A Barbarian in Rome's Legions

Mark L. Richards - 2018
    The Roman Republic, or what remains of it, is in turmoil after the assassination of Julius Caesar. Powerful men vie for supremacy in the vacuum created by Caesar's death. Marcus Antonius, Octavius Caesar, and Marcus Lepidus form a ruling junta known as the Triumvirate. They are pitted against the assassins of Caesar, who call themselves the Liberators. Far to the north, on the German frontier, an obscure tribe raids the Roman province of Gaul. Meet Alderic, a towering young man out to prove himself on his first raid with the veteran warriors. A cohort of Roman legionnaires is waiting to ambush the German raiders, who are no match for the highly disciplined and armored legionnaires. It ends devastatingly for the Germans. Most are killed, but a few, including Alderic, survive. He is spared and sold to a gladiatorial school in Rome. Alderic's fate is intertwined with the Roman power struggle. In a series of improbable events, he is forced to flee Rome with the Triumvirate's men in hot pursuit. Running for his life, he heads to northern Italy. Here, he accidentally stumbles into a Roman army encampment, which is eager for new recruits to fill the ranks for the upcoming civil war. Alderic unwittingly enlists in the Fifteenth legion. He is now Artorus, no longer known as Alderic. Soon, he finds himself heading to Greece with his newfound comrades-in-arms to fight for the Triumvirate, the very forces that tried to kill him just months ago. Alderic not only finds an implausible destiny but shapes the future of the Roman Empire.

Total Fallout (A Jack Tate SAS Thriller #2)

Alex Shaw - 2021

Endgame: The Hidden Agenda 21

Vernon Coleman - 2021
    A credible framework for the chaos in our society today. Shows clearly that the virus, the lock downs, isolation, fear-mongering, destruction of small businesses, the unchecked crime wave, the medical tyranny, mandates and systematic overthrow of our freedoms by politicians is not an accident. This has been in the planning this for decades. Planned psychological manipulation and power grabs to destroy the middle class by depopulating society and taking away private property. The mandates and power grabs that are reducing our freedom of movement and participation in society are not accidental. Everyone needs to read this book and wake up to reality. Even the censuring of those who have opposing views has been in the plan. Colman masterfully presents a clear and credible picture of the dangers ahead.

The Kennedy Conspiracy: 12 Startling Revelations About the JFK Assassination

Bill Sloan - 2012
    Author Bill Sloan, award-winning journalist and co-author of JFK: THE LAST DISSENTING WITNESS, was working at the City Desk of the DALLAS TIMES HERALD just four blocks away when the fatal shots were fired. He helped cover the fast-moving sequence of events that followed, and later interviewed many of the people involved. Accounts in THE KENNEDY CONSPIRACY include those of Ed Hoffman, who saw the man who shot the president (and it wasn’t Oswald)—but was unable to communicate it to the authorities because he was deaf and mute; Gary Cornwell, deputy chief counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, who saw the classified information still withheld from the public, and reveals how the FBI turned the investigation into “a joke, a farce, and a national disgrace”; James Tague, who was wounded by a bullet that the Warren Commission insisted was never fired; and Dr. Joe D. Goldstritch, who was in the Parkland ER when Kennedy’s body was brought in, and who witnessed the surgical procedure that destroyed the neat entry wound in the president’s throat.

Who Are The Illuminati: The Secret Societies, Symbols, Bloodlines and The New World Order

Frank White - 2013
    They have been blamed for everything imaginable such as being the igniting force behind the French Revolution and being the real masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks. They have even been credited with assassinating both Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy, because these two celebrated presidents made the unfortunate mistake of trying to usurp their unquestionable power. The so called conspiracy theorists say that they are hell bent on ushering in their new world order which consists of the establishment of a one world government, a one world army and destroying the sovereignty of every nation. They are said to be implementing their New World Order through organizations they are identified with as being part of like The Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome and many others. There are prominent families who are also said to be part of the Illuminati like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. But are these assertions valid? Does popular society have it right or have they simply misunderstood this secret group? Have they been given a bad rap? In his revealing book entitled Who Are The Illuminati: The Secret Societies, Symbols, Bloodlines and The New World Order author Frank White takes a critical look at this powerful underground secret society, who they are and what their intentions are in a world filled with scorn for them. He explores not only the true facts about the group, but also the urban legends attributed to them, some of which are true and others of which have been greatly exaggerated. For example, do they really control the world and everyone else are just slaves to their whims and madness? Do they have a stranglehold on the entertainment and music industries and are the popular stars just puppets carrying out their agenda to the masses? Did they really order the murder of pop superstar Michael Jackson? These questions and many more will be answered in this explosive book.

Book of Yeshua

Francis Chapman - 2020
    His determination to expose this truth throws him into conflict with an ancient and powerful foe, who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets. Elliot must undertake a violent journey, and a war started in Judea two thousand years ago culminates in a final battle in the twenty-first century.This dark, gripping, dual time-line conspiracy thriller will appeal to fans of Dan Brown, S. J Parris, and Raymond Khoury.

Ancient Aliens: The Official Companion Book

The Producers of Ancient AliensKathleen McGowan - 2016
    With a foreword by Series Creator, Kevin Burns.Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. What if it were true? And if so, what if there were clues left behind? Each week, hundreds of thousands of viewers tune in to the wildly popular Ancient Aliens® television series to seek insight into those very questions—and to become part of a thrilling, probing exploration of the mysteries at the heart of world civilizations.The first official companion book to the hit show, Ancient Aliens® takes readers even deeper into the mysteries that have made the show a pop culture phenomenon. Filled with exciting insights and behind-the scenes stories from the show’s creators and leading experts in ancient alien theory, the book explores the key questions at the heart of the series:Who were they?Why did they come?What did they leave behind?Where did they go?Will they return?Transporting readers around the globe, Ancient Aliens® explores the fascinating enigmas and mysterious artifacts our ancestors left behind, from incredible objects to amazingly accurate ancient maps; from the Great Pyramid of Giza and stone megaliths at Gobekli Tepe to the Nazca Plains and mysterious structures of Puma Punku.Accompanied by lavish 4-color photography throughout, the book allows armchair archaeologists to examine the evidence up close for the first time. Both the ultimate-fan book and the perfect gift for readers new to the show, Ancient Aliens® is a compelling journey through the mysteries of our ancient civilizations and the possibility of alien influence on our cultures.

Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us

Nick Redfern - 2015
    They are also questions that demand answers, answers that may very well be found by examining those people whose blood type is Rh negative.The vast majority of humankind--85 to 90 percent--is Rh positive, which means a person's red blood cells contain an antigen directly connected to the Rhesus monkey. This antigen is known as the Rh factor.Each and every primate on the planet has this antigen, except for one: the remaining 10 to 15 percent of humans. If the theory of evolution is valid--that each and every one of us is descended from ancient primates--shouldn't we all be Rh positive? Yes, we should. But we're not. The Negatives are unlike the rest of us. They are different.They are the unique individuals whose bloodline may have nothing less than extraterrestrial origins.

The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You

David Wilcock - 2012
    In his new audiobook, The Synchronicity Key, David Wilcock embarks on an astonishing investigation into what lies beyond this new understanding of how our universe works—finding proof that everything in our lives is not only connected, but it also all influences everything else.Using history, astrology, and synchronicity theory as well as concepts such as fractals, spiritual geometry, quantum physics, and other new research, Wilcock shows that there is a hidden architecture within time, guiding individuals and nations through a system of enlightenment Joseph Campbell called the Hero’s Journey. Historical events occur in shockingly precise, repeating cycles of time as a result. Once we understand and identify the hidden laws governing the fates of individuals and nations through seemingly random “synchronicity,” we are left with a remarkable blueprint of how best to lead our lives in this uncertain and confusing world.

Blood of Kings

Andrew James - 2013
    But there is treachery afoot, and Cyrus's life is in danger. When Darius, dispossessed prince of the Royal House of Parsa, tries to save the King of Kings, he is arrested and falsely condemned for treason.In a fast paced tale of love, betrayal, war and revenge, Blood of Kings sweeps the reader up on an epic journey from the mud brick cities of Ancient Persia to the burning heart of Pharaoh's Egypt.Packed full of dramatic and authentic battle scenes, it recreates the sweat, blood and fear of ancient warfare, as Persia smashes Egypt's army and brings the reign of the Pharaohs to a violent end.But it is also a book that will delight Herodotus fans, bringing the ancient Greek historian's characters to life like never before, as it follows the doomed 'lost army of Cambyses' into the Libyan Desert, marching towards a fate that would baffle archaeologists for millennia to come.

Ancient Earth Mysteries

J.C. Vintner - 2011
    It's extremely selfish to think we are the only existing intelligent life. Science and religion are on the verge of discovering the truth. Super ancient societies and their archaeological evidence uncovered to this day is a vault of stored information waiting to be unlocked. All we need to do is find the key. Help us uncover the truth by learning about Ancient Earth Mysteries.

The Gods Never Left Us: The Long Awaited Sequel to the Worldwide Best-seller Chariots of the Gods

Erich von Däniken - 2017
    In an era of the military space race, Erich von Däniken boldly proclaimed that Earth had been visited by more advanced beings early in our history. But prescientific man had no concept of space ships, so he called their vehicles “chariots,” and those driving the chariots became “gods.” Over the next five decades, von Däniken’s more than 40 books built an ever-stronger case for Earth being visited by extraterrestrial visitors. And Chariots became an international best seller, with 30 million copies sold in more than two dozen languages. Also during that time, the case for ET visitations millennia ago was being reexamined by contemporary UFO researchers, who found evidence of modern visitations. And von Däniken expanded his perspective to encompass the present. Now, he presents his long-awaited sequel to Chariots of the Gods, proclaiming that the gods never left us with all-new material to show that ancient aliens are still with us. The Gods Never Left Us contends that recent advancements in biotechnology, astrophysics, engineering, and artificial intelligence not only give us a fresh perspective on his ancient astronaut theory but actually validates it. We are—as a race—embarking on the exact same trajectory of our own interplanetary colonization, just as von Däniken suggested Earth itself was colonized. ETs are definitely at work today. And that affects all of us. Why do they do what they do? What could an extraterrestrial species possibly gain from observing us in the same way we look at ants? What have these strangers wanted for the past thousands of years? Can’t they leave us alone? And what makes it so difficult for us to acknowledge the existence of these extraterrestrials? That is what this book deals with. "Erich's newest book is a fascination journey from the ancient past into the present with a plethora of scientific evidence and documented research. As always, he ads his own "to the point" take on it all. Readers may also like that his newest work moves in a slightly different direction from his past books. A thoroughly enlightening and enjoyable Read." —Bruce Cunningham, Director, Ancient Mysteries International LLC & Publisher of Advanced Archaeology Review magazine

MH 370: By Accident or Design

Peter Lee - 2014
    On the way, he analyses some of the alternative explanations that have been offered, including the conspiracy theories, and looks at the latest information from the Far East.Some recently published works on this subject were rushed into print before the few indisputable facts were known, and many have been based on little more than the author's personal opinion, almost irrespective of these facts, or have been founded on apparently factual information that has since been discredited. This book starts off with no preconceptions at all. The author looks only at the facts of the matter, and has worked out a possible and believable explanation that covers everything we know about this flight from take-off to its ultimate fate. He also explains exactly how the aircraft systems - things like SSR, ACARS and ADS-B - work, and provides an overview of the satellite communications system that was able to provide basic tracking data for the aircraft long after voice communications ceased.He explains the crucial significance of the position where the aircraft vanished from Malaysia's radar screens, and why that precise location was chosen by the perpetrator of this disappearance. And he shows why the route that the aircraft subsequently followed was not accidental, but entirely deliberate, and chosen for one very specific reason.He concludes his analysis by explaining approximately where the aircraft is now, and why no confirmed wreckage from the aircraft has been found anywhere.As a military controller, Peter Lee has previously been involved in aircraft accident and investigation procedures as apart of his job. He was solely responsible for deducing the precise reason, and specific sequence of events, that led to the loss of a Royal Navy Sea Harrier in the North Irish Sea some years ago, an event that at first sight appeared completely inexplicable, and was the principal expert witness at the subsequent Board of Inquiry. In the case of flight MH 370, he has turned that same critical eye on this disappearance, and his suggested explanation for what happened is both logical and believable.If you read no other book about this mystery, read this one.

The Lost Book of Enki

Zecharia Sitchin - 2001
    Missing from these accounts, however, was the perspective of the Anunnaki themselves. What was life like on their own planet? What motives propelled them to settle on Earth - and what drove them from their new home? Convinced of the existence of an actual autobiography of Enki - a lost book that held the answers to these questions - the author began his search for evidence. Through exhaustive research of primary sources, and using actual discovered portions of the ancient text as "scaffolding," he has here re-created the memoirs of Enki, the leader of these first "astronauts." What takes shape is the story that begins on another world, a story of mounting tensions, survival dangers and royal succession rivalries, and sophisticated scientific knowledge concerning human origins that is only today being confirmed. An epic tale of gods and men unfolds that parallels the Bible and may challenge every assumption we hold about our past and our future.An eminent Orientalist and Biblical scholar, Zecharia Sitchin is distinquished by his ability to read Sumerian clay tablets and other ancient texts. He is a graduate of the University of London and worked as a journalist and editor in Israel for many years.(Description from the back cover of trade paperback edition)

The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids

Robert Bauval - 1993
    2600-2400 b.c.) were vast astronomically sophisticated temples, rather than the pharaonic tombs depicted by conventional Egyptology. In March 1993, a tiny remote-controlled robot created by Rudolf Gantenbrink, a German robotics engineer, traveled up airshafts within the Great Pyramid of Giza and relayed to scientists video pictures of a hitherto unknown sealed door within the pyramid. Bauval, a British engineer and writer who has been investigating the pyramids for more than ten years, and Gilbert, a British publishing consultant, use Gantenbrink's tantalizing discovery as a launching pad for an extended analysis of the purpose of the mysterious airshafts, which lead from the Great Pyramid's chambers to its exterior, and of the placement of other Fourth Dynasty pyramids. They were sited, the authors argue, to coincide with the key stars of Orion, a constellation that had religious significance for the Egyptians. Bauval and Gilbert claim that the shafts were pointed directly at important stars in Orion--that is, at those stars as they were placed in ancient times. Using astronomical data about stellar movement, they argue that the Orion stars coincide exactly with the pyramids' positions in approximately 10,400 b.c.--a period the Egyptians called the First Time, when they believed the god Osiris ruled the Earth. The authors also speculate that the mysterious space within the Great Pyramid discovered by Gantenbrink contains the mythical Benben stone, which the Egyptians linked to the creation of the world. The book's contentions are sometimes far-fetched and certainly unlikely to put scholarly controversy about the pyramids to rest. Still, this is an enjoyably radical rethinking of the mystery of the pyramids, with some ingenious arguments made in lucid style.A revolutionary book that explains the most enigmatic and fascinating wonder of the ancient world: the Pyramids of Egypt. "[An] absorbing and fascinating work of archaeological detection...clearly and rivetingly told...the book is highly and compulsively readable."--London Sunday Times. 16-page black-and-white inserts.