Book picks similar to
Kiamichi Refuge by C.A. Henry


The Light we Lost

Kyla Stone - 2022
    When all lights fail, who will survive?

First Winter

Nathan Jones - 2017
    Having fled their home, they're now struggling to rebuild their town in a new location and make the preparations they need before the onset of nuclear winter. Trev Smith has assumed command of the town's defenders, and is struggling to be a good leader while trying to help his friend Deb Rutledge get over her traumatic past as a prisoner of Gold Bloc soldiers. His cousin Lewis Halsson believes he has preparations for the winter well in hand, and is now looking to the future for ways to bring prosperity for his family and hopefully the whole town. And their friend Matt Larson has taken over as Mayor, facing the daunting task of leading the town just as it faces its greatest challenge. On top of that Matt also worries for his wife Sam, who'll soon be giving birth to their first child without the aid of modern medical equipment or doctors trained in obstetrics. None of them can truly predict how bad their first nuclear winter will be, but they know how bad last winter was even though it was relatively mild. For a town cut off from outside aid and forced to provide everything for itself, conditions had been brutal. This winter would be unimaginably worse, not only much colder and with more snowfall but also lasting far longer. They'd have to work every moment to prepare, rely on friends and loved ones for support, look for help wherever they could find it, and hope for good fortune. The Nuclear Winter series continues the story of the five book Best Laid Plans series, with First Winter beginning soon after the end of the fifth book, Determination.

The Battles of Rock Harbor: A "Bugging In" Tale of the Apocalypse

J.B. Craig - 2018
    Even worse, this lifelong prepper has almost all of his preparing supplies at home in Atlanta! Torn between heading home, and rescuing his daughter at College, he opts to "bug-in", as everyone in the family has been trained, and knows to get to the river house if anything bad happens. He's terrified he'll pass them if he goes in either direction. Instead, he decides to pull together the full-time residents of this weekend community, even though only a small percentage of the homeowners are on the peninsula when the lights go out. What follows is a tale of leadership, survival, combat, romance and heartbreak as this veteran combat engineer uses every trick up his sleeve to hold off those that would take what they want from the community of Rock Harbor, VA. As the days go by, he builds an unexpectedly resilient team of retirees, stay-at-home mom's, Honduran construction workers and some neighbors from around the peninsula. This book of survival has some fishing stories, some romance, lots of things that go BOOM, and a group of interesting and diverse characters who are all just trying to survive when the United States is attacked. He builds a pack of Sheepdogs to protect the residents against the Wolves, who are constantly trying to conquer this seemingly unprotected community.

Riding His Longboard (Billionaires Down Under, #3)

Sienna Blake - 2021

Linear Tactical Boxed Set 3: Echo, Phoenix, Baby

Janie Crouch - 2020
    And Peyton is a woman worth fighting for.•••••PHOENIXYou have to burn before you can rise.Extreme sport sensation Riley Harrison will find the biggest danger has nothing to do with risk, and everything to do with the heart.•••••BABYDon't let the name fool you.He has secrets buried deep under his charming smile that could change everything.

Flight of the Wild Geese: A Grid Down Journey of Redemption

Liam Morgan - 2021
    The complex fabric of modern society unravels in mere days as panic ensues. Riots, looting, and anarchy begin in the inner cities but soon spread to the suburbs. But even before disaster struck, Adam was a tormented man.As a former Green Beret, he had seen enough war and suffering for a lifetime. Living as a recluse in the woods of Maryland, he thinks he can ride out the coming famine by relying on his well-stocked liquor cabinet and food supply. Nevertheless, the onslaught of hundreds of thousands of starving refugees compels Adam to flee. His journey turns out to be cathartic, helping him to regain his warrior ethos. With each passing day, his strength and hardiness increase. As his metamorphous continues, Adam approaches the point of turning feral until he comes upon a lone Amish woman in the woods of Pennsylvania who needs his help, but perhaps he needs her help even more. Together, they face the worst of Mother Nature and even more threatening, the worst of human nature.”Through the onslaught of murderous reprobates, deprivation, fierce weather conditions, and Adam’s own personal demons, the two sojourners are challenged to evaluate their own faith and belief in providence.““Flight of the Wild Geese is a gripping disaster thriller which combines enough spiritual and intellectual reflection to rationally engage the reader, while taking the reader on an exhilarating journey. This was an enjoyable faith-based story of redemption.”

The Dogs of Liberty (The Colter Saga)

Joel Baker - 2013
     The first novel entitled Friends of the Family followed the struggle of Jesse and Sarah Colter and their family as they face the overnight end of civilization. They are forced on a journey through a desolate and dangerous landscape, testing the courage and resolve of the family and the friends they meet along the way. As they reach Haven, Jesse’s childhood home, they struggle to fight evil and build a life of love and decency for their family. The second novel entitled The Way of the Dogs begins some eighty years after the Colter family arrived at a place called Haven. Sarah and Jesse’s son Paul, now in his nineties, is the sole survivor of the family. The extended Colter family has prospered, unaware of the gathering storm of wickedness swirling around them. James Colter, the only grandson of Mark, is a loner, and very much like his great grandfather Jesse. Not comfortable with the progress around him, he could be the last best hope as evil descends on Haven. This third novel The Dogs of Liberty begins with the Cherokees and Gypsies move north. James Colter was asked to lead the expedition with his wife Molly. While James ancestors settled Haven at the time of the Go Back, now with civilization returning, James is anxious to leave all that behind. Leading the wagon train north seemed an ideal solution. Molly knew of James need for wide open spaces and there was nothing holding them to Haven. When their daughter had told them the Colter dogs were dying, she hoped the move north would enable the dogs to recover and remain friends of the family.

Worst Case Scenario Book 3: Invasion

G. Allen Mercer - 2015
    Grace and Joshua have struck out on their own to help bring Leah to the Tiller farm, and Ian suspects that what they have experienced is only the beginning of a massive offensive. Will the family finally reunite, or are they fighting a war that they will never win? Book 3 of the Worst Case Scenario series, Invasion, will answer these questions and leave you wondering just who is the real enemy.

Frozen Pandemic: Apocalypse

Chris Berkness - 2019
    If you would like an advanced copy of the sequel at no charge, please email me at On July 12, 2017, an apocalyptic pandemic was unleashed after an iceberg, the size of Delaware, broke off from the Antarctica Peninsula. This exposed an ecosystem that had been hidden from the sun for over 120,000 years. Imbedded deep in the ice shelf was an object. The object was carrying a deadly virus that killed most of the world’s population. Only two hundred and fifty million survived. And those that did survive will be exposed to the virus in a matter of weeks. A group of strangers, bound by circumstance, embark on an epic journey to develop a vaccine that can save what is left of the human race. Along their 1,200-mile journey, the group must battle the elements, a fanatical group called Soldiers of Destiny, and time. Because the virus effects animals much differently than humans, it is not safe to be outdoors after sunset; it is imperative that the group find shelter each evening before nightfall.  Will they reach the CDC headquarters in time to save humanity and will they discover the truth behind the mysterious object; the origin of the virus? Please visit to leave comments or suggestions.

Stranded No Where

E.A. Lake - 2016
    How am I going to survive?” The 21st-century world has been dropped back into the early 1800s. No one knew it was coming, no one was prepared, and still TEOTWAWKI happens. By himself on vacation in northern Michigan, Bob Reiniger determines he must survive. Even with no such survival skills. He will make new and strange friends, and protect his property and life. Even though he's not ready for it, he will do battle with those who want to take what's his away. Against all odds, Bob must survive the apocalypse. Even alone, in the middle of No Where. Stranded No Where is the first book in e a lake's newest series - The No Where Apocalypse. Read this book now, before the final Apocalypse arrives.

After the Fall: Jason's Tale

David Nees - 2016
    With no food deliveries, no vehicles working, society begins to unravel.Starvation and death begin to reign and panic leads to violence. Marauding gangs roam the countryside, stealing, killing or worse and cities begin to wall themselves off from the danger outside.As society breaks down, Jason heads to the Appalachian Mountains to avoid the growing anarchy, hoping to wait out the chaos. The gangs threaten but loneliness becomes his biggest enemy as the solitude envelopes him.In a secluded mountain valley he finds a woman, Anne, and her two daughters struggling to survive. They are near starvation when Jason shows up.Violence soon follows him. Survival will mean fighting...and killing. The power hasn't returned, the country is still shattered and Jason and Anne must struggle for a new life in a dangerous world.If you like "One Second After" and other survival/post-apocalyptic stories, you will enjoy this personal story of trying to survive and thrive after an EMP attack.

Surviving The Collapse Super Boxset

Roger Hayden - 2017
    Donovan.Terror Rising - by Roger Hayden.Exiled - by James Hunt.

All We Have

Sean Patrick Little - 2018
    There are crops to plant and harvest, and animals to feed. There is the daily grind of life after a viral apocalypse where things they used to take for granted, like food, water, and safety, are no longer a given, especially with predators prowling at the perimeter of the farm. It is two against the world, and all they have is each other.

The Deep Black Space Opera Boxed Set

James David Victor - 2021
    Only pirates and Rangers. And sometimes you can hardly tell the difference.Bayne of ExistenceCaptain Drummond Bayne is a Navy Ranger tasked with bringing order to the lawless reaches of space. When a simple mission turns deadly, they find themselves navigating space more dangerous than they can imagine. Can they save themselves and uncover a conspiracy that could tear the galaxy apart?The Deep Black Boxed Set contains the entire Deep Black space opera series. If you like fast paced space adventure, rogue pirates, and stories more complex than good vs. evil, you are going to love your visit to the Deep Black.Stories Included:- Parallax- Captain Bayne- Ranger Bayne- Pirate Bayne- The Black Hole- The Void- The Syndicate- Deep Shallows- Bayne of ExistenceDownload The Deep Black Boxed Set and get started on your next space adventure today!Always FREE on Kindle Unlimited