Music: The Business: The Essential Guide to the Law and the Deals
Ann Harrison - 2000
Are you a recording artist, songwriter, music business manager, music industry executive, publisher, music/TV/radio journalist, media student, accountant or lawyer? Are you fascinated by the world of the music industry that fills out daily papers? If the answer is yes, Music: The Business will tell you everything you need to know.Fully revised and updated to embrace the new challenges of the Internet downloads, ringtones and the huge changes at the major labels, this indispensable book answers all the questions, demystifies all the jargon, reveals the facts behind the headlines and the real figures underlying those multimillion pound deals, while offering practical and essential help and advice.
Trial Techniques
Thomas A. Mauet - 1995
This long-time leading course book is an invaluable source for prospective trial lawyers, presenting: - a best-selling author renowned for his skills both as a writer and litigator - a clear, engaging writing style that breaks the trial process down into its critical components for more thorough and efficient comprehension - excellent examples illustrating strategies for opening statements, jury selection, direct- and cross-examination, exhibits, objections, and more - an appendix containing the Federal Rules of Evidence for easy reference
Did He Save Lives?: A Surgeon's Story
David Sellu - 2019
There followed a sequence of extraordinary events that led to David being prosecuted and convicted for the patient’s death and sent to prison. His licence to practise medicine was suspended, his career cut short. Events that took place later showed that this was an unfair trial with tinges of racism, and he won an appeal against his conviction and is now a free man. But the damage had already been done.
This book tells his extraordinary story for the first time, in his own words.
Law's Strangest Cases: Extraordinary But True Tales from over Five Centuries of Legal History
Peter J. Seddon - 2013
Youll be gripped by tales of murder, intrigue, crime, punishment and the pursuit of justice. Despite how unbelievable the stories banged up inside these pages may seem, Law's Strangest Cases promises to tell the truth, the whole truthand nothing but the truth about the most ludicrous criminal cases in legal history. Full of riotous and entertaining stories, this book is perfect for anyone who is doing time on a long stretch. Just dont try to steal it, or you may end up inside! Inside youll encounter: The only dead parrot ever to give evidence in a court of lawOne of the most indigestible dilemmas if youd been shipwrecked 2,000 miles from home, would you have eaten Parker the cabin boy?The doctor with the worst bedside manner of all timeThe murderess who collected money from her mummified victim for 21 years Word count: 45,000
How to Start & Build a Law Practice
Jay G. Foonberg - 1984
Author Jay G Foonberg, now in his fifth decade of practicing law, has always been dedicated to giving other lawyers the benefit of his wealth of experience. This Platinum Fifth Edition is packed with over 600 pages of guidance on identifying the right location, finding clients, setting fees, managing your office, maintaining an ethical and responsible practice, maximizing available resources, upholding your standards, and much more. If you're committed to starting--and growing-- your own practice, this one book will give you the expert advice you need to make it succeed. More than 100,000 lawyers have turned to Jay Foonberg for the secrets to running a successful law firm; now you can, too, with the new Platinum Fifth Edition. Jay Foonberg has organized the book into short, easy-to-read chapters that deal with all the specific challenges you will encounter when you open your office. The answers you'll get are realistic, practical, and based on real-life experience. You'll find a wealth of tips that can improve your practice once it is up and running, as well as dozens of time-saving templates and checklists. In addition, there is all-new material for this edition, covering topics including: �New opportunities for serving senior clients and the growth of elder law �E-mail and the Internet �Law firm mergers and dissolutions �The increasing size of student loans �Opportunities created by an aging population �Nonlawyer consultants �The globalization of legal practice �When and how to safely close and destroy files �The aggressive marketing being done now by firms of all sizes �And much more! Even if you already have an established practice, you are sure to find information that will help you compete and succeed. This is the one book you'll need to build and grow your practice.
Case of a Lifetime: A Criminal Defense Lawyer's Story
Abbe Smith - 2008
Some are exonerated through DNA evidence, but many more languish in prison because their convictions were based on faulty eyewitness accounts and no DNA is available. Prominent criminal lawyer and law professor Abbe Smith weaves together real life cases to show what it is like to champion the rights of the accused. Smith describes the moral and ethical dilemmas of representing the guilty and the weighty burden of fighting for the innocent, including the victorious story of how she helped free a woman wrongly imprisoned for nearly three decades.
For fans of Law and Order and investigative news programs like 20/20, Case of a Lifetime is a chilling look at what really determines a person's innocence.
Rather His Own Man
Geoffrey Robertson - 2018
There are dramatic accounts of fighting for lives on death rows, freeing dissidents and taking on tyrants, armed only with a unique mind and a passion for justice - on display whenever he boomeranged back to Australia to conduct Geoffrey Robertson's Hypotheticals.His is an amazing life story of David and Goliath battles - riveting, laugh-out-loud tales filled with romance and danger, featuring a cast of characters ranging from General Pinochet to Pee-Wee Herman; from Malcolm Turnbull to Mike Tyson; from Nigella Lawson to Kathy Lette and Julian Assange. Throughout his exploits - recounted here with irreverent humour and dashes of true wisdom - Geoffrey Robertson has remained determinedly independent and his own man. He has also, in respect of human rights, changed the way we think.
Breakdown: The Inside Story of the Rise and Fall of Heenan Blaikie
Norman Bacal - 2017
When it collapsed in February 2014, lawyers across Canada and the business community were stunned. What went wrong? Why did so many lawyers run for the exit? How did it implode? What is it that holds professional partnerships together?This is the story of the rise and fall of a great company by the ultimate insider, Norman Bacal, who served as managing partner until a year before the firm's demise. Breakdown takes readers into the boardroom offices during the heady growth of a legal empire built from the ground up over 40 years. We see how after a change of leadership tensions erupted between the Toronto and Montreal offices, and between the hard-driving lawyers themselves. It is a story about the extraordinary fragility of the legal partnership, but it's also a classic business story, a cautionary tale of the perils of ignoring a firm's culture and vision.Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE<!--StartFragment--><!--EndFragment--><!--EndFragment-->
Confessions of a Barrister (The Confessions Series)
Russell Winnock - 2015
It’s his job to defend the people who have found themselves on the wrong side of the law – Petty thieves, career criminals, drug dealers and murderers…The scary son of a famous footballer, whose violent behaviour has got him in trouble so many times he almost knows the law better than Russell.The thief of a marital aid, who has a rather unusual defence.The 27 year old drug addict accused of stealing a push-bike, a chainsaw, a bag full of washing and a small fridge – all at the same time.And Russell’s first murder case – a young woman accused of murdering her violent boyfriend.This fascinating insight takes us behind the closed doors of the British legal world. With plenty of drama inside – and outside – of the courtroom, you’ll find out how CCTV can make or break a case, how your Facebook page could land you in jail and why on earth they wear those funny wigs!
The Revised Penal Code: Criminal Law Book Two
Luis B. Reyes - 2012
West's Business Law [With Online Legal Research Guide]
Kenneth W. Clarkson - 1980
This Tenth Edition refines and builds upon traditions established when the book was first introduced: authoritative content blended with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary topics and cases and an unmatched selection of innovative, high-quality support materials.
The Official LSAT Superprep
Law School Admission Council - 2004
The Official LSAT SuperPrep
Criminal Justice (Max Harrison #1)
Patrick Grisham - 2014
Criminal attorney Max Harrison takes on a case for an old school friend, Wayne Snowden. Wayne has been charged with the attempted murder of an old flame, but it quickly becomes evident that the prosecution is not interested in this conviction. So why are they still pressing ahead with the charge? What is Wayne hiding? This thrilling legal short story will take you for a ride through the courtroom and leave you with twists and turns that you didn’t see coming.
Contracts: Examples & Explanations
Brian A. Blum - 1998
To give your students a full understanding of challenging concepts, require or recommend CONTRACTS: Examples and Explanations, Third Edition for your next course.