciferian Ideology, Luciferian Laws, Luciferian Religious Holidays, Liber Legion - Infernal Names, Mastery of the Earth - Controlling your Destiny, Three Types of Luciferian Magick, Banishing Rituals and Preparations, Yatukih Sorcery - Way-i-vatar and BAPTISM, WEDDING and FUNERAL rites.

The Witching Way of the Hollow Hill

Robin Artisson - 2006
    People all over the world embrace the ideas discussed in this work: the animistic worldview, spiritual communion with the dead and the Unseen World, sorcery and magic. Author and Mystic Robin Artisson explores these mystical themes from the perspective of The Old Faiths and pre-Christian metaphysical impulses of Europe and the British Isles. Bringing a new perspective to these ancient practices and making them more accessible, this book is a key to the door that leads into the mythical dimension of each person, and every feature of the sacred landscape. It helps to unlock the hidden wisdom in folklore, shed light on the enigma of the human being, and manifest an experience of the wisdom of the Old Ways- insofar as a book can. This book is about getting out of books and back into the spiritual dimension of the Land itself, and requires considerable dedication and work.

Anathema of Zos: The Sermon to the Hypocrites

Austin Osman Spare - 1927
    The last occult (automatic) writing of Austin Osman Spare, the founder of Sigil Magic.

The Quickening

Stuart Wilde - 1987
    Part of a series of books on self-empowerment, this fourth title discusses the power of the ancient Warrior-Sages, and teaches you etheric (Life Force) and psychological techniques for consolidating your energy.

The Witch's Path: Advancing Your Craft at Every Level

Thorn Mooney - 2021
    This book shares specific, hands-on tips for what you can do to move forward spiritually today, no matter what your starting point.Join Thorn Mooney on an exploration of the most common themes practitioners need to look into when they're feeling stagnant or stuck: sacred space, devotion, ritual and magic, personal practice, and community. Every chapter features four separate exercises, designed for four different types of readers, so you can come back to this book as you grow and discover fresh techniques and activities. The Witch's Path helps renew your sense of engagement with the Craft so you can continue evolving your spirit, your practice, and yourself.

The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide

Robert Bruce - 2011
    Drawing on more than two decades of firsthand research and experience, Bruce reports that our minds are subject to influences from many unseen spiritual sources. Some of these can influence how we think, feel, act, and even how our bodies function. They can make us unhappy, irritable, confused, sick, unstable, even crazy. This is why we need practical tools and countermeasures for psychic self-defense, all of which Bruce provides. This is the ultimate guide to combating the influences of earthbound spirits, deranged ghosts, astral snakes and spiders, demonic spirits, and poltergeists. This is a highly anecdotal and comprehensive practical guide to the dark side of the psychic universe.