All Things New: Rethinking Sin, Salvation, and Everything in Between

Fiona Givens - 2020

Defined by Christ: Seeing

Toni Sorenson - 2010
    Using the scriptures, words of prophets, insightful analogies, and stories drawn from poignant personal experiences, author Toni Sorenson illuminates the pathway toward opening the gift of divine love and finding lasting peace by focusing on God's goodness rather than our own weakness.

The History of Joseph Smith by His Mother

Lucy Mack Smith - 1844
    Amidst confusion over several versions of this mother's account of her son, Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, his 5th great grandson for the family foundation reaffirms this version developed in 1996 by Scot & Maurine Proctor, "who restored Lucy's language and feeling through verification with the original notebook."

To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson

Heidi S. Swinton - 2010
    Monson. Beginning with President Monson's family heritage and his early years in Salt Lake City, it included his vocational preparation and his career in the world of journalism. More important, this inspiring book recounts his lifetime of Church service. Called as a bishop at the age of twenty-two, as a mission president at thirty-one, and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve at age thirty-six, he has traveled the globe to minister to the Saints for more than fifty years. This book shares many of his personal experience, from his visits behind the Iron Curtain to his contributions on the Scriptures Publication Committee and in the missionary and welfare areas; it also provides up-to-the-minute information about his work as Church President.Filled with wonderful photographs and little-known accounts, this biography is a portrait of a leader who ministers both to the one and to the many, and who is completely dedicated to doing whatever the Lord prompts him to do.

Life Everlasting

Duane S. Crowther - 1988
    The book reaches beyond the commonplace to give profound new insights into the nature of the life to come.This book examines eyewitness accounts of more than 200 individuals who have ventured into the spirit world and have then returned to tell of their experiences. It also draws extensively from the scriptures and from the discourses of Latter-day Saint leaders. As the evidence of these accounts is analyzed, numerous new understandings are revealed to the reader. Within these pages are vivid descriptions of spirit-world conditions including buildings, landscaping, wearing apparel, organization, occupations, and Church callings. Many instructive descriptions of the amazing capabilities of spirit beings are provided. Of special interest are the vivid descriptions of Jesus Christ as He has appeared to many who have entered into Paradise. The numerous roles of spirit beings who visit the earth, as Gardian Angels and in other capacities, are described in detail. The factors which govern man's time of death are discussed, and the nature of man's "new birth" into the next life is described in detail by those who have experienced it.Life Everlasting peers into the spirit prison and hell and reports conditions in those environments. Then it sweeps forward in time to analyze the nature of the resurrections and final judgment. A careful consideration of the final rewards available to man is made, with detailed and spcific coverage of the fate of the sons of perdition and the destinies of the inhabitants of the telestial, terrestrial and celestial kingdoms. The final chapter is a penetrating explanation of the nature of godhood and exaltation.Few books have ever combined such a wealth of now concepts and interesting information with the careful presentation, documentation and scholarship of Life Everlasting. Latter-day Saints will find strong evidences which confirm their beliefs in the afterlife. Others, no matter what their religious oriention, will find Life Everlasting to be one of the most far-reaching, comprehensive presentations of life-after-death experiences in print. It is inevitable that this book will continue to be widely read and discussed for many years to come.

Remember God

Annie F. Downs - 2018
    But sometimes I wonder if He is really kind— really deeply always kind. Is He? Christians love to talk about how God is in control, but that’s harder to grasp when things aren’t going like you thought they would, when your life looks quite different than you imagined. For centuries, God’s people have been building altars to Him—to remind themselves and the people around them of His work. His goodness. His kindness. Stacks of stones. Altars. Temples. Cathedrals. Why? Because they believed God and wanted to remember Him. In the back of my mind, God reminds me that He is the same trustworthy God—the One who always finishes the stories he starts. And this is my story—of wrestling with our God who gives a limp and a blessing. A God who is always kind even when my circumstances feel the opposite. God is who He says He is. He is kinder than you imagine. In a world where it is easy to forget who He is, we will not. We will remember God.

Anytime, Anywhere

John H. Groberg - 2006
    Kimball called John H. Groberg to serve as a full-time General Authority. Stunned, the only question the newly called Elder Groberg could think to ask was, “Does this mean we will have to leave Idaho Falls?” President Kimball hugged him and said tenderly, “I know exactly how you feel. It is good to love your hometown and your roots, but yes, this will mean moving anytime, anywhere in the whole world, for the rest of your life.” Filled with Elder Groberg’s trademark inspirational stories, this book takes us from Mongolia to Argentina. Fascinating insights into the lives of Saints across the globe, all from a firsthand perspective, testify of the reality of miracles in our day. Few of us will be called upon to serve as General Authorities, but anyone who has made gospel covenants has made the same promise to do the Lord’s will, whatever it may be. Learn how God’s children throughout the world are blessed as they—and we—keep the covenants we have made to serve anytime, anywhere!

Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Part 1

Hugh Nibley - 2004
    Transcripts of lectures present to an Honors Book of Morman class at BYU,1988-1990Has the smallest print I have every seen!!

A Heart Like His: Making Space for God's Love in Your Life

Virginia H. Pearce - 2006
    When filled with God's love, we can do and see and understand things that we cannot do and see and understand on our own. As our own hearts are softened by these blessings, our overriding desire becomes to help others experience this joy also. But how do we do that in the normal course of our everyday lives? Presented in the form of an experiment undertaken by eight friends, this step-by-step guide helps us discover the one change we can make within ourselves that will automatically increase our ability to feel the love of God and to extend that love to others.

Holy Places: True Stories of Faith and Miracles from Latter-Day Temples

Chad S. Hawkins - 2006
    Holy Places includes more than sixty faith promoting stories with accompanying artwork from temples around the world, including the most recent temples in Ghana, Manhattan, Newport Beach, and Nigeria. Based on more than a decade of personal interviews and in-depth research, each story in this beautiful volume conveys a sense of God's hand in the important work of temples and the faith of Church members as they seek to perform that work. Families will love this treasured collection of stories documenting the faith and miracles associated with the most holy places on Earth.

The Divine Gift of Forgiveness

Neil L. Andersen - 2019
    The Divine Gift of Forgiveness is organized in such a way that readers can choose the section or chapter that applies most to them and study it without having to have read from cover to cover. Leaders can similarly recommend specific chapters to those with whom they work. Filled with powerful doctrine along with stories and experiences, this book will help all readers become more devoted disciples of the Savior.

Choose Higher Ground

Henry B. Eyring - 2013
    Eyring would complain that things were hard, his mother would advise him, “If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill.” To choose the Lord’s way is to choose higher ground.Similar to President Henry B. Eyring’s bestselling classic To Draw Closer to God, this collection of memorable talks offers a roadmap to spiritual progression. We learn from a master teacher how a strong foundation transforms families, how personal growth comes through helping others, how adversity can lift us up and make us stronger, and how we can choose to live a more consecrated life — climbing to higher spiritual ground throughout the course of our lives. President Eyring also offers apostolic advice for the last days as we learn to raise the bar for our own spiritual development. In his warm, personal style, President Eyring makes us want to be better. He doesn’t simply tell us how to be better, but he inspires us to do those things that help us become better, regardless of our circumstances.

Restoration: God's Call to the 21st Century World

Patrick Q Mason - 2020

Increase In Learning: Spiritual Patterns For Obtaining Your Own Answers (Spiritual Patterns, #1)

David A. Bednar - 2011
    Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. But how can we best learn the things we need to know and do?Elder Bednar emphasizes concepts, patterns, and processes that invite each of us to act and learn fundamental truths for ourselves. Declaring that answers to our questions always are found in the doctrines and principles of the restored gospel, he provides a framework in this book for learning those doctrines and understanding with our hearts.

The Holy Secret

James L. Ferrell - 2008
    We do not love what is holy. Although we might reverence things that are deemed holy- the temple, for example, and the scriptures, and the Sabbath- we do not love them. Not really. Not with our whole souls.The Holy Secret is the story of a man who learns how to love what matters. As he does, he learns another secret: Love for holiness transforms life itself. His realization of what he had been missing may lead you to some discoveries of your own!