The Popcorn Prince

Johanna Evelyn - 2018
     Amy has officially put dating on the back burner after a string of noncommittal relationships. But when she accidentally brushes her hand against a handsome stranger's one night at a movie theater, her heart decides it has other plans—until she realizes her handsome prince brings a new girl to the theater almost every weekend. This doesn’t stop her from admiring him from afar, while she and her twin brother make up outlandish stories about him every time he comes to the theater. But when their worlds collide, she needs to decide if she will open her heart and take another chance on a man, or push him away after she’s done with his services. Steven has waited months to ask out a girl he’s only had a few brief interactions with. But every time he tries, she runs away from him. His coworkers step in with a plan to put his bachelor days behind him. But the fun and games come with a price tag, as his Cinderella stands to lose something much more valuable than a glass slipper. Other titles by this author: The Billionaire Club Series The Billionaires Secret The Billionaires Conflict Excerpt from this book: “She moved to the edge where the prince was still standing. His eyes were bright as she stepped next to him then her mind went blank as panic set in. This man was on a date with another woman. She was crazy. She stood awkwardly trying to form a coherent sentence. He smiled down at her and her heart skipped at the satisfaction in his eyes. “I left your hot sauce at home,” he said, breaking her awkward silence. She gasped at his unexpected words, shifting uncomfortably. She needed to pull it together. She felt like an awkward teenager. “Didn’t I see you with someone?” she asked, grasping at anything her brain could find in her muddied state. “She’ll be back in a minute.” He glanced back to the restroom and Amy followed his gaze. “I’m sorry about that,” Amy said the next thing her scattered mind thought of. He lifted an eyebrow at her, a smile playing at the edge of his lips. “That my date will be back.” She laughed out loud before cupping her hand to her mouth. She dropped her hands in embarrassment. “No, sorry. I’m sorry for throwing popcorn at you.” “That was definitely unexpected.” She bit her bottom lip, unsure of what she should ask next. If she ever needed saving, now would be perfect timing. Too bad she didn’t have twin telepathy.”

Heartland Joy

Jessie Gussman - 2021
    He’d only left his family and the close-knit community of Mistletoe, Arkansas as a favor to his parents. They’d asked him to help the daughter of a friend who was in an accident.After arriving in Iowa, it doesn’t take long before Shawn invests in saving more than the woman’s farm. When he sees how the town avoids her, he decides to save her reputation, as well.Bridget Rawlings isn’t exactly considered a catch in Prairie Rose, Iowa. In fact, the locals all but shun her and her three children. A cloud of death and disaster seems to surround both her and her farm. After all, The Bad Luck Widow has already buried two husbands.Although she admires Shawn’s courage and willingness to help, Bridget doesn’t welcome his aid.What if the locals are right? What if she is bad luck? She’s not willing to risk Shawn’s life and prove them right.Then Shawn makes a very public surprise announcement. Will it solve Bridget’s problems, or break both their hearts?Books in the Sweet Haven Farm series:1. Heartland Joy2. Heartland Cheer3. Heartland Romance

The Notecard

Jon Rance - 2020

Triple Dragons - The 3 Book WereDragon Bundle

Serena Rose - 2016
    Three curvy heroines. Three awesome books! (These books are never previously published anywhere else!) BOOK 1 – THE DRAGON OF ICE When Lydia tried a new online dating app she was not sure who she would end up meeting. It was there that she met a man called Victor who was very charming yet also incredibly mysterious. It was clear that Victor had secrets but Lydia had not bargained on that secret being that he was a shapeshifting Ice Dragon. Victor wanted fun and so did she. It seemed like the perfect match. However, Victor had more than just the one secret.... BOOK 2 – A DRAGON FOR LIFE When city girl Madison enjoyed a drunken one night stand with handsome dragon shifter Eli she assumed it was a bit of fun and that she would never see him again. However, she did not know that when dragons like Eli mate, they mate for life. Madison only wanted a dragon for one night but now she is set to have a dragon for life, whether she likes it or not... BOOK 3 – BITTEN BY THE DRAGON Dragon shifter Merek Drago just could not help himself. He knew he should avoid humans at all costs but when he heard a damsel in distress he knew he had to help somehow. That damsel in distress was young Arabella. A bad car crash had left her on the verge of death but Merek knew that by biting her he would save her life. So he did. However, by biting her Merek was now obliged to take her as a mate and Arabella's life as she knew it was about to change in more ways than just one....

Ring Me

Nora Flite - 2020
     We met three days ago. Now we're getting married. Here are the facts: I hate weddings. I hate relationships. I don't believe in love. Lucky me, none of that matters to Conner Whynn. He's the gorgeous slice of beefcake I met up with for a single night of fun. And it WAS fun. Unforgettable, actually. But now that he knows all my secrets, I can't ever see him again. That's my rule. So why am I going to have to stare at his brutally handsome face every day for the next week? Because my mother is my world. I'll do anything to help her out—even snag a pretend fiancé. Conner is my only option on such short notice. Seven days with a stranger. After that, we can split. Which is what I want. Or . . . I did. Here are the NEW facts: I still hate weddings. I don't hate THIS relationship . . . And I believe our fake love can become real.

Doctor Lucky Charms (A Holiday Romance)

K.C. Crowne - 2021
    I met the hottest man ever...Then proceeded to tell him to shove his money up his Irish rear.It wasn't like I'd run into him ever again.Not like I'd see him while visiting my OBGYN.Wearing a thin paper gown on an exam table.Wait...That's exactly what happened!!The Irish guy I told to go to hell is my OBGYN. FML!!The humiliation doesn't stop there.Dr. Lucky Charms is apparently famous.Him and his siblings are the stars of a reality TV series.And every woman in Ireland is obsessed.I came to a foreign country to start something new.Now I'm convinced I've thrown my entire life down the drain.Couple all that with a positive pregnancy test...And I'm convinced I'll have the craziest holiday season ever!! A fulll standalone romance. Kilts and Kisses is an Ireland destination spinoff to K.C. Crowne's International Bestselling Doctors of Denver series. This series contains loads of fun and drama as we follow the sexy O'Neill brothers in the charming town of Sandy Cove, Ireland.

Sign Steal Deliver

Carrie Pulkinen - 2021
    All she has to do is swipe the key to the underworld so she can get down to Elysium and apologize to her sister for being a royal witch with a capital B.It should be a piece of cake for a trained cat burglar like herself, but there’s one slight problem. The owner of said key happens to be Hermes…as in…the smoldering hot god from Olympus.And no one steals from the god of thieves.That’s what Hermes likes to believe until a trip to Mardi Gras introduces him to the most alluring cat burglar he’s ever seen. Hermes wastes no time falling head over winged sandals for Kat, but following his heart soon lands him in a mess of trouble that only the Fates could see coming.Kat has stolen both his key and his heart, and he only has twelve hours to find her. If he fails, they'll both be spending eternity in the underworld.If you like quirky humor and heroes with heart, you'll love this Greek gods inspired paranormal romantic comedy!Get it now!

Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1)

Phoebe Winters - 2018
    Just like clockwork around 8 pm, patrons would begin to gather for a night of drinking, dancing, and fun. But on this particular evening, Erin’s life inexplicably changed, forever. The rumors had been true. A few of the towns soldiers were returning from their tours in IRAQ including non-other than Caleb Malone, Erin’s ex-fiancé and the man that continued to haunt her dreams. This would’ve been a time to rejoice, but, how could Erin after the way their relationship suddenly ended? The breakup devastated her, so much so, that she vowed to never lay eyes on him again. How was Erin supposed to stop the turbulent emotions that rocked her core and sent her nerves spinning when he walked into her club? What would she do when he asks for her specifically, and more importantly should Erin listen to her heart or her head? Caleb only had one thing on his mind when he entered Nocturnal Encounters. He wants to see Erin, the one that got away. There was just one problem, Caleb made the horrible mistake of breaking her heart. The realities of war had consumed him and nightly Caleb fought with it. But the one thing that remained the same was the serenity Caleb felt when thoughts of Erin infiltrated his mind. Now Caleb would do whatever it took to rectify what he’d done, he intended to win her back, no matter what it would take.

Taken by the Russian Boss: A Secret Baby Mafia Romance

Bella King - 2021

How to Fly a Pig

Willow Mason - 2021
    As a witch, albeit a weak example, it's a pleasure to reconnect with my mother's old coven. Unfortunately, the welcome home sours when we find a body in the woods behind my house.With a newly appointed supreme keen to avoid the attention of the governing national coven, I volunteer to uncover the culprit behind the despicable crime. A decision made before my oversized familiar and a handsome paranormal investigator start to trample all over the crime scene.As the case widens, and leads tangle, I must call on all the powers at my disposal to rid the coven of a threat worse than any sanction the national coven could apply. I mean, everything will probably work out okay… then again, pigs might fly.

Love's Composure

Priya Grey - 2016
    A musical genius with more money than I could spend, and more women than I could I sleep with. I had everything I wanted, except what I needed. Until I met you. You were a simple girl from a very different world. But we had something in common. We were both lonely, in desperate need of a connection. When a random encounter brought us together, a spark ignited that changed our lives forever. You became my lover, my wife, the mother of my child… You became my greatest joy… And my greatest heartbreak. This is the story of our love. This is the story of our sacrifice. Ozlo and Priya Grey, the bestselling authors of Healing Melody, weave a timeless, erotic love story that spans decades into the future. Love’s Composure will tug at your heartstrings while you contemplate love’s greater purpose. Enjoy this inspirational and scintillating tale, intended for mature adults only.

Imperfect Match

Corinne Michaels - 2019
     Rule number one for a professional matchmaker? Don’t fall in love with your client. I screwed that up when I fell for my best friend, Reid Fortino. He’s gorgeous, successful, and sexy as hell. I figured it would be easy to find him a match—and save the family business at the same time. But the more time I spend attempting to find the perfect girl, the more I realize how much I want him for my own. What’s the harm if we give in for just one night? I should have known that would never be enough. Now I’m on the verge of losing my job and my heart. We were an imperfect match from the start, but I don’t know how to let him go.

A Sunrise Over Bali

Sandy Barker - 2022
    When Jaelee Tan leaves her high-flying PR job in Miami for a sabbatical in Bali, the last thing she expects is for it to become permanent. But when her boss demands the trip be cut short, Jae does the only thing she can think of and quits on the spot. With two months in Bali, a new group of friends and the gorgeous scenery and beaches, Jae is determined to make the most of her new-found freedom. And when she locks eyes with hunky Scot, Alistair, Jae wonders if she’ll lose her heart to more than just a Balinese sunrise. Escape to Bali in this uplifting novel full of friendship, laughter and romance, perfect for fans of Mandy Baggot, Julie Caplin and Holly Martin.

A Magic Touch

Ward Parker - 2021
    I know this because I’m a telepath.After my second husband bails without a word, I’m moving back to my hometown, San Marcos, Florida, one of the nation’s oldest cities. I’m here to open a nearly 300-year-old inn, and, hopefully, begin a new life. It turns out the inn comes with ghosts and other supernatural features. And the paranormal in my genes is going haywire.My telepathy has always been hit or miss. But now, along with the arrival of my first hot flashes, I gain a new ability: psychometry. By touching an object, I can read the thoughts and emotions of other people who have touched it.Good thoughts as well as creepy thoughts. Sweet emotions as well as memories of murder.Yep, I help a detective investigate a murder. And not a bad-looking detective, I should add.Living in an ancient city and running an old inn, I’m constantly touching things filled with memories.And some of them could kill me.

His Favorite Toy

Nicole Trinity - 2018
    Strong language and verbal abuse. For 10 long years, Aurora Fowler is picked on by her older brother's best friend, Theo Stone. No matter what she said or did, he loved to tease her. During her Junior year, he picks a fight with someone and she begs him to stop. He says he will on one condition. She has to be his to which she agrees. However, due to the severity of the fight, Theo gets expelled and moves states, freeing Aurora from their agreement. Eight years later, he's back. And he wants what's his. Also contains a short story following Aurora's friend Harper.