Learn Chess Tactics

John Nunn - 2003
    A basic knowledge of simple tactics will enable a novice to start winning games, by giving checkmate or capturing material. As the player progresses, his tactical arsenal will broaden, and he will start to play sacrifices and combinations, and develop a deeper understanding of the game. Players who fail to study tactics systematically tend to suffer from tactical blind-spots that plague them throughout their playing career, and thus they fail to realize their full potential.

Modern Chess Strategy

Luděk Pachman - 1971
    Such combinations do not come into being by themselves, however; they appear only as the result of proper chess strategy. It is therefore surprising that so few books deal with this highly important subject, and understandable that Pachman's modern classic has been so enthusiastically received by chessplayers at all levels.Ludĕk Pachman, a Czech grandmaster, has long had an international reputation as a chess theorist, but until now his work has not been available in English. This present volume, which condenses his great Modern Schachstrategie, presents his ideas and theories in a form that the English-speaking world can assimilate easily. Beginning with basic concepts and the rules of the minor and major pieces, it covers the use of the Queen, the active King, exchanges, various kinds of Pawns, the center and its use, superiority on the wings, minority attack, strategical points and weak squares, methods of attack and defense, and similar topics. Pachman elaborates the various kinds of strategy that can be employed, and shows how each leads to tactical opportunities. It has been said that his section on the Rook alone make his book indispensable to the serious chess player, since the Rook is so important in both middle and endgames.Pachman presents his method in the form of a thorough, systematic, analytical text, which draws upon scores of great games for exemplification. Both classical and very recent masters are included, although stress is on the moderns: Capablanca, Alekhine, Dr. Lasker, Rubinstein, Nimzovich, Botvinnik, Reshevsky, Bronstein, Smyslov, and Spasski.

Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess

Bobby Fischer - 1966
    The way a teaching machine works is: It asks you a question. If you give the right answer, it goes on to the next question. If you give the wrong answer, it tells you why the answer is wrong and tells you to go back and try again. This is called "programmed learning". The real authors were experts and authorities in the field of programmed learning. Bobby Fischer lent his name to the project. Stuart Margulies is a chess master and also a recognized authority on programmed learning. He is a widely published author of more than 40 books, all in the field of programmed learning, especially in learning how to read. For example, one of his books is "Critical reading for proficiency 1 : introductory level". Donn Mosenfelder is not a known or recognized chess player, but he was the owner of the company that developed and designed this book. He has written more than 25 books, almost all on basic reading, writing and math.

Think Like A Grandmaster

Alexander Kotov - 1970
    Twenty years later, it remains a bestseller in the field and one of the best practical training manuals available.

Silman's Complete Endgame Course: From Beginner to Master

Jeremy Silman - 2006
    This book teaches the students what they need to know at their current rating level, and builds on that knowledge for each subsequent phase of the player's development.

The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played

Irving Chernev - 1965
    Each game offers a classic example of a fundamental problem and its best resolution, described and diagrammed in the clearest possible manner for players of every level of skill.As Irving Chernev observes in the Introduction, "Who will doubt the tremendous power exerted by a Rook posted on the seventh rank after seeing Capablanca's delightfully clear-cut demonstration in Game No. 1 against Tartakower? And who will not learn a great deal about the art of handling Rook and Pawn endings (the most important endings in chess) after playing through Tarrasch's game against Thorold?"Chernev's lively and illuminating notes on each game reveal precisely how Capablanca, Tarrasch, and other masters — Fischer, Alekhine, Lasker, and Petrosian among them — turn theory into practice as they attack and maneuver to control the board. Readers will find their techniques improving with each lesson as Irving Chernev dissects winning strategies, comments on alternate tactics, and marvels at the finesse of winning play, noting at the end of his Introduction: "I might just as well have called this collection The Most Beautiful Games of Chess Ever Played."

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess

Patrick Wolff - 1997
    Chess Champion, International Chess Grandmaster, and longtime instructor, this book includes information for both novice and expert, including over 400 illustrated chessboards and photos; over 20 pages of detailed answer key notes; a completely new chapter on new evidence about chess and its impact on brain power; a guide to the art of chess collectibles; and more. • Foreword by Larry Evans, former International Grandmaster and author of 20 highly acclaimed chess books and a popular monthly advice column in Chess Life • Strong sales for previous editions • For the beginner or the champ, and for young and old • Author has a high profile in the chess community

The Seven Deadly Chess Sins

Jonathan Rowson - 2000
    This is a thought-provoking look at the psychological errors that lead chess-players to disaster and keep them from reaching their full potential.

Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur

Max Euwe - 1962
    What better way could the amateur have of learning to exploit the weak play of fellow amateurs than to study how a master would handle such situations? Selected by former World Chess Champion Max Euwe and Walter Meiden, a typical amateur player, the games point out graphically how the chess master takes advantage of characteristic errors of the amateur.In general, the games have been presented in order of the degree of skill of the amateur. The early games were played against beginners; later games, against "coffeehouse" players of various skill levels; the last games, against amateur "book" players. Each game, with commentary by Dr. Euwe, was chosen to illustrate a specific aspect of chess, from various openings to a number of typical chess situations. By carefully studying these games, the amateur player will learn how to recognize and avoid a variety of weak strategic and tactical moves.Dr. Euwe's helpful and informative commentary on each contest consists of a discussion of significant moves in the game, an analysis of the opening used and explanations of important chess concepts as they arise. Often, he includes a detailed analysis of tactical variations that might have been played as alternatives. The result is an indispensable aid for amateurs seeking to raise the quality of their games as well as a book that can be read with profit by chess players at every level of expertise.

Lasker's Manual of Chess

Emanuel Lasker - 1925
    Certainly no man has ever held the world championship longer — 28 years — or kept his powers so long. In his sixties, Lasker began what amounted to a fresh career in chess by playing his first serious game in ten years, and defeating Max Euwe, the man who was the following year to become world champion. The secret behind his extraordinary abilities may perhaps be found in Lasker’s wide knowledge of every phase of the game, and his ability to be independent of schools or fashions.This knowledge is reflected in the Manual of Chess, making it one of the great studies of the game, acclaimed by the chess world almost from the day it appeared. The book is one of the most thorough studies ever written, and though its main appeal is to the intermediate to skilled player, it begins its explanations at a level that can be understood by the beginner. Lasker analyzes basic methods of gaining advantages, exchange value of pieces, combinations, position play, the aesthetics of chess, and almost every other important aspect of the game. He examines dozens of different openings, including the Petroff Defense, the Hungarian Defense, King’s Bishop, Ponziani, Giuoco Piano, and Four Knights’ Game. He constantly illustrates his discussions with games played by the great modern masters. Lasker is always delightful reading, revealing a mind as quick to entertain and philosophize as it is to explain.One of the most rewarding features of the book is Lasker’s illumination and elaboration of the theories of William Steinitz. An interesting sidelight is that although Lasker always thought of himself as a disciple of Steinitz, he was actually an original, more versatile player, inclined to take calculated risks. His exposition of Steinitz’s thought and maxims, his principles of attack and evaluation, however, cannot help but be profitable to any chess player.

1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations

Fred Reinfeld - 1955
    Originally published: New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1955.

Tactics Time! 1001 Chess Tactics from the Games of Everyday Chess Players

Tim Brennan - 2012
    Although it is great to play games for entertainment, many chess players want to take their game to the next level. But that is not that easy. Just playing might improve your chess proficiency, but it does not improve your problem solving skills, as that requires different thinking processes. To develop those processes, you need strategies developed by chess experts.Here is your Chance!Meet Tim and Anthea.They know what it takes to bring chess to the next level, as they have done that for themselves. How? Through the use of chess tactics. And NOW... it is your turn!Let Tim and Anthea assist you in improving your chess game by using their specially developed Chess Tactics ebook. This is not just another tactics books, as Tim and Anthea have perfected their ebook by learning from the mistakes other chess authors made. The great part of Tactics Time! 1001 Chess Tactics from the Games of Everyday Chess Players is that:it is error FREE and double checked!it contains original tactics 100% new;it consists of tactics from real chess players.Many chess books have cool problems and patterns that really are rare and unrealistic, and not needed. Although these are fun to play, they are not really the best way to improve your chess game. That is why this book is different as Tim and Anthea want you to focus on getting good at playing patterns that happen all the time.But that is not all. Tim and Anthea have chosen to make their ebook very easy to read, leaving out unnecessary information or page fillers. You will see one chess problem per page, with the solution presented to you on the next page. No more need to skip back and forth through the whole book to find that brain wrecking solution.If the following applies to you...You want to improve your game to win;You want to enjoy chess tactics from real games;You are frustrated with other chess tactics books;You have a busy life and are looking for a quick and proven way to improve;You enjoy chess and want to teach chess tactics to others,...then Tactics Time! 1001 Chess Tactics is definitely the right chess book for you.Buy Tactics Time! 1001 Chess Tactics from the Games of Everyday Chess Players today to improve your chess game one tactic at a time.

Discovering Chess Openings: Building a Repertoire from Basic Principles

John Emms - 2006
    The key to successful opening play is not simply learning lines off by heart; instead it's the understanding of the basic principles, and here the reader is guided through the vital themes: swift development, central control and king safety.

Ideas Behind the Chess Openings: Algebraic Edition

Reuben Fine - 1989
    But there are so many complicated variations -- how can you memorize them all?You can't -- and you don't have to! If you understand the basic goals of the opening you're playing, you will know which moves fit logically into its overall scheme. This classic, best-selling volume, now completely reset in modern algebraic notation, explains everything you need to know to play the opening sensibly and successfully.Reuben Fine, an International Grandmaster, is one of the world's top players and a leading theoretician of chess. He is the author of over half a dozen books, including the definitive Basic Chess Endings.

Simple Chess: New Algebraic Edition

Michael Stean - 2003
    By isolating the basic elements and illustrating them through a selection of Master and Grand Master games, Simple Chess breaks down the mystique of strategy into plain, easy-to-understand ideas — only a knowledge of basic chess terminology is assumed.More than a lesson in chess fundamentals, this book illustrates an increasingly prevalent and successful style of play — a method that begins by slowly accumulating small but permanent advantages, saving the outright attack for later in the game. Newly converted into the current algebraic chess notation, this edition of Simple Chess offers a strategic weapon for players at every level of expertise.