How to Instantly Connect with Anyone: 96 All-New Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships

Leil Lowndes - 2009
    It has been praised as the 21st century version of "How to Win Friends and Influence People," and was nominated one of the five best books in psychology by "Books for a Better Life!"The author introduces the psychologically sound concept, "Emotional Prediction" or E.P. which you can employ with everyone. Here are the ten sections of the book:7 Little Tricks to Make a Great Impression Before People Even Meet You11 Little Tricks to Take the "Hell" Out of "Hello," and Put the "Good" in "Good-bye"12 Little Tricks to Develop an Extraordinary Gift of Gab10 Little Tricks to Actually Enjoy Parties5 Little Tricks to Handle the Good, the Bad, and the Bummers12 Little Tricks to Avoid the 13 Most Common Dumb Things You Should NEVER Say or Do13 Little Tricks to be a Cool Communicator11 Little Tricks to Give Your E-Mail Today's Personality and Tomorrow's Professionalism10 Little Tricks to Make an Impression on your Cell (A.K.A. "Phone")5 Little Tricks to Deepen the Relationships You Already Have

The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction

Erik Von Markovik - 2010
    Unfortunately, while it’s no secret that Mystery’s ideas are wildly effective, women have started to catch on. They’ve seen the show and heard the routines—so now it’s time for the next level of game! With techniques honed over fifteen years of trial, error, and ultimate triumph, and following his hit VH1 reality series, the celebrated sensei is back with his latest living-large exploits and a new and improved playbook for the twenty-first-century playboy.As the book begins, Mystery and his crew have withdrawn to their swank Miami mansion to plot their next move. When a new student comes to stay at the house, Mystery draws him deep into the pickup-artist lifestyle and shows him an intimate portrait of the master of seduction. Mystery lays out a complete system of game, and unveils his latest (and fully field-tested) strategies and techniques. The Pickup Artist includes• a list of all the triggers that create—and destroy—attraction• a new way to approach strangers and start a conversation: microcalibrated openers• Mystery’s most powerful humor technique, the Absurd—so you’ll never run out of things to say again• a full chapter on physical escalation (touching, kissing, “making a move”)• the solution to inner-game issues, for when you’re not confident enough • and much, much more Whether he’s holding court with eager disciples in South Beach, hanging out with his crew of fellow super-seducers in Las Vegas, or partying it up in the Hollywood Hills, Mystery is never far from where the action is—and never fails to get a piece of it. Now it’s your turn. Read The Pickup Artist and get into the game.

As You Are: Ignite Your Charisma, Reclaim Your Confidence, Unleash Your Masculinity

Nick Sparks - 2015
    Around the women who intimidate you most you struggle to think of what to say, sabotage yourself in ways you don't fully understand, and feel confused about when and how to express your sexuality. You worry that you'll have to settle for someone who you're not all that excited to be with (if you're lucky enough to find anyone) and/or face a messy divorce when it inevitably doesn't work out. That's why I wrote this book. I've coached men on improving their social and dating lives for over a decade, charging thousands of dollars for a weekend program, appearing on national news outlets, and amassing millions of views on youtube. I have a success rate with my clients that puts the rest of the industry to shame, and this book represents the very best of what I teach. I want to make this knowledge available now because I know what it's like to feel as though you'll have to settle for whatever comes along... like the women you really want to be with are speaking a different language. I wrote this book because I wish I had it back in middle school. This isn't a collection of pickup lines or tricks. Let's face it - if those worked, you wouldn't be reading this right now. Simply put, this book teaches you to be that person you are when you're "in the zone" all the time. It's about stripping away all the things that are keeping you from being naturally attractive. You've always known that, "just be yourself," was good advice, otherwise it wouldn't be repeated so often. This is the book that finally explains how to do it. In this book you're going to learn: - How to eliminate "rejection" - Why the words you say don't really matter - The action to take that will always get you "in the zone" - How to identify the women that really want you to approach them - Understanding what flirting means, and how to become a master at it - What to text if she doesn't respond - How to know exactly when she wants you to make the move - What to say to start a conversation in any situation - How to make conversations with people who intimidate you flow as smoothly as chats with your best friends - How to get her to contribute equally to the conversation so you don't do most of the talking and run out of things to say - How to easily overcome awkward silences - The secret to being funny - How to move an interaction forward sexually without ever worrying about being called "inappropriate" or "creepy" - How to get a phone number that turns into a date 90% of the time - How to ensure your dates are charged with sexual tension rather than ending in an awkward kiss attempt - The way sexual attraction actually works, and why the lessons you've learned your entire life are wrong - How to turn a friendship into something more - How to build a social circle so you'll always have a "wingman" or someone to hang out with - How to always look great, even if you're shopping on a budget - How to scream confidence with your body language instead of insecurity - The difference between "He was ok" and "He's awesome" - How to develop yourself into the man who naturally attracts the woman (or women) you really want Don't expect anything overly-complicated.

The Message Game: A Guide To Dating At The Touch Of A Button

Ice White - 2020
    It's not just a dating guide for men to get dates quickly and efficiently through dating apps like Tinder, or social media. It's about becoming a good communicator, knowing how to lead conversations and being able to set up genuinely fun activities that maximize your sexual results and relationships. With hundreds of analyzed screenshots collected from dedicated Message Game followers and Ice White himself, this is a visual guide with real stories of sex and adventures, and real conversations that have provided an understanding of successes and failures. All the learning has been done for you and compiled into a structured guide that can answer all your possible questions. From maximizing how many contacts and phone numbers you get to setting up dates quickly, from getting dates to getting laid, and from logistics to escalation. The book also features special sections that are especially useful, such as:The Situation Index - A table of common situations with references to every single page that has explained or showed the given situation. She isn't responding? She doesn't want anything serious? She says she is busy? She is only visiting your town or city? She thinks you just want sex? Whatever it is, we have the pages. Frequently Asked Questions - A summary of many common questions, such as how long you should wait to reply, how iften you should message someone, if you should use Tinder superlikes, if you should swipe a certain way on Tinder, and SO MUCH MORE. Without hesitation, this book is your own personal guide to getting the dates you want as frequently as possible.

Attraction isn't a choice

David DeAngelo - 2011

The Art of Seduction

Robert Greene - 2001
    Now Greene has once again mined history and literature to distill the essence of seduction, the most highly refined mode of influence, the ultimate power trip. The Art of Seduction is a masterful synthesis of the work of thinkers such as Freud, Ovid, Kierkegaard, and Einstein, as well as the achievements of the greatest seducers throughout history. From Cleopatra to John F. Kennedy, from Andy Warhol to Josephine Bonaparte, The Art of Seduction gets to the heart of the character of the seducer and his or her tactics, triumphs and failures. The seducer's many faces include: the Siren, the Rake, the Ideal Lover, the Dandy, the Natural, the Coquette, the Charmer, and the Charismatic. Twenty-four maneuvers will guide readers through the seduction process, providing cunning, amoral instructions for and analysis of this fascinating, all-pervasive form of power. Just as beautifully packaged and every bit as essential as The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction is an indispensable primer of persuasion and offers the best lessons on how to take what you want from whomever you want or how to prevent yourself from being taken.

The Unchained Man - The Alpha Male 2.0

Caleb Jones - 2014

Open Her: Activate 7 Masculine Powers to Arouse Your Woman's Love & Desire

Karen Brody - 2014
    Each archetype brings a power and a gift, a secret key to his woman’s love and desire. Open Her will inspire a man to love his masculinity and to know the power it holds to open a woman to ever deepening states of pleasure and love.

Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man

Steve Harvey - 2010
    In his new book he zeros in on what motivates men and provides tips on how women can use that knowledge to get more of what they need out of their relationships, whether it's more help around the house, more of the right kind of attention in the bedroom, more money in the joint bank account, or more truth when it comes to the hard questions, such as: Are you committed to building a future together? Does my success intimidate you? Have you cheated on me? In Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man, Steve Harvey shares information on: How to Get the Truth Out of Your Man Tired of answers that are deceptive? Harvey lays out a three-tier, CIA-style of questioning that will leave your man no choice but to cut to the chase and deliver the truth. Dating Tips, Decade by Decade Whether you're in your twenties and just starting to date seriously, in your thirties and feeling the tick of the biological clock, or in your forties and beyond, Steve provides insight into what a man, in each decade of his life, is looking for in a mate. How to Minimize Nagging and Maximize Harmony at Home He said he'd cut the lawn on Saturday, and you may have been within reason to think that that meant Saturday before ten in the evening, but exploding at him is only going to ruin the mood for everyone, which means no romance. Steve shows you how to talk to your man in a way that moves him to action and keeps the peace. And there's much more, including Steve's candid answers to questions you've always wanted to ask men. Drawing on a lifetime of experience and the feedback women have shared with him in reaction to Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Harvey offers wisdom on a wealth of topics relevant to both sexes today. He also gets more personal, sharing anecdotes from his own family history. Always direct, often funny, and incredibly perceptive, media personality, comedian, philanthropist, and (finally) happily married husband, Steve Harvey proves once again that he is the king of relationships.

People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts

Robert Bolton - 1979
    Maybe you listen to an argument in which neither party seems to hear the other. Or maybe your mind drifts to other matters when people talk to you. People Skills is a communication skills handbook that can help you eliminate these and other communication problems. Author Robert Bolton describes the twelve most common communication barriers, showing how these “roadblocks” damage relationships by increasing defensiveness, aggressiveness, or dependency. He explains how to acquire the ability to listen, assert yourself, resolve conflicts, and work out problems with others. These are skills that will help you communicate calmly, even in stressful emotionally charged situations. People Skills will show you: · How to get your needs met using simple assertion techniques · How body language often speaks louder than words · How to use silence as a valuable communication tool · How to de-escalate family disputes, lovers' quarrels, and other heated arguments Both thought-provoking and practical, People Skills is filled with workable ideas that you can use to improve your communication in meaningful ways, every day.

Practical Female Psychology: For the Practical Man

Joseph South - 2015
    Despite vast gains in the welfare of women, especially in the modern West, both men and women are finding relationships ranging from dating to marriage increasingly difficult. The authors draw upon cutting edge science in evolutionary biology, and neuropsychology, and vast personal experience with women to distill some simple and practical principles men will find useful for creating and maintaining relationships with emotionally compatible women.

Improve Your Social Skills

Daniel Wendler - 2014
    Improve Your Social Skills is here to help.Improve Your Social Skills is a comprehensive guide to social skills. It explains topics like conversation and body language in practical, easy-to-apply lessons. Think of it like an owner's manual for your social life.I wrote it to share the discoveries that helped me overcome to social challenges of Asperger's Syndrome. See, when I was growing up I was the most awkward kid you could ever hope to meet. But one day, I decided to study social skills deliberately, like you might study a foreign language. I looked for patterns that might explain the way people behaved, techniques I could use to connect with others, and metaphors I could use to make sense of it all. I poured thousands of hours into study, observation, and practice.And it paid off. I learned how to connect with others, and started filling my life with incredible friendships. I still make the occasional mistake, of course. But now I have the confidence to shrug off awkward moments without getting anxious.I cracked the code, in other words. And I wrote Improve Your Social Skills to teach you everything that I learned.Inside, you'll learn how to.... Make Conversation (and keep conversation flowing smoothly!) Read Body Language (and send positive signals with your own body language!) Meet New People (and make friends with them!) Tell Stories In Conversation (that don't bore your audience!) Combat Shyness And Social Anxiety (A little courage every day adds up!) Date Successfully (without manipulation or sneaky tricks!) And More! (seriously -- this book is 222 pages!) Ok, enough with the bullet points.I'm Dan Wendler, and I wrote the book. I wrote it because I know what it's like to feel awkward and alone, and I don't want anyone to feel that way if I can help it.Improve Your Social Skills contains everything I learned over the past 10 years. The advice in this book has literally changed my life, and transformed me from a lonely kid sitting alone in the cafeteria to a confident man surrounded by dear friends.Give it a chance, and it might just change your life too.

Nine Ball: Confessions of an Angst-Ridden Maniac Who Decided to Get Laid or Die Trying

Jeff Allen - 2009
    There, would-be players shared their field reports, strategies, and results. They compared notes, exchanged critiques, and figured out a body of knowledge that defied everything men had ever been told about getting women--what has since come to be known as "game."The undisputed king of the field report was a player named "jlaix." This was the handle of Jeff Allen, who would go on to be a founding member of Real Social Dynamics with Tyler Durden and Papa, all of whom play major roles in Neil Strauss's "The Game," the bestselling expose of the world of pickup artists. In an arena founded on one-upmanship, Jeff Allen did it bigger and better than anyone. "Get Laid or Die Trying" presents in utterly shameless, hilarious, and graphic detail, Jeffy's gritty, 100 percent real, and jaw-droppingly astonishing feats of seduction, revealing exactly how one goes about: - Attracting the girl you want by sleeping with all of her friends- Getting into the pants of the hottest girl at the party--a total stranger--in less than thirty minutes- Deflecting last-minute resistance with a single word- Pulling a chick who is surrounded by ten jealous guys- Cutting out enormous dudes that could easily pound you to a "fine red mist"- Getting threesomes as your default extraction- Having a stable so big you have to trim it down, and other "quality problems"- Convincing a girl you just met that before you fuck her, she must mow your lawn Jeff's tactics produce superhuman results, yet he doesn't do anything you couldn't do--now that you've seen it done. The worst part? You could have been doing this your whole life.

How to Speak How to Listen

Mortimer J. Adler - 1983
    Adler gives a short course in effective communication, invaluable for salespeople, negotiators, teachers, and families seeking better communication among themselves.

The Red Pill Handbook

Anonymous - 2014
    It's meant as a free resource for everyone, and includes the sidebar posts, posts that were written by TRP Endorsed contributors, gilded posts and comments, and popular posts with over 500 upvotes. The second edition now stands at 117,000 words.