Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life

Thomas Moore - 1988
    Promising to deepen and broaden the reader's perspective on his or her own life experiences, Moore draws on his own life as a therapist practicing "care of the soul," as well as his studies of the world's religions and his work in music and art, to create this inspirational guide that examines the connections between spirituality and the problems of individuals and society.

Mindfulness, Meditation and Mind Fitness

Joel Levey - 1999
    Given how many people needlessly suffer from overwhelm, exhaustion, and preventable stress-related illness, the Leveys’ wisdom is needed now more than ever! This book is an inspiration for complete beginners, long-time meditators, and everyone in between, who seek to deepen and expand their practice.Dr. Joel and Michelle Levey were among the very first to bring mindfulness and mind-fitness teachings to mainstream organizations beginning in the 1970s. They have taught tens of thousands of people in hundreds of leading corporations, medical centers, universities, sports, government, and military arenas – including Google, NASA, World Bank, Intel, M.I.T., Stanford, and World Business Academy. They are the founders of Wisdom at Work ( published in hardcover as Simple Meditation and Relaxation (Conari Press, 1999) and in paperback as Luminous Mind (Conari Press, 2006), this book has been endorsed by a who's who of experts on mindfulness, relaxation, stress reduction, and healing, including Jon Kabat-Zinn, Daniel Goleman, Joan Borysenko, Larry Dossey, M.D., Ram Dass, and many more.

Lucid Dreamer: A Waking Guide for the Traveler Between Worlds

Malcolm Godwin - 1994
    Using recent research, detailed techniques and exercises from each tradition, the author provides an analysis of the nature of dreaming versus waking.

The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA

Richard Rudd - 2011
    This is a highly ambitious and sophisticated system for shaping one's destiny. Based around 64 archetypes, it resembles the I Ching in its vast scope and profound importance, and in the resonant character of its symbolism. The author shows how there are two ways to approach the Gene Keys - the analogue (holistic) way and the digital (detailed) way. It is the combining of both analogue and digital that results in contemplation - the primary pathway into the Gene Keys. Since our beliefs shape our genes, when we change our beliefs, we change the chemistry of our body. The Gene Keys are an inner language whose central purpose is to transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto a new level of awareness. The book works alongside state-of-the-art online profiling software.This software will provide instantaneous free profiles known as 'Hologenetic Profiles', which uses astrological data (time, date and place of birth) to generate a unique sequence of Gene Keys that relate to many aspects of your life, including the underlying genetic patterns governing your relationships, your finances, your health and your life purpose. As the reader contemplates the 64 Gene Keys over time and applies their insights in his or her own life, so one's belief system will begin to change and our DNA will actually start to transform the way we think and feel.

Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements

Thomas Yuschak - 2006
    Lucid, dream, dreaming, OBE, astral, dreams, psychic, OBEs, LD, LDS

The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality

Dalai Lama XIV - 2005
    Their insights shook our perception of who we are and where we stand in the world, and in their wake have left an uneasy coexistence: science vs. religion, faith vs. empirical inquiry. Which is the keeper of truth? Which is the true path to understanding reality?After forty years of study with some of the greatest scientific minds, as well as a lifetime of meditative, spiritual, and philosophic study, the Dalai Lama presents a brilliant analysis of why all avenues of inquiry—scientific as well as spiritual—must be pursued in order to arrive at a complete picture of the truth. Through an examination of Darwinism and karma, quantum mechanics and philosophical insight into the nature of reality, neurobiology and the study of consciousness, the Dalai Lama draws significant parallels between contemplative and scientific examinations of reality.This breathtakingly personal examination is a tribute to the Dalai Lama’s teachers—both of science and spirituality. The legacy of this book is a vision of the world in which our different approaches to understanding ourselves, our universe, and one another can be brought together in the service of humanity.

How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation

Rudolf Steiner - 1904
    Practical exercises in inner and outer observation and moral development are described.By patiently and persistently following these suggestions, new "organs" of soul and spirit begin to form, revealing the contours of higher worlds that had been concealed from us. Here, Rudolf Steiner is available as teacher, counselor, and friend. His advice is practical, clear, and powerful.

Animal Spirit Guides: An Easy-to-Use Handbook for Identifying and Understanding Your Power Animals and Animal Spirit Helpers

Steven D. Farmer - 2006
    In Animal Spirit Guides, Dr. Farmer provides concise, relevant details about the significance of more than 200 animals that may come to you in physical or symbolic form as guides and teachers. With each animal listed, you’ll find general meanings of the visitation; practical ways that they can help you as spirit guides; and how, as your power animal, they reflect characteristics that you possess. You’ll also find a “whom-to-call-on” section that will tell you which animal spirit guide to call on for any specific purpose.

Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

Alberto Villoldo - 2000
    In Shaman, Healer, Sage, he draws on his vast body of knowledge to create a practical and revolutionary program based on the traditional healing methods used by these shamans -- methods that, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world.Villoldo explains that central to shamanic healing is the concept of the Luminous Energy Field that is believed to surround our material bodies. His book teaches us to see and influence the imprints that disease leaves on this field and thereby to heal ourselves and others, as well as prevent illness.Villoldo weaves wonderful teaching stories throughout about the healing power of the energy medicine of the Americas. In one story, Villoldo comes down with pneumonia while in Peru. When antibiotics fail to control the infection, his mentor, the shaman Don Antonio, uses the process of Illumination to remove the toxins that had invaded Villoldo's body. These same shamanic techniques later allowed Villoldo to remove stagnant energy from a young woman whose marriage was suffering due to her past experience with abandonment. With the aid of shamanic work, the woman regained her trust in others, and her marriage was revitalized.This book is rich with ancient wisdom and contemporary techniques we can use to help ourselves and others, as well as with the more advanced methods of master shamans, which are being brought to a wide audience for the first time.

The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You

David Wilcock - 2012
    In his new audiobook, The Synchronicity Key, David Wilcock embarks on an astonishing investigation into what lies beyond this new understanding of how our universe works—finding proof that everything in our lives is not only connected, but it also all influences everything else.Using history, astrology, and synchronicity theory as well as concepts such as fractals, spiritual geometry, quantum physics, and other new research, Wilcock shows that there is a hidden architecture within time, guiding individuals and nations through a system of enlightenment Joseph Campbell called the Hero’s Journey. Historical events occur in shockingly precise, repeating cycles of time as a result. Once we understand and identify the hidden laws governing the fates of individuals and nations through seemingly random “synchronicity,” we are left with a remarkable blueprint of how best to lead our lives in this uncertain and confusing world.

The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide

James Redfield - 1995
    A companion to The Celestine Prophecy helps readers expand knowledge from the nine Insights, offers explanations and exercises for further revelations, and fosters personal growth by putting readers in touch with evidence from their own experience.

Head Trip

Jeff Warren - 2007
    Jacobs's The Know-It-All in this entertaining field guide to the varying levels of mental awareness. Beginning with the mild hallucinogenic state that comes just before true sleep, he tries to hone his skills at lucid dreaming, subjects himself to hypnosis and joins a Buddhist meditation retreat, among other adventures. Along the way, he begins to realize that dreaming and waking are equivalent states, and that we can learn how to induce the subtle gradations of consciousness within ourselves. This could come off as New Age psychobabble, but Warren is well versed in the scientific literature, and he provides detailed accounts of his own research. (During one three-week period, for example, he goes to bed at sundown to recreate a period of wakefulness before returning to sleep that used to be common before electric light reconfigured our sleep schedules.) His self-mocking attitude toward his inability to achieve instant nirvana, along with a steady stream of cartoon illustrations, ensures that his ideas remain accessible. More important than the theories, though, may be the basic tools—and the visionary spirit—that Warren hands off to those interested in hacking their own minds.

Eliminating Stress, Finding Inner Peace

Brian L. Weiss - 2003
    Stress kills, there’s no doubt. Stress eats away at our happiness and joy, as well as our stomach lining. Stress raises blood pressure and directly harms our cardiovascular system. Stress depresses our immune system and allows chronic illnesses to overwhelm us, causing pain, disability, and even death. Basically, stress robs us of happiness and joy. Stress is a mental state that can cause severe negative emotional and physical consequences. It can be entirely eliminated, or at least greatly lessened, by adjusting our understanding and attitudes, and by learning simple yet pervasive mental and bodily relaxation. This book and its accompanying stress-reduction CD will help you deeply relax. It will enable you to release the acute and chronic stress we constantly carry in our bodies and our minds. It can help you remove the blocks and obstacles to your inner peace and joy, and prevent and heal stress-related illness and disease. To heal yourself in this manner is a profoundly loving act. It is an act of self-love, because you are taking the time and expending the energy to heal yourself physically and emotionally, and to bring more happiness into your life. Regular practice with the CD will produce deep, long-lasting results.

The Five Levels of Attachment: Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World

Miguel Ruiz Jr. - 2001
    invites us to gauge how attached we are to our own point of view. In The Five Levels of Attachment, he will help you gain awareness of the agreements you have been implicitly making all these years that shape your reality and affect your future and show you how to release the attachments which no longer reflect who you really are.This method is twenty years in the making. When don Miguel Ruiz Jr. began his apprenticeship into his family’s Toltec tradition, he was just fourteen years old. His first task was translating his grandmother’s talks from Spanish into English. One day, as he struggled to keep up with her, she asked him: Are you using knowledge, or is knowledge using you?Finding the answer to this question would shape the destiny of his life. In this groundbreaking work, Ruiz explains each of the Five Levels of Attachment in detail and shows that as our level of attachment to a belief or idea increases, “who we are” becomes directly linked to “what we know.”Our attachment to beliefs—our own and the beliefs of others—manifests as a mask we don’t realize we can take off. But with don Miguel Ruiz’s help, and some Toltec wisdom along the way, we can return to our True, Authentic Selves, unhindered by judgment and free to pursue our true life’s calling.

Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill

Matthieu Ricard - 2003
    Wealth? Fitness? Career success? How can we possibly place these above true and lasting well-being? Drawing from works of fiction and poetry, Western philosophy, Buddhist beliefs, scientific research, and personal experience, Ricard weaves an inspirational and forward-looking account of how we can begin to rethink our realities in a fast-moving modern world. With its revelatory lessons and exercises, Happiness is an eloquent and stimulating guide to a happier life.