Buddhism: Buddhism for Beginners, A Guide to Buddhist Teachings, Meditation, Mindfulness, and Inner Peace

Gabriel Shaw - 2016
     This book will provide you an introduction to the history of Buddhism and its teachings and practices. Along with Buddhist philosophies there are many practices to incorporate into your daily life such as meditation and mindfulness to help calm your mind, reduce stress and anxiety. ☆☆“When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength. Thanks to the teachings of Buddha, I have been able to take this second way.” – The Dalai Lama☆☆ This is a guide to Buddhism for beginners but includes quotes and resources to guide you towards more advanced Buddhist teachings and writing if you wish to develop your own study of Buddhism further. Here Is A Preview Of What’s Included… An introduction to Buddhist Philosophies and Teachings The history of Buddhism and the Life of the Buddha Key Buddhism concepts such as Karma, suffering, Samsara and Nirvana The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism The Eightfold Path, The Five Precepts and The Middle Way Practicing Buddhism in every day life How to practice mindfulness to reduce stress and increase happiness Meditation practices apps, and resources Meditation to obtain calm and clarity over your thoughts Much, Much More! ☆☆ “Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s trouble’s, it takes away today’s peace” – The Buddha ☆☆ KINDLE EDITION: NOTE: You do not need a kindle reader to read this, you can read this on smartphone or in a web browser ☆☆Download This Great Book Today! Available To Read On Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet!☆☆ ☆☆To purchase this book scroll to the top and select Buy now with 1 Click ☆☆ PAPERBACK EDITION: Kindle edition included for free with purchase of paperback To purchase the paper, click paperback at the top of this description to purchase.

LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven

Christopher M. Bache - 2019
    A professor of religious studies meticulously documents his insights from 73 high-dose LSD sessions conducted over the course of 20 years The book chronicles, with the author’s systematic journey into a unified field of consciousness that underlies all physical existence and makes a powerful case for the value of psychedelically induced spiritual experience and discusses the challenge of integrating these experiences into everyday life.

An Outline of Esoteric Science:

Rudolf Steiner - 1910
    Outline of the processes of cosmic evolution, including detailed exercises for attaining higher conscious states.

Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul

Titus Burckhardt - 1960
    This wonderfully insightful volume introduces some of the metaphors useful for establishing attitudes required for the soul's advancement: trust, confidence, hope, and detachment. It is a reminder that when any substance or entity undergoes dissolution, it must eventually be resolved or re-crystalized in a new, possibly higher and more noble form.

The Four Noble Truths

Ajahn Sumedho - 1992
    A small booklet of edited talks given by Ajahn Sumedho on the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome by spiritual means.

What are You Doing with Your Life: Teen Books on Living Volume 1

Jiddu Krishnamurti - 2001
    KRISHNAMURTII TEACHINGS FOR TEENS, edited by Dale Carlson. Teens learn to understand the self, the purpose of life, work, education, relationships. Through paying attention rather than accepting the authority of their conditioning, they can find out for themselves about love, sex, marriage, work, education, the meaning of life and how to change themselves and the world. The Dalai Lama calls Krishnamurti "One of the greatest thinkers of the age."

Master Dealing with Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists - A Handbook for the Empath

Transcendence - 2015
     This handbook was compiled by a once-naïve empath who encountered psychopaths in various avenues of the author's life: heart broken, illusions stripped away, career path shattered, and a radical transformation undergone. Somewhere in an abyss of self-searching darkness, the author was finally able to put the puzzle together with the help of an inkling of spiritual insight and wisdom, as well as our common human will to rebound, rebuild, regenerate and re-strategize. This instinct led to an obsessive quest to devour information through forums, books, resources, consultations. The author read over almost all available resources – from the scientific, to the practical, to the spiritual and esoteric. Thousands of hours spent in understanding the subject matter – all with the goal to provide you with a handy guide that is practical, simple and extremely useful. Cheat Sheet: Master Dealing with Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists – A Handbook for the Empath … is meant as a solid guide for empathetic individuals that you can reference over and over again. It is written with the aim to help empaths navigate this hidden terrain with practicality and total clarity. The goal for the guide is to: 1. Have an effective reminder to reference and read, again and again, especially at moments when at risk of a fall into the internal battle of controlling our “niceness” to the undeserving. 2. Thoroughly analyze and summarize the modus operandi of this type of being, giving the empath a counter-method of operation; to review again and again as a lifetime reminder. Learn: ✓ A critical list of points to read when feeling irresolute on the NCEA rule. ✓ The Psychopath pattern and method of operation at work, romance and other domains. ✓ How to repel, defend against, and ensure they can never impact you again. ✓ How to change your own mental conditioning so you are immune to their tactics. ✓ The underlying principles to influence the psychopath in the short-term and in unavoidable situations. ✓ How to maneuver yourself out of their webs. ✓ A concise but thorough summary to identify them - from experts such as Hare, Sheridan, Stout, and more. ✓ 4 strategies to get over them in real life. And much much more… The author plans to research additional topics that are important to the empath, and include them in constant future updates. For existing buyers, however, the eBook is a one-time low cost, and new updates will be free to view. Get this now while you can! Tags: Sociopath, Psychopath, Psychopath free, Psychopathic, Manipulation, Narcissist, ASPD, Mental Health, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychopath vs Sociopath, Anti-social, Personality Disorder, Spot Lies

The Michael Handbook: A Channeled System for Self Understanding

José Luis Stevens - 1988
    It describes how people operate through roles, goals, attitudes and chief features. It explains soul ages and how the number of lifetimes you have had affects the way you see the world. The authors provide easy to understand examples including famous people, nations, and historical events. This system is one of the many channeled message being presented to assist the rapidly changing consciousness of humanity. The source of the information is Michael, a higher plane being who communicates with us through channels and trans-mediums.

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition)

Steve Taylor - 2015
    The simple, stirring, and poetic reflections here comfort, inspire, and gently bring readers out of the harried, hectic day-to-day and back to the bedrock of peace, and even joy, of our true, essential, and authentic selves. He shows how this is possible when we direct our awareness out of chaos and into calm. In so doing we learn to access the present moment of any day, as Taylor writes at the books beginning The Only Place When the future is full of dreadand the past full of regret, where can you take refuge except the present When maelstroms of tormenting thoughtspush back the barricades of your sanity, the present is the calm center where you can rest. And slowly, as you rest therethe niggling thoughts and fears dissolvelike shadows shrinking under the midday sununtil you dont need refuge any more. The present is the only placewhere there is no thought-created pain. The present is the only place.

Self Power

Deepak Chopra - 2012
    But to reach that state of empowerment is a difficult task, calling for courage, will power and - often - guidance. In Self Power, Chopra offers that guidance and encouragement, while inspiring his readers to take their lives into their own capable hands no matter what challenges they may confront--job loss, financial difficulties, relationship issues, health problems or spiritual questions.

Dare to Dream . . . Then Do It: What Successful People Know and Do

John C. Maxwell - 2006
    They're part of what makes us uniquely us. But not everybody knows how to make their dreams come true.Let best-selling author and leadership expert John Maxwell guide you through proven ways to bring your dreams to life. Under his instruction and encouragement, you'll discover ways to maximize your gifts to really make a difference and succeed in your personal dreams.

Buddhism: Beginner's Guide to Understanding & Practicing Buddhism to Become Stress and Anxiety Free

Michael Williams - 2016
    The secret behind its steady rise is due in part to the plethora of benefits Buddhism reaps upon those who practice it and apply its teachings to their lives. Through mindfulness and meditation, Buddhism injects peace and clarity into the minds and lives of those who dedicate themselves to it. Those wonderful benefits can be a part of your life as well through the careful study of its various tenets. In Buddhism, this thoughtful and carefully detailed guidebook acts as a beginner’s guide to those who may be interested in learning more about this ancient and wise practice. Placing emphasis on meditation, yoga, and understanding the core concepts of Buddhism allows the reader to apply its teachings to make their lives fuller and healthier. If you are curious about Buddhism and want to find the answers you seek, then look no further than this qualitative guidebook. Full of information on the various aspects of Buddhism, meditation, yoga, and more, Buddhism stands apart as a concise and practical guide to infusing your life with its many teachings. Here’s what to expect in the Beginner's guide: What Buddhism is and what its teachings are The core concepts of Buddhism: karma, suffering, nirvana, and reincarnation The practice and benefits of yoga The four noble truths Practices, treasures, and poisons of Buddhism How to practice the five precepts of Buddhism How to practice mindfulness in order to reduce stress and anxiety And much, much more! The choice is now yours. Open yourself to the benefits of a life free of stress and anxiety through the understanding and practice of Buddhism. A clear and peaceful mind awaits you along your spiritual journey through its tenets and teachings. Begin your journey towards a better life and grab your copy of Buddhism: Beginner’s Guide today!

The Key: A True Encounter

Whitley Strieber - 2001
     At two-thirty in the morning of June 6, 1998, Whitley Streiber was awakened by somebody knocking on his hotel room door. A man came in, and everything he said was life-altering. This is the unsettling and ultimately enlightening narrative of what happened that night. Strieber was never really sure who this strange and knowing visitor was--a "Master of Wisdom"? A figure from a different realm of consciousness? A preternaturally intelligent being? He called him the Master of the Key. The one thing of which Strieber was certain is that both the man and the encounter were real. The main concern of the Master of the Key is to save each of us from self-imprisonment. "Mankind is trapped," the stranger tells Strieber. "I want to help you spring the trap." In a sweeping exchange between Strieber and the stranger--which takes the form of a classical student- teacher dialogue in pursuit of inner understanding--the unknown man presents a lesson in human potential, esoteric psychology, and man's fate. He illuminates why man has been caught in a cycle of repeat violence and self-destruction--and the slender, but very real, possibility for release. In its breadth and intimacy, The Key is on par with contemporary metaphysical traditions, such as A Course in Miracles, or even with the dialogues of modern wisdom teachers, such as D.T. Suzuki and Carl Jung.

The Law of Happiness: How Spiritual Wisdom and Modern Science Can Change Your Life (The Secret Things of God)

Henry Cloud - 2010
    As Dr. Cloud unpacks these universal, eternal principles, he reveals that true happiness is not about circumstances, physical health, financial success, or even about the people in our lives. In other words, it’s not about the factors that are frequently beyond our control. Rather, happiness is found in choosing to become the kind of people God created us to be.Cloud shows just how happiness is achieved as he sets readers on a pathway of spiritual transformation that connects them with the God of the universe. With these new tools, readers will discover that their relationships, their careers, and their inner selves are infused with the joy they’ve been seeking.

Complete Collection

James Allen - 2011