Book picks similar to
A Chalet School Headmistress by Helen Barber
Two Chalet School Girls in India
Priyadarshini Narendra - 2006
The Robin is also in need of a break, after losing her father earlier in the year. The visit will change their lives forever, and the friendships they make will have long-lasting repercussions. This is the book that Chalet School fans across the world have been waiting for. Elinor M. Brent-Dyer’s story of what happened when Joey Bettany and the Robin visited India was never published, and no trace of it remains. Readers seemed destined never to know the answers to questions ranging from how did Joey meet Erica Standish’s mother, to why Joey tore out the pictures from Mollie’s copy of Queechy? Now Priyadarshini Narendra has written her own version of the story, remaining as true to the Chalet School series as possible. Priyadarshini lives near Delhi, and has been a Chalet School collector since the age of six.With a foreword by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer’s biographer, Helen McClelland, explaining the history of the original book.
Visitors for the Chalet School
Helen McClelland - 1995
Brent-Dyer's own titles, but a new story written by the president of The New Chalet Club, following notes left by Brent-Dyer. Patricia Davidson hopes to train as a doctor but is prevented from realising her ambition by her possessive mother. Luckily, on a school trip to the Austrian Tyrol, Patricia meets Joey Bettany and other members of the Chalet School and is guided by them to find a way of convincing her mother of her future plans. Interspersed with a dramatic accident and typical practical jokes by the Middles, and with all of the Brent-Dyer pace and style, this is a book in the true Chalet School tradition.
The Chalet School and Rosalie
Elinor M. Brent-Dyer - 1951
Rosalie wants desperately Tom Gay to be her best friend. Both are Middles, in the Upper Third. Tom was asked to look after her on the train journey to school, but doesn't really know how to have a relationship with another girl ... particularly one who has such an opposite personality from her own. Rosalie wants to do whatever Tom is doing. For example, despite being a fair tennis player and never having played cricket, she signs up for extra cricket lessons because Tom does. When told that she was being switched back to Tennis, she gets in the first of several rows.
First Term at Malory Towers
Enid Blyton - 1946
Darrell Rivers begins her happy life at Malory Towers two terms later than the other girls, but she soon makes firm friends with Sally, the steady one, and the adoring Mary Lou.
Back Home
Michelle Magorian - 1984
When she returns in 1945, she finds a country and a family she neither understands nor likes, and vice versa.
The Nicest Girl in the School
Angela Brazil - 1909
Patty Hirst was no great scholar, but she was the "nicest girl" at Morton Priory, and a gifted artist as well.
The Boy Who Fell Down Exit 43
Harriet Goodwin - 2009
If it had come down on any other patch of ground Finn would simply have been another statistic. Death by dangerous driving. But the car hit the surface of the Earth at Exit 43. It slid through the membrane like a hot knife through butter, plunging into the darkness and catapulting Finn from its shattered windscreen as it fell. Finn Oliver knows he'll never come to terms with his father's death, but joy-riding over the moors in his mum's beat-up old car is a quick fix of freedom and forgetting. Until the accident happens - and Finn finds himself hurtling through the wafer-thin divide between the worlds of the living and the dead. Adventurous, charming and poignant by turns, "The Boy Who Fell Down Exit 43" is a quirky debut novel laced with humour and a dollop of magic.
The Dragonfly Pool
Eva Ibbotson - 2008
And all because of the stupid war. But Delderton Hall is a far more" "unusual and " interesting" place than Tally ever imagined, and she soon falls in love with its eccentric staff and pupils. Now she's even organizing an exciting school trip to the kingdom of Bergania . . . although Tally never expected to meet the "prince."Prince Karil hates his life at the palace and he is only truly happy when he escapes to the dragonfly pool, a remote spot in the forests of Bergania. Then Karil meets a feisty English girl who brings the promise of adventure. But his country is under threat, and the prince soon looks to his new friend Tally for survival as well as friendship . . .
A Sweet Girl Graduate
L.T. Meade - 1891
Benet's College for Women, but it is threatened by false accusation. Never a seeker of popularity, Priscilla holds true to her noble character. But is she prepared for what it will cost her?"A Sweet Girl Graduate is a vivid and detailed description of college life among a perfect bevy of young misses in the old English university town of Kingsdene. It follows the fortunes of a young Devonshire lass who goes away to college and finds herself among entirely different conditions of life and points of view than those that prevail in her own narrow village." -from: The Critic, Volume 16, 1891Originally published in 1891 as A Sweet Girl Graduate, then reprinted in 1998 as Priscilla's Promise, part of Harvest House Publishers' "Victorian Bookshelf Series."
Midnight for Charlie Bone
Jenny Nimmo - 2002
Charlie Bone has a special gift- he can hear people in photographs talking!The fabulous powers of the Red King were passed down through his descendants, after turning up quite unexpectedly, in someone who had no idea where they came from. This is what happened to Charlie Bone, and to some of the children he met behind the grim, gray walls of Bloor's Academy.His scheming aunts decide to send him to Bloor Academy, a school for geniuses where he uses his gifts to discover the truth despite all the dangers that lie ahead.
Autumn Term
Antonia Forest - 1948
Twins Nicola and Lawrie arrive at their new school determined to do even better than their distinguished elder sisters, but things don't turn out quite as planned.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
J.K. Rowling - 1997
His parents are dead and he's stuck with his heartless relatives, who force him to live in a tiny closet under the stairs. But his fortune changes when he receives a letter that tells him the truth about himself: he's a wizard. A mysterious visitor rescues him from his relatives and takes him to his new home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.After a lifetime of bottling up his magical powers, Harry finally feels like a normal kid. But even within the Wizarding community, he is special. He is the boy who lived: the only person to have ever survived a killing curse inflicted by the evil Lord Voldemort, who launched a brutal takeover of the Wizarding world, only to vanish after failing to kill Harry.Though Harry's first year at Hogwarts is the best of his life, not everything is perfect. There is a dangerous secret object hidden within the castle walls, and Harry believes it's his responsibility to prevent it from falling into evil hands. But doing so will bring him into contact with forces more terrifying than he ever could have imagined.Full of sympathetic characters, wildly imaginative situations, and countless exciting details, the first installment in the series assembles an unforgettable magical world and sets the stage for many high-stakes adventures to come.
Groosham Grange
Anthony Horowitz - 1988
New pupils are made to sign their names in blood; the French teacher disappears every full moon; and the assistant headmaster keeps something very chilling in his room.