Book picks similar to
Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities, and Photons by Serge Haroche
Beyond the God Particle
Leon M. Lederman - 2013
On March 14, 2013, physicists at CERN confirmed it. This elusive subatomic particle forms a field that permeates the entire universe, creating the masses of the elementary particles that are the basic building blocks of everything in the known world--from viruses to elephants, from atoms to quasars. Starting where Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman's bestseller The God Particle left off, this incisive new book explains what's next. Lederman and Hill discuss key questions that will occupy physicists for years to come: * Why were scientists convinced that something like the "God Particle" had to exist? * What new particles, forces, and laws of physics lie beyond the "God Particle"? * What powerful new accelerators are now needed for the US to recapture a leadership role in science and to reach "beyond the God Particle," such as Fermilab's planned Project-X and the Muon Collider? Using thoughtful, witty, everyday language, the authors show how all of these intriguing questions are leading scientists ever deeper into the fabric of nature. Readers of The God Particle will not want to miss this important sequel.
Linear Systems and Signals
B.P. Lathi - 1992
It gives clear descriptions of linear systems and uses mathematics not only to prove axiomatic theory, but also to enhance physical and intuitive understanding.
Karl, the Universe and Everything
Karl Kruszelnicki - 2017
Learn about Dr Karl, the universe and everything, and discover how air-conditioning is sexist, how you can kill a spinning hard drive by shouting at it and how space junk is threatening our future capabilities for space travel.Could there be life on one of Saturn's moons? How much power could you collect from all the lightning on Earth? Why do books have book-smell? Why is 10 per cent of the Earth's land area prone to sinkholes?Why are some people chronically late? What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning? Why do most people hardly remember anything from the first half-a-dozen years of their life?How close are we to the Artificial Uterus? Why do some songs turn into "earworms" and stick inside your brain? Why does your hotel room access card get wiped so easily?And is your home WiFi really spying on you?
All the Mathematics You Missed
Thomas A. Garrity - 2001
This book will offer students a broad outline of essential mathematics and will help to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. The author explains the basic points and a few key results of all the most important undergraduate topics in mathematics, emphasizing the intuitions behind the subject. The topics include linear algebra, vector calculus, differential and analytical geometry, real analysis, point-set topology, probability, complex analysis, set theory, algorithms, and more. An annotated bibliography offers a guide to further reading and to more rigorous foundations.
Introducing philosophy
Open University - 2016
This 8-hour free course introduced the study of philosophy and the methods employed by The Open University in teaching philosophy.
Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity
James E. Huheey - 1972
Reorganized chapters on bonding, coordination chemistry and organometallic chemistry are also included.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Dennis G. Zill - 1992
A Key Strength Of This Text Is Zill'S Emphasis On Differential Equations As Mathematical Models, Discussing The Constructs And Pitfalls Of Each. The Third Edition Is Comprehensive, Yet Flexible, To Meet The Unique Needs Of Various Course Offerings Ranging From Ordinary Differential Equations To Vector Calculus. Numerous New Projects Contributed By Esteemed Mathematicians Have Been Added. Key Features O The Entire Text Has Been Modernized To Prepare Engineers And Scientists With The Mathematical Skills Required To Meet Current Technological Challenges. O The New Larger Trim Size And 2-Color Design Make The Text A Pleasure To Read And Learn From. O Numerous NEW Engineering And Science Projects Contributed By Top Mathematicians Have Been Added, And Are Tied To Key Mathematical Topics In The Text. O Divided Into Five Major Parts, The Text'S Flexibility Allows Instructors To Customize The Text To Fit Their Needs. The First Eight Chapters Are Ideal For A Complete Short Course In Ordinary Differential Equations. O The Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process Has Been Added In Chapter 7 And Is Used In Subsequent Chapters. O All Figures Now Have Explanatory Captions. Supplements O Complete Instructor'S Solutions: Includes All Solutions To The Exercises Found In The Text. Powerpoint Lecture Slides And Additional Instructor'S Resources Are Available Online. O Student Solutions To Accompany Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Third Edition: This Student Supplement Contains The Answers To Every Third Problem In The Textbook, Allowing Students To Assess Their Progress And Review Key Ideas And Concepts Discussed Throughout The Text. ISBN: 0-7637-4095-0
Cambridge IGCSE Biology Coursebook [with CD-ROM]
Mary Jones - 2009
Written by an experienced teacher and examiner, Cambridge IGCSE Biology Workbook helps students build the skills required in both their theory and practical examinations. The exercises in this write-in workbook help to consolidate understanding and get used to using knowledge in new situations, develop information handling and problem solving skills, and develop experimental skills including planning investigations and interpreting results. This accessible book encourages students to engage with the material. The answers to the exercises can be found on the Teacher's Resource CD-ROM.
The Star Builders: Nuclear Fusion and the Race to Power the Planet
Arthur Turrell - 2021
The ability to duplicate that process in a lab, once thought impossible, may now be closer than we think. Today, teams of scientists around the world are being assembled by the boldest entrepreneurs, big business, and governments to solve what is the most difficult technological challenge humanity has ever faced: building the equivalent of a star on earth. If their plans to capture star power are successful, they will unlock thousands, potentially millions, of years of clean, carbon-free energy. Not only would controlled nuclear fusion help solve the climate crisis, it could also make other highly desired technological ambitions possible—like journeying to the stars. Given the rising alarm over deterioration of the environment, and the strides being made in laser and magnetic field technology, powerful momentum is gathering behind fusion and the possibilities it offers. In The Star Builders, award-winning young plasma physicist Arthur Turrell “offers an optimistic outlook for the future of fusion power and is adamant about the need to invest in it” (The New York Times). Turrell describes fascinating star machines with ten times as many parts as the NASA Space Shuttle, and structures that extend over 400 acres in an accessible and entertaining account, spotlighting the individuals, firms, and institutions racing for the finish line: science-minded entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos and Peter Thiel, companies like Goldman Sachs and Google, universities like Oxford and MIT, and virtually every rich nation. It’s an exciting and game-changing international quest that will make all of us winners.
Schrodinger's Rabbits: The Many Worlds of Quantum
Colin Bruce - 2004
But recent technological advances have made the question both practical and urgent. A brilliantly imaginative group of physicists at Oxford University have risen to the challenge. This is their story. At long last, there is a sensible way to think about quantum mechanics. The new view abolishes the need to believe in randomness, long-range spooky forces, or conscious observers with mysterious powers to collapse cats into a state of life or death. But the new understanding comes at a price: we must accept that we live in a multiverse wherein countless versions of reality unfold side-by-side. The philosophical and personal consequences of this are awe-inspiring.The new interpretation has allowed imaginative physicists to conceive of wonderful new technologies: measuring devices that effectively share information between worlds and computers that can borrow the power of other worlds to perform calculations. Step by step, the problems initially associated with the original many-worlds formulation have been addressed and answered so that a clear but startling new picture has emerged.Just as Copenhagen was the centre of quantum discussion a lifetime ago, so Oxford has been the epicenter of the modern debate, with such figures as Roger Penrose and Anton Zeilinger fighting for single-world views, and David Deutsch, Lev Vaidman and a host of others for many-worlds.An independent physicist living in Oxford, Bruce has had a ringside seat to the debate. In his capable hands, we understand why the initially fantastic sounding many-worlds view is not only a useful way to look at things, but logically compelling. Parallel worlds are as real as the distant galaxies detected by the Hubble Space Telescope, even though the evidence for their existence may consist only of a few photons.
Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences
Victoria E. McMillan - 1996
Designed primarily for undergraduates, this self-help manual offers straightforward solutions to common problems and an overview of the diversity of writing tasks faced by professional biologists.
Quantum Computing for Everyone
Chris Bernhardt - 2019
In this book, Chris Bernhardt offers an introduction to quantum computing that is accessible to anyone who is comfortable with high school mathematics. He explains qubits, entanglement, quantum teleportation, quantum algorithms, and other quantum-related topics as clearly as possible for the general reader. Bernhardt, a mathematician himself, simplifies the mathematics as much as he can and provides elementary examples that illustrate both how the math works and what it means.Bernhardt introduces the basic unit of quantum computing, the qubit, and explains how the qubit can be measured; discusses entanglement--which, he says, is easier to describe mathematically than verbally--and what it means when two qubits are entangled (citing Einstein's characterization of what happens when the measurement of one entangled qubit affects the second as "spooky action at a distance"); and introduces quantum cryptography. He recaps standard topics in classical computing--bits, gates, and logic--and describes Edward Fredkin's ingenious billiard ball computer. He defines quantum gates, considers the speed of quantum algorithms, and describes the building of quantum computers. By the end of the book, readers understand that quantum computing and classical computing are not two distinct disciplines, and that quantum computing is the fundamental form of computing. The basic unit of computation is the qubit, not the bit.
The Quantum World: Quantum Physics for Everyone
Kenneth W. Ford - 2004
Ford shows us in The Quantum World, the laws governing the very small and the very swift defy common sense and stretch our minds to the limit. Drawing on a deep familiarity with the discoveries of the twentieth century, Ford gives an appealing account of quantum physics that will help the serious reader make sense of a science that, for all its successes, remains mysterious. In order to make the book even more suitable for classroom use, the author, assisted by Diane Goldstein, has included a new section of Quantum Questions at the back of the book. A separate answer manual to these 300+ questions is available; visit The Quantum World website for ordering information.There is also a cloth edition of this book, which does not include the Quantum Questions included in this paperback edition.
The Zoomable Universe: An Epic Tour Through Cosmic Scale, from Almost Everything to Nearly Nothing
Caleb Scharf - 2017
Drawing on cutting-edge science, they begin at the limits of the observable universe, a scale spanning 10^27 meters--about 93 billion light-years. And they end in the subatomic realm, at 10^-35 meters, where the fabric of space-time itself confounds all known rules of physics. In between are galaxies, stars and planets, oceans and continents, plants and animals, microorganisms, atoms, and much, much more. Stops along the way--all enlivened by Scharf's sparkling prose and his original insights into the nature of our universe--include the brilliant core of the Milky Way, the surface of a rogue planet, the back of an elephant, and a sea of jostling quarks.The Zoomable Universe is packed with more than 100 original illustrations and infographics that will captivate readers of every age. It is a whimsical celebration of discovery, a testament to our astounding ability to see beyond our own vantage point and chart a course from the farthest reaches of the cosmos to its subatomic depths--in short, a must-have for the shelves of all explorers.