Best of
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
J.K. Rowling - 1997
His parents are dead and he's stuck with his heartless relatives, who force him to live in a tiny closet under the stairs. But his fortune changes when he receives a letter that tells him the truth about himself: he's a wizard. A mysterious visitor rescues him from his relatives and takes him to his new home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.After a lifetime of bottling up his magical powers, Harry finally feels like a normal kid. But even within the Wizarding community, he is special. He is the boy who lived: the only person to have ever survived a killing curse inflicted by the evil Lord Voldemort, who launched a brutal takeover of the Wizarding world, only to vanish after failing to kill Harry.Though Harry's first year at Hogwarts is the best of his life, not everything is perfect. There is a dangerous secret object hidden within the castle walls, and Harry believes it's his responsibility to prevent it from falling into evil hands. But doing so will bring him into contact with forces more terrifying than he ever could have imagined.Full of sympathetic characters, wildly imaginative situations, and countless exciting details, the first installment in the series assembles an unforgettable magical world and sets the stage for many high-stakes adventures to come.
K.A. Applegate - 1997
This power is granted them by a dying Andalite alien named Elfangor, who also warns the teens that Earth is being threatened secretly by a group of aliens called Yeerks. This high-interest series is currently a successful television show and will be sure to intrigue even the most reluctant readers.
A Time for Dancing
Davida Wills Hurwin - 1997
Sam and Jules -- they've been best friends forever. Now, in the summer before their senior year, they're ready for whatevers coming. College? Professional dance careers? They'll share the triumphs and face the tears together. But neither of them are prepared for what does happen next. Jules is diagnosed with cancer. And there is no cure. "An unforgettable debut by a writer to watch. The novel is beautifully composed, with dialogue that never falters, characters who are fully realized, and plotting to make readers turn the pages through their tears." -- Kirkus Reviews, pointer review
Crown Duel
Sherwood Smith - 1997
That promise leads them into a war for which they are ill prepared, a war that threatens the homes and lives of the very people they are trying to protect. But war is simple compared to what follows, when the bloody fighting is done and a fragile peace is at hand. Although she wants to turn her back on politics and the crown, Meliara is summoned to the royal palace. There, she soon discovers, friends and enemies look alike, and intrigue fills the dance halls and the drawing rooms. If she is to survive, Meliara must learn a whole new way of fighting--with wit and words and secret alliances. In war, at least, she knew whom she could trust. Now she can trust no one. The Firebird edition of Crown Duel combines the hardcover editions of Crown Duel and Court Duel-and features a never-before-published story by Sherwood Smith!
The Forbidden Game
L.J. Smith - 1997
There is something mysteriously alluring about Julian's pale eyes and bleached-blond hair. And when he places the Game into her hands, she knows their connection is something deeper.But as Jenny and her six friends begin to play the Game at Tom's birthday celebration, a night of friends and fun quickly turns into a night of terror and obsessive love. Because the Game isn't just a game - it's the seven friends' new reality, where Julian reigns as the Prince of the Shadows.One by one the friends must confront their phobias to win the Game. To lose the Game is to lose their lives. And that is only the beginning...
5 Novels: Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars / Slaves of Spiegel / The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death / The Last Guru / Young Adult Novel
Daniel Pinkwater - 1997
(Adults may know him as a frequent commentator on National Public Radio, essayist, book reviewer, and the author of The Afterlife Diet). Well over a million copies of his books have been sold win the first, The Terrible Roar, was published in 1970.
Isobelle Carmody - 1997
After the death of her parents and her beloved instructor, Wind, Glynn devotes herself to the care of her sick twin sister, feeling her own life to be unimportant. One night, during a midnight swim, she is swept across the Void to the troubled watery world of Keltor, through a portal created to summon the mythical Unraveller. What is the mysterious connection between Glynn's world and Keltor? And why does the man who rescued her from the waves bear an eerie resemblance to Wind? While it stands on its own as an absorbing, seductive and powerful novel, the sequels to Darkfall will be eagerly awaited.
Till Death Do Us Part
Lurlene McDaniel - 1997
April has a brain tumor which cannot be operated on. She's only 18, and her future is uncertain. But when she meets Mark Gianni, a 21-year-old with a passion for car racing, things change. Mark is handsome and charming--and has cystic fibrosis. Despite herself, April falls completely in love with him. Aprilsays yes when Mark asks her to marry him. But a racing accident aggravates Mark's CF, and April must make a decision that will change the course of her life forever."
Deep Secret
Diana Wynne Jones - 1997
Actually, Rupert is really only a junior Magid. But he's got a king-sized problem. Rupert's territory includes Earth and the Empire of Korfyros. When his mentor dies Rupert must find a replacement. But there are hundreds of candidates. How is he supposed to choose? And interviewing each one could take forever.Unless...What if he could round them all up in one place? Simple!
Chasing Redbird
Sharon Creech - 1997
So when she finds a long-forgotten trail in the wild woods near her home, she resolves to follow it. It's a journey that leads her to unravel the dark secrets of her aunt's life - and her own. And while Zinny chases ghosts in the woods, gorgeous Jake Boone is determined to chase her . . .
The Shadow of the Bear (A Fairy Tale Retold #1)
Regina Doman - 1997
In New York City, a young, secretive street tough who calls himself, Bear, lands on the doorstep of two teenaged sisters. On the one hand Rose is delighted with his surprising knowledge of literature, poetry, and music; on the other hand Blanche is afraid of his apparent connections to drugs, murder, and a hidden treasure. Even as Blanche learns to trust him, her fears that Bear's friendship threatens their family prove terrifyingly true.Originally published in hardcover in 1997 as Snow White and Rose Red: A Modern Fairy Tale, Bethlehem Books released The Shadow of the Bear: Snow White and Rose Red Retold in paperback in 2002.
Kenneth Oppel - 1997
But he's determined to prove himself on the long, dangerous winter migration to Hibernaculum, millions of wingbeats to the south. During a fierce storm, he loses the others and soon faces the most incredible journey of his young life. Desperately searching for a way to rejoin his flock, Shade meets a remarkable cast of characters: Marina, a Brightwing bat with a strange metal band on her leg; Zephyr, a mystical albino bat with a strange gift; and Goth, a gigantic carnivorous vampire bat. But which ones are friends and which ones are enemies? In this epic story of adventure and suspense, Shade is going to need all the help he can find -- if he hopes to ever see his family again.One of Canada's best books for young readers was written by a pretty young writer himself. Kenneth Oppel, who had his first book published when he was 18, really hit his stride a dozen years later with Silverwing, the first volume in a thrilling adventure trilogy set in the nocturnal world of bats that immediately captured the attention of middle readers and award juries alike.
The Andalite Chronicles
K.A. Applegate - 1997
The one who gave five young humans the ability to morph into any animal they touch. They are still out there, fighting an evil so powerful there isn't a moment that goes by when they can actually feel safe. Their story continues.But this is how it all began.The story that came before Animorphs . . .
The Day After Forever
Erin Skiffington - 1997
It illustrates the agony surroundingf horrific events and how friendship will always stand strong against the circumstances.Jeff has leukemia. The whole purpose of organising the holiday down to Lake Tarawera was so he could spent the last moments of his life in the same place where his parents died. Yet he cannot help but fall for Courtney - who is shy, pretty, yet secretive. No matter how her friends try to help, she shies away - sheltering her secret from them as best as possible.Eddie is confident, handsome - a regular "babe magnet"; and he is also attracted to Courtney, and concerned about her. he is also the one who knows about Jeff's plight and the seriousness of it. Toni is loud, outgoing... and she knows it. She also knows that if it weren't for her, Eddie would be floating in the clouds somwhere.Skiffington unites these four teenagers to bring loyalty and friendship. As events unfold, Jeff drifts further towards the end of the line, and time begins to run out.A debut novel from a fourteen year old New Zealand writer which will tug on your heart strings and definitely get the waterworks going. This is a summer holiday that you will never forget.
Where the Red Fern Grows, Teaching Guide
Scholastic Inc. - 1997
Each teaching guide includes a story summary, discussion questions, vocabulary builders, cross-curricular activities and more!
The Book of Night with Moon
Diane Duane - 1997
They are the guardians of the Gates, weaving and maintaining the magic threads between realities. But when an ancient evil conquers the mystical Gates beneath Grand Central Station, flooding New York with surreal horror from another dimension, a quartet of feline champions is called to defend Earth. These four small wizards must walk between worlds, cross the River of Fire, and hunt the Children of the Serpent. And in an apocalyptic finale they will engage in ultimate battle against the Lone Power--a dark force that began untold eons before the creation of mere Man
The Last Vampire and Black Blood
Christopher Pike - 1997
Alisa Perne is not your average teenager. Alisa has lived for 5000 years. She has endured heartbreak, betrayal and narrowly escaped death enough for several lifetimes. Now Alisa is living in the present day and is still plagued by enemies from the past - an ancient and powerful enemy. She will protect herself and her secret no matter what the cost - she must...the last vampire will not die!
Anne Frank and Me
Cherie Bennett - 1997
The sound of gunfire at an Anne Frank exhibit, the panic, the crowd, and Nicole is no longer Nicole. Whiplashed through time and space, she wakes to find herself a privileged Jewish girl living in German-occupied Paris during World War II. No more Internet diaries and boy troubles for Nicole - now she's a carefree Jewish girl, with wonderful friends and a charming boyfriend. But when the Nazi death grip tightens over France, Nicole is forced into hiding, and begins a struggle for survival that brings her face to face with Anne Frank. "This is a powerful and affecting story." (KLIATT)
A Time of Angels
Karen Hesse - 1997
Guided by an angel, Hannah embarks on a journey to heal and restore her family.
Sandry's Book
Tamora Pierce - 1997
There she meets Briar, a former thief who has a way with plants; Daja, an outcast gifted at metalcraft; and Tris, whose connection with the weather unsettles everyone, including herself. At Winding Circle, the four misfits are taught how to use their magic - and to trust one another. But then disaster strikes their new home. Can Sandry weave together four kinds of magical power and save herself, her friends, and the one place where they've ever been accepted?
How Rude!: The Teen Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior, and Not Grossing People Out
Alex J. Packer - 1997
Packer blends outrageous humor with sound advice as he guides readers and explains why manners and etiquette are important—because people who know how to handle themselves in social situations come out on top, get what they want, feel good about themselves, and enjoy life to the fullest.This revised and updated edition describes the basics of polite behavior in all kinds of situations at home, in school, online, and in the world.
The True Colors of Caitlynne Jackson
Carol Lynch Williams - 1997
By sticking together and staying out of their mother's way, they manage to make it to school on time, get meals together, and protect one another from their mother's terrifying and seemingly random verbal and physical attacks. A few sympathetic friends, like Brandon from next door, make a big difference. But when their mother storms out of the house with a suitcase and doesn't come back, they have to face a new reality--they can't cope entirely on their own for long. Yet, as Caity comes to realize, there is a lot they can do to take control of their future. This sensitively written novel deals frankly with parental abuse, but is ultimately about the resilience and resourcefulness of young people who beat the odds.
Encyclopedia of Cat Breeds
J. Anne Helgren - 1997
Opening chapters include a survey of feline history and evolution, a detailed description of the qualities that make a purebred, a summary of feline genetics, and a discussion of conformation, color, and coat. Following are alphabetically arranged profiles of 40 different breeds, from Abyssinian through Burmese, Manx, and Scottish Fold, to Turkish Van. Remaining chapters provide detailed discussions of the American domestic cat, experimental breeds, choosing the right breed for the right household, pricing and judging quality when buying a purebred, descriptions of cat associations and shows, and advice on showing purebreds. Supplementary information includes a glossary of terms and a list of helpful books and periodicals.
Ella Enchanted
Gail Carson Levine - 1997
Anything anyone tells her to do, Ella must obey. Another girl might have been cowed by this affliction, but not feisty Ella: "Instead of making me docile, Lucinda's curse made a rebel of me. Or perhaps I was that way naturally." When her beloved mother dies, leaving her in the care of a mostly absent and avaricious father, and later, a loathsome stepmother and two treacherous stepsisters, Ella's life and well-being seem to be in grave peril. But her intelligence and saucy nature keep her in good stead as she sets out on a quest for freedom and self-discovery as she tries to track down Lucinda to undo the curse, fending off ogres, befriending elves, and falling in love with a prince along the way. Yes, there is a pumpkin coach, a glass slipper, and a happily ever after, but this is the most remarkable, delightful, and profound version of Cinderella you'll ever read.Gail Carson Levine's examination of traditional female roles in fairy tales takes some satisfying twists and deviations from the original. Ella is bound by obedience against her will, and takes matters in her own hands with ambition and verve. Her relationship with the prince is balanced and based on humor and mutual respect; in fact, it is she who ultimately rescues him. Ella Enchanted has won many well-deserved awards, including a Newbery Honor.
Book of Names
John Peel - 1997
Three teenagers from very different world — Score, a streetwise New Yorker; Renald, who prepares for a medieval battle; and Pixel, who is confined to the one-room world of Virtual Reality — are kidnapped and plunged into a perilous odyssey as they seek to unlock the secrets of the Diadem.
Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz
Mona Ruiz - 1997
This engrossing account traces the crests and dips in the path of Mona Ruiz's life - a life that forced her to assume contradicting roles: gang chola, high school drop-out, battered wife, welfare mother, student, cop, disowned daughter, policewoman and finally success story.No matter how desolate her prospects were, the Santa Ana native always knew a better life could be hers. When she was a child, her father once told her that police officers were "soldiers of Christ" and the image never left her mind. Despite hostility from the local cops who didn't like her looks or background, Mona made her unlikely dream come true. She now wears a badge as well as a gang tattoo. She is now an protector on the same streets where she once ran with the predators. A monument to courage, this compelling story well serve as an example for all women and all youth in crisis.
Painting the Black
Carl Deuker - 1997
Your eyes are wide open, and the adrenaline is pumping. It's not a feeling you want to give up, any more than you want to get off a roller coaster.In his senior year of high school, late-bloomer Ryan Ward has just begun to feel the magic of baseball: the magic of catching a wicked slider, of throwing a runner out, of training hard and pushing limits. But when one of his teammates clearly pushes the limits too far, Ryan is face with a heartbreaking dilemma: he must choose between his love for the game and his integrity.
Black Foxes
Sonya Hartnett - 1997
In this epic tale of desire and devastation, of enemies and strong friendships, of bloody revenge and lasting love, Sonya Hartnett traces the extraordinary life of Lord Tyrone Sully – a man who voyages to the edges of the heart to find, at last, joy.
Stormer's Pass
Benjamin Laskin - 1997
Aidos opens Max’s eyes to potential he didn’t know he possessed, putting them both on a collision course with the town’s own ambitious plans. The resulting clash draws the astonishment of the entire country, and soon Max finds himself captain of something much bigger than a football team. To save Aidos and his town, Max must lead his team into the contest of their lives. Whether maverick or hero, outlaw or savior, being a champion was never harder.Stormer’s Pass is an enthralling adventure of two people’s uncommon faith in each other, their friends, and in the miracle-making powers of courage.
Dream Called September (Pacesetters S.)
Christine Botchway - 1997
Intrigue deepens with each step they take.
Crown Duel
Sherwood Smith - 1997
Filled with intrigue, romance, and magic, this spellbinding novel is a dramatic coming-of-age story about a girl who rises from impoverished beginnings to take command of her own fate.“Smith tells a fast-moving tale of adventure, intrigue, and honor, with Mel a likable heroine and a lively narrator.”--Booklist
Alien Terror
Chris Archer - 1997
After a short while most of the aliens left. But others assimilated and cross-bred with humans. These children have lived ordinary lives--until now. At age 13, these offspring will manifest their alien powers . . . and have been targeted for termination. In "Alien Terror", Ethan Rogers used to be a wimp. But suddenly he knows martial arts, wrestling moves, combat skills and even weaponry. He'd think it was pretty cool--if he wasn't running for his life.
Secret Star
Nancy Springer - 1997
Fourteen years old, dirt-poor, and unable to remember anything that happened to her before she was ten, Tess is happy living with her wheelchair-bound stepfather, until a scarred young man finds her and starts asking questions about her real father.
In the Beginning There Was No Sky
Walter Wangerin Jr. - 1997
In Wangerin's hands, the Genesis account becomes a beautiful love story between the mighty God of the universe and a child -- the reader, the listener -- who is the object of all God's creative efforts.The rich, evocative language and the uniquely personal tone of this story invite intimate family read-aloud times and evoke delight and wonder. Luminous watercolor illustrations by artist Lee Steadman complement and enhance the text.
My Life in Dog Years: Fred
Gary Paulsen - 1997
The author describes Fred, one of the dogs that had a special place in his life.
The Ultimate Babysitter's Handbook: So You Wanna Make Tons of Money
Debra Mostow Zakarin - 1997
Eager baby-sitters discover new ideas and tips from how to get started in a profitable baby-sitting buisness, to how to face the challenging situations that can arise between you and your KTWs (or Kids to Watch). With The Ultimate Baby-sitter's Handbook, baby-sitting has never been so much fun--or so profitable!
Aloha Summer
Bill Wallace - 1997
The island of Lanai looks more like Oklahoma than an exotic paradise -- but other things are much stranger than John expected. The "white" people on the island treat the Hawaiians miserably -- and the only native in school who will speak to him is Carol, a pretty dark-eyed Hawaiian girl who becomes, to his shock, his best friend. But as Carol shows him the wonders of the island, an insidious enemy is secretly trying to harm Carol's beloved grandfather Makalii and steal his land. It will take all of the strength John and Carol can muster to save Makalii and return him to his beloved land.
Adios to the Brushlands
Arturo Longoria - 1997
In Adios to the Brushlands native son Arturo Longoria remembers this chapparal land of his childhood: hot summer days and frigid winter mornings walking with his grandfather or his best friend through the dense underbrush, watching birds, studying reptiles, identifying plants. Boyhood hunting and varmint calling, encounters with rattlesnakes and fierce pamorana ants, hours spent with his grandfather, Papagrande, and cousins bring to life another time and place. A trained biologist and one-time investigative reporter, Longoria brings his skills of observation and expression to sing the song of this vanishing habitat that once covered nearly four million acres of the Rio Grande Valley. In moving but understated prose he captures the wonder of the brushland and symbolically and emotionally links its loss, through rootplows and bulldozers, to the death of his grandfather, who had introduced him to that world. He reports as well the public policies and private actions that have reduced the brushland to less than five percent of its former extent. He chronicles the efforts to publicize the brushland’s destruction and to save the remaining richness for future generations. At once a celebration of a region’s nature and a call to preserve the little bit of it still left today, this book is to the South Texas Brushlands what Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was to the nation’s wetlands or John Graves’s Goodbye to a River was to the Brazos River. Rife with the natural history of an endangered ecology and capturing as well the binational culture of the region, Adios to the Brushlands draws readers into a land as raw, beautiful, and complex as life itself. A unique descriptive documentary of a disappearing natural treasure, it is a slice of the new natural history that weds the details of the physical world with their significance to the human heart.
Japan's Best "Short Letters of Love"
Maruoka-cho Cultural Foundation - 1997
Wetzel from the book originally published in Japanese.
So What Do You Do?
Douglas Evans - 1997
When sixth graders Charlie and Colleen discover that their beloved third-grade teacher, Joseph Adams, is now homeless and living on the streets, they set out to make friends with the deeply troubled man and inspire him and members of the community to support him in his time of trouble."
Silent Night
R.L. Stine - 1997
each one full of holiday fear!In Silent Night Reva Dalby was the richest, snobbiest, nastiest person in Shadyside. Three Christmases ago, Reva went too far, and found herself being followed everywhere. By someone who wanted revenge.Reva escaped and promised that she'd change.But she didn't stay on Santa's nice list for long. The next Christmas, in Silent Night 2. she went back to being her old, spoiled self. Until she was kidnapped--by men who wanted her rich father's money.Now, in Silent Night 3, Reva is home from college for the holidays. She's determined to have a good time this year. But she doesn't know that once again, Santa's leaving terror in her stocking. And it's going to be anotherscary Christmas!
The Only Way Out
Deborah Kent - 1997
After conflicting reports on her need for chemotherapy from two different doctors, fourteen-year-old Shannon is forced to make the decision of how she will deal with her disease.
Point Horror Collection #10: The Watcher, The Boy Next Door, The Hitchhiker
Lael Littke - 1997
Sounds like fun - but not when someone watching is trying to kill her.Randy's father has left her home alone. She's fine...until weirdo Julian moves next door. That's when the terror begins...Can Christina and Terri trust the hitchhiker they've picked up? He's gorgeous...but could be dangerous. Will they make it home...alive?But reader BEWARE...for your dreams could turn into NIGHTMARES...
Even More Scary Stories for Stormy Nights
James Charbonneau - 1997
As electrifying as a lightning bolt, every entry in both collections is sure to send shock waves through all midgraders.
Keeping It Real Moesha 2 (Moesha , No 2)
Stefanie Scott - 1997
Q had better watch out, because Mo's not about to put up with that kind of stuff. Based on the hit TV series.
Honor Bright
Randall Platt - 1997
Forced to spend the summer at the beach with a grandmother she'd never met, Teddy faces her enemies with arrogance and anger. But as the summer unfolds, she begins learning the answers to some painful questions about the past that destroyed her family and left her mother and grandmother bitterly divided.
Rough Waters
S.L. Rottman - 1997
Rocky runs a white-water rafting company, and the brothers have to start working there right away. Scott is determined to make the best of it-and Gregg is just as determined to self-destruct.
The Naughty Little Squirrel And Other Stories (Enid Blyton's Magical Tales)
Enid Blyton - 1997
A Kind of Grace: The Autobiography of the World's Greatest Female Athlete
Jackie Joyner-Kersee - 1997
With this book, Jackie discusses how she has overcome her difficult early years to rise to the top.
Patricia Sheehan - 1997
As has always been true of these outstanding titles, an abundance of vibrant photographs -- including those new to this edition -- stimulate the imaginations of young readers as they travel the globe. A new chapter on the environment focuses on politics and economics as well as on endangered species and the effects of industrialization. Additional authentic recipes add general interest while new maps offer further, easy-to-find facts in "About the Geography, " "About the Culture" and "About the Economy" sections.
Growing Up Gay: The Sorrows and Joys of Gay and Lesbian Adolescence
Rita Reed - 1997
Reed captured moments from the pain of rejection to the joys of first love; from the collapse of self-confidence to the understanding that they were not alone and that, in spite of societal prejudices, they were loved and respected. Reed's photographs - intimate, moving, and generous - establish a level of understanding difficult to achieve with words alone.
Chasing After the Wind
Dale Harcombe - 1997
Her grandmother always saw the worst in everything. April was the opposite- always optimistic and cheerful. Chelsea was caught between the two - caught between the past and the present, looking for answers about Charrie, and the mysterious,elusive Bibi.
Alternative Shakespeare Auditions For Men
William Shakespeare - 1997
It also includes good, but over-looked speeches from the more popular plays such as Octavius Caesar from Antony and Cleopatra, Leontes from The Winter's Tale and Buckingham from Richard III. With character descriptions, brief explanations of the context, and notes on obscure words, phrases and references, it is the perfect source for a unique audition.
Silent Stranger
Amanda Benton - 1997
But the young man is weak, cold, and injured, and he looks more scared than she is. He stares at her but doesn't say a word. Jessica asks him to follow her into the house where it is warm, still wondering who he is. The War of 1812 is being fought on farms nearby, but the stranger hardly looks old enough to be a soldier. What is he doing out in the cold on Christmas Eve?
Her Secret (He Said, She Said)
Jennifer Baker - 1997
But she can't help herself. She's falling in love with Drew's boyfriend, Jake.
Leaving Missouri
Ellen Recknor - 1997
Along the way she shot a husband, fell in love with a pistolero, befriended Frank James and Queen Victoria, and traveled across the country and beyond.
If You Leave Me
Maureen Crane Wartski - 1997
He was so caring and loving--until he started telling her what to do. About everything. It didn't take long before Lisa realized she was losing control of her own life. And that she was really scared about what Alex would do if she tried to take it back. . . .
Shivers - Four Scares in One (Volume 3) - The Mystic's Spell - Guess Who's Coming For Dinner? - The Curse Of The New Kid - The Secret Of Fern Island
M.D. Spenser - 1997
Hide & Seek in History
Gary Chalk - 1997
In Gary Chalk's stunning historical search-and-find caper, children are encouraged to hunt through times past to discover key objects. Each of the nine large-format cross-sections is packed with comical and memorable personalities and their comments yielding, facts and fun that both children and adults will want to discuss again and again.A wide range of time periods is featured: Ancient Egypt, Elizabethan, French Revolution, the Wild West, and more.
Poison Pen
Mary Towne - 1997
When the teachers at Meridith's new school in San Diego start receiving nasty letters that must have come from a student, she decides to investigate her classmates.
The House With Two Grandmothers
Rebecca Martin - 1997
Granny's words, "Our turn is sure to come," sent a shiver through Betty. Surely God wouldn't let such troubles come to their family. Then one afternoon Father came home from the flour mill with alarming news--he had been laid off. A move to a farm in the country led to a house with two grandmothers--and a time of tensions, adventures, and simple pleasures as they lived and worked together. Through it all, this family was quietly strengthened as they learned some of life's most priceless lessons. For as Granny said, "Yes indeed, we learn our greatest lessons in time of trouble." You will enjoy this rich and warmly-told story.
Angels Without Wings
Mark O'Sullivan - 1997
Like their creator, young author Axel Hoffen, they find that real life is tougher than fiction.
Reading Between the Bones: The Pioneers of Dinosaur Paleontology
Susan Clinton - 1997
A combination of endeavor and biography, each title in this new series tracks the growth of a scientific or an artistic field by profiling the lives of its major contributors.Confronted with only the skeletons of ancient animals, each scientist profiled here has seen between the bones and filled that space with knowledge about how dinosaurs lived and died.
Classic Bel Canto Technique
Laure-Cinthie Damoreau - 1997
Includes studies for scales, turns and trills, vocalises, solfeggio studies, more.
The Aztecs
Gillian Chapman - 1997
Projects based on various features of Aztec culture recreate some of their arts and crafts, including woven textiles, mosaic masks, jewelry, featherwork, and wheeled toys.