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Supernatural Fatherhood Through Priestly Celibacy: Fulfillment In Masculinity//A Thomistic Study by Carter H. Griffin
The Rapture: Christianity's Most Preposterous Belief
Chuck Missler - 2002
Where does this strange view come from? Is the term "rapture" even in the Bible? Clearly, the idea of the Rapture can be considered the most preposterous belief in Biblical Christianity. The situation regarding the doctrine of the Rapture is painfully similar to the famous quote by Dr. Richard Feynman, speaking of quantum physics: I think it is safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics... in fact, it is often stated of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. Some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it, in fact, is that it is unquestionably correct.
The Holy Spirit: Spiritual Gifts, Book 1: Amazing Power for Everyday People (Illuminated Bible Study Guides)
Susan Rohrer - 2011
We hear about the awesome power of God the Father. We marvel at the miracles of Jesus. Then off we go, never expecting those living waters of the Holy Spirit to flow through us in the here and now. That's exactly what this author did, until one day she was confronted with a stunning possibility: that wonders of biblical proportions can and do still happen, even in the lives of the humblest among us.The challenge? It meant getting to know the Holy Spirit, that enigmatic Third Person of the Trinity she'd heard so little about in traditional teaching. It meant braving controversy, searching the Scriptures, and venturing into new waters in faith.Let's be honest. Even wading toward the depths of the Holy Spirit may seem scary. It may even sound kind of kooky or off-base. You don't want to get in over your head. You fear drowning in error or emotionalism. Still, you may long to deepen your experience with God. You may be asking:What happened to the power Jesus promised to believers?Why has the Holy Spirit become such a taboo subject?Are modern miracles of biblical proportions still happening?How can I access the extraordinary power of God?Does the Holy Spirit have spiritual gifts for me? Which ones?THE HOLY SPIRIT: Amazing Power for Everyday Peopleis a step-by-step guide for how to grow in dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit. It explores how even the most ordinary believer can experience the miracle-working power of God in everyday life.This scripturally-referenced "how to" book with workbook-style applications is ideal for individual or group Bible study, geared at building a highly accessible, scriptural foundation for the Person and supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.Tackling tough questions with straight answers, this book tracks an everyday believer's journey into what may be Christianity's best-kept secret. It dives deep into the oftenmarginalized mysteries of the Holy Spirit, mingling scriptural examples with numerous contemporary anecdotes of the amazing power of God in the lives of everyday believers.CHAPTERS IN THIS BOOK:1 Father, Son, and Holy Who?2 Why I Hadn't Heard This in a Thousand Sermons3 Introducing the Holy Spirit4 Sensing the Spirit without Getting Weird5 Getting Our Feet Wet in God's Powerful River6 Going Deeper without Going over the Deep End7 Passing the Spirit's Torch to You8 Opening Your Spiritual Gifts9 The Word of Wisdom10 The Word of Knowledge11 The Gift of Faith12 Gifts of Healing13 Effecting of Miracles14 Distinguishing of Spirits15 Various Kinds of Tongues16 Interpretation of Tongues17 Prophecy18 Prophetic Visions19 Prophetic Dreams20 Hearing Aids for All God's SheepADDITIONAL DETAILS:Genre: Christian Nonfiction, PneumatologyLength: 394 pagesFormats: Kindle eBook and Paperback EditionsAuthor Photo by Jean-Louis DarvilleThis comprehensive Bible Study is Book 1 of 2 on this subject. Please see Book 2 (ASIN: B06XF2JKQP) for the continuation of this study.
Meditation Prayer on Mary Immaculate
Padre Pio - 1974
Here we encounter a profound spiritual penetration into the mystery of Mary’s unique and sublime role in our salvation. Though brief, it can be read over and over with great benefit since it is –just as the title suggests—both a meditation and a prayer on the meaning of Mary. This booklet also contains a brief sketch of Padre Pio’s life and numerous edifying pictures of this saintly stigmatist.
The Naming of Jesus in Hebrew Matthew
Nehemia Gordon - 2008
The Hebrew version of Matthew survives in at least twenty-eight manuscripts copied by Jewish scribes in the Middle Ages. Among the most important manuscripts of Hebrew Matthew is the one preserved in the British Museum Library. A full-color photograph of this manuscript is now available for the first time in this book. The book looks at the naming of Jesus as told in Hebrew Matthew 1:18-25 and includes the original form of Jesus' Hebrew name: Yeshua. Learn about the unique features of Hebrew Matthew, about the traditions that guided the Jewish scribes who transmitted this ancient text, and how the name Yeshua became "Jesus".
Biblical Road to Blessing
Benny Hinn - 1996
Every moment of peace, contentment, safety, enjoyment and health (material abundance too) is a blessing from the Father. Yet, God blesses people for the express purpose of blessing others.
God's Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion
Guy Consolmagno - 2007
A full fledged techie himself, he relates some classic philosophical reflections, his interviews with dozens of fellow techies, and his own personal take on his Catholic beliefs to provide, like a set of "worked out sample problems," the hard data on the challenges and joys of embracing a life of faith as a techie. And he also gives a roadmap of the traps that can befall an unwary techie believer. With lively prose and wry humor, Brother Guy shows how he not only believes in God but gives religion an honored place alongside science in his life. This book offers an engaging look at how--and why--scientists and those with technological leanings can hold profound, "unprovable" religious beliefs while working in highly empirical fields. Through his own experience and interviews with other scientists and engineers who profess faith, Brother Guy explores how religious beliefs and practices make sense to those who are deeply rooted in the world of technology.
Simply Jesus: Why he was, what he did, why it matters
Tom Wright - 2011
Modern critical biblical scholarship often points out how the church's teachings about Jesus have become encrusted with tradition so that it is hard to see what the core documents--the New Testament--really say about him. Now, with the insight of 200 years of modern critical scholarship and assuming an audience that includes both the well-churched and the non-churched, how should the church present the story and identity of the central personality of their faith, Jesus of Nazareth? Many people will be surprised at the story they hear.
Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay
James Alison - 1997
For James Alison, a gay Catholic theologian, the key to moving beyond resentment is a radical re-conversion to the gospel message of God’s love and understanding that even those in power are our brothers and sisters.
Weaving the Visions: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality
Judith PlaskowRosemary Radford Ruether - 1989
The writings presented here deal with a reconceptualization of the central religious categories of theology through a wide range of voices and traditions. Contributors are white, black, Chicana, Asian American, and Native American, and represent Jewish, Christian, Goddess, Native American, Yoruba, Voudou, and other perspectives. “Feminist too often have avoided and denied [our] differences,” write the editors, “but difference is the source of our creativity, the ‘raw and powerful’ connection from which our personal power is forged.”
Buck-Naked Faith: A Brutally Honest Look at Stunted Christianity
Eric Sandras - 2004
Take off your designer, postmodern phoniness. Strip off your pretty-sounding words. Get your faith naked. Honest and gritty, Eric Sandras encourages a generation of believers to drop the layers of make-believe nonsense that stunts our spiritual growth. What emerges is a positive alternative to life-crushing counterfeit faiths many of us are trying our best to work through. To do this, there's no secret handshake or magic formula, but there is vision and encouragement to take the risk and get dangerously real with God. He exposes the naked truth: We need to dress our lives with a real friendship with God and nothing else.
Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus
Mike Slaughter - 2014
Joining his movement will mean coming to terms with the real Jesus, the rebel Jesus.Jesus didn't come to start a religion. The rebel Jesus came with a renegade gospel to start a revolution. You and I are invited to be a part. In Renegade Gospel, pastor and author Mike Slaughter presents Jesus and his challenging message to inspire us during Lent, Easter, and through the year. Read the red letters and discover Jesus all over again.Renegade Gospel is a multi-component, all-church series and group study with six sessions. Topics include:Discovering the Rebel Jesus Revolutionary Lifestyle The Most Important Question You Will Ever Have to Answer Seeing Jesus Today The Way of the CrossResurrectionWho better than Mike, renegade pastor that he is, to present Jesus in all of his unmanageable, demanding, troublemaking glory?Will Willimon, United Methodist Bishop, retired; Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry, Duke Divinity SchoolRenegade Gospel is Mike's life and message distilled into one pure, powerful, delicious, nourishing jolt.Brian D. McLaren, Author/speakerThis isn't your grandma's Sunday school curriculum... this is a call to a holy uprising. Shane Claiborne, Author/activist
How to Find, Follow, Fulfill God's Will
Andrew Wommack - 2013
First of all, you have to find the unique purpose that He created you for. In his new book, Andrew Wommack teaches you how to do just that. Once you find the will of God for your life, then you will have the assurance and joy that comes from knowing exactly where God wants you to be. As you follow the will of God for your life, it allows you to set goals and purposely seek after what God has created you to do. Andrew teaches you that the number one way that we learn to follow God's will is to simply put God first. When you put Him first then the desire of your heart changes to match up with His. Lastly, Andrew teaches how to fulfill the will of God in your life. It's one thing to find God's will and start moving in the right direction, but it's something else to stay at it over the long haul. Anybody can start, but it's the people who finish that really make a difference. Finishing is more important than starting, and it is only through faith and patience that you inherit God's promises.
The Shepherd Who Didn't Run: Fr. Stanley Rother, Martyr from Oklahoma
Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda - 2015
The moving story of a simple parish priest from Oklahoma who would not abandon his Guatamalan parish and was martyred during the Guatamalan civil war at the age of 46.
Churchy: The Real Life Adventures of a Wife, Mom, and Priest
Sarah Condon - 2016
Unflinchingly honest yet unfailingly hopeful, Rev. Sarah is a genre unto herself. You've never had this much fun going to church
Biblical Nonsense: A Review of the Bible for Doubting Christians
Jason Long - 2005
Biblical Nonsense is a broad look at the tremendous problem of associating divinity with the world's most popular book. This part-philosophical, part-scientific overview explores the Bible's divine treachery, scientific mistakes, historical errors, false prophecies, and comical absurdities. Biblical Nonsense also expands beyond these standard reasons for skepticism by tackling the rationale behind the emergence and perpetuation of Christianity, psychological and sociocultural reasons that drive Christians to cling to their beliefs, and illogical methods of argumentation invoked in the defense of the Bible. Author Dr. Jason Long is a former Christian who condenses the most significant biblical problems into this single volume. Unlike other books in the field that delve into only one topic, this manuscript, comprehensible even to those who have never opened a Bible, is a full-fledged attempt to demonstrate that God's supposed word is a product of human minds, not divine inspiration. Dr. Long's fresh experiences in the church and advanced levels of educational enlightenment make him the perfect individual to present this vehemently unpopular, yet undeniably appealing topic.