Book picks similar to
Atlas for the Wars of Napoleon by Thomas E. Greiss
Skis Against the Atom
Knut Haukelid - 1953
The outcome of WWII could very possibly have been much different if Knut Haukelid & his small, but courageous band of Norwegian soldiers had not been successful in sabotaging the Nazis supply of heavy water. The heavy water produced at a facility in occupied Norway was vital to Hitler's race with the USA to develop the atomic bomb. Skis Against the Atom gives the reader an intimate account of the valiant & self-sacrificing service that the not-to-be-subdued Norwegians performed for the whole free world.
The End of Biblical Studies
Hector Avalos - 2007
He outlines two main arguments for this surprising conclusion. First, academic biblical scholarship has clearly succeeded in showing that the ancient civilization that produced the Bible held beliefs about the origin, nature, and purpose of the world and humanity that are fundamentally opposed to the views of modern society. The Bible is thus largely irrelevant to the needs and concerns of contemporary human beings. Second, Avalos criticizes his colleagues for applying a variety of flawed and specious techniques aimed at maintaining the illusion that the Bible is still relevant in today’s world. In effect, he accuses his profession of being more concerned about its self-preservation than about giving an honest account of its own findings to the general public and faith communities. In a controversial conclusion, Avalos argues that our world is best served by leaving the Bible as a relic of an ancient civilization instead of the "living" document most religionist scholars believe it should be. He urges his colleagues to concentrate on educating the broader society to recognize the irrelevance and even violent effects of the Bible in modern life.
The Great Survivors: How Monarchy Made It Into the Twenty-First Century
Peter Conradi - 2012
Taking the reader on a journey between past and present into a world populated by great celebrities such as Wallis Simpson, Grace Kelly, and Princess Diana, as well as lesser-known and slightly murkier aristocratic figures, this book analyzes the reasons behind this anachronistic paradox by looking at the history of the main European dynasties and providing a keyhole glimpse into their world, their lives, and their secrets. At a time when Western society appears to be demanding more equality and democracy, people's fascination with monarchies shows no signs of waning.
To the Last Round: The Epic British Stand on the Imjin River, Korea 1951
Andrew Salmon - 2009
Focusing on the inspirational story of Britain’s 29th Infantry Brigade, this fascinating documentation details China’s shock entry into the war, the panic experienced by UN forces as they were forced to retreat in sub-zero temperatures, the intense battle and hand-to-hand combat, and the near-decimation of British troops. Filled with exclusive interviews of the surviving veterans of every unit engaged—including those who survived for more than two years as POWs in grim North Korean prison camps—this is the true story of a handful of the men who remained at their posts, held off an army from their foxholes, and astonished the world with their courage and resolve. As the only account devoted exclusively to this now-legendary action, this remarkable narrative is an essential and historically invaluable resource for those interested in military history.
The Last 100 Days: FDR at War and at Peace
David B. Woolner - 2017
Yet as historian David B. Woolner reveals, the end of FDR’s presidency might very well surpass it in drama and consequence.Drawing on new evidence, Woolner shows how FDR used every ounce of his diminishing energy to pursue the things that mattered most to him: the establishment of the United Nations, the reinvigoration of the New Deal, the possibility of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and some quiet moments with his closest companions. We see a president shorn of the usual distractions of office, a man whose sense of duty and personal responsibility for the fate of the American people, and the world, bore heavily upon him. From his final Christmas at Hyde Park to his death on April 12, 1945, FDR strove to finish the work he had started twelve long years before.
The Pirates of Panama or, The Buccaneers of America; a True Account of the Famous Adventures and Daring Deeds of Sir Henry Morgan and Other Notorious Freebooters of the Spanish Main
Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin - 1678
It immediately became very popular and this first handhistory of the Buccaneers of America was soon translated into theprincipal European languages. The first English edition was printed in1684.Of the author, John Esquemeling, very little is known although it isgenerally conceded that he was in all probability a Fleming orHollander, a quite natural supposition as his first works were writtenin the Dutch language. He came to the island of Tortuga, theheadquarters of the Buccaneers, in 1666 in the employ of the French WestIndia Company. Several years later this same company, owing tounsuccessful business arrangements, recalled their representatives toFrance and gave their officers orders to sell the company's land and allits servants. Esquemeling then a servant of the company was sold to astern master by whom he was treated with great cruelty. Owing to hardwork, poor food and exposure he became dangerously ill, and his masterseeing his weak condition and fearing to lose the money Esquemeling hadcost him resold him to a surgeon. This new master treated him kindly sothat Esquemeling's health was speedily restored, and after one year'sservice he was set at liberty upon a promise to pay his benefactor, thesurgeon, 100 pieces of eight at such a time as he found himself infunds.Once more a free man he determined to join the pirates and was receivedinto their society and remained with them until 1672. Esquemeling servedthe Buccaneers in the capacity of barber-surgeon, and was present at alltheir exploits. Little did he suspect that his first hand observationswould some day be cherished as the only authentic and true history ofthe Buccaneers and Marooners of the Spanish Main.From time to time new editions of this work have been published, but inmany cases much new material, not always authentic, has been added andthe result has been to mar the original narrative as set forth byEsquemeling. In arranging this edition, the original English text onlyhas been used, and but few changes made by cutting out the long andtedious description of plant and animal life of the West Indies of whichEsquemeling had only a smattering of truth. But, the history of CaptainMorgan and his fellow buccaneers is here printed almost identical withthe original English translation, and we believe it is the first timethis history has been published in a suitable form for the juvenilereader with no loss of interest to the adult.The world wide attention at this time in the Isthmus of Panama and thegreat canal connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean lends to thisnarrative an additional stimulus. Here are set forth the deeds of daringof the wild freebooters in crossing the isthmus to attack the cities,Puerto Bellow and Panama. The sacking and burning of these placesaccompanied by pillage, fire, and treasure seeking both on land and onsea form exciting reading. _The Buccaneers and Marooners of America_well deserves a place on the book shelf with those old world-widefavorites _Robinson Crusoe_ and the _Swiss Family Robinson_.
50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die Vol: 2
Lewis CarrollB.M. Bower - 2019
H.: Sons and LoversLawrence, D. H.: The RainbowLe Fanu, Sheridan: In a Glass DarklyLewis, Matthew Gregory: The MonkLewis, Sinclair: Main StreetLondon, Jack: The Call of the WildLovecraft, H.P.: At the Mountains of MadnessMann, Thomas: Royal HighnessMaugham, William Somerset: Of Human BondageMaupassant, Guy de: Bel-AmiMelville, Herman: Moby-DickPoe, Edgar Allan: The Fall of the House of UsherProust, Marcel: Swann's WayRadcliffe, Ann: The Mysteries of UdolphoRichardson, Samuel: ClarissaSand, George: The Devil’s PoolScott, Walter: IvanhoeShelley, Mary: FrankensteinSienkiewicz, Henryk: Quo VadisSinclair, May: Life and Death of Harriett FreanSinclair, Upton: The JungleStendhal: The Red and the BlackStendhal: The Chartreuse of ParmaSterne, Laurence: Tristram ShandyStevenson, Robert Louis: Treasure IslandStoker, Bram: DraculaStowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom’s CabinSwift, Jonathan: Gulliver's TravelsTagore, Rabindranath: The Home and the WorldThackeray, William Makepeace: Vanity FairTolstoy, Leo: War and PeaceTolstoy, Leo: Anna KareninaTrollope, Anthony: The Way We Live NowTurgenev, Ivan: Fathers and SonsTwain, Mark: The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnVerne, Jules: Journey to the Center of the EarthWallace, Lew: Ben-HurWells, H. G.: The Time MachineWest, Rebecca: The Return of the SoldierWharton, Edith: The Age of InnocenceWilde, Oscar: The Picture of Dorian GrayXueqin, Cao: The Dream of the Red ChamberZola, Émile: Germinal
Bush War Operator: Memoirs of the Rhodesian Light Infantry, Selous Scouts and beyond
Andrew Balaam - 2014
Anyone living in Rhodesia during the 1960s and 1970s would have had a father, husband, brother or son called up in the defense of the war-torn, landlocked little country. A few of these brave men would have been members of the elite and secretive unit that struck terror into the hearts of the ZANLA and ZIPRA guerrillas infiltrating the country at that time - the Selous Scouts. These men were highly trained and disciplined, with skills to rival the SAS, Navy Seals and the US Marines, although their dress and appearance were wildly unconventional: civilian clothing with blackened, hairy faces to resemble the very people they were fighting against. Twice decorated - with the Member of the Legion of Merit (MLM) and the Military Forces' Commendation (MFC) - Andrew Balaam was a member of the Rhodesian Light Infantry and later the Selous Scouts, for a period spanning twelve years. This is his honest and insightful account of his time as a pseudo operator. His story is brutally truthful, frightening, sometimes humorous and often sad. In later years, after Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, he was involved with a number of other former Selous Scouts in the attempted coups in the Ciskei, a South African homeland, and Lesotho, an independent nation, whose only crimes were supporting the African National Congress. Training terrorists, or as they preferred to be called, 'liberation armies', to conduct a war of terror on innocent civilians, was the very thing he had spent the last ten years in Rhodesia fighting against. This is the true, untold story of these failed attempts at governmental overthrows.
Yoga Wisdom at Work: Finding Sanity Off the Mat and On the Job
Maren Showkeir - 2013
But the physical aspects barely scratch the surface of yoga’s transformative powers. The poses are only one part of a larger philosophy offering profound insights for confronting the complexities of daily life. Yoga can help you remain centered, compassionate, positive, and sane every hour of the day—especially those between nine and five. This unprecedented guide shows how practicing the full range of yogic concepts—the traditional “Eight Limbs of Yoga”—leads to a productive, creative, and energizing work environment and features examples from professions like law enforcement, teaching, banking, filmmaking, medicine, and many more. But beyond that, this book is an invitation to use all of yoga’s teachings to cultivate the spark of the divine that dwells within each of us.
Conquistador Voices (vol I): The Spanish Conquest of the Americas as Recounted Largely by the Participants
Kevin H. Siepel - 2015
It reads like the written version of a modern film documentary, with newly translated 500-year-old "sound bites" stitched together by the author-narrator in such a way as to create a seamless and compelling story. In these two volumes you will find neither a defense of the conquistadors nor a politically correct polemic against them. The author has made every effort to avoid moralizing on these events, but simply to recount them, with minimal commentary, using the best sources available. Moral judgments are left to the reader. Volume I opens with the four voyages of Christopher Columbus, offering new insights into this man's complex character. It then explores in lavish detail (some of which is supplied by the Aztecs) the conquest of Mexico by Hernán Cortés. In Volume II the reader is taken into the high Andes with the brazen Pizarro brothers, into the wilds of the Texas and Mexican desert with Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, and along a trail of successive misfortunes with the expedition of Hernando de Soto--through today's Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas. Conquistador Voices is a one-stop layman's summary of this epic period, delving into persons and events we still talk about today. Order a copy for yourself or other history reader now. Maps, index, informational footnotes, and a brief bibliography are found in each volume.
The Last Lynching: How a Gruesome Mass Murder Rocked a Small Georgia Town
Anthony S. Pitch - 2016
During incidents of racist violence, lynchers tortured their victims before murdering them. Most killers were never brought to justice.In 1946, the bodies of two men and two women were found near Moore’s Ford Bridge in rural Monroe, Georgia. Their killers were never identified. And although the crime reverberated through the troubled community, the corrupt courts, and eventually the whole world, many details remained unexplored—until now.In The Last Lynching, Anthony S. Pitch reveals the true story behind the last mass lynching in America in unprecedented detail. Drawing on some ten thousand previously classified documents from the FBI and National Archives, The Last Lynching paints an unflinching picture of the lives of the victims, suspects, and eyewitnesses, and describes the political, judicial, and socioeconomic conditions that stood in the way of justice. Along the way, The Last Lynching sheds light into a dark corner of American history, which no one can afford to ignore.
Stealing Green Mangoes: Two Brothers, Two Fates, One Indian Childhood
Sunil Dutta - 2019
Before that, he was a biologist at the University of California and a translator of classic Indian poetry. Before that, he was a destitute refugee, one of so many uprooted by the genocidal violence surrounding the Partition of India. Back then, he had a brother. Back then, they were children together, chasing whatever fun and solace they could find in impossible conditions. Sunil looked up to Raju. He admired his strength, his character.Raju took a different path. He was arrested, he fled the law, he became a fugitive. He became a terrorist. Then he became a father—and then a murderer.After being diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer later in life, Sunil urgently wanted to understand what choices had led he and his brother down such radically different paths. In Stealing Green Mangoes, Dutta takes us from his family home in Rajasthan to America, to France, to the streets of southeastern Los Angeles, homing in on the questions that tore him and Raju apart: Can you outgrow the madness that made you? Can you make peace with the ghosts of your past? A memoir with sweeping, spiritual ambitions, Stealing Green Mangoes tells the story of a man who pushed back against the forces that captured his own brother and built a compassionate, meaningful life in a broken world.
The Art Forger's Handbook
Eric Hebborn - 1997
Packed with wonderfully entertaining and often outrageous speculations about the nature of art, truth, and value, the world-renowned art forger--who died mysteriously before this book was published--details secrets of his techniques.
Breaking the Code: Westminster Diaries
Gyles Brandreth - 1999
These diaries start in 1990 when Brandreth, after a career in theatre, television, and publishing, decided that he wanted to become a Tory MP. There is an all-star cast, including Princess Diana, Bill Clinton, Joanna Lumley, Jeffrey Archer, and Norman Lamont.
Operation Red Wings: The Rescue Story Behind Lone Survivor
Peter Nealen - 2013
Navy SEALs were inserted into the mountains of eastern Afghanistan with the task of collecting intelligence and finding—or killing—a top al Qaeda commander. The SEALs were ambushed by over one hundred Taliban fighters and a horrific battle ensued. The rescue helicopter carrying eight SEALs was shot down by a reported Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG), killing them instantly and erasing any hope for the SEALs already on the ground. Luttrell was the only survivor. OPERATION RED WINGS is an in-depth examination of the recovery mission to rescue Luttrell, filled with never-before-told details and shocking new revelations. Author Peter Nealen (former USMC Force Recon) and the team at SOFREP have an expansive network within the Special Operations community, providing them with access to exclusive interviews, after action reports, military intel and previously untold accounts of the rescue mission. Nealen and his team have uncovered eyewitness reports that put the "official" story into question as to how the initial rescue helicopter was shot down. If true, this potential coverup will have had severe consequences on subsequent helicopter insertion operations and put lives at risk. Complete with a foreword by former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb, this is a must-have companion to the blockbuster book and upcoming film. (12,000 words)