Cesar: Si, Se Puede! Yes, We Can! (Pura Belpre Honor Book. Illustrator (Awards))

Carmen T. Bernier-Grand - 2004
    He grew to be a charismatic leader and founded the National Farm Workers Association, an organization that fought for basic rights for his fellow farm workers. In powerful poems and dramatic stylized illustrations, Carmen T. Bernier-Grand and David Díaz pay tribute to his life and legacy.

Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald no combina

Monica Brown - 2011
    At least, that's what everyone tells me." Marisol McDonald has flaming red hair and nut-brown skin. Polka dots and stripes are her favorite combination. She prefers peanut butter and jelly burritos in her lunch box. And don't even think of asking her to choose one or the other activity at recess--she'll just be a soccer playing pirate princess, thank you very much. To Marisol McDonald, these seemingly mismatched things make perfect sense together. Unfortunately, they don't always make sense to everyone else. Other people wrinkle their nose in confusion at Marisol--can't she just be one or the other? Try as she might, in a world where everyone tries to put this biracial, Peruvian-Scottish-American girl into a box, Marisol McDonald doesn't match. And that's just fine with her. A mestiza Peruvian American of European, Jewish, and Amerindian heritage, renowned author Monica Brown wrote this lively story to bring her own experience of being mismatched to life. Her buoyant prose is perfectly matched by Sara Palacios' engaging acrylic illustrations.

The Storyteller's Candle/La velita de los cuentos

Lucia M. Gonzalez - 2008
    As Three Kings' Day approaches, Hildamar and Santiago mourn the loss of their sunny home and wonder about their future in their adopted city. But when a storyteller and librarian named Pura Belpré arrives in their classroom, the children begin to understand just what a library can mean to a community. In this fitting tribute to a remarkable woman, Lucía González and Lulu Delacre have captured the truly astounding effect that Belpré had on the city of New York.

Family Pictures / Cuadros de Familia

Carmen Lomas Garza - 1990
    Through warm, personal stories and vibrant paintings, young readers experience day-to-day life in a traditional Mexican-American community. 15 color illustrations. Size D. 32 pp.

The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred

Samantha R. Vamos - 2011
    Key English words change to Spanish as the cumulative verse builds. Includes a glossary and a recipe for arroz con leche.

Mango, Abuela, and Me

Meg Medina - 2015
    The night she arrives, Mia tries to share her favorite book with Abuela before they go to sleep and discovers that Abuela can’t read the words inside. So while they cook, Mia helps Abuela learn English ("Dough. Masa"), and Mia learns some Spanish too, but it’s still hard for Abuela to learn the words she needs to tell Mia all her stories. Then Mia sees a parrot in the pet-shop window and has the perfect idea for how to help them all communicate a little better. An endearing tale from an award-winning duo that speaks loud and clear about learning new things and the love that bonds family members.

Can I Touch Your Hair? Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship

Irene Latham - 2018
    . . and they're not sure they want to. Irene Latham, who is white, and Charles Waters, who is black, use this fictional setup to delve into different experiences of race in a relatable way, exploring such topics as hair, hobbies, and family dinners. Accompanied by artwork from acclaimed illustrators Sean Qualls and Selina Alko, this remarkable collaboration invites readers of all ages to join the dialogue by putting their own words to their experiences.

First Day in Grapes

L. King Pérez - 2002
    Every September they pick grapes and Chico starts at a new school again. Often other children pick on him--maybe because he is always new or maybe because he speaks Spanish sometimes. Chico's first day in third grade turns out to be different. His teacher likes him right away, and she and his classmates are quick to recognize his excellent math skills. He may even get to go to the math fair! When the fourth-grade bullies confront Chico in the lunchroom, he responds wisely with strengths of his own. Readers of all backgrounds will relate to Chico's bravery and the creative way he finds to resolve conflict. This story of personal triumph is a testament to the inner strength in all of us.

Gathering the Sun: An Alphabet in Spanish and English: Bilingual Spanish-English

Alma Flor Ada - 1997
    Simple poems in Spanish and English, one for each letter of the Spanish alphabet, describe the wonder of the vegetable and fruit farms. Together, the poems and the rich illustrations celebrate the glory of nature and the hearts of all who dedicate their lives to working the land.

Gracias / Thanks

Pat Mora - 2005
    A young multiracial boy celebrates family, friendship, and fun by telling about some of the everyday things for which he is thankful.

A Movie in My Pillow/Una pelicula en mi almohada

Jorge Argueta - 2001
    Young Jorgito has come to live in the Mission District of San Francisco, but he hasn't forgotten the unique beauty of El Salvador. Young Jorgito has come to live in the Mission District of San Francisco, but he hasn't forgotten the unique beauty of El Salvador.In his first collection of poems for children, poet Jorge Argueta evokes the wonder of his childhood in rural El Salvador, a touching relationship with a caring father, and his confusion and delight in his new urban home. We glimpse the richness of Jorgito's inner world and dreams-the movie in his pillow.Artist Elizabeth G�mez perfectly captures the indigenous beauty of El Salvador, the sadness of the war, and the joy of family reunion in San Francisco. Her paintings, with their brilliant colors and striking details, fill every page with authenticity and charm.

Dear Primo: A Letter to My Cousin

Duncan Tonatiuh - 2010
    Charlie takes the subway to school; Carlitos rides his bike. Charlie plays in fallen leaves; Carlitos plays among the local cacti. Dear Primo covers the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of two very different childhoods, while also emphasizing how alike Charlie and Carlitos are at heart. Spanish words are scattered among the English text, providing a wonderful way to introduce the language and culture of Mexico to young children. Inspired by the ancient art of the Mixtecs and other cultures of Mexico, Tonatiuh incorporates their stylized forms into his own artwork.F&P Level: MF&P Genre: RF

Fiesta Babies

Carmen Tafolla - 2010
    Join in the lastest fun from a Pura Belpré Honor-winning team.  These Fiesta Babies dance, march on parade, and sing along to mariachi songs in their spirited celebration of fiestas.  From piñatas to flower coronas, little ones are introduced to the many coloful aspects of an important and lively Latino cultural tradition.

Green Is a Chile Pepper: A Book of Colors

Roseanne Thong - 2014
    Children discover all the bright colors in their Hispanic American neighborhood.

Yo Soy Muslim: A Father's Letter to His Daughter

Mark Gonzales - 2017
    A child of crescent moons, a builder of mosques, a descendant of brilliance, an ancestor in training. Written as a letter from a father to his daughter, Yo Soy Muslim is a celebration of social harmony and multicultural identities. The vivid and elegant verse, accompanied by magical and vibrant illustrations, highlights the diversity of the Muslim community as well as Indigenous identity. A literary journey of discovery and wonder, Yo Soy Muslim is sure to inspire adults and children alike.