Book picks similar to
Kylee by K.B. Miller


Get Off My Lawn

Perry Kivolowitz - 2013
    Together they fight to survive the apocalypse with a unique technologist's perspective. Zombies are massing in hordes numbering in the millions. The Government has an agenda. Ruth Ann has stone cold hunter's skills and Doug has a data center. Containing a number of twists and observations possibly not seen in the genre before, Get Off My L@wn takes you through more than 40 days post breakout and tells a complete story.We all know that one zombie's bellowing will attract others. What happens when this process continues indefinitely? How can a military mount an effective defense of humanity without nuclear weapons? Would you have to sign a waiver of liability in order to receive help from the Government?Where's the best place to form a refugee camp to house hundreds of thousands? How do you keep those people happy? What will happen to the nature of Congress as a result of the Zombie Apocalypse?All these questions and much much more are answered in this thoughtful book.Thank you to the many hundreds who downloaded my book during its first free promotion. Please consider writing a review of this, my first effort.

Yesterday's Gone: Season One

Sean Platt - 2011
     They thought they were alone. They were wrong. On October 15th, humanity went missing. A handful of scattered survivors wake to find the world empty of friends, family, and neighbors. Among them, a child searches for his family. A special agent turned enemy of the state survives a fiery plane crash with no way to reach his daughter. A serial killer discovers he’s no longer at the top of the food chain. Now these strangers must find the strength inside them to weather the new world. But they are not alone. In the absence of civilization, a new threat emerges. In the stillness, it waits and watches, preying on their weakness. Their only hope is to find more survivors, rise above their fear, and face the oncoming darkness. But can they unite before they too are lost? And can they all be trusted? Season One of Yesterday’s Gone by Sean Platt and David W. Wright is a tense post-apocalyptic thriller that will leave you guessing to the end. Combining TV’s thrilling, episodic nature with the in-depth character only found in novels, Yesterday’s Gone is a new wave in fiction. If you like The Stand and LOST, you’ll love this series that combines tension, intrigue, and fear of the unknown. Get Yesterday’s Gone now and see who lives and who dies! (Warning: This book is intended for mature audiences and contains disturbing and potentially offensive material.)

The Zombies: Volume One

Macaulay C. Hunter - 2013
    . . until Sombra C.Schools are closed. Thousands of sick people are locked in confinement points to die. Vigilante soldiers are pacing the streets. A mutation of a common cold virus has resulted in the deadly Sombra C illness, which is spreading through the world like wildfire. Highly contagious, it transforms its victims in the weeks before death into violent, zombie-like creatures.Zaley Mattazollo and her friends are thrilled when the anti-viral medication Zyllevir is proven to freeze the infection in its tracks. Finally their lives can go back to normal . . . except they don’t. Riots and bombings and assassinations, zombies and Shepherd soldiers running loose: the civil unrest stirred up by Sombra C unravels their world more and more by the day. And then an attack upon their holiday party changes their lives forever.

Thicker Than Blood

Madeline Sheehan - 2015
    Leisel and Evelyn lost everything. Husbands. Families. Friends. Lives that made sense. All they had left was each other, and a friendship that could withstand anything…Even an apocalypse.Until one fateful night, the marginal safety they’d come to rely on comes to a vicious and brutal end. With the help of Alex & Jami, both unlikely allies, Leisel and Evelyn are able to escape their shattered sanctuary only to find themselves face-to-face with a much altered, much crueler life where they have to find the way—and the will—to stay alive in a world they no longer recognize.Traveling across a broken and infection-ridden country; the road-weary group are pitted against endless violence, improbable circumstances, and the ultimate loss.Everything comes at a price—especially safety, the cost of which could very well strip them of the one thing they’ve tried so hard to cling to: their humanity.Yet along with all the trials they’re forced to endure, there’s also hope in the form of love. Having loved Leisel from afar, Alex attempts to put the pieces of her fractured heart back together.But in such a savage world, is there room for love?In a place of nightmares-made-reality, where the living should be feared far more than the dead, an unbreakable friendship and a love amongst all odds can mean the difference between life and death.There are friends…And then there are Leisel and Evelyn.


Jeff Olah - 2014
    What would YOU do... How would YOU react? Welcome to "ORIGINS", Prequel to the Best Selling Post-Apocalyptic Series, "The Dead Years". It showcases three of the main characters in the early morning hours of the catastrophic infection.We follow Randy as he attempts to escape the city and return to the one place he knows will provide safety.Family members are not always who they portray themselves to be... Savannah finds out that this is the case in the most horrendous turn of events she could possibly imagine.William leaves the safety of his home on a mission that appears doomed from the start.Stay with the trio as the make there way through the hell that has fallen on every corner of earth, only to find that the infected are the least of their worries.This is ORIGINS... The world at the brink of extinction. Scroll up and Grab a Copy Today!

The Dead Next Door

T.W. Smith - 2020
    His lakeside neighborhood has become a cemetery, the houses now tombstones.THE DEAD ARE RISINGOut of the shadows, they creep… the streets, the woods, the lake… Will defends his home, his dogs, his sanctuary—but for how long?THEIR NUMBERS ARE INCREASINGHe must choose—complacency or the unknown… making irrevocable decisions that will lead to escape or demise… Will must overcome the odds and break the confines of…THE DEAD NEXT DOOR

Dusty's Diary: One Frustrated Man's Zombie Apocalypse Story

Bobby Adair - 2015
    I watched all those movies. I read all those books. In most of those, the hero of the story kills all the zombies, drives a sweet car, has plenty to eat, and always seems to get laid by the end. Yeah. Whatever.I gotta be straight with you about why I wrote this journal and it comes down to one thing, the apocalypse kinda sucks. It doesn’t meet my expectations at all. And I honestly have to tell you, I was looking forward to it. I mean, I really was. It’s not that I don’t like people. I do. But holy crap, I was so tired of all the crap I had to put up with back in the old days, paying a mortgage, high interest rates on my credit cards, high cholesterol, thinning hair and a thickening midsection. I was tired of dealing with jerk-off drivers during rush hour and I was tired of my ex wife yammering at me on the phone until my brain turned to jelly. I was tired of things always getting more expensive and my paycheck always staying the same. I guess from back in all of that, a zombie apocalypse looked like a pretty good future to me.Well, here’s my story. Read it. Let me know what you think.

The Infection

Craig DiLouie - 2011
    Three days later, its victims awake with a single purpose: spread the Infection. As the world lurches toward the apocalypse, some of the Infected continue to change, transforming into horrific monsters.In one American city, a small group struggles to survive. Sarge, a tank commander hardened by years of fighting in Afghanistan. Wendy, a cop still fighting for law and order in a lawless land. Ethan, a teacher searching for his lost family. Todd, a high school student who sees second chances in the end of the world. Paul, a minister who wonders why God has forsaken his children. And Anne, their mysterious leader, who holds an almost fanatical hatred for the Infected. Together, they fight their way to a massive refugee camp where thousands have made a stand. There, what's left of the government will ask them to accept a mission that will determine the survival of them all—a dangerous journey back onto the open road and into the very heart of Infection.

The Long Night Box Set: The Complete The Long Night Series - Books 1-6

Kevin Partner - 2019
     Modern technology designed to heal has been sabotaged, leaving hundreds of millions dead. For the survivors, each day brings new horrors as the world descends into madness, all while powerful forces seek to take advantage of the turmoil. One man will stand apart in the chaos, seeking to reunite with his family as he becomes embroiled in a desperate attempt to save those few who survived The Long Night. From #1 best-selling post-apocalyptic author Mike Kraus comes a brand new, never before seen take on the end of the world, ripped straight from the headlines. When the leader of the largest healthcare company in the world drops dead on national television, over ninety percent of the civilized world follow in his wake. Health tracking implants called BonesWare were supposed to predict disease, prolong life and lead to a healthier, more robust society. Until they didn't. Now, for the few who remain alive, the question of their continued survival rests on the shoulders of one unlikely man. Solly Masters is having a rough night. He lost his job, his marriage is on the rocks and his wife and son are halfway across the United States on the eve of the holiday season. After witnessing The Long Night, when nearly every living soul around him drops dead at the same moment, his fleeting troubles suddenly become unimportant and one goal coalesces in his mind: get to his family, no matter the cost. Raw survival turns into something more when he comes across a man who claims to know what happened - and predicts that the rest of the survivors will soon follow in the footsteps of those who already died. Thrust into a pit of intrigue, corporate sabotage and greed, Solly must weigh his responsibility to his family with the knowledge that he just might be the key to preventing The Long Night from leading to the extinction of the human race. The Long Night is a collaborative work between Kevin Partner and Mike Kraus. A unique take on the apocalypse and on the post-apocalyptic genre, The Long Night box set is the complete post-apocalyptic series in one convenient box set.


Scott Sigler - 2008
    Working under the government’s shroud of secrecy, CIA operative Dew Phillips crisscrosses the country trying in vain to capture a live victim. With only decomposing corpses for clues, CDC epidemiologist Margaret Montoya races to analyze the science behind this deadly contagion. She discovers that these killers all have one thing in common – they’ve been contaminated by a bioengineered parasite, shaped by a complexity far beyond the limits of known science.Meanwhile Perry Dawsey – a hulking former football star now resigned to life as a cubicle-bound desk jockey – awakens one morning to find several mysterious welts growing on his body. Soon Perry finds himself acting and thinking strangely, hearing voices . . . he is infected. The fate of the human race may well depend on the bloody war Perry must wage with his own body, because the parasites want something from him, something that goes beyond mere murder.

The Unwashed Dead

Ian Woodhead - 2011
    The dead suddenly are not quite as dead as they should be......A mysterious government body has decided to use the estate as an experiment. Things are out of control & now they need to eradicate all knowledge & existence of the estateBut what happens when a small group of survivors band together? Will they survive the apocalypse & triumph over the undead?

Quick Killer and the Iceman

James N. Cook - 2019
    But at the end of the world, danger is never far away. When a young woman is kidnapped, and the local authorities are powerless to help, Eric and his stalwart friend Lincoln Great Hawk embark on a rescue mission. But the kidnappers, a band of ruthless savages, will stop at nothing to get what they want. To succeed, Eric and Lincoln will need to enlist help from an unlikely ally. And while the fate of the hostage is unclear, one thing is certain. Blood will be shed. Don’t miss this exciting new short story set in the Surviving the Dead universe!

After the End

Bonnie Dee - 2010
    Zombies are on the loose and the world is falling apart. In the tradition of apocalyptic novels such as Stephen King’s THE STAND, a group of strangers on a Manhattan subway are brought together in the name of survival. The group follows the lead of Ari Brenner, a young man who doesn’t recognize his own leadership qualities and believes they follow him simply because he wears an army uniform. Lila Teske, a college student studying philosophy, finds her non-violent beliefs tested in the crucible of a zombie attack. There are other members of the diverse group, but the focus of the story is on Ari and Lila, two young people who learn about sacrifice and inner strength through the ordeal. With the city’s infrastructure down and communication with the outside world curtailed the survivors head toward the nearest marina. When they meet a lab tech who may have a solution to the virus, they know his safety is paramount and it’s more important than ever that they get off the island. But zombies aren’t the only danger that impedes them on their perilous journey.Be sure to check out the exciting sequel, Dead Country, about a new set of characters surviving zombies in the Midwest plains.

The Last

Michael John Grist - 2015
    1 man.When the zombie apocalypse hits America, not a soul is left alive.Except Amo. He's a comic book artist. He's a video game world builder. He's just a regular guy living in New York city, with only his wits, creativity and basic decency to guide him.He's alone against 7 billion zombies.Will he survive?'Robinson Crusoe' meets the zombie apocalypse like you've never seen it before, packed with adventure, gore and a mind-blowing twist.

The Old Man and the End of the World: Book One: Things Fall Apart

William Harrison - 2021