Book picks similar to
Irrigation: Theory & Practice by A.M. Michael
Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques
Albert D. Helfrick - 1989
Digital Signal Processing Implementations: Using DSP Microprocessors--With Examples from TMS320C54xx
Avtar Singh - 2003
The objective of the book is to help students understand the architecture, programming, and interfacing of commercially available programmable DSP devices, and to effectively use them in system implementations. Throughout the book, the authors utilize a popular family of DSP devices, viz., TMS320C54xx from Texas Instruments. In the end, students will be comfortable in using both hardware and software for designing with the programmable DSP devices.
Fundamentals of Physics, Part 1 (Chapters 1-11)
David Halliday - 1993
Powered by Wiley's EduGen system, this site includes a vast array of high-quality content including: Homework Management: An Assignment tool allows instructors to create student homework and quizzes, using dynamic versions of end-of-chapter problems from Fundamentals of Physics or their own dynamic questions. Instructors may also assign readings, activities, and other work for students to complete. A Gradebook automatically grades and records student assignments. This not only saves time, but also provides students with immediate feedback on their work. Each student can view his or her results from past assignments at any time. An Administration tool allows instructors to manage their class rosters on-line. A Prepare and Present tool contains a variety of the Wiley-provided resources (including all the book illustrations, Java applets, and digitized video) to help make preparation time more efficient. instructors to meet the needs of each course. Self-Assessment. A Study and Practice area links directly to the multimedia version of Fundamental of Physics, allowing students to review the text while they study and complete homework assignments. In addition to the complete on-line text, students can also access the Student Solutions Manual, the Student Study Guide, interactive simulations, and the Interactive LearningWare Program. Interactive LearningWare. Interactive LearningWare leads the student step-by-step through solutions to 200 of the end-of-chapter problems from the text. And there's lots more! You'll need to see it to believe it. Check out the Halliday/Resnick/Walker site at: www
Introduction to Physical Metallurgy
Sidney H. Avner - 1974
The main ideas and applications of the metallurgy are provided in this book.
Satellite Communications
Timothy Pratt - 1986
Includes chapters on orbital mechanics, spacecraft construction, satellite-path radio wave propagation, modulation techniques, multiple access, and a detailed analysis of the communications link.
Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials
Serope Kalpakjian - 2007
The book carefully presents the fundamentals of materials processing along with their relevant applications, so that the reader can clearly assess the capabilities, limitations, and potentials of manufacturing processes and their competitive aspects. Using real-world examples and well-wrought graphics, this book covers a multitude of topics, including the mechanical behavior of materials; the structure and manufacturing properties of metals; surfaces, dimensional characteristics, inspection, and quality assurance; metal-casting processes including heat treatment; bulk deformation processes; sheet-metal forming processes; material removal processes; polymers, reinforced plastics, rapid prototyping and rapid tooling; metal powders, ceramics, glasses, composites, and superconductors; joining and fastening processes; microelectronic and micromechanical devices; automation; computer-integrated systems; and product design. For manufacturing engineers, metallurgists, industrial designers, material handlers, product designers, and quality assurance managers.
A Textbook Of Production Technology: Manufacturing Processes
P.C. Sharma - 2009
Getting Started with MATLAB 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
Rudra Pratap - 2005
Its broad appeal lies in its interactive environment with hundreds of built-in functions for technical computation, graphics, and animation. In addition, it provides easy extensibility with its own high-level programming language. Enhanced by fun and appealing illustrations, Getting Started with MATLAB 7: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers employs a casual, accessible writing style that shows users how to enjoy using MATLAB.
Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam
Michael R. Lindeburg - 1990
Updated to cover the new Transportation and Structural codes. As the most comprehensive reference and study guide available for engineers preparing for the morning and afternoon topics on the Civil PE exam, the 11th edition of the Civil Engineering Reference Manual provides a concentrated review of the exam topics. No other exam-focused publication is more complete.
The Most Trusted Reference for the Civil PE Exam is also the Most Up-To-Date
A complete introduction to the exam format and content A suggested study schedule, plus tips for successful exam preparation Nearly 500 solved example problems Hundreds of key tables, charts, and figures at your fingertips An easy-to-use index and full glossary for quick reference Perfect for post-exam reference
What's New in the 11th Edition
4 new construction engineering chapters Over 35 updated chapters—including extensively revised structural and transportation chapters 100 new equations Over 300 new, easy-to-use index entriesExam Topics CoveredConstruction—NewGeotechnical—UpdatedStructural—UpdatedTransportation—UpdatedWater Resources & Environmental—Updated_____________________________Since 1975 more than 2 million people preparing for their engineering, surveying, architecture, LEED®, interior design, and landscape architecture exams have entrusted their exam prep to PPI. For more information, visit us at
Environmental Engineering Vol. I Water Supply Engineering
Garg Sk
The simple and lucidlanguage adopted by the author has already made this publication to be highlypopular amongst the students and teachers of the various engineering colleges inIndia and abroad. It has also become the first choice of the professional fieldengineers. The student appearing for the competitive examinations, particularlythose appearing at the Engineering Services, Civil Services (IAS), and GATEexaminations, will find this book of immense utility and highlysecuring, paving their way for an excellent success in these competitions. Thetext matter has been thoroughly revised and updated in this edition, and issupported by about 500 Objective Questions and a vast number of numericalexamples, including those from the various universities and competitiveexaminations. Complete hydraulic design of a Water Treatment Plant has also beenadded in this new edition.
Student Solutions Manual for Winston's Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms
Wayne L. Winston - 2003
The Student Solutions Manual contains solutions to selected problems in the book.
Signals and Systems
A. Anand Kumar - 2011
Written with student centred, pedagogically driven approach, the text provides a self-contained introduction to the theory of signals and systems. This book looks at the concepts of systems, and also examines signals and the way that signals interact with physical systems. It covers topics ranging from basic signals and systems to signal analysis, properties of continuous-time Fourier transforms including Fourier transforms of standard signals, signal transmission through linear systems, relation between convolution and correlation of signals, sampling theorems and techniques, and transform analysis of LTI systems. All the solved and unsolved problems in this book are designed to illustrate the topics in a clear way.