Pushing the Limits: Life, Marathons & Kokoda

Kurt Fearnley - 2014
    'You're going to have to be stronger than we are,' they told him, 'and we know you will be.'The boy from Carcoar was raised to believe he could do anything. At fifteen, he won his first medal. Then he conquered the world, winning three Paralympic gold medals, seven world championships and more than 35 marathons. A world-beater in and out of his wheelchair, Kurt is a true Australian champion.Inspiring, exhilarating and highly entertaining, Pushing the Limits takes us inside the mind of a kid with a disability growing up in a tiny town, a teenager finding his place in the world, and an elite sportsman who refuses to give up, no matter how extreme the challenge.

Shadow People: How Meth-Driven Crime Is Eating at the Heart of Rural America

Scott Thomas Anderson - 2012
    He spent 18 months - between May of 2010 and October of 2011 - working as an embedded reporter with law enforcement agencies, partnering with officers on night patrols, accompanying detectives on warrant searches and probation sweeps, observing SWAT operations and spending hundreds of hours with attorneys and victims' advocates in small-town courtrooms. The result is "Shadow People," a stark and sometimes brutal exploration of America's modern methamphetamine crisis.

The Scientist and the Psychic: A Son's Exploration of His Mother's Gift

Christian Smith - 2020
    Before then, he'd witnessed seances at home and the kids at school sometimes teased him about his mom being a witch--so he sensed that his life wasn't typical. But it wasn't until he was backstage at Massey Hall in Toronto, watching from behind a curtain as Geraldine commanded an audience of 2,000 with her extrasensory readings, that he understood she was special. As Geraldine's only child, in subsequent years he would assume the role of the quiet observer while she guided a live CBC broadcast of a seance; made startling and consistently accurate predictions; and eventually offered her services to the parents of murder victims in LA. Over time, the high profile and emotionally depleting work affected Geraldine's health and relationships--addiction took over her life, and her son pulled away.Fast forward to the present day: Christian is a molecular biologist at a hospital in Toronto, and Geraldine is retired and in poor health. They are closer than they've ever been, and now he gives us the story of her undeniable perceptual abilities and pioneering work as a psychic--and endeavours to make scientific sense of it. Weaving together the strands of a complicated mother-son relationship with research into the paranormal, The Scientist and the Psychic is a fascinating, one-of-a-kind true story of belief, skepticism and familial love.

The Eagle and the Dragon: A Story of Strength and Reinvention

Chris Duffin - 2019
    The story of his unconventional life will take you from gripping tales of murder, trauma, heartbreak, and survival deep in the Pacific Northwest wilderness all the way to an idealization of the self-made man--still flawed, but never broken.
In The Eagle and the Dragon, you'll follow one man's journey into the darkness of his own heart and witness the transformation of alcoholism, pain, and defeat into vision, character, and victory. Through Chris's powerful self-realization, you'll see how the human spirit can be either shackled by circumstance or freed from it.Strength and Reinvention: the Eagle and the Dragon. Are you ready to walk through the fire and make your vision a reality?This book will show you how.

Operation Trojan Horse

John A. Keel - 1970
    Keel's brilliant ultraterrestrial hypothesis needs to be read...albeit, with the proverbial grain of salt. Shortly after the 1970 version of this book was published, Keel was not only "contacted" by the subjects of his research--they refused to leave him alone! As a result he was driven insane. This is most clearly evident in his later work, The Eighth Tower. A few of Keel's other works (This Haunted Planet & The Mothman Prophecies) are noteworthy, but not in the same class as OTH. The opinion of the ultraterrestrials regarding this book seems to have been, "He wrote WHAT? Oh, no--can't have that! Let's put him at the top of our list of folks who need to be f**ked with." The 1st edition almost didn't see print. A 2nd edition was never published until this revised edition came out in the late '90s. Meanwhile, between Keel stating things like, "God is insane, & an ancient computer keeps sending beams into my head!" (paraphrased from Eighth Tower), & allegations of ultraterrestrial Dopplegangers impersonating him across the land--well, let's say his credibility has suffered. Regardless of Keel's mental illness (from which he eventually seemed to recover), sloppy research & bizarre speculations; OTH stands out as perhaps the best thing ever written about multi-dimensional entities. He spends a lot of time discussing the nature of the electromagnetic spectrum & goes in depth regarding little known facts common to many witness accounts (things which were left out of official reports, as they contradicted the preconceptions of scientifically biased investigators). His investigation shows this sort of thing has been going on throughout recorded history. Starting with ancient mythology, progressing to folk legends, then delving into old reports of airships, ghost planes, foo fighters & modern black helicopters, he presents a convincing argument that these aren't the result of human conspirators, but rather a multidimensional intelligence which can assume any guise. Perhaps the most important point that Keel makes is that these intelligences aren't to be trusted. Indeed, he states that the many reports of aliens observed performing nonsensical actions (making repairs, collecting soil samples, performing medical examinations & delivering lectures about the dangers of atomic energy to inbred hillbillies) are nothing more than a charade intended to make us believe that they're something other than what they are. He believes the only reason for such a ruse would be hostile intent. He then expands this argument by referring to the hundreds of contactees, spirit mediums & New Age channellers who've been given a series of valid prophesies--which then compel them to either go on a wild goose chase, make public announcements of impending doom or form cults. But consider this...what if it isn't hostile intent at all? What if the ultraterrestrials are just kicking back, drinking some beers, & one of 'em goes, "Hey--you know what would REALLY mess with their minds?" Perhaps it is nothing more than a warped sense of humor!--Tyr Shadowblade (edited)

John Lennon, My Brother

Julia Baird - 1988

The Price Of Freedom (A Story Of Courage And Faith, In The Face Of Danger.)

Simon Ivascu - 2009

When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country

G. Gordon Liddy - 2002
    Gordon Liddy offers his unabashedly politically incorrect view on America.