Setting Boundaries with Difficult People

David J. Lieberman - 2010
    David J. Lieberman, introduces a wonderful right-to-the-point book that shows readers how to put an end to boundary issues once and for all!A work colleague with whom you have only a casual relationship asks you to co-sign a loan for him . . . your neighbor asks you to keep her antisocial, flea-riddled cat for the weekend — again. We've all faced sticky situations like these — unreasonable demands on our time and inappropriate requests from family, friends, co-workers or casual acquaintances. We want to say No. We have the right to say No — always. And yet we don't. Maybe you tell yourself that you don’t want to make waves or ruffle feathers, or that it’s simply not worth it; but part of you simmers with anger and frustration that you didn’t speak up and do something— anything.Isn't it ironic how a two-year-old can bark a resounding and guilt-free NO! without batting an eye, yet we grown-ups often find ourselves saying Yes when we mean to say No? Or we say "Let me think about it . . .” and agonize for weeks over how to say, inevitably, No. We've all had our share of freeloaders, mooches, encroachers, interlopers, high-maintenance acquaintances — many of whom are repeat offenders. We've all had to deal with people who ask for favors that are inappropriate or unreasonable because they exceed the boundaries of our relationship with them. And we think, Why doesn't he realize he's crossing the line? The answer is: Because he doesn't know where the line is, or he doesn't care. The problem, as you're about to learn, is leaky boundaries. Some people have such permeable, poorly-defined boundaries that they have no concept of where they end and you begin. Some people will take No for an answer and that's the end of it. But some people don't. What do you do when the person on the other end of your No flat out refuses to accept your No?You'll discover exactly what to say as well as learn the underlying psychology that motivates them to always ask, and you to always give in!

If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path

Charlotte Kasl - 1999
    Kasl brings a compassionate understanding to the anxiety and uneasiness of new love, and helps readers discover their potential for vibrant human connection based on awareness, kindness, and honesty. She approaches the dating process as a means for awakening, reminding us that when we live by spiritual rules, we bring curiosity and a light heart to the romantic journey. Filled with quotations from Zen, Sufi, and other wisdom traditions, and informed by the experiences of people from all walks of life, here is a relationship book that will appeal to readers looking for more than a Venus-meets-Mars solution to the complex affairs of the heart.

The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity

Esther Perel - 2017
    And yet, this extremely common human experience is so poorly understood. What are we to make of this time-honored taboo—universally forbidden yet universally practiced? Why do people cheat—even those in happy marriages? Why does an affair hurt so much? When we say infidelity, what exactly do we mean? Do our romantic expectations of marriage set us up for betrayal? Is there such a thing as an affair-proof marriage? Is it possible to love more than one person at once? Can an affair ever help a marriage? Perel weaves real-life case stories with incisive psychological and cultural analysis in this fast-paced and compelling book.For the past ten years, Perel has traveled the globe and worked with hundreds of couples who have grappled with infidelity. Betrayal hurts, she writes, but it can be healed. An affair can even be the doorway to a new marriage—with the same person. With the right approach, couples can grow and learn from these tumultuous experiences, together or apart.Affairs, she argues, have a lot to teach us about modern relationships—what we expect, what we think we want, and what we feel entitled to. They offer a unique window into our personal and cultural attitudes about love, lust, and commitment. Through examining illicit love from multiple angles, Perel invites readers into an honest, enlightened, and entertaining exploration of modern marriage in its many variations.Fiercely intelligent, The State of Affairs provides a daring framework for understanding the intricacies of love and desire. As Perel observes, “Love is messy; infidelity more so. But it is also a window, like no other, into the crevices of the human heart.”

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and Mars and Venus in the Bedroom

John Gray - 2009
    pibMen are from Mars, Women are from Venus/i/b pOnce upon a time Marians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, this phenomenal book has helped millions of men and women realize how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow. pbiMars and Venus in the Bedroom/i/b pMen and women have very different physical needs. But Dr. John Gray explains how both can make small but important adjustments in their attitudes, schedules, and techniques so that their partners are happy in the bedroomndash;and outside of it.

Charisma: How To Be Charismatic (Be More Charismatic, Charisma Skill Building, How To Win Friends)

Gary Marshall - 2014
    Regularly priced at $9.99. Do you want charisma superpowers? This book will change your life...if you let it! Have you ever met a really charismatic person? They just seem to have so much energy and life in them. They seem to have a light in their eyes that exudes warmth and friendliness. They seem to have the world at their feet and be surrounded by people that love and admire them. They seem to have the ability to achieve any goal they set themselves, and usually do. They live in the homes that other people admire, and go on the holidays that most people can only dream of. In general, life seems to move out of the way for them, and open all kinds of doors for them that don’t open for normal people. If there is one character trait a person can have, that can enhance their lives in a powerful and positive way, and literally sky rocket them to success, then this trait has to be charisma. Whichever way you look at it, being charismatic will change your life, no matter who you are right now! This book is going to take you by the hand and show you how to become one of the most charismatic people that has ever walked this planet. Are you ready to get started? Here's What You Will Learn From This Book... The Magic Of Charisma And How It Will Change Your Life Real Life Charisma Exercises At The End Of Each Chapter You Can Take Into The Real World What Is Charisma And How You Can Get It What Charisma Is NOT And How To Avoid These Things! The Simple Rules Of Charisma That Will Skyrocket Your Charisma Levels Instantly How To Make People Feel Incredible When They Are Around You How To Build Your Confidence So That You Can Easily Interact With Anyone How The Right Body Language Can Boost Your Charisma How Charisma Will Help You Achieve Any Goal You Set Yourself How To Shine The Spotlight On Others How To Increase Your Power So That People Respect And Admire You How To Influence People Positively How To Be Dynamic And Light Up The Room Hundreds Of Other Tips And Tricks How To Use This Book In The Real World To Develop Your Charisma Levels Charisma Is A Set Of Simple Rules That Anyone Can Learn Are you ready to take your life to the next level? The truth is that charisma is a set of simple rules that anyone can learn and master over time. All you need to do is learn these rules and then apply them to your life. In this book you will hold a manual that shows you how each of these rules work, and what you need to do to use them each and every day. Once you know and understand the rules of charisma, you simply have to practice them until they will become a part of who you are. Gradually you will find your charisma levels increasing so dramatically that the people in your life won't believe the incredible person you have transformed into. Charisma is not a magic gift that only the lucky few have. It is a skill anyone can learn and it will change your life for the better if you take the time to learn it. This book will change your life...if you let it. Make sure you download your copy today! Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $2.

Don't Believe the Swipe: Finding Love Without Losing Yourself

Mandy Hale - 2021
    Blogger, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author flips the script on modern dating, assuring you that you can date with dignity, refuse to let the swipe define your worth, and not settle for less than you deserve.

The Science of Love

John Baines - 1993
    Book by Baines, John

Modern Romance

Aziz Ansari - 2015
    We meet people, date, get into and out of relationships, all with the hope of finding someone with whom we share a deep connection. This seems standard now, but it’s wildly different from what people did even just decades ago. Single people today have more romantic options than at any point in human history. With technology, our abilities to connect with and sort through these options are staggering. So why are so many people frustrated?Some of our problems are unique to our time. “Why did this guy just text me an emoji of a pizza?” “Should I go out with this girl even though she listed Combos as one of her favorite snack foods? Combos?!” “My girlfriend just got a message from some dude named Nathan. Who’s Nathan? Did he just send her a photo of his penis? Should I check just to be sure?” But the transformation of our romantic lives can’t be explained by technology alone. In a short period of time, the whole culture of finding love has changed dramatically. A few decades ago, people would find a decent person who lived in their neighborhood. Their families would meet and, after deciding neither party seemed like a murderer, they would get married and soon have a kid, all by the time they were twenty-four. Today, people marry later than ever and spend years of their lives on a quest to find the perfect person, a soul mate.For years, Aziz Ansari has been aiming his comic insight at modern romance, but for Modern Romance, the book, he decided he needed to take things to another level. He teamed up with NYU sociologist Eric Klinenberg and designed a massive research project, including hundreds of interviews and focus groups conducted everywhere from Tokyo to Buenos Aires to Wichita. They analyzed behavioral data and surveys and created their own online research forum on Reddit, which drew thousands of messages. They enlisted the world’s leading social scientists, including Andrew Cherlin, Eli Finkel, Helen Fisher, Sheena Iyengar, Barry Schwartz, Sherry Turkle, and Robb Willer. The result is unlike any social science or humor book we’ve seen before.In Modern Romance, Ansari combines his irreverent humor with cutting-edge social science to give us an unforgettable tour of our new romantic world.

The Manual: A True Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date, and Mate- And What Women Can Do to Come Out on Top

Steve Santagati - 2007
    At the end of the day, the only person who can give you insight into man problems is--that's right--a man! But guys have hidden agendas. What guy would give up all his dating advantages by spilling the goods? Steve Santagati would. A self-confessed serial dater and Bad Boy, Steve is telling all for the benefit of womankind. Every guy is at least part Bad Boy, and in "The Manual," this prime specimen reveals what every woman needs to know to counter Bad Boy tactics, both amateur and professional. Steve is never condescending or callous, but honest, perceptive, and street-smart. His guidance is straightforward and his insights are dead-on, giving women tools they can immediately put to work. Discover what you may not want to know but need to know about: -The Heart of the Bad Boy (i.e., the nature of the beast)-The Male Mind: how he sees you and how you can make this worko your advantage -Guys on the Hunt: the male modus operandi, from the grocery store to Home Depot-When Boy Meets Girl: how to handle dating, from flirting to "sext" messaging to learning his weaknesses-Mating: so you've got him . . . should you keep him? Why learn from a Bad Boy instead of, say, a psychologist? Because there's no replacement for "in the field" experience. You'll benefit from (and laugh at) stories of real things Steve has done in relationships with women as well as of women turning the tables on him when he least expected it. The book also includes a question-and-answer section, in which Steve explores some of the toughest dating issues. To understand Steve is to understand the Bad Boy, and that will take you a long way in understanding all men. Find out how much more fun dating can be when you get the upper hand on Bad Boys . . . for good.

Texts So Good He Can't Ignore: Sassy Texting Secrets for Attracting High-Quality Men (and Keeping the One You Want)

Bruce Bryans - 2018
     Because guys covertly appraise a woman’s relationship potential this way, many women often have no idea that the way they communicate via text is actually sending the wrong message and thus, they unknowingly end up chasing men away. Discover the Secrets of Texting Men to Effortlessly Stand Out from EVERY Other Woman Men have their own unique way of interpreting a woman’s communication attempts. Therefore, although many women mean well, they often do things when texting men that sometimes makes them appear too easy, too needy, too bossy, or too boring...even if these things aren’t necessarily true about them. Texting is the one medium of communication in which a great guy can easily get the wrong idea about you. And as these wrong ideas pile up inside his mind, they usually coalesce into a single romance-killing thought: That he can do better than you. So, what’s a girl supposed to do then? Simple really. All she needs to do is understand exactly how men appraise female texting habits and how to use this knowledge to differentiate herself as being a high-value woman. Doing so will make it easy for her stand out from EVERY other woman who texts him. How to Use Texting to Tease, Flirt, and Entice Your Way into Becoming His TOP Priority If you want to arouse the kind of long-term desire in a man that makes him eager to pursue you for dates, romance, commitment, and more, you must take advantage of texting and use it to make subtle and seductive displays of your high-status, and thus, your high-value. Fortunately, this is exactly what you’re going to learn in, Texts So Good He Can’t Ignore! In this fun and insightful dating book, you’ll learn the texting habits of high-value women and gain access to a vast collection of irresistible, man-melting text messages that make men EAGER to text you back and desperate to see you again. And because this in-depth guide focuses on how men think (unlike most dating books for women), it will give you a distinct advantage over your peers when it comes to texting men. Here’s what you’re going to learn inside: Exactly what to text a guy when he’s stringing you along and only doing the BARE MINIMUM to keep you interested. How to use mischievous "Feisty Girl" texts to get a man to finally ask you out (or ask you out AGAIN), while making it seem like it was all HIS idea. What to do (and what NOT to do) if a guy suddenly stops texting you or starts responding to your texts less and less. How to get him to CALL YOU instead of texting all the time. What to text a man to "let him down easy" but KEEP him interested whenever he sends an inappropriate or overly sexual text. Exactly what to text a guy who keeps "coming BACK from the DEAD" and suddenly starts taking an interest in you again. (Hint: These cheeky little texts will ensure that he either takes you seriously this time or take a HIKE!) A simple method for starting conversations that IMMEDIATELY grabs his attention and makes him EAGER to text you back.

What Makes Love Last?: How to Build Trust and Avoid Betrayal

John M. Gottman - 2012
    A world-renowned relationship expert shares his research about love and what it takes to develop a trustful, intimate, and emotionally fulfilling bond.In this insightful book, celebrated research psychologist and couples counselor John Gottman plumbs the mysteries of love and shares the results of his famous “Love Lab”: Where does love come from? Why does some love last, and why does some fade? And how can we keep it alive? Based on laboratory findings, this book shows readers how to identify signs, behaviors, and attitudes that indicate a fraying relationship and provides strategies for repairing what may seem lost or broken.

How to Date Men When You Hate Men

Blythe Roberson - 2019
    You'll have a blast reading this and then date...or not date anyone because you are living your best single life with new best friend Roberson by your side." - Phoebe Robinson, New York Times bestselling author of You Can't Touch My Hair

The Maxims of Manhood: 100 Rules Every Real Man Must Live By

Jeff Wilser - 2009
    Tip well. Never use the word "blossom." Outperform the GPS. Know how to chug a beer (and know that you shouldn't). Always hold the door. Never use emoticons.These are The Maxims of Manhood. They cover every aspect of life: women, sports, sex, the office, family, entertainment, fashion, fitness, and more women. Some of these you'd expect. Some you wouldn't, as they usher in amodern code of masculinity (Your favorite book may not be The Da Vinci Code). In a series of 100 essays, the rules are analyzed, explained, vigorously defended and openly mocked. Every rule has an authorized exception. Except the ones that don't.This book might not be for you. It's only intended for people who fall into one of these seven buckets: 1) you are a man; 2) you will become a man; 3) you were once a man; 4) you are related to a man; 5) you are dating or have married a man; 6) you think that in the future, perhaps, you will date or marry a man; 7) you know, or think that at some point you will know—whether casually or formally—a man.

Real Men Don't Text: A New Approach to Dating

Ruthie Dean - 2013
    Mixed Signals. Dead-End Relationships. This doesn’t have to be your love life!Welcome to dating in the digital world—where phone conversations followed by dinner and a movie have been replaced by last-minute texts, ambiguous relationships, and vague group hangouts. While technology makes it faster and easier to connect than ever before, it has also created confusion . . . and heartbreak. Ruthie and Michael Dean have heard the same story from thousands of women: the disappearing men, the cryptic messages, the disappointing relationships, and the false intimacy of on-screen connection. In a no-holds-barred narrative style, the husband-and-wife team chronicles their dating mishaps, hilarious attempts to find love, and many mistakes—helping women understand just what men are thinking and how to attract Mr. Right. Real Men Don’t Text offers game-changing perspectives, bringing a fresh approach to love, sex, and dating. You don’t need to spend one more night staring at a phone screen. It’s time to take back your love life!

Master Your Mind: The More You Think, The Easier It Gets

D.E. Boyer - 2016
    D.E. Boyer takes us on a fascinating journey from the depths of despair to an amazing quantum world where anything is possible. First, we will learn how to defend ourselves against the chaos in our minds, then we will learn how to rekindle the magic in our hearts. Along the way, the wisdom of Socrates and the myth of Narcissus will transform the way we think and feel. Boyer then shows us how the military teaches their Navy Seal recruits how to handle their thoughts and feelings when someone is trying to kill them, so we can better handle our bosses, spouses, and children when it feels like they are trying to kill us. We will also get a glimpse of death through the eyes of someone who sees people die every day, giving us a much greater appreciation for life. With extremely amusing stories from her own life that touch on her dysfunctional upbringing and traumatizing career as an intensive care nurse, Boyer teaches us how to control our anxiety, boost our fragile self-esteem, and get into a state of flow so that we can spend most of our time loving life, rather than dreading it. She also gives us crucial health and nutrition tips so that we can live longer with our newfound peace and joy, and she shows us how to be more successful at life by being a better friend, spouse, and parent. With every step we take on this path, we'll find ourselves flirting with the hidden power of the mind, a power that often lies just beyond most people's reach. Only by mastering the basics of thinking and feeling can we gain access to this power. Once the door is unlocked, we will enter another dimension, a quantum world where time is irrelevant and the magic of our mind is waiting to be found.