Book picks similar to
Cover-Ups & Secrets: The Complete Guide to Government Conspiracies, Manipulations & Deceptions by Nick Redfern
The Book of English Magic
Philip Carr-Gomm - 2009
English authors such as J.R.R.Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Terry Pratchett, and J.K.Rowling, dominate the world of magic in fiction, but from the earliest times, England has also acted as home to generations of eccentrics and scholars who have researched and explored every conceivable kind of occult art. Most people are torn between a fascination with magic and an almost instinctive fear of the occult, of a world redolent with superstition and illusion. And yet more people now practice magic in England than at any time in her history. The Book of English Magic explores this hidden story, from its first stirrings to our present-day fascination with all things magical. Along the way readers are offered a rich menu of magical things to do and places to visit.
In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science
Ross Coulthart - 2021
The Gods Never Left Us
Erich von Däniken - 2017
In an era of the military space race, Erich von Daniken boldly proclaimed that Earth had been visited by more advanced beings early in our history. But pre-scientific man had no concept of space ships, so he called their vehicles "chariots," and those driving the chariots became "gods."Over the next five decades, von Daniken's thirty-two books built an ever-stronger case for Earth being visited by extraterrestrial visitors. And Chariots became an international bestseller, with thirty million copies sold in more than two dozen languages. Also during that time, the case for ET visitations millennia ago was being reexamined by contemporary UFO researchers, who found evidence of modern visitations. And von Daniken expanded his perspective to encompass the present.Now, he presents his long-awaited sequel to Chariots of the Gods, proclaiming that the gods never left us, with all-new material to show that ancient aliens are still with us.The Gods Never Left Us contends that recent advancements in biotechnology, astrophysics, engineering, and artificial intelligence not only give us a fresh perspective on his ancient astronaut theory but actually validates it. We are-as a race-embarking on the exact same trajectory of our own interplanetary colonization, just as von Daniken suggested Earth itself was colonized.ETs are definitely at work today. And that affects all of us.
Top Secret/Majic: Operation Majestic-12 & the United States Government's UFO Cover-up
Stanton T. Friedman - 1996
Friedman's twenty-one year search for the truth about the mysterious Operation Majestic 12, President Truman's top-secret UFO investigation team. In this updated edition of his landmark book, he tells the incredible tale of the July, 1947 recovery of a crashed flying saucer near Roswell, New Mexico, and the establishment by President Truman of a truly all-star cast to deal with the saucer and its non-human inhabitants. The first four Directors of Central Intelligence, the first Secretary of Defense, and several outstanding scientists and military leaders were part of the team. Through painstaking research and startling evidence—including documents that have never before been published—Friedman effectively exposes the U.S. government's biggest-kept secret: a fifty-eight year UFO cover-up.
Alien World Order: The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race
Len Kasten - 2017
government• Explains how the Reptilians have created alien-human hybrids under their control to replace the human populationLong ago, the Galactic Federation sent the Atlans, a fierce group of humans from the Pleiades, to Earth to confront the newest colony of the combative ever-spreading alien race known as the Reptilians. The ensuing battle sank the continent of Lemuria and drove the Reptilians underground beneath the Indian subcontinent as well as to Antarctica. Able to shapeshift to appear human, the Reptilians then infiltrated the Atlantean civilization, abducting humans and creating Reptilian hybrids. As Len Kasten shows, this technique of infiltration and hybridization prior to an all-out attack has been the hallmark of Reptilian conquest throughout the galaxy.Chronicling the history of the Reptilian Empire’s influence on Earth and their conquest of 21 star systems, Kasten reveals how the human race is enmeshed in a skillfully concealed plot to enslave humanity and exploit our planet’s physical and biological resources. Revealing Hitler’s pact with extraterrestrials and the Reptilian influence on the Nazi state, he shares new documents that disclose the rescue and rehabilitation of Nazi war criminals to assist in the Cold War, which then corrupted many U.S. government institutions. Focusing on crucial events in the decade after World War II, he examines the Reptilians’ human allies, the Illuminati, who control the levers of financial, technological, and military power throughout the world through various secret societies. He shows how Eisenhower’s treaty with the Greys, signed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1954, gave the aliens permission to take humans up to their spaceships, ostensibly for genetic study--in return for alien technology--and how these abductions led to the creation of a hybrid race under Reptilian mind control. He also explains how Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA because of his plans to rout out this Nazi–Reptilian presence.Contrasting the Reptilians with the benevolent Ebens, the aliens from Zeta Reticuli who crashed at Roswell, Kasten exposes the stealthy tactics of the Reptilians, their relationship with the Greys, and their advanced genetic bio-technology and teleportation abilities--as well as what we need to do to defeat their plans.
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines Paving the Road to Hell
Robin de Ruiter - 2008
This four-volume book is different from other books on the topic. It was written long before others started championing the need for the masses to wake up to the New World Order agenda. The first edition did not claim to be into futurism. However, a retrospective view of the events of the last twenty-five years shows that practically all topics mentioned in the book have come to fruition, often in an awesome manner. Like the first edition, this new updated edition is a very unique publication and reading it will undoubtedly change the way you look at both history and the world today. It completely turns everything on its head. Once you read it, all of a sudden you will see the world around you in infrared. You soon see things which are simply not possible to view with the range of standard vision. The contents of this book is highly controversial and uncompromising. It describes a monster that we, in all our ignorance, have created together. It also serves to give us an idea of what's in store for the near future, so we can better prepare for what's coming our way. UR-LODGES: We are raised, by tradition, to trust our governments, and are convinced that they care about us. This, however, is a big mistake. Below the surface of official politics lies a complicated social and intellectual process that is taking place. The visible world leaders are mere puppets directed by an invisible power from behind the scenes. This geo-political power consists of the richest families on this planet. The true aim of this elite group is complete control of Planet Earth. Together with the most powerful multinationals, they rule and control most countries and coalitions. Behind the scenes there are various hidden transnational Ur-Lodges under the supervision of the ruling elite of which even high-grade Freemasons have no knowledge. Not only high politicians from the United States, Russia and Western Europe, but also from Israel, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and many other countries are members of these hidden Freemason-Lodges. They are all marionettes whose strings are pulled by our invisible leaders. Although political leaders on the world stage play opposite roles, behind the scenes they pursue the same goal: a “technocratic world dictatorship”. Anyone who aspires to pursue a career in politics to reach the top must become part of one of the Super-Lodges. Raising the political ladder is impossible without being part of one or more of these Lodges. In the Ur-Lodges, our political leaders meet regularly with media moguls, bankers, industrialists and personalities to coordinate and execute the policy of the ruling class. A world war that has to lead to a world dictatorship is in the making. Terror attacks play an important role in this regard. Some eminent "Masonic Grandmasters" do not agree any longer. The whistleblowers, including Zbigniew Brzezinski (White House Foreign Policy Expert) sound the alarm. Among other things, they declare that the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS are also members of the Ur-Lodges. Terrorists, politicians and other personalities are all Freemason brothers and conspire with the ultimate objective to have complete control over the world. This sheds a completely different light on the wars in Iraq and Syria, the millions of refugees flooding Europe and the global terrorist attacks. Anyone who believes that Muslims are guilty of the terrorist attacks must revise his view. IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND: RELIGIOUS DOGMA OF THE ELITE It might surprise you that the ruling elite of this world consider Lucifer to be their only and true god; that one day he will openly rule this world.
The Leper House
Andrew Taylor - 2014
They built it outside the Suffolk town so it would not infect the healthy with its horrors. But the town itself is long gone, washed away by the North Sea. Only the Leper House remains, a shelter for the unwanted. A bereaved man strays there on a stormy night when the bell tolls once again beneath the waves. In a nearby house, a woman waits for history to repeat itself. When time isn’t what it seems, nor is love and nor are ghosts. And nor are we. The Leper House is a 19,000-word novella, written for Kindle Singles and available here for the first time. Andrew Taylor is a British crime and historical novelist whose books include the international bestseller, The American Boy (a Richard-and-Judy selection), and the Roth Trilogy (filmed for TV as Fallen Angel). Among his many awards are the Cartier Diamond Dagger for Lifetime Excellence in crime writing. His latest novel is The Scent of Death, winner of the 2013 Historical Dagger.
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians: A Lost Classic by Magus Incognito
William Walker Atkinson - 1949
In the 1600s they issued a set of manifestos calling for an enlightened revolution that would reshape society into a more democratic ideal. Even the American Founding Fathers were influenced by these manifestos.Writing as Magus Incognito, William Walker Atkinson reintroduces a new generation of readers to the Rosicrucian ideals, as well as to a myriad of connections between occult concepts as varied as alchemy, reincarnation, the astral plane, auras, Eastern and Western mysticism, and the "evolution of mankind" among seven esoteric versions of planets in our solar system.There are more than two dozen organizations of Rosicrucians, with local groups in nearly every state--more than 100 in all--and half a million or more followers. Interest continues to be high in this group.
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Walter Scott - 1830
G. Lockhart, who worked for a publishing firm. The book proved popular and Scott was paid six hundred pounds, which he desperately needed (despite his success as a novelist, Scott was almost ruined when the Ballantyne publishing firm, where he was a partner, went bankrupt in 1826).Letters was written when educated society believed itself in enlightened times due to advances in modern science. The book, however, revealed that all social classes still held beliefs in ghosts, witches, warlocks, fairies, elves, diabolism, the occult, and even werewolves. Sourcing from prior sixteenth- and seventeenth-century treatises on demonology along with contemporary accounts from England, Europe, and North America (Cotton Mather's Magnalia Christi, for one), Scott's discourses on the psychological, religious, physical, and preternatural explanations for these beliefs are essential reading for acolytes of the dark and macabre; the letters dealing with witch hunts, trials (Letters Eight and Nine), and torture are morbidly compelling.Scott was neither fully pro-rational modernity nor totally anti-superstitious past, as his skepticism of one of the "new" sciences (skullology, as he calls it) is made clear in a private letter to a friend. Thus, Letters is both a personal and intellectual examination of conflicting belief systems, when popular science began to challenge superstition in earnest.
1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance
Robert Sepehr - 2015
But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.
Everything You Know is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies
Russ Kick - 2002
Once again, an amazing group of investigative journalists, researchers, insiders, dissidents, and academics peels back consensus reality and shows us what's really happening. Hard, documented evidence on the most powerful institutions and controversial topics in the world. Among the revelations:Antidepressants trash your brain. China has repeatedly threatened to nuke the US.Young people are less violent now than they have been in over 30 years.Mad Cow disease is killing people in America.Plus previously unpublished revelations about the International Monetary Fund, the Vatican Bank, the Olympic Games, Henry Lee Lucas, the drug war in South America, unpublicized accidents at nuclear power plants, and much more. Includes reproductions of rare documents and photos, including an unpublished eyewitness sketch of a mysterious third gunman at Columbine.Among the 50+ contributors: Naomi Klein • Douglas Rushkoff • Arianna Huffington • Howard Zinn • Paul Krassner • Gary Webb • Howard Bloom • Noreena Hertz • Alexander Cockburn • Thomas Szasz • William Blum • James Ridgeway • Kalle Lasn • Wendy McElroy
The Perception Deception or...It's ALL Bollocks-Yes, ALL of it
David Icke - 2013
What was once ridiculed & dismissed is now being confirmed again & again as Icke, a figure of fun for so long, is acknowledged by some as a man ahead of his time.
Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry
Malcolm C. Duncan - 1976
Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor will be a cherished possession of any Mason who receives it. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Because of this work's cultural significance, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting a high quality, modern edition that is true to the original work.Retaining all the traditional charm of McKay's Standard Edition, this volume includes both the Guide to the Three Symbolic Degrees of the Ancient York Rite and to the degree of Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch, as written by Malcolm C. Duncan.
A Brief History of Secret Societies: The Hidden Powers of Clandestine Organizations and Elites from the Ancient World to the Present Day
David V. Barrett - 1997
From the Knights Templars to the freemasons, an intimate look at the inner workings of secret societies.
Brotherhood of Darkness
Stanley Monteith - 2000
He reveals the identity of the mysterious forces behind the men who rule the world and shows why some of our leaders have dedicated their lives to destroying our nation.