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A Land Remembered

Patrick D. Smith - 1984
    The story opens in 1858, when Tobias MacIvey arrives in the Florida wilderness to start a new life with his wife and infant son, and ends two generations later in 1968 with Solomon MacIvey, who realizes that the land has been exploited far beyond human need. The sweeping story that emerges is a rich, rugged Florida history featuring a memorable cast of crusty, indomitable Crackers battling wild animals, rustlers, Confederate deserters, mosquitoes, starvation, hurricanes, and freezes to carve a kingdom out of the swamp. But their most formidable adversary turns out to be greed, including finally their own. Love and tenderness are here too: the hopes and passions of each new generation, friendships with the persecuted blacks and Indians, and respect for the land and its wildlife.A Land Remembered was winner of the Florida Historical Society's Tebeau Prize as the Most Outstanding Florida Historical Novel. Now in its 14th hardcover printing, it has been in print since 1984 and is also available in trade paperback.

The Journeyer

Gary Jennings - 1984
    As he lay dying, his priest, family, and friends offered him a last chance to confess his mendacity, and Marco, it is said, replied "I have not told the half of what I saw and did." Now Gary Jennings has imagined the half that Marco left unsaid as even more elaborate and adventurous than the tall tales thought to be lies. From the palazzi and back streets of medieval Venice to the sumptuous court of Kublai Khan, from the perfumed sexuality of the Levant to the dangers and rigors of travel along the Silk Road, Marco meets all manner of people, survives all manner of danger, and, insatiably curious, becomes an almost compulsive collector of customs, languages and women.In more than two decades of travel, Marco was variously a merchant, a warrior, a lover, a spy, even a tax collector - but always a journeyer, unflagging in his appetite for new experiences, regretting only what he missed. Here - recreated and reimagined with all the splendor, the love of adventure, the zest for the rare and curious that are Jennings's hallmarks - is the epic account, at once magnificent and delightful, of the greatest real-life adventurer in human history.

Panther in the Sky: A Novel Based on the Life of Tecumseh

James Alexander Thom - 1984
    Rich, colorful and bursting with excitement, this remarkable story turns James Alexander Thom's power and passion for American history to the epic story of Tecumseh's life and give us a heart-thumping novel of one man's magnificent destiny--to unite his people in the struggle to save their land and their way of life from the relentless press of the white settlers.

The Walking Drum

Louis L'Amour - 1984
    Now he guides his readers to an even more distant frontier--the enthralling lands of the twelfth century. Warrior, lover, and scholar, Kerbouchard is a daring seeker of knowledge and fortune bound on a journey of enormous challenge, danger, and revenge. Across Europe, over the Russian steppes, and through the Byzantine wonders of Constantinople, Kerbouchard is thrust into the treacheries, passions, violence, and dazzling wonders of a magnificent time.From castle to slave galley, from sword-racked battlefields to a princess's secret chamber, and ultimately, to the impregnable fortress of the Valley of Assassins, The Walking Drum is a powerful adventure in an ancient world that you will find every bit as riveting as Louis L'Amour's stories of the American West.

Wild Swan

Celeste De Blasis - 1984
    Across an ocean, through decades of danger and desire, this is Alexandria's life-the life of an indomitable woman who gives her tormented heart to two bold men, who travels to distant America in search of a dream and in flight from a love that would follow her to the end of her days, and who creates a dynasty in the years preceding the Civil War.

From Sea to Shining Sea

James Alexander Thom - 1984
    This powerfully written book recreates the warm life of the family, the dangers of the battlefield, the grueling journeys across an untamed wilderness, and the soul-stirring Lewis and Clark Expedition. This mighty epic is a fitting tribute to the wisdom and courage of Ann Rogers Clark, her husband John, and the ten sons and daughters they nurtured and inspired.

The Alexander Trilogy

Mary Renault - 1984
    Now published for the first time in one volume.In Fire From Heaven a young Alexander unravels the mysteries of a violent adult world and discovers the divinity deep within him. Later, as he conquers ever eastwards, the love between him and Bagoas is immortalised in The Persian Boy. Then, as death comes to Alexander in Funeral Games, the human vultures gather round.

Back Home

Michelle Magorian - 1984
    When she returns in 1945, she finds a country and a family she neither understands nor likes, and vice versa.

The Poldark Saga: Books 1 - 3

Winston Graham - 1984
    But instead he discovers his father has died, his home is overrun by livestock and drunken servants, and Elizabeth—believing Ross to be dead—is now engaged to his cousin. Ross has no choice but to start his life anew.Demelza In the enchanting second novel in Winston Graham's beloved Poldark series, Demelza Carne, an impoverished miner's daughter Ross Poldark rescued from a fairground brawl, now happily finds herself his wife. But the events of these turbulent years test their marriage and their love. Jeremy PoldarkRoss Poldark faces the darkest hour of his life in this third novel of the Poldark series. Reeling from the tragic death of a loved one, Captain Poldark vents his grief by inciting impoverished locals to salvage the contents of a ship run aground in a storm—an act for which British law proscribes death by hanging. Ross is brought to trial for his involvement, and despite their stormy marriage, Demelza tries to rally support for her husband, to save him and their family. And into this setting, Jeremy Poldark, Ross and Demelza's first son, is born...The Poldark series is the masterwork of Winston Graham's life work, evoking the period and people like only he can and creating a work of rich and poor, loss and love, that you will not soon forget.

English Creek

Ivan Doig - 1984
    It is a season of escapade as well as drama, during which fourteen-year-old Jick comes of age. Through his eyes we see those nearest and dearest to him at a turning point—“where all four of our lives made their bend”—and discover along with him his own connection to the land, to history, and to the deep-fathomed mysteries of one’s kin and one’s self.

The Wheel of Fortune

Susan Howatch - 1984
    Take me back to Oxmoon and make it live again!"Oxmoon, the rambling old mansion on a sprawling estate in Wales, has been for generations, the dream, the downfall, and the destiny of the wealthy Godwin family. They are entranced by tales of glittering parties where young lovers waltzed beneath the chandeliers as the orchestra played "The Blue Danube Waltz". They are ensnared by the family legacy of madness, murder, and doomed romance --- the disastrous consequences of 19th-century Gwyneth Godwin's scandalous affair with sheep farmer Owen Bryn-Davies.


F. Sionil José - 1984
    Sionil Jose begins his five-novel Rosales Saga, which the poet and critic Ricaredo Demetillo called "the first great Filipino novels written in English." Set in the 1880s, Dusk records the exile of a tenant family from its village and the new life it attempts to make in the small town of Rosales. Here commences the epic tale of a family unwillingly thrown into the turmoil of history. But this is more than a historical novel; it is also the eternal story of man's tortured search for true faith and the larger meaning of existence. Jose has achieved a fiction of extraordinary scope and passion, a book as meaningful to Philippine literature as One Hundred Years of Solitude is to Latin American literature.

A Fragile Peace

Teresa Crane - 1984
    But before the day is out that peace is shattered due to a war being fought in a country not their own.Summer 1940: London is at war, and for the first time in the history of combat a civilian population is under attack from the air. As a consequence - also for the first time - a generation of young men is called upon to face the enemy not from within an organised force on land or on sea but in individual and lethal combat in the skies above the green, fertile and until now peaceful fields of southern England… The war was not of their making but the Jordan family will do whatever it takes to save all that they hold dear. The perfect family saga of love, war and hope for fans of Josephine Cox, Lily Graham and Natasha Lester.


Maryse Condé - 1984
    The people of Segu, the Bambara, are guided by their griots and priests; their lives are ruled by the elements. But even their soothsayers can only hint at the changes to come, for the battle of the soul of Africa has begun. From the east comes a new religion, Islam, and from the West, the slave trade. Segu follows the life of Dousika Traore, the king’s most trusted advisor, and his four sons, whose fates embody the forces tearing at the fabric of the nation. There is Tiekoro, who renounces his people’s religion and embraces Islam; Siga, who defends tradition, but becomes a merchant; Naba, who is kidnapped by slave traders; and Malobali, who becomes a mercenary and halfhearted Christian.Based on actual events, Segutransports the reader to a fascinating time in history, capturing the earthy spirituality, religious fervor, and violent nature of a people and a growing nation trying to cope with jihads, national rivalries, racism, amid the vagaries of commerce.

The Haj

Leon Uris - 1984
    The Middle East is the powerful  setting for this sweeping tale of a land where revenge  is sacred and hatred noble. Where an Arab ruler  tries to save his people from destruction but  cannot save them from themselves. When violence  spreads like a plague across the lands of  Palestine--this is the time of The  Haj.

The Black Velvet Gown

Catherine Cookson - 1984
    For this was Durham in the 1830's, when employers tended to regard the spread of education with suspicion. But now Seth Millican was dead and she was a widow with the need to find a home and a living for herself and her children.The chance of becoming a housekeeper didn't work out, but it led to Moor House and a scholarly recluse obsessed with that very book learning that could open so many doors and yet create so many problems; especially with her daughter, Biddy, who was not only bright, but witful...THE BLACK VELVET GOWN is the story of a mother and daughter, often at odds with each other, facing the need to challenge and fight the prejudice of an age—a narrative of great power and diversity that is one of Catherine Cookson's major achievements.

Cold Sassy Tree

Olive Ann Burns - 1984
    Rucker Blakeslee, elopes with Miss Love Simpson. He is barely three weeks a widower, and she is only half his age and a Yankee to boot. As their marriage inspires a whirlwind of local gossip, fourteen-year-old Will Tweedy suddenly finds himself eyewitness to a family scandal, and that’s where his adventures begin.Cold Sassy Tree is the undeniably entertaining and extraordinarily moving account of small-town Southern life in a bygone era. Brimming with characters who are wise and loony, unimpeachably pious and deliciously irreverent, Olive Ann Burns’s classic bestseller is a timeless, funny, and resplendent treasure.

Playing the Jack

Mary Brown - 1984
    In 1785 a runaway orphan joins a band of travelling players and, learning the tricks of their trade and of Madame Bonneville's child brothel, seeks the acceptance of the volatile, charming, mysterious showman, Jack.

Love and War 1

John Jakes - 1984
    The young would clash on the bloody battlefields of Bull Run and Fredericksburg, while in intrigue-ridden Washington and Richmond strong-willed men and beautiful women would defend their principles with their lives...or satisfy illicit cravings with schemes that could destroy friends and enemies alike. This surging drama is the second part of the trilogy that includes NORTH AND SOUTH and HEAVEN AND HELL. "Craftsmanship nears artistry....A coherent and penetrating vision of the seamy underside of war." (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

The Twelfth Transforming

Pauline Gedge - 1984
    In The Twelfth Transforming, Pauline Gedge tells the rich and dramatic story of Akhenaten's catastrophic rule -- and of the Empress Tiye, whose efforts to save her beloved country from her pharaoh son unwittingly bring a curse upon the land. In scene after scene, ancient Egypt comes vividly to life: the splendour of the imperial courts; the unrelenting heat of the desert; the misery wrought upon the land when the life-giving Nile fails in its annual inundation. The Twelfth Transforming is historical fiction at its finest, an epic of a ruler, a dynasty, and a people confronting their glorious and tragic destiny.

Nurse Anna's War

Mary Jane Staples - 1984
    It is a frosty April evening in occupied Belgium when a beautiful young woman finds herself on the run from the enemy. Also being pursued is Ned Scott, a British army major who has been badly injured. The pair find themselves at a hospital run by the famous Edith Cavell, who agrees to treat the major while offering them both refuge and a false identity - she names the young girl Anna.However it seems no one is safe, and as details of Anna's true identity emerge, the enemy's net tightens. Meanwhile, the major is torn between his desire to stand by brave Edith and the knowledge that he must escape.Closely watched wherever they go, is there anyone these three people can trust? And will love have the power to overcome the horrors of war?

Three Women of Liverpool

Helen Forrester - 1984

Young Hornblower: Mr. Midshipman Hornblower / Lieutenant Hornblower / Hornblower and Hotspur / Hornblower and the Crisis

C.S. Forester - 1984

Empire of the Sun

J.G. Ballard - 1984
    To survive, he must find a deep strength greater than all the events that surround him.Shanghai, 1941 — a city aflame from the fateful torch of Pearl Harbor. In streets full of chaos and corpses, a young British boy searches in vain for his parents. Imprisoned in a Japanese concentration camp, he is witness to the fierce white flash of Nagasaki, as the bomb bellows the end of the war...and the dawn of a blighted world.Ballard's enduring novel of war and deprivation, internment camps and death marches, and starvation and survival is an honest coming-of-age tale set in a world thrown utterly out of joint.

The Angel of Zin

Clifford Irving - 1984
    Then an SS lieutenant is found, throat cut ear to ear. The Gestapo orders the Berlin Criminal Police to solve these crimes.The hunter is Paul Bach, Chief Homicide Inspector, a widower and wounded combat veteran of the Russian Front, a man at odds with evil. And the hunted is 'the Angel of Zin,' a killer who always leaves a clue in a note. As hunter closes in on hunted, this daring and unusual novel offers an answer to the question all supposedly decent men and women at some time must ask themselves: "If I had been a German then, and realized what was happening, what would I have done?"

Sisters Of The Wyoming Mountains: Book I

Gary McCarthy - 1984
    A gifted healer, she will soon learn that in the American West a medicine woman is scorned by the all-male medical profession.Katie…every bit as strong and defiant as her older sister and determined never to put her fate in the hands of any man, but instead to build a Wyoming sheep ranching empire in Wyoming’s magnificent Wind River Country.Amos…a powerful polygamist whose hunger for power is eclipsed only by his lust for Rebecca. He vows to make her his fifth and most prized wife.Bryce…handsome, dangerous and a man who has lost his first love to a powerful and ruthless polygamist and vows deadly revenge...until he meets Rebecca.Captain Devlin Woodson II…a brilliant, dashing but tortured Army doctor whose battlefield decision cost sixty-three lives in the Civil War…and whose only purpose for living is to save that many soldiers at the lonely frontier outpost called Fort Bridger.Washaki...greatest of the Shoshone chiefs, a man too wise to let his people die needlessly…he will win them the great Wind River Reservation…and keep it forever for his people.Intertwined with the epic building of the Transcontinental Railroad the true story of the courageous Wyoming women who fought for woman’s suffrage and first won the right to vote, SISTERS of the WYOMING MOUNTAINS: Book I and its exciting sequel, SISTERS of the WYOMING PLAINS: Book II are never to be forgotten sagas written by multiple and national award-winning author, Gary McCarthy.

Love and War 2

John Jakes - 1984
    The young would clash on the bloody battlefields of Bull Run and Fredericksburg, while in intrigue-ridden Washington and Richmond strong-willed men and beautiful women would defend their principles with their lives...or satisfy illicit cravings with schemes that could destroy friends and enemies alike. This surging drama is the second part of the trilogy that includes NORTH AND SOUTH and HEAVEN AND HELL. "Craftsmanship nears artistry....A coherent and penetrating vision of the seamy underside of war." (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

Liverpool Daisy

Helen Forrester - 1984
    In a Liverpool torn by the Depression, Daisy Gallagher grows to womanhood the hard way. She is the mainstay of her poverty-stricken family and the devoted friend of Nellie O'Brian, who is dying for lack of medical attention. Daisy's desperation for money leads her into the darkened streets and into the arms of drunken sailors willing to pay for their relief. Through her own strength and suffering, Daisy earns enough to pay for her friend's much needed medical attention. Her family know nothing of her occupation, but when her stoker husband returns from the sea Daisy realises, terror-stricken, that the moment of truth has finally arrived...

The Jacobite Trilogy: Flight of the Heron / Gleam in the North / Dark Mile

D.K. Broster - 1984
    Part love story, part adventure story, the trilogy is also a picture of a close-knit community embroiled in a civil war.The Flight of the Heron was first published by William Heinemann in 1925.The Gleam in the North was first published by William Heinemann in 1927.The Dark Mile was first published by William Heinemann in 1929.

On Leaving Charleston

Alexandra Ripley - 1984
    But its fortunes fell violently, irrevocably, on Margaret Garden Tradd's scandalous wedding day.To the wild razzle-dazzle of the jazz age....From an ugly duckling love child, Garden Tradd became the glorious belle her mother, Margaret, had longed to be. Garden's marriage to the dashing Yankee, Sky Harris, was a triumph -- the match of a decade.With breathtaking abandon and dazzling innocence, she danced through Paris, London, and New York as the twenties roared...until betrayal turned the glitter to bitter ash....until vengeful secrets of the past sent her home to Charleston--a city waiting to embrace its own or exact its own very special revenge.

Ann of Cambray

Mary Lide - 1984
    Henry, the first king of that name, had died with no son to succeed him and England had plunged headlong into civil war, with the crown as the victors prize. The unrest had spread deep into that unhappy land, even as far as her beloved Cambray, from whose stone walls her father's men had many times ridden to quell the wild borderlands of the Welsh Marches.Now, with her home in other hands and her own future entrusted to her partisan overlord, it was time for the name of Ann of Cambray to blaze like a beacon though those dark days of twelfth century England.This is her chronicle.

The Ivy Crown

Mary M. Luke - 1984
    A novel of the life of Henry VIII’s last queen – Katherine Parr.


Willo Davis Roberts - 1984
    But they're headed west to California to find gold, and that's no place for a girl to be. So Caroline takes matters -- and scissors -- into her own hands. By cutting her hair and donning the clothes of a gold-hungry young boy, Caroline goes west. One of the young men traveling with her was handsome Dan Riddle, who treats her the way he would any young boy. But underneath the clothes of the boys pounds the heart a young woman, and while Caroline thinks her quest is for adventure, she finds that it is for love.

A Glove Shop in Vienna and Other Stories

Eva Ibbotson - 1984
    Ibbotson concentrates on the infinite variety of Great Love--its discovery, development, recognition, loss, and denouement. Her characters, males and females of all ages and professions, are frequently seen during the Christmas season and in prewar Vienna and Russia. In many stories, people find and lose each other--often with an O. Henry twist. Ibbotson, a winner of the Romantic Novelists Association award, writes charmingly about love, forgiveness, loss, and happiness.

Water Is Wide: A Novel of Northern Ireland

Elizabeth Gibson - 1984
    Born in Belfast, Kate Hamilton returns to Ireland to study at the New University of Ulster, but is once again caught up in her nation's sectarian violence

Very Ordinary Seaman

J.P.W. Mallalieu - 1984
    No phony heroics, no stiff upper lips. It has become a classic in its time.

A Woman of Cairo

Noel Barber - 1984
    Their lives entwined since childhood, they grow ever closer as adults. Yet Serena's hand has been promised not to Mark, but to his brother, Greg. As World War II speeds closer to Cairo, a shocking accident gives these young lovers a second chance—but with this chance comes terrible danger. Egypt is threatened not only by the German army but by nationalist forces within Cairo determined to end the British occupation at any cost. The country torn apart, and enemies everywhere, Mark and Serena's love is tested to the limit.

Riders of the Long Road

Stephen E. Bransford - 1984

Echoes of War

Joan Dial - 1984
    Rescued from a frightening encounter with Hitler’s S.S. by dashing Anthony Winfield, Kate reluctantly accepts his help although he is arrogant, aristocratic and English – all the things independent Kate dislikes. She is intrigued by his easy charm but suspicious of his mysterious entrée to the Nazi high command. Kate and Tony’s American and British backgrounds clash, despite their growing attraction for each other, and as the tides of war engulf them, their fragile ties are threatened by the onslaught of battle and secrets both had thought were buried in the past. From the glittering dinner parties of Hitler and Goering, the horror of S.S. headquarters, the occupation of Paris, to blitz-ravaged London, Kate and Tony are caught in a desperate, life-threatening struggle to survive as they define their loyalties to their countries, and most importantly, to each other. A sweeping tale of romance, passion and adventure, tragedy and triumph, heart-warming, sometimes terrifying, always engrossing.

The Death of Spring

Silvio J. Caputo Jr. - 1984
    The company's history had been marked by violent deaths in mine explosions and infan