The Spanish Frontier in North America

David J. Weber - 1992
    For the next 300 years, Spaniards ranged through the continent building forts, missions and farms, ranches and towns to reconstruct the Iberian world.

When Love Shows the Way

Carol Colyer - 2020
    Fate has another trial in store for her, though, when her infuriated husband violently separates her from her daughter, who she is determined to track down no matter the consequences. As she follows her trail, she ends up in Clinton, where she meets Jake, who proves to be a valuable companion on her quest. She knows that from the first time she looked into his eyes, her heart skipped a beat and her traumas started healing, but will she manage to turn a new page in her life or will she have to sacrifice a piece of herself to move on?Jake Oakley, son of the mayor of Clinton, seems to have a perfect life, until he messes it all up by stumbling on a terrible family secret. When he thoughtlessly exposes it to the wrong people, there are unforeseen consequences that force him to leave town in order to fix his mistakes. However, an alarming letter about his mother’s health postpones his plans, leading him disappointed back to Clinton. Upon his arrival, a beautiful young lady shows up as a gift from heaven, as she finds a unique way to drive his guilt away and clear his mind. After all this time, his lonely heart will be warmed once again and his future won’t feel so lonely anymore. Could she be the salvation he has been looking for all along?Jake and Lizzy unite with a common goal, when their seemingly unrelated paths suddenly cross and change their lives forever. Lizzy has a hard time trusting people and Jake is determined to make things right. Just when things start looking up for them, an old threat will swoop in and risk ripping them apart. Will the powerful light of their romance dissipate the dangers that lurk in the shadows?

Fantastic Facts about the Oregon Trail

Michael Trinklein - 2012
    Read all about these fantastic facts--and dozens of others--in this fun-to-read book.Did you know that some pioneers took a "shortcut" to Oregon that took them perilously close to Antarctica? Or that ferryboat operators on the Oregon Trail could earn nearly $2,000 per day? Or that many pioneers found ice in the middle of the blazing hot desert? It's all true! An entertaining read for young people or anyone interested in the great western journey.

One Vast Winter Count: The Native American West before Lewis and Clark

Colin G. Calloway - 2003
    Emphasizing conflict and change, One Vast Winter Count offers a new look at the early history of the region by blending ethnohistory, colonial history, and frontier history. Drawing on a wide range of oral and archival sources from across the West, Colin G. Calloway offers an unparalleled glimpse at the lives of generations of Native peoples in a western land soon to be overrun.

1776: Year of Illusions

Thomas Fleming - 1975
    Made possible by the purest form of patriotism, led by a soldier whom everyone adored - George Washington - who, in turn, was guided by a caucus of political geniuses in Philadelphia - the Continental Congress - sturdy farmers raced from their plows to hurl themselves into conflict with British mercenaries. Never have so many great men, magnetic leaders, sprung from nowhere to guide a people infused with a beautiful enthusiasm for liberty.In this book, New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming explodes this myth by examining all the dimensions of that year - particularly the least known aspects of the common, fallible humanity of the men and women of the Revolution.The year 1776 ended with both the Americans and the British stripped of their illusions. Both sides had been forced to abandon the myth of their invincibility and to confront the realities of human nature on the battlefield and in the struggle for allegiance to their causes.For the Americans, it had been a shock to discover that it was easy to persuade people to cheer for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but it was another matter to persuade them to take large risks, to make real sacrifices for these ideals. For the British, their goal of achieving proper subordination of America to England was frustrated forever.Seventeen seventy-six was a traffic year: Americans fighting in the name of liberty persecuted and sometimes killed fellow Americans who chose to remain loyal to the old order and its more circumscribed, yet sincere, commitment to freedom. Seventeen seventy-six was a heroic year: It brought forth the leaders who had the courage to fight for freedom. Seventeen seventy-six was a disgraceful year: Americans revealed a capacity for cowardice, disorganization, and incompetence.Here, in this masterful book, is the true story of 1776.

Tainted Ladies: Female Outlaws, Renegade Women and Soiled Doves of the Wild West

Vickie Britton - 2012

Cynthia Ann Parker: The Story of Her Capture (1886)

James T. DeShields - 1886
    However, of equal interest are the rare stories of those captives who did not wish to escape but were forcibly rescued. One such story is that of Cynthia Ann Parker, mother of famous Comanche Chief Quanah Parker. In 1860, Comanches led by Chief Peta Nocona conducted numerous raids on various Texas settlements, culminating in the brutal violence. Texas Ranger Captain and future governor Lawrence S. Ross responded to these raids by attacking a Comanche camp on Pease River. Caught fleeing the destroyed Comanche camp was a woman with blue eyes who could not speak English and did not remember her birth name or details of her life prior to joining the Comanche. She proved to be Cynthia Ann Parker, taken prisoner by Comanches at the fall of Parker's Fort 24 years before. She had married a young Comanche chief named Peta Nocona, and had two boys and a baby girl. One of her sons, Quanah Parker, became one of the greatest Comanche chiefs of all time. In 1886, James T. DeShields published the book "Cynthia Ann Parker: The Story of Her Capture," which recounts events he had masterfully pieced together from narratives furnished Ross, various Parker relatives, together with most of the numerous partial accounts of the fall of Parker’s Fort and subsequent relative events. In describing Parker's return to her family, DeShields writes: "But as savage-like and dark of complexion as she was, Cynthia Ann was still dear to her overjoyed uncle, and was welcomed home by relatives with all the joyous transports with which the prodigal son was hailed upon his miserable return to the parental roof. As thorough an Indian in manner and looks as if she had been so born, she sought every opportunity to escape, and had to be closely watched...." About the author James Thomas DeShields (1861-1948), was a Texas historian and author of historical works including: • Border Wars of Texas • Two months in the camp of Big Bear • They Sat in High Places: The Presidents and Governors of Texas • The Fall of Parker's Fort • The Fergusons, "Jim and Ma"

The Monk: The Life and Crimes of Ireland's Most Enigmatic Gang Boss

Paul Williams - 2020

Bullets and Barbed Wire: From Guadalcanal to Cape Gloucester

Daniel Wrinn - 2020
    Caught in the center of a vicious struggle between two superpowers, these islands would form an unconventional battleground for the US Marines and the Japanese Navy.This book offers you a new look at the WWII Pacific Theater, providing an enlightening glimpse into the battles and campaigns during the Allied offensive. With a breakdown of three significant US campaigns: Operation Watchtower, a riveting exploration of the spark that set off the Allied offensive in the Pacific islands, detailing the gruelling struggle for the island of Guadalcanal and its vital strategic position Operation Galvanic, an incredible account of the battle for the Tarawa Atoll and base that would give them a stepping stone into the heart of Japanese-controlled waters And Operation Backhander, which offers a gripping retelling of the war for Cape Gloucester, New Guinea, and the Bismarck SeaEach of these momentous operations are fascinating feats of strategy, planning, and bravery, handing the Allies what would eventually become a victory over the Pacific Theater and an end to Imperialist Japanese expansion. This brilliant book sheds light on this often-overlooked facet of WWII, providing students, history fans, and World War II buffs alike with a captivating breakdown of history and combat that defined the beginning of the US offensive in the Pacific.

Dhyan Chand

Luis Fernandes - 2013
    Overcoming great odds with indomitable courage, discipline and skill, he rose from humble beginnings to become the greatest figure in the sport.Under his leadership, India humbled the Europeans who were till then regarded as masters of the game and then went on to conquer all global hockey powers. The world still remembers how the Indian team gave the Nazis a bloody nose, when he led it to an 8-1 victory over the aggressive German side in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.The story of Dhyan Chand is the story of Indian hockey at its very best. The game defined his personality and his life. He strove for the glory of his country, desiring nothing for himself. India reigned supreme in hockey during Dhyan's playing years and for some decades afterwards, earning the country the respect of the world.

Diary Of An 80s Computer Geek: A Decade of Micro Computers, Video Games & Cassette Tape

Steven Howlett - 2014
    The 1980s were certainly loud, often garish and utterly fabulous - no matter how embarrassing the outfits were.There are so many elements, which made the 80s a truly great decade, but one of the greatest contributions, if not the greatest, is the mass introduction of affordable 8-bit home micro computers.These curious machines of geekdom changed the way we regarded computers and technology. No longer were they the sole perverse of tweed jacket clad scientists sporting unruly beards, micro computers were now forming a staple inventory in millions of homes.Much of the technology that we enjoy today, such as desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, gaming consoles and smart phones, all of which are often taken for granted, can be traced back to this innovative decade.If you were a child of the 80s and remember the joy of receiving your very first home computer or maybe a young adult who fondly remembers the excitement, then you will appreciate this unabashed reminiscence of a simpler time whose adolescent technological was on the cusp of great advancements.This book is intended as celebration and reflection of all the computer technology that made the 80s such a wonderful, pioneering period and follows the journey of a self confessed, teenaged computer geek who experienced and enjoyed every ground breaking moment, including publishing his own software.10 Print “The 80s are fab!”20 Goto 10RunAuthor's Comments:The current edition is dated 31st January 2016 and has been edited based on customer feedback.

The Bloody & Brave History of Native American Warriors & the Women Who Supported Them Illustrated

Edwin L. Sabin - 2010
    This 399-page put together by the late Edwin Sabin gives a thorough yet readable account of the awesome feats and bravery of the great warrior leaders of these ancient peoples that occupied and cultivated this continent thousands of years before the white man stumbled upon it by mistake.Chet DembeckPublisher of One

General Leemy's Circus (Illustrated): A Navigator’s Story Of The Twentieth Air Force In World War II

Earl A. Snyder - 2020
     The navigator's role was a critical one and involved making complex directional calculations during the chaos of combat. Author Earl Snyder was a whiz at steering pilots through sorties and skirmishes and had a knack for thinking on the fly in the middle of the storm. His renowned navigational skills earned him a place in Lemay's Circus and the critical series of bombings of Japan that ended World War 2.

The River Where America Began: A Journey Along the James

Bob Deans - 2007
    It was along the James that British and Native American cultures collided and, in a twisted paradox, the seeds of democracy and slavery were sown side by side. The culture crafted by Virginia's learned aristocrats, merchants, farmers, and frontiersmen gave voice to the cause of the American Revolution and provided a vision for the fledgling independent nation's future. Over the course of the United States' first century, the James River bore witness to the irreconcilable contradiction of a slave-holding nation dedicated to liberty and equality for all. When that intractable conflict ignited civil war, the James River served as a critical backdrop for the bloodiest conflict in U.S. history. As he guides readers through this exciting historical narrative, Deans gives life to a dynamic cast of characters including the familiar Powhatan, John Smith, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, and Robert E. Lee, as well as those who have largely escaped historical notoriety. The River Where America Began takes readers on a journey along the James River from the earliest days of civilization nearly 15,000 years ago through the troubled English settlement at Jamestown and finishes with Lincoln's tour of the defeated capital of Richmond in 1865. Deans traces the historical course of a river whose contributions to American life are both immeasurable and unique. This innovative history invites us all to look into these restless waters in a way that connects us to our past and reminds us of who we are as Americans.

The Daring Heart of David Livingstone: Exile, African Slavery, and the Publicity Stunt That Saved Millions

Jay Milbrandt - 2014
    In view of the confessions in his ownjournals, saint is out of the question. Even missionary is tenuous,considering he made only one convert. And despite his fame as a scientist andexplorer, Livingstone left his most indelible mark on Africa in an arena fewhave previously examined: slavery.His impact on abolishing what he called “this awful slave-trade” has beenshockingly overlooked as the centerpiece of his African mission.Until now.The Daring Heart of David Livingstone tells his story from the beginning of his time in Africa to the publicity stunt that saved millions after his death.