PRIMAL 2055 - Escape

Jack Silkstone - 2017
    A possession of Sakkin Industries, she is being honed into a surgical weapon, trained to infiltrate and exterminate. Slowly, day-by-day, they try to erode her humanity and replace it with blind obedience and determination. For operative Eight Two, Sakkin is a second chance at life. Rescued from a massacred village, she's given a new home among their deadly trainees at the Institute. But as she's indoctrinated, the brutal training reveals she’s not like them. Conflicted, she’s torn between graduating to join Sakkin's elite ranks or lashing out against the injustice they bring to the world. Part 1 in a new series, 2055 - Escape follows on from the PRIMAL books of hard-hitting global vigilantes. It gives a glimpse into a not so distant future where security conglomerates protect the privileged few, Lascar has evolved into a sophisticated humanitarian aid outfit, and a shadow war is looming.

Rebel's Strike: A Military Sci-Fi Series (Space Troopers Book 3)

Jamie McFarlane - 2022
    Jai has joined the rebellion while Peyton is amassing a pirate fleet. But when an old friend brings the twins back together, they learn of Zona's sinister plan to quell the rebellion and institute an iron grip over the entire solar system.Peyton has found her calling as a pirate captain. She's building a fleet with ships she's stolen and people she's saved. But when both the Zona fleet and other pirate clans come at Peyton from every angle, it'll take every ounce of skill-and a whole lot of luck-to stay in the game.Jai's computer skills are among the best in the system. His work is crucial to the rebellion, but when he's infected with deadly nanites, he finds himself in a race against time to save himself from becoming a cyber-zombie.The Epic Finale of the Space Troopers series is here. A no-holds-barred adventure where the fate of the solar system is dependent on the twins. To win, an inexperienced pirate captain must face a battle-hardened general, and an injured computer hacker must take on the galaxy's most advanced AI. If either fails, Zona wins.

The Obsolescence Trilogy: Complete Series Box Set: A Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction Thriller

Chris Muhlenfeld - 2018
    They were away from the chaos, and they thought they were safe. They thought wrong.What will they do?All across the country cities are in crisis.Logan and his family look out from their Manhattan penthouse. The world is crumbling before their eyes. Unprepared, he’s got to do something. They can’t stay. But how can they leave and where will they go?Someone has a solution.It’s Logan’s domestic android.Can he believe a machine?You won’t believe the twists and turns, but you’ll love the adventure.Get it now.


Joseph C. Anthony - 2014
    He had experienced a complete physical transformation in a remarkably short period of time. Just three weeks ago no one would have looked twice at someone like Daniel, but a revolutionary procedure had helped to transform him into something spectacular. He was now beyond human, he was better.He had once believed that the day Jordan moved to Chicago would be the greatest of his life, but it had proven otherwise. Daniel could not compete with Gordon Demers, one of Chicago’s wealthiest and most powerful up-and-comers. Demers had been the true reason for Jordan’s relocation, and all of his money and influence brought with it a physical attraction that Jordan could not resist – even if it meant breaking Daniel’s heart.Daniel had soon after lost his job, and with it his ability to remain in Chicago. He knew then that he had no choice but to accept the offer given to him by an ex-CIA agent and his eccentric partner. The experimental brain surgery he had to undergo held incredible risk – yes, but it had been his only option.The operation had been a success. Daniel was now capable of controlling every single function in his entire body, even those previously out of reach from his conscious mind. It was time for him to put Jordan aside. He was now working for the most elite personal security force on the planet, and would soon be hired to protect high profile individuals from the world’s deadliest assassins.First he would need to establish himself. He needed to train to become the top ranked agent at Elite Personal Security Force and prove himself to be the superior being the revolutionary procedure had turned him into. Anything less would be considered failure.

Depth Charge

Jason Heaton - 2021
    The tragedy sets in motion a dangerous quest for truth that pulls Tusker into a sinister plot spanning 75 years, from World War II Ceylon to modern day Sri Lanka. Along the way, he matches wits with a psychopathic mercenary, discovers a long lost ship with an explosive secret, and falls for a beautiful marine biologist who is at least as strong as he is. In the end, Tusker finds that the truth may lie at the bottom of the sea, with only one way back to the surface. Depth Charge is an old school thriller in the tradition of Fleming, Maclean, and Cussler, with an eye for detail, cunning villains, and narrow escapes. The story is full of wartime secrets, the intersection of religion and politics, and the arcane world of deep technical diving. It takes readers from the smoky halls of 1940s London to the volatile, seductive heat of Sri Lanka and sixty fathoms under the Indian Ocean.

Cryptid Assassin Complete Series Boxed Set

Michael Anderle - 2021
    "In your case, though, I will be your FBI handler, taking care of you and getting you anything that you need to get the job done."Get the complete series - all 8 books of the Cryptid Assassin - for one low, low price!​---Special Agent Niki Banks paused, narrowing her eyes at Taylor. "What?" Banks asked. "No lewd remarks about that? Something about handling, or how I'm going to take care of you?""Nah, I thought you would do a better job of it than I ever could," Taylor replied. "Besides, I'm only after empty relationships that have no meaning, where we'll go away happy, so there's no need for any handling like that. From you, anyways.""So, what does that make me?"Taylor paused to take a bite from his food, which consisted of some bacon and syrup-covered waffles. "A toxic attitude with delusions of awesomeness in high heels and a need to feel dominant all wrapped up in an attractive gift package that smells like a body that's been left out to rot in the Zoo for a week."Banks' eyebrows shot up."Excuse you?"Another bite of his food from his plate was taken before he continued. "I'm sorry, do you need me to make it more specific? Here, try this one then. You look like Eva Longoria, except more brawn than brains, probably can't spell Latina and obviously you don't care about showers. Which is okay; the government only wants you for your brawn anyway."Banks narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, I smell like the three cretins you needed me to get rid of for you. Between the stench of fear and gasoline, I guess that does make for a pretty foul smell."Taylor shrugged. "I showered at least."Banks scowled at him. "You're a jackass.""Correction," Taylor said with a grin. "I'm a jackass that can kill - what did you call them? Cryptids. A jackass that can kill Cryptids that's living here in the US, no less."Oh, great," Banks grumbled. "And here I am, stuck with a Jason Momoa wannabe Cro-Magnon Neanderthal with slightly better dental hygiene and a god-complex."She sighed. "I don't get paid enough for this shit."His name is Taylor McFadden, survivor of 83 trips into the ZOO. Now, he's retired, and yet his country needs his skills to save people in the country he calls home.Can he build a company, put down roots and still bring the pain when the FBI calls?When they tag him as The Cryptid Assassin, they weren't wrong. For monsters that go bump in the night, he is death incarnate.This complete boxed set includes:Hired KillerSilent DeathSacrificial WeaponHead HunterMc'MercsThis is B.S.Learn to LiveMonster in MeGo up and click 'Read for Free' or 'Buy Now' and learn how one messed up soldier is America's greatest asset in the ongoing war against the Alien Goop.---NOTE: There is cussing in the book. In fact, there is a LOT of cussing in this book. There are consenting adults having sex (mostly behind closed doors) and a cynical ex-soldier just wanting to build a business in Sin City.


Jacques St-Malo - 2019
    When research suggests how to harness brain evolution, a hunt ensues for a missing link―one that allows to design humans with skills that prodigies of old would have envied.As germline engineering and biological enhancement have become routine, ancient doubts have emerged under new guises: Who are we? Is there a purpose to life? Why is there so much suffering? When faith and science fail to answer these questions, personal greed and national interest quickly fill the void. But gene selection is expensive, and many are excluded from its benefits. The stage is set for tribalism and social discontent on a scale without precedent, and those caught in the fray, whether by choice or by chance, must play roles not always to their liking in the struggle of all creatures against the arbitrariness of existence.


Rob Leininger - 2014
    Nothing like it had ever been seen before---a twenty-billion square mile blot on the surface of the sun, and growing. Dr. Morris Tyler at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff has a theory that might explain what's happening, and the news isn't good. Which is why he's under surveillance after having been told to keep his theory to himself. Keeping his theory under wraps isn't easy, not when a gorgeous reporter for Parsec magazine, Gail Dionne, has him in her sights, out to get a story. Tyler's well-ordered world spins out of control when all these forces converge on him, and the world begins to grow colder as the sun . . . goes . . . out.

The Courier

Gordon J. Campbell - 2019
    They sized him up as someone with potential for strategic deployment, and more importantly, he's under the radar. Gregg's exploits start with what he thinks is a one-off assignment as a courier, and the straightforward task spirals out of control. He's forced to rise to the occasion and use every resource available to survive. Even his family is jeopardized which forces him to return to Japan to settle scores.The Courier is one man’s struggle to fight for survival in a world that he's not been trained for and where violence and retribution are the names of the game.

Lynchpin: The Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Men

Siddharth Maheshwari - 2021
    A sinister plan, of a shrewd calculating mastermind, has set the wheels of doom in motion. He is now pulling the lynchpins across the country and making it fall into disarray. He is using everyone in his path to achieve his goals. Within thirty days he intends to control the nation’s soul. As chaos grips the country, it’s a race against time for DSP Ranbir Roy of the Intelligence Bureau and Inspector Vikram Aditya Singh to stop him before anarchy dooms the country. The pieces are set, the board is laid out but what happens when your own pawns move against you? What will be the end game?

Maybe God was an Irishman

Bernie Donnelly - 2017
    He will know heartache, love, and violence. He will be falsely accused of kidnapping and his fame will spread around the world. He will live through the same events that shaped your life such as 9/11 and the recession years post-2008. Then it will all end in Easter 2017…or will it?

Burn, Baby, Burn

Jake Barton - 2010
    He'd always known it. Even at the age of six when he'd decided to kill his father. His privileged background should have produced a doctor, an academic, perhaps a diplomat. Instead, he killed people for fun.Donna O'Prey is the most junior member of a small private security firm. A routine search for a missing teenage girl escalates into something very dangerous indeed.

Finding North (Alex the Fey thrillers)

Claudia Hall Christian - 2014
    Hunted by a vague enemy which always seems one step ahead, Alex uncovers the truth of her birth, the figures who have supported her, and the factions that have thwarted her throughout her life. Finally, Alex understands her own personal history, and the choices she must make for herself, her team, and the world. This sixth installment of the Alex the Fey thriller series is a wild, dangerous adventure filled with heart pounding relationships you will never forget. If you love a strong female character caught in a suspenseful psychological thriller, Finding North will not disappoint. Finding North is the sixth book in Claudia Hall Christian’s Alex the Fey thriller series. "(Finding North) is astounding." GM "Awesome and amazing! I loved it." AC

The Twelfth Imam Collection

Joel C. Rosenberg - 2014
    At extreme personal risk, Shirazi undertakes his assignment. A native Farsi speaker whose family escaped from Iran in 1979, he couldn’t be better prepared for the mission. But none of his training has prepared Shirazi for what will happen next. An obscure religious cleric is suddenly hailed throughout the region as the Islamic messiah known as the Mahdi or the Twelfth Imam. News of his miracles, healings, signs, and wonders, spread like wildfire, as do rumors of a new and horrific war. With the prophecy of the Twelfth Imam seemingly fulfilled, Iran’s leaders prepare to strike Israel and bring about the End of Days. Shirazi must take action, but the clock is ticking.The Tehran Initiative: The world is on the brink of disaster, and the clock is ticking. Iran has just conducted its first atomic weapons test. Millions of Muslims around the world are convinced their messiah—known as the Twelfth Imam—has just arrived on earth. Israeli leaders fear Tehran, under the Twelfth Imam’s spell, will soon launch a nuclear attack that could bring about a second Holocaust and the annihilation of Israel. The White House fears Jerusalem will strike first, launching a preemptive attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities that could cause the entire Middle East to go up in flames, oil prices to skyrocket, and the global economy to collapse. With the stakes high and few viable options left, the president of the United States orders CIA operative David Shirazi and his team to track down and sabotage Iran’s nuclear warheads before Iran or Israel can launch a devastating first strike.Damascus Countdown: 2014 “Christian Retailing’s Best” award finalist!All eyes are on the Middle East. Israel has successfully launched a first strike on Iran, taking out all of their nuclear sites and six of their nuclear warheads—and causing The Twelfth Imam to order a full-scale retaliation. U.S. President William Jackson threatens to support a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning the Jewish State for unprovoked and unwarranted acts of aggression. Meanwhile, CIA operative David Shirazi has infiltrated the Iranian regime and intercepted information indicating that two Iranian nuclear warheads survived the attack and have been moved to a secure and undisclosed location. In danger not only from the ongoing missile strikes on Iran but also from the increasingly hostile and suspicious governments of multiple countries, David and his team are in a race against time to find the remaining nuclear warheads before disaster strikes.

The Odd Fellows Society

C.G. Barrett - 2015
    First, historian Jasper Willoughs, his closest friend, didn’t toss himself off a dormitory roof. Second, a Georgetown University secret society—a running joke on campus—has blood on its hands. Torres’s pursuit of the truth embroils him in a bizarre and thrilling scavenger hunt. The clues, scratched out on parchment by the mysterious Odd Fellows Society, lead Santi to risk everything he holds sacred: his job, his life, even the woman he secretly loves. As for his relationship with his God? Well, that’s complicated. A hold-your-breath thriller that explores our national obsession with race, The Odd Fellows Society will have you looking at the U.S. capital—and its monuments’ secrets—in a whole different shade of black and white.