Dianetics 55! The Complete Manual Of Human Communication

L. Ron Hubbard - 1968
    In Dianetics 55!,L. Ron Hubbard takes this technology a step further, giving you basic knowledge you can use to increase understanding and ability in your life. Blocks to communication can destroy a marriage, a business relationship or a family. A person is as alive as he can communicate. Dianetics 55! includes L. Ron Hubbard's incredible basic principles of communication. Discover how you can use the data in this book to: Ensure your communication is easily understood by others so you can get your ideas across. Master the secrets and skills of effective communication. Build and improve lasting personal relationships. Increase your ability and competence for a happier and more successful life Dianetics provides the tools you need to break down the barriers to communication and understanding in your life and realize your true potential and ability.

Jessica Christ Volume 1: The Early Years

H. Claire Taylor - 2017
    Lord help her… NOTE: This volume contains the first three books of the Jessica Christ series, including ... Book 1: The BeginningBook 2: And It Was GoodBook 3: It's a Miracle!*Plus* the first chapter of Book 4: Nu Alpha Omega The Beginning Jessica McCloud knows first-hand that it’s tough to fit in when you’re God’s only begotten daughter. While she has the power to smite, and she’s privy to most of the juicy gossip in her West Texas town, nobody is knocking on her door with frankincense and myrrh. The Messiah-in-the-making still has to contend with algebra tests, her first crush, and menstrual cramps with the power to spark lightning storms…As if dealing with her overbearing Father and a scheming preacher wasn’t enough, Jessica must face down the demons that lurk around every corner. No matter what she wants from life, everything seems to lead to a final showdown with the devil. The daughter of God has a choice: face the destiny thrust upon her or find some way to forge her own path…And It Was GoodAs she enters the uncharted territory of high school, Jessica McCloud could use a few more friends who believe in her. Of course, that means something entirely different for the daughter of God. After her two-millennia-dead half-brother visits her in a dream and tells her it’s time for her to stop messing around, Jessica begins the hunt to discover what miracles she can perform. And if one of them happens to win the heart of her long-time crush, Greg, then so be it. But when a reporter with a grudge against God catches wind of her first miracle, Jessica stumbles her way through one scandal after another until she wonders if the world wouldn’t be a much happier place with no miracles at all. It's a Miracle! Miracles happen when you least expect them. And if you’re Jessica McCloud, God’s only begotten daughter, they happen when you least want them. Is an uneventful senior year of high school too much for Jessica to hope for?Yes. Yes it is.Instead of focusing on college applications, Jessica must juggle Jimmy’s newest scheme, Eugene’s latest slander, and a gruesome (unpaid) internship at Midland Memorial Hospital. And just when she’s starting to get the hang of it, a serious PR blunder ignites a firestorm of brand new accusations. It would take nothing short of a miracle for Jessica to come out on top this round, and she isn’t holding her breath…

Free Speech & Postmodernism

Stephen R.C. Hicks - 2010
    The attacks have come not only from traditional conservatives but increasingly from the postmodern left. In this essay, Stephen Hicks presents and dissects the philosophical arguments made by the postmoderns for speech restrictions and responds with a vigorous and updated liberal case for free speech.

Philosophy of Benedict de Spinoza

Baruch Spinoza - 1933
    Purchasers are entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge.

Vitamin H

Abhishek Vipul Thakkar - 2020
    It aims to elevate the lives of people by fostering inner confidence and strengthening their faith. In a turbulent and chaotic world, people are in dire need of words of motivation and inspiration. Vitamin H provides the much needed therapy which will successfully cure the diseases such as negativity, pessimism, cynicism and envy. It will awaken the dreamer within you and help you achieve the seemingly impossible.

Once Upon a Sunday

Renee Allen McCoy - 2015
    I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance. –John 10:10, AMP Good Friday started off as anything but that for Melinda Black. After losing her job and self-dignity, a series of events cascade her onto an emotionally charged roller coaster ride that drastically changed her life forever. Will Melinda be able to handle the pressure when she stands to lose what's most important in her life? Once Upon a Sunday is an inspirational short story.

Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill - 2009
    You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Operations Compromised (The Jake Stryker Series Book 1)

Warren Conrad - 2014
    In this first installment of the “Jake Stryker” series, Warren has created a fast paced and riveting story that you could imagine reading in today’s headlines. Here are a few testimonials: “Fast paced thriller in keeping with Vince Flynn and Brad Thor.” Captain Mike Penn Chief Pilot Southwest Airlines Decorated Navy Fighter Pilot and POW “A spider web of plots, covert action, and dead bad guys!” Ryan “Birdman” Parrott Exec. Dir., Sons of the Flag, Burn Foundation Former US Navy SEAL, SEAL Team 7 Jake Stryker, one of the US Army’s lethal and highly trained Delta Force Operators, suspects leaks of classified information that lead to the death of his team in Afghanistan. When his tour of duty ends, Stryker returns to the United States to locate and punish those responsible. While investigating these leaks, he crosses paths with Rachel Cohen, a beautiful but deadly Mossad agent. While their goals appear to be vastly different with Stryker pursuing government leaks and Rachel chasing an Iranian terrorist, they form an unlikely union. What they uncover is a network of corruption that leads them directly to the White House.

Serial Termination

Arnon Edelstein - 2018
    A female criminologist and a retired military detective go to work solving the case. As the investigation progresses a fragile romance takes hold between the two, though their pasts render them distrustful of one another. Good friends help them overcome their emotional obstacles to their newfound love. As the investigation intensifies the criminologist enters the lion’s den to crack the mystery. Join them as they enter the murderer’s distorted mind in this spellbinding thriller What drives someone to take the lives of women who have had abortions? Religious faith, some distorted moral concept, or perhaps personal reasons rooted in their private life? To catch the killer, the investigation team must get inside his mind and figure out his motives. The book shows how a man turns himself into God, deciding who should live and who should die, until he must face his own death. Clear your calendar, because once you begin this riveting thriller you won’t be able to put it down.

No Need to Know

Mark A. Hewitt - 2015
    As the Agency investigates the source of the disclosures, an old Office of Strategic Services file and the former Director of Central Intelligence become the focal point of their research. A race is on to find the file's secrets. If al-Qaeda's wins, they can acquire "suitcase" thermonuclear devices to attack America. If the CIA gets there first, they can make a deal with a Russian billionaire and trade the missing treasure for the weapons al-Qaeda craves. The political awakening of Duncan Hunter continues as he battles radical fundamentalists across the globe, he thwarts the terrorists' best plans and eliminates their leaders. He survived their latest attempts to kill him when he's finally cornered, captured, and dragged to an al-Qaeda lair. Inside lurks certain doom at the hand of his bitterest foe.

The Battle of the Bismarck Sea

Lawrence Cortesi - 2017
    This is the story of the men on both sides who fought the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. Filled with blasting action, this is a novel of desperate men locked in a savage battle for mastery of the world’s greatest ocean. This was a war without rules or mercy, and one that ended in utter annihilation…

Stand Your Ground: An EMP Thriller Boxset

Clay Wise - 2021
    As the crisis unfolds, one family seeks sanctuary at a ranch on the city's outskirts. For Gabby, the only thing worse than failing to reach the ranch is failing to protect her family in this dangerous post-EMP world.The Last OrchardCharlie Decker traveled to Seattle to acquire a much needed loan for his family’s Orchard. After a dozen requests, Charlie is forced to head home empty handed. But his plans are derailed after an unexpected attack on the city renders all electronics useless. No cars. No phones. Everything about the modern world has been destroyed. And that’s when the chaos begins.HideawayLosing power was only the beginning, now one couple must work together to survive.James and Marla Weller are preparing for a relaxing weekend, when an unexpected blackout spreads far beyond their St. Louis suburb and starts a devastating chain reaction. But the disabled power grid was only the beginning of a national nightmare as their vehicles and cell phones won’t function either. A series of building explosions rock downtown, leading to a mandatory evacuation. Amid the chaos, the young couple must make a decision on where to go. A possible solution emerges when a self-proclaimed survivalist offers them refuge in his remote cabin far from the city and away from the chaos. But James and Marla soon discover that survival isn’t as clear as they think, and that escape can lead to dangers all its own.

Call It Even

Edwin Markham - 2016
    Army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan troubled by guilt and sorrow. He is looking for his missing sister, the only family he has left, and for redemption and peace. Bowman finds himself in a small town in New Mexico, where he is arrested for a brutal double murder, which triggers chilling memories of other deaths for which he feels responsible. Circumstance and his guilty conscience drive him to take on those responsible for the murders. His survival skills and combat prowess will be tested as he finds himself in a mortal struggle with vicious drug traffickers and their allies. But not all of the good guys are blameless, and not all of the bad guys are evil. He must use his judgment as well as his fighting skills.

The Art of Being Tony

P.S. Power - 2016
    Possibly left for good. Desperately, he decides that he needs to make himself so valuable to these new people that they’d be insane not to keep him around. In order to do that he has to stop being Anthony, the fifteen-year-old proto-thug with a woman on each arm and become something else. Tony. The act he creates to fool them all. If he fails, it means a life on the streets. It’s an option, but not one that Anthony is willing to take. Not again. Books 1-3 of this series are out now. Exclusively on Amazon! 1. The Art of Being Tony 2. The Unstoppable Tony Winters 3. The Heart of Tony Winters

Where's Scotty? Book 1 - The Island of DOOM: Books for Kids

Cat Crafter - 2016
    but he’s gone missing! Now it’s up to Alex to find him. Teaming up with a wacky old wizard called Abraham and a crew of the laziest sailors around, Alex must brave storms, creepers, zombies and much worse to find out what has happened to her best friend. But will she be able to survive this crazy adventure? When will Abraham stop talking to random objects? What is going on with the mysterious island? And why does Captain Cat Danger like cats so much? Find out the answer to these questions and more as Alex's journey leads her into the adventure of a lifetime! Danger! Excitement! But will she find Scotty? Great book for kids aged 7 to 12.