The Practice of God's Presence

Andrew Murray - 2000
    Discover how to have a dynamic, joyful relationship with the Lord. Live every day, every hour, in intimate fellowship with Him. Not only can you have an effective prayer life, but you can also experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit, a blameless heart, and absolute power over sin. The supernatural life God has called you to is available right now! Discover the power as you daily walk in God’s presence.

Coaching In Ministry: How Busy Church Leaders Can Multiply Their Ministry Impact

Keith E. Webb - 2015
    Are you ready for a new way to develop leaders that doesn’t add to your busy schedule? Leadership expert, Dr. Keith E. Webb, presents a radically different approach to developing leaders. Coaching allows you to develop both skills and character in other people, while doing ministry. Rather than giving advice, asking powerful questions will draw out what the Holy Spirit has put in. In this book, you will learn practical ways to develop the people around you and multiply your ministry impact through coaching. You will learn:• How to reach ministry goals and develop other people along the way.• How to be free of the pressure of having all the answers.• How to know when to mentor and when to coach.• How to ask powerful questions that lead to change.• How to move people into action with one simple question.Based on first-hand experience and taught around the world, this book will give you the tools you need to move forward. It is possible to develop leaders and have greater ministry impact — while also having more margin in your life.

How to Understand the Will of God for Your Life

Adam Houge - 2014
    And those who love the Lord will be driven to fulfill His will. So consider dedicating yourself to a life of total surrender –without which you’ll never fully understand or live out the will of God.In this book you'll learn how to determine God's will for your life. Never again will His will be difficult to understand, but always without fail you'll know what He requires of you. And you will discover a deeper more fulfilling relationship with Him as you learn how to more effectively communicate with Him.

Father Bob: The Larrikin Priest

Sue Williams - 2013
    The enigmatic champion of the down-and-out was shaped by a lonely childhood in poor circumstances, an early priesthood that collided with the upheaval of Vatican 11 and working with the army during the Vietnam War. This is a lively portrait of the man behind the resilient social activist and popular media performer who refuses to be defeated by enforced retirement from the parish over which he presided for nearly forty years.Bob Maguire: 'Some people have called me a maverick or a larrikin or a renegade, or they say I'm plain mad. . .People will have to decide for themselves. But just one thing: Don't ever make me a saint. Because that is something I'm most definitely not.'

Scarred Faith: When Doubts Become Allies of Deep Faith

Josh Ross - 2013
    Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Gospel Patrons

John Rinehart - 2014
    I couldn’t put it down.”—Todd Harper, President of Generous Giving "As I read Gospel Patrons, I found myself weeping for joy. I was inspired by the men and women who invested their resources, influence, and time to strategically partner with those who were sharing the good news of Jesus Christ."—Howard Dayton, Founder of Compass-finances God’s way"Gospel Patrons is one of the most important books I have seen this year! It's 100 years overdue and these untold stories urgently need to be told today."—George Verwer, Founder of Operation Mobilization“The Gospel Patrons in this book were men and women who added the catalytic spark to enable astounding works of God.”—Bob Shank, Founder of The Master’s Program"This is a great read! I love the way these stories paint a picture of stewarding relationship, affluence and influence to lay up treasure in heaven."—David Wills, President of the National Christian FoundationThis book tells three stories of Gospel Patrons whose generosity was a catalyst for great movements of God. Their examples invite us to:•Find our parts to play in God's kingdom• Give our lives to what matters most• Live for a lasting legacyFor discounted pricing on bulk orders, please visit:

Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion

Sara Miles - 2007
    Take This Bread is the story of her journey to faith and how she took Jesus' call to feed others by establishing food pantries that feed thousands of people.

God Strong: The Military Wife's Spiritual Survival Guide

Sara Horn - 2010
    These women can experience a roller coaster of emotions including disappointment, loneliness, and fear. Sara Horn, the wife of a navy reservist, understands the challenges these women face. She knows how to talk about faith and spiritual truths through the filter of military life.In her encouraging book, Horn shares her personal stories, as well as wisdom and anecdotes of other wives from all branches of service. She reminds readers that:God is in control.You can have joy, no matter what.Superwomen get grace, too.God knows where you hurt.Horn's reliance on Scripture and confidence in God's comfort during difficult times will remind military wives they don't have to be an army of one when they are God Strong.

Full of Grace: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Conversion Through Mary's Intercession

Christine Watkins - 2010
    Each story is accompanied by scripture, prayer, and discussion exercises designed to remind readers of Mary of Medjugorje's intercession on their behalf and God's personal love for them. Watkins gives nationwide talks and workshops and works as a spiritual director in the Bay Area, in addition to maintaining an active website and e-mail newsletter.

Suffering Is Never for Nothing

Elisabeth Elliot - 2019
    She, having lived through great loss, taught on God’s grace in the midst of hardship, as well as teaching wives and mothers to fulfill the high calling of Titus 2. In her final book, Elisabeth Elliot describes how it is often through the deepest suffering that God teaches us the deepest lessons. As we trust Him through our trials, we come to a greater assurance of His love and sovereignty—even as He works all things together for the good of those who love Him.

Called: What Happens After Saying Yes to God

Casey Cole - 2018
    That's when it begins. Based on a series of contagiously enthusiastic blog posts Casey wrote while he was in formation, Called: What Happens After Saying Yes to God reflects on realities that are common to anyone who is serious about living a sincere Christian life and trying to follow the message of Jesus in the Gospels. All Christians must discern God’s call for them. All Christians struggle at times knowing how to pray. All Christians work to be in intimate relationships with others. All Christians are challenged to give of themselves so to rely more on God. All Christians have a mission of building up the kingdom. And all Christians, like it or not, fail along the way. In his own path of discernment and discipleship, Casey has found a life that brings him amazement and wonder, sorrow and joy, encouragement and challenges, and he’s eager to share it all with everyone he can. Called offers inspiration and guidance to all those pursuing a life in Christ, in whatever form that may take. What you wonder, what you struggle with, what you experience in your daily life—you’re not alone.

Struck By Lightning : Death, Judgement and Conversion

Gloria Polo - 2012
    Gloria Polo Ortiz, a dentist from Bogota Columbia.She was taking shelter from a storm with her nephew, when both of them were struck by lightning. What happened to her afterwards was a miracle which led to her conversion and a life of abandonment to the will of God.She now tells her story in many different countries around the world, and has the approval of her diocese in Bogota, Colombia, and her spiritual director.Her testimony is an inspiration for all of us, and will increase our faith in Christ Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church.

Faith and Confession: How to Activate the Power of God in Your Life

Charles Capps - 1987
    He clearly outlines that speaking the truth of God's Word, even when times are tough, works together with our faith to bring victory every time! Confessing what God said in His Word out of a heart full of faith will bring God's supernatural intervention. The balance of faith and confession working together is essential for living the abundant life that God has promised.Brother Capps also explains these principles:How the law of faith works The difference between confession and a lie How to receive God's provision Using wisdom when acting on faith How doctors and medicine work with faith for healingGod has the answer to every problem you may face, but understanding how His spiritual laws work can mean the difference between life and death. Find out the important truths of Faith and Confession that will bring victory to your life!

Misfits Welcome: Find Yourself in Jesus and Bring the World Along for the Ride

Matthew Barnett - 2011
    Gangsters, addicts, orphans, taggers, cutters, the sick, the suffering, the hopeless--all the misfits of the world come through the Dream Center's doors in search of hope.But when Barnett first arrived in LA, it was "he" who felt like the misfit. In "Misfits Welcome," he shares the simple, life-changing lesson he has learned from twenty years of ministering to the forgotten: Being a misfit prepares you to do the work of the Lord.Have you found yourself in a jarring new era of life? Have your circumstances deviated drastically from your plans? Maybe you've felt like a misfit all your life, or maybe you're still haunted by yesterday's mistakes. Whatever the case, rejoice! It is at your most broken that you are most ready for what God has in store. "Misfits Welcome" is not just about embracing the misfits around us--it is about embracing the misfits "within" us and using them for the glory of God.

River Dwellers

Rob Reimer - 2015
    But Jesus promised us abundant life – a deep, intimate, satisfying connection with the living God. How do we access the abundant life that Jesus promised? The key is the presence and life of the Holy Spirit within us. Jesus said that the Spirit of God flows within us like a river – He is the River of Life. But we need to dwell in the river in order to access the Spirit’s fullness. In his latest book, Dr. Rob Reimer offers a deep look at life in the Spirit and provides practical strategies for dwelling in the River of Life. We will explore the fullness of the Spirit, tuning into the promptings of the Spirit, walking in step with the Spirit, and developing sensitivity to the presence of the God in our lives. This resource will guide you toward becoming a full-time river dweller, even in the midst of life’s most difficult seasons when the river seems to run low. Together let's become River Dwellers, living where the fullness of God flows so that we can carry living water to a world dying of thirst!