Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach

Elizabeth M. Varcarolis - 1990
    Its practical, clinical perspective and user-friendly writing style engage the reader in a learning process that both informs and enlightens. Clinical chapters progress consistently and logically from theory to application. Specific psychobiological disorders are organized from moderate to severe along the mental health continuum. The nursing process is the strong, visible framework throughout.User-friendly writing style and a full-color design make psychiatric nursing content come alive! Case studies and personal stories show a compassion and understanding unique among psychiatric nursing texts. Special features are easily located and identified.Nursing process framework provides a strong underpinning for all clinical chapters. A sixth step, Outcome Criteria, identifies specific patient outcomes, then justifies the subsequent nursing interventions based on results.Assessment Guidelines boxes provide summary points for client assessment.Spiritual assessment is found in Assessment Strategies and the Nursing Process and Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve.Biologic Basis for Understanding Psychotropic Drugs lays the foundation for the study of psychotropic drug therapy to treat psychobiologic disorders.Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve chapter provides holistic nursing interventions related to end-of-life care for clients and families.Case Studies and Nursing Care Plans present individualized histories of clients with specific psychiatric disorders, and include interventions with rationales and evaluation statements for each client goal.Vignettes offer brief, descriptive characterizations of clients with specific psychiatric disorders.A Nurse Speaks spotlights individual psychiatric nurses and their personal stories.Key Terms and Concepts with page number references allow for quick review.Critical Thinking and Chapter Review sections offer scenario-based critical thinking problems and NCLEX-style multiple-choice questions, allowing students to test themselves on the chapter content.Nurse, Client, and Family Resources lists are provided on the book's Evolve website.A dynamic author team offers a breadth of experience in nursing education and practice.Tear-out Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment Card is a valuable tool for students to use in clinicals.Completely revised Culturally Relevant Mental Health Nursing: A Global Perspective provides basic information on culture, worldviews, and what is necessary for culturally competent care.Psychiatric Forensic Nursing discusses this new and expanding specialty involving nursing, forensics, and the criminal justice system.Forensic Highlights boxes focus on the nurse's role in dealing with sexual assault, family violence, and incarcerated persons.Evidence-Based Practice boxes demonstrate how research findings affect psychiatric nursing practice and standards of care.Integrative Therapy boxes discuss the increasing popularity and significance of complementary and alternative therapies.Culturally Speaking boxes reinforce the importance of culturally competent care.A Client Speaks and A Family Speaks bring to life disorders and their effects on clients, their families, and those who care for them.Back by popular demand: communication tables in The Clinical Interview and Communication Skills.Key Points to Remember appear at the end of each chapter to reinforce essential information.

Invitation to the Life Span

Kathleen Stassen Berger - 2009
    But that does not even begin to convey what the Berger experience is: What makes these bestselling textbooks so distinctive is the unmistakable presence of KATHLEEN STASSEN BERGER on every page, in writing that continually draws on the author’s teaching and family life to demonstrate a remarkable understanding not just of the field, but of students’ questions, their concerns, and their lives.The distinctive, definitive BERGER touch is evident throughout her new textbook, Invitation to the Life Span. This brief, original, 15-chapter textbook was created from page 1 to address the challenges teachers and students face when covering the entire life span in a semester (or even a quarter!). The hallmark Berger qualities are all here—the relatable presentation of research, the inclusive approach to world cultures, the study help that builds critical thinking and observational skills, the outstanding media and supplements—and all held together with Berger’s skill in bringing students and the science together.

The Essential 55

Ron Clark - 2003
    How many authors would travel coast to coast on a bus to get their book into as many hands as possible? Not many. But that's just what Ron Clark, author of The Essential 55, did to keep his book and message in the public eye. And it worked. After his Oprah appearance, sales skyrocketed: we've sold more than 850,000 copies in six months! The book sat tenaciously on the New York Times bestseller list for 11 weeks. Ron Clark was featured on the Today show, and in the Chicago Tribune, Good Housekeeping, and the New York Daily News--not to mention the calls we've received from teachers and parents who want to get their hands on Ron's guidelines for teaching children. Now in paperback, The Essential 55 will be the perfect book for parents and teachers to slip into their own backpacks, to read on the train or at lunch, and to highlight the sections that resonate for them. And with an author who is truly a partner in getting his message to the masses, we just can't lose.

Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology

Klaus Wolff - 2005
    The illustrations provide some of the best quality and most varied examples of skin conditions important to any health care pforessional dealing with skin problems.

Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care

Carol R. Taylor
    The book's holistic perspective shows students how nursing care involves more than performing procedures. With a case-based approach to learning, the book offers numerous examples and opportunities for students to think critically. The Seventh Edition includes new features highlighting clinical questions and research, nursing advocacy, and health literacy, and also includes new information related to electronic medical records and documentation. With this textbook you'll find an integrated, cohesive, and student-focused suite of multimedia products to appeal to all types of learners, including a bound-in DVD-ROM and a companion website.

Step-Up to Medicine

Steven Agabegi - 2004
    This book was originally written by third-year medical students searching for the perfect review book--not finding it on the market, they wrote it themselves! Now in its third edition, Step-Up to Medicine boils down the full scope of tested pathology in a single ingenious tool. Each element is tailored for immediate content absorption, and an all-new, full-color interior differentiate elements for even faster, more efficient review. And, Step-Up to Medicine , third edition provides two types of self-assessment--the kinds of questions you will ask yourself as a clinician plus USMLE-style practice questions. This review book gives you just the Step-Up to the medicine clerkship, accompanying shelf exams, and USMLE Step 2 that you need! NEW Features for this blockbuster edition: Full-color, updated interior design brings the content to you in a rousing, memorable style. Full-color, updated art program illustrates concepts when a picture says it best--plenty of clinical images also supplement topics. New content on evidence-based medicine keeps you current and informed to guide your clinical decision making. Expanded content on drug dosing is added where relevant.CLASSIC Features students swear by: Complete coverage of high-yield medical topics ensures you are test ready Clinical Pearls boxes help you "file away" clinical medicine connections for handy retrieval at test time Quick Hits glimmering in the margins highlight highly testable material--just see how the sparks fly at test timeBONUS Material and study resources: eBook with the fully searchable text is available via thePoint . NEW 300 USMLE-style questions provide another means of self-assessment and practice for those exams NEW Audio clips of breath and heart sounds also available on thePoint

The Immune System

Peter Parham - 2004
    This class-tested and successful textbook synthesizes the established facts of immunology into a comprehensible, coherent, and up-to-date account of how the immune system works, rather than presenting immunology as a chronology of experiments and discoveries. Emphasizing the human immune system the text has been designed to break down the barriers which often divide basic and clinical immunology. The reader-friendly text, section and chapter summaries, and full-color illustrations make the book accessible and easily understandable to students. The Immune System is adapted from Immunobiology by Janeway, Travers & Walport.

Microbiology: A Systems Approach

Marjorie Kelly Cowan - 2000
    It has become known for its engaging writing style, instructional art program and focus on active learning. We are so excited to offer a robust learning program with student-focused learning activities, allowing the student to manage their learning while you easily manage their assessment. Detailed reports show how your assignments measure various learning objectives from the book (or input your own!), levels of Bloom's Taxonomy or other categories, and how your students are doing. The Cowan Learning program will save you time and improve your student's success in this course.

The Norton Anthology Of American Literature

Nina Baym - 1979
    This modern section has been overhauled to reflect the diversity of American writing since 1945. A section on 19th-century women's writing is included.

Systems Analysis and Design

Alan Dennis - 2002
    Building on their experience as professional systems analysts and award-winning teachers, authors Dennis, Wixom, and Roth capture the experience of developing and analyzing systems in a way that students can understand and apply.With Systems Analysis and Design, 4th edition , students will leave the course with experience that is a rich foundation for further work as a systems analyst.

Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes

Meg Gulanick - 2011
    This new edition specifically features three new care plans, two expanded care plans, updated content and language reflecting the most current clinical practice and professional standards, enhanced QSEN integration, a new emphasis on interprofessional collaborative practice, an improved page design, and more. It's everything you need to create and customize effective nursing care plans!

Exploring Creation with Biology

Jay L. Wile - 1998
    It is recommended that the student take this course during the same year that he or she is taking Algebra 1. Exploring Creation With Biology is a college-prep biology course that provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. Heavily emphasizing the vocabulary of biology, it provides the student with a strong background in the scientific method, the five-kingdom classification scheme, microscopy, biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular and Mendelian genetics, evolution, dissection, and ecosystems. It also provides a complete survey of the five kingdoms in Creation. Please note that this course does not contain a discussion of human anatomy and physiology. Most college biology professors do not consider it to be a part of a solid, college-prep biology course. Human anatomy and physiology is such a detailed subject that it merits an entire high school course (Please see Human Body, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made). Students who take and understand this course will be very well-prepared for a tough university biology course. The student text contains all student material, on-your-own questions and solutions, laboratory exercises, and chapter study guides. Color illustrations and diagrams."

Structure & Function of the Body

Gary A. Thibodeau - 1900
    This book includes a companion CD-ROM that adds a visual emphasis with animations.


Saundra K. Ciccarelli - 2005
    Using the recommended APA undergraduate psychology learning outcomes, the authors establish clear learning objectives for students and tie the text assessment to these objectives.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 2: The Romantic Period through the Twentieth Century

M.H. AbramsKatharine Eisaman Maus - 1962
    Under the direction of Stephen Greenblatt, General Editor, the editors have reconsidered all aspects of the anthology to make it an even better teaching tool.