F*ck That Cape: The Grown Woman's Unapologetic Guide to Putting Herself First

Jennifer Arnise - 2018
    You’ll never read another self-help book ever again. The narrative around being strong has been a crown of thorns for African American women since shewe were brought to this country as slaves. Being smart and clever and efficient was a matter of life and death. Now in present time, being a smart, educated and successful African American woman doesn't determine if we live or die but it often creates an isolating and lonely world because more times than not she is we are hustling to prove herour worth to everyone. You’ve been accommodating all your life. You’ve been willing to set aside your own interests, needs and desires “for the greater good.” You’ve been playing the sacrificial lamb on the altar selflessness for far too long. It’s time to stop trying to be everyone’s hero, putting the needs of others above your own. It is making you miserable and you know it. Deep within you, you know your Superwoman complex leaves a bad taste in your mouth more often than not, leaving you feeling exhausted, unfulfilled, alone and angry at the world… and at the people you love. All your life you’ve been told to be a tough, strong, self-reliant, inscrutable Black woman without a chink in her armor, without an ounce of weakness, so you plod on, isolated and lonely because you’re not being true to yourself. You’re suffering, and whether you’re complaining or not. It’s time to stop. With soul-baring stories and anecdotes from her own life, Jennifer gives a detailed account of her journey to healing and shows you how stop “Caping” and begin to have a more compassionate view of yourself and begin making yourself the number one priority in your life and trust your own instincts and abilities without having to compromise to please anyone else. F*ck That Cape is a book that will show you how to trust your inner voice and intuition, a natural talent that we’ve crushed underneath the weight of societal expectations. Here’s what you’re going to learn in this no-fluff, definitive guide to self-care: • How to go from meeting everyone else's needs to getting your own needs met first • Figuring out what you really want, firmly asking for it and getting it without being an asshole • How to build an awesome support system of people that encourage you and boost your confidence • How to give yourself permission to relentlessly pursue your dreams and live the life you've always wanted • Why you should stop trying to please and make everyone happy and practical steps to go about it • …and much more! Deeply insightful, intuitive and even life changing, F*ck that Cape is the ultimate blueprint to crafting your life the way you want it. On your own terms.

Social Skills: Simple Techniques to Manage Your Shyness, Improve Conversations, Develop Your Charisma and Make Friends In No Time

James W. Williams - 2019
    Social Skills: Simple Techniques to Manage Your Shyness, Improve Conversations, Develop Your Charisma and Make Friends In No Time is a pragmatic book written in a down-to-earth manner showing exactly how to develop your social skills. You can unlock your potentials by applying the tips shared in this book.In this book you will discover: Practical steps to help you overcome shyness How to boost your self-confidence Easy ways to influence and charm people Practical ways to keep your audience or listener engaged How to manage awkward social situations Conversation skills to make your interactions flow seamlessly If you are tired of vague tips on improving social skills, or if you have little or no improvement with the several other social skills books you have read in time past, this book will break the jinx. The methods in this book have been tested and they work, plain and simple.Get your copy today and learn how to put the magic back into your social interactions.

Allen Carr's Quit Smoking Without Willpower: Be a happy nonsmoker (Allen Carr's Easyway)

Allen Carr - 2018
    It has helped millions of smokers from all over the world quit. Quit Smoking Without Willpower is the latest cutting edge presentation of the method.Set out in a clear, easy-to-read format, this book makes it simpler than ever before to get free. It eliminates the fears that keep you hooked and ensures you won't miss cigarettes. It works both for heavy and casual smokers, and regardless of how long you've been smoking. There are no gimmicks or scare tactics, you won't put on weight, and you can even smoke while you read.• A unique method that does not require willpower• Removes the desire to smoke• Stop easily, immediately, and painlessly• Regain control of your life What people say about Allen Carr's Easyway method: "The Allen Carr program was nothing short of a miracle." Anjelica Huston "It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction." Sir Anthony Hopkins "His skill is in removing the psychological dependence." The Sunday Times

You've Got This: And Other Things I Wish I Had Known

Louise Redknapp - 2021

LETTING GO: How to accept change, free up your thought patterns and start living life to the fullest

Romuald Andrade - 2016
     Mara is cynical, weary, and frustrated and does not know what to do about it until she meets a psychologist who is able to show her a better way out. But is it too late for Mara? Will she lose the relationships she cherishes in her life? Will she be able to apply the advice to better her current situation? As with all of Andrade’s books, this one is filled with actionable advice you can put into effect immediately. In addition to the fable, the book includes a detailed framework examining the root causes of mental frustration and how they can be fixed.

Mindfulness: A Step-By-Step Beginners Guide on Living Your Everyday Life with Peace and Happiness by Becoming Stress Free (Buddhism - Stop Your Worries, ... Your Stress and Anxiety with Meditation)

Isaiah Seber - 2016
    Give it a shot; read this book and try your hand at mindfulness for a few days. I promise you won’t regret it. Whether you decide to totally transform your life to one of mindfulness and peace, or you simply want to add a few mindful moments into your day, you will see an improvement. Mindfulness has been proven as a stress reducer and life improver, take your shot now.10 Benefits of Mindfulness: 1. Increased Happiness2. Reduced Stress3. Better Social Relationships4. Weight Loss5. Emotional Intelligence 6. Less Anxiety7. Reduced Depression8. Improved Health9. Increased Focus 10. New Experiences

Seven Days Sober: A Guide to Discovering What You Really Think About Your Drinking

Meredith Bell - 2012

What Happens in Tomorrow World?: A Modern-Day Fable About Navigating Uncertainty

Jordan Gross - 2021
    Each prize reacts in one of the four typical responses most people have to facing uncertainty. And it is through those reactions, and subsequent actions, that they—and we—learn how our own response to uncertainty can either help or harm ourselves, those around us, and society as a whole.An urgently needed instrument for managing the anxiety and ambiguity we all face in our daily lives, this book will help readers thrive in challenging situations. Through this memorable story, you’ll learn:-How to embrace the uncertainty all around us-Why no one response works in every single uncertain situation-Why various personality types require different responses -How to identify the types of people who do well in uncertainty-Why it’s crucial to prevent a negative response-Why those who are hyper-aware of uncertainty thrive in it-Why it’s important to take action, no matter how uncertain you feelIn the spirit of Gibran’s The Prophet, What Happens in Tomorrow World? presents readers a modern-yet-timeless, unique, and useful toolbox on how to confront and manage the overwhelming amount of uncertainty we face every day.

Alcoholics Anonymous

AAWS - 2018
    The author is a founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Bill W. & Dr. Bob. It is the originator of the seminal "twelve-step method" widely used to attempt to treat many addictions, from alcoholism and heroin addiction to marijuana addiction, as well as overeating, sex addiction, gambling addiction, and family members of alcoholics, with a strong spiritual and social emphasis.

Mad Diet: Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Cure Depression

Suzanne Lockhart - 2016
    1 in 4 Western women is taking antidepressants and two thirds of us are obese or overweight. Something is clearly very wrong. Mad Diet® lifts the lid on what is really going on with our food and provides an EASY STEP GUIDE to restoring your mind and waistline.Suzanne Lockhart is Vice President of a multi-national food science organisation. In a career spanning over 20 years working with government agencies, global food manufacturers, farming groups and grocery retailers, she has insider knowledge of the politics and production of our food.After being diagnosed with depression in 1989, Suzanne has spent over two decades investigating the impact of a Western diet on physical and mental health. Mad Diet is the result of 25 years of study and her front-line experience as a senior food industry executive.

Personal Energy Management: Discover Powerful Ways to Effectively Manage Stress, Improve your Health, Boost your Energy Levels and Live a Fulfilled Life

R. Sridhar - 2018
    It operates on certain laws and works on specific principles. If you want to know the secret recipe to treat insecurity, manifest abundance, attract wealth, heal pain, strengthen your aura and discover the way to become resilient, this book by R Sridhar is for you. Sridhar is a personal energy coach and mentor, as also consulting editor with The Times of India Group in Mumbai, India. He has spent nearly 30 years researching about personal energy and understanding how everything we do in spirituality is based on the laws of physics. He is also the founder of the global prayer and support group, Connect-Ticket. It comprises people who selflessly pray for others and believe in making goodness fashionable. In this book, you will learn how to feel energy, how to understand the electromagnetic nature of the human body, how to use the five elements - air, fire, water, earth and space - to replenish yourself, and how to understand the concept of positive and negative energy. After reading the book, you will realise that, energy is simply energy. You make it positive or negative depending on your perspective.

Power Manifesting: Unlock Your Full Potential as a Leading Edge Creator

Nick Breau - 2020

How to Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Emotions with One Simple but Powerful Technique

Beau Norton - 2016
    We easily get addicted to the high of achieving our goals. This isn't always a bad thing but it can be when we lose sight of the more important things in life.Many people never really feel satisfied in their regular day to day living and so they constantly strive for something outside of themselves to make up for their feelings of boredom, unworthiness, or whatever it may be.In our success-driven culture, it's very easy to miss out on the simple joys in life. Most people find it very difficult to be happy with a simple existence.First of all, there is nothing wrong with striving for bigger things. There is also nothing wrong with living a very simple and ordinary existence.What is truly important in the grand scheme of things is how we FEEL and how we make others feel, and this, believe it or not, has nothing to do with the outward circumstances of our lives.It costs absolutely nothing to be a kind and loving person. It costs nothing to focus on the brighter side of life. It's all a matter of perspective and our ability to release the negativity within ourselves.This book discusses a simple but powerful strategy for releasing these negative emotions that block us from experience the joy of the present moment. It shows you step by step how to be happy regardless of your life circumstances. It's easier than you think. Enjoy :)

Amateur: An inexpert, inexperienced, unauthoritative, enamored view of life. (How To Be Ferociously Happy Book 2)

Dushka Zapata - 2016
     It's meant to be a very easy read; not a book you read systematically from beginning to end but rather a book to read during those times you find reading a book overwhelming. How we choose to look at something is essential to our happiness, and the author, Dushka Zapata, hopes to leave readers with a little of that.

Hinch Yourself Happy, How To Clean Your House 2 Books Collection Set

Sophie Hinchliffe
    Description:- Hinch Yourself Happy: All The Best Cleaning Tips To Shine Your Sink And Soothe Your Soul Cleaning - aka hinching - doesn't have to be that job you dread, not when Mrs Hinch is here to show you her sparkly ways. At over 2 million followers and counting, she has taken the nation by storm with her infectiously addictive charm, clever tidying tips and passionate belief in cleaning. Mrs Hinch invites you into her home and while inside you'll discover how a spot of cleaning is the perfect way to cleanse the soul. She'll even share the story of Mr and Mrs Hinch and their 'dorgeous' boy, Henry.With the help of her cloth family, Mrs Hinch will help you turn your house into a home. Whether you're a daily duster or looking for a monthly makeover, Hinch Yourself Happy shows you how to create not only a cleaner house, but a calmer you. How To Clean Your House: Easy tips and tricks to keep your home clean and tidy up your life Lynsey Queen of Clean, Instagrammer, businesswoman and busy mum of three, has done all of the work so you don't have to. Featuring her make-at-home cleaning products, easy step-by-step guides and all her recommendations for toxic-free and eco-friendly products, this book is the ultimate guide to keeping on top of your house, and having fun while you do it. Lynsey shares her daily and seasonal routines, motivating and encouraging you along the way with so that you are left with the will, and the skill, to take on even the most seemingly insurmountable tasks and end up with a clean, calm and happy home.