Ultimate Hard Bastards: The Truth About the Toughest Men in the World

Kate Kray - 2005
    In this awesome follow-up to the hugely successful Hard Bastards and Hard Bastards 2, Kate Kray, who was married to Ronnie Kray, gets the answers to questions nobody else would dare to ask. We learn the truth about what drives some of these characters to live on the edge of the law, whether it be a matter of gaining respect or striving for survival.

Dumping Iron: How to Ditch This Secret Killer and Reclaim Your Health

P.D. Mangan - 2016
    The accumulation of excess iron in the body, a condition that affects perhaps the majority of adults, leads to much higher risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and shorter lifespan. Dumping Iron shows how to measure your iron levels, what the test numbers mean, and how to go about lowering iron if necessary. Humans are adapted to a low-iron environment, so once iron is in our bodies, it virtually never goes away. Our new, high-iron environment leads to iron accumulation, and to ill health and early death. Iron is the secret killer that no one is telling you about. Finally, in Dumping Iron, the scientific and medical data that indicts iron is assembled in one place. What the experts say about Dumping Iron: “Dumping Iron by P. D. Mangan is a must read by anybody interested in maintaining optimal health, including those in the medical field. Iron overload is an exceedingly common malady in the population and it is easily diagnosed, but it is under-addressed. It leads to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and numerous other chronic and debilitating illnesses. The good news is that iron excess can be prevented and readily treated, which results in a decreased risk of many diseases and improvement in overall health and vitality. Dumping Iron clearly tells us how to achieve these goals.” — Luca Mascitelli, M.D., Lieutenant Colonel, Italian Army, and author of numerous scientific papers on iron and health. “In Dumping Iron, Dennis Mangan has provided the reader access to a massive scientific data pool linking body iron overload to major diseases of mankind… I submit that Dumping Iron should be required reading in science and nutrition for high school and above. The ultimate triumph of Dumping Iron might be an informed public that will increasingly access ferritin test screening, and health care providers better prepared to interpret tests of iron status, particularly the ferritin level. Acknowledgment of risks of iron overload and proper product labeling might lead to reduced public iron intoxication and improved population health to a degree that would be no less than monumental!” — Leo Zacharski, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College. Dr. Zacharski has written extensively on the connection between iron and disease, and has conducted clinical trials of lowering iron. “Iron has been compared to fire. A small amount of fire is quite useful in our stoves and furnaces. But when fire is ravaging the contents and walls of our home… BEWARE. In this informative book, Dennis Mangan makes clear the devastation that can be caused by excessive/misplaced iron in the tissues and walls of our bodies. We learn that for essentially all diseases — infections, cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, gout, osteoporosis, cardiovascular ills, and more — that the iron burden is a dangerous risk factor. But equally important, the author describes a variety of well tested methods that are readily available to neutralize the iron peril. Adoption of even a few of these methods can remarkably decrease iron-catalyzed disease episodes, enhance well being, and, not least, increase longevity.” — E. D. Weinberg, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Indiana University, and the author of over 140 scientific papers, many of them on the role of iron in disease.

HOW TO IMPROVE EGG QUALITY: The Smart Way to Get Pregnant

Darja Wagner - 2013
    Written by a Ph.D. cell biologist, dedicated to the most special kind of cells: your eggs. The book is full of real-life examples and gives you a toolbox necessary to improve your egg quality in easy-to-follow steps and within a realistic time frame of three to six months.Do you hear your biological clock ticking? If you care about your fertility or are waiting impatiently to get pregnant, How to Improve Egg Quality: The Smart Way to Get Pregnant contains the information you need to be aware of. If you are over 30 OR undergoing fertility treatments, it might be the best investment you will ever make in your future family. The author of the blog http://www.paleo-mama.com on improving fertility for women over 35 and a scientist specializing in vitamins and hormones, Darja Wagner Ph.D. presents to you a book packed with tons of cutting-edge research from recent years, but written in simple English and in an easy to read format. Did you know that the quality of a woman’s eggs is the single largest factor contributing to delays in getting pregnant as women become older? Missing facts on how to slow down your biological clock and improve your chances to get pregnant can destroy your dreams. Which foods are scientifically proven to be the best for increasing fertility? How exactly can you employ CoQ10, vitamin D, and DHEA to improve egg quality? How do you find out how many eggs you have left? How to deal with emotional and communication issues while you are waiting to get pregnant? Which lifestyle interventions are most likely to improve your chances of conceiving? What are the important things you must know about conception, implantation, and the aging of your ovaries, which only a scientist can help you understand? What is it that women don’t know and doctors don’t tell? Reading How to Improve Egg Quality: The Smart Way to Get Pregnant is likely to save you a lot of time. The author combines her personal experience with research from various scattered sources: scientific journals, the Internet, fertility forums and books, to give you the essence and essential facts in a way which is easy to understand and to act upon. This book is written for women who don’t have much time to waste. It gets straight to the point, putting scientific vocabulary in plain language. Even those who are familiar or dealing professionally with this topic are sure to learn new specific facts and get advice on how the reproductive potential of aging women can be developed to its full potential. Instantly available to read on your Kindle or PC. Biography: Darja Wagner, Ph.D. is a scientist specializing in vitamins and hormones. She is the author of the blog http://www.paleo-mama.com, where she addresses fertility and getting pregnant for women of advanced reproductive age.

Ketone Power: Superfuel for Optimal Mental Health and Ultimate Physical Performance

Cristian Vlad Zot - 2014
    After all, human DNA is 99% exactly the same. So, there should be a prescription (Rx) that works for the majority of us. Cristi himself, fed up with not being able to lose the last few pounds of his belly fat, has started studying and experimenting with ketogenic nutrition and ketosis. Ketosis is the metabolic state where your body uses fat and ketone bodies (by-products of fat) as the main source of fuel and it is achieved by drastically eliminating sugar from the diet. Long-term constant ketosis leads to keto-adaptation. Keto-adaptation brought various improvements in Cristi Vlad's existence, such as: fat loss, elimination of hunger, elimination of cravings for high-carbohydrate foods, improved mental performance, ultra-high energy levels, less sleep required per night, better sleep, enhanced endurance and strength training output, and probably the most important: ability to eat chocolate every day. In Ketone Power, Cristi Vlad, inspired by his mentors and armed with extensive research and personal experience outlines: 1. How he lost 10 pounds of fat in 2 months eating 70% of his calories from fat and consuming 2,000-3,000 kcals per day. His exercising routine was reduced from 5-6 times/week to 1-2 times/week. Before/after photos are included. 2. How the human body works differently when running on a fat metabolism compared to a carbohydrate metabolism (that which most of the people are in). 3. How his 2 month experiment became his new lifestyle due to the benefits of keto-adaptation. 4. How ketogenic nutrition is a powerful therapeutic approach to diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and other health issues. 5. Protocols for strength training and endurance training. 6. His shopping list and the foods he consumes daily to support keto-adaptation. Fat-bombs are included. 7. His virtual academy consisting of mentors, websites, courses, MOOC sites, and Youtube channels all of which helped him achieve knowledge on ketogenic nutrition and human biochemistry. All of what Cristi Vlad did and keeps doing does not include fancy and expensive gadgets or pockets full of cash. It only requires willingness to improve one's existence and enjoy life every second that passes. You can do this by yourself as well. This book is the prescription.

Clean & Lean Diet Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious Healthy Recipes with a 14-Day Menu Plan

James Duigan - 2012
    Illustrating what you should be eating to keep your body in its best-ever shape, 'Clean & Lean Cookbook' takes you through lunch and dinner with ideas for quick, easy meals that won't impact on your waistline.

Diet 101: The Truth About Low Carb Diets

Jenny Ruhl - 2012
    Bloodsugar101.com's Jenny Ruhl explains what peer reviewed research and the experience of Successful Low Carb Dieters can tell us about: * How Low Carb Diets Repair Unhealthy High Normal Blood Sugars * How Low Carb Diets Achieve Weight Loss * The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Diet as Revealed by Research * The Facts that Debunk Exaggerated Claims Pro and Anti Low Carb Diets * How the Low Carb Diet Affects Hunger and Hunger Hormones * Low Carb Diet Side Effects and How to Deal with Them * How to Customize Your Low Carb Diet * The Secrets of Successful Low Carb Dieters * The Real Effects of Supplements and Functional Foods * How to Break Through Weight Loss Stalls * How to Maintain a Low Carb Weight Loss for Life Everything you need to know to achieve healthy weight loss on the one diet that really controls blood sugar.

Danger: I'm A Nurse With A Penis: Stories And Lessons From The Field

Walt Cummings - 2018
    This is one of those funny, grotesque books you won’t forget that’s written by a nurse with a penis (you’re going to have to be able to take a joke that’s racial, bigoted, or otherwise extreme). Interested? Read on. Most “humorous” nursing books out there are injected with weak humor in an attempt to make the nursing profession look good. I, on the other hand, inject nursing with black humor. I don’t pretend there’s anything special about nursing, and I don’t try to sell this profession. In fact, once you’re done reading you’ll likely think twice before enrolling in a nursing school. I just tell it how it is. I follow only one rule: go to where the pain is. Through ten stories, I reveal the inner thoughts of male nurses and the unique challenges they face being minorities in a backdrop of vaginas and estrogen. At the end of each story, I share coaching tips. I've been a male nurse for several years and want to share my most interesting adventures and insights. I've also asked the following questions as guide posts: What do men really need to know about nursing? What can I share to add value to people considering nursing as a career? What would I have wanted to know when I was 18 years old? How could I express what people need to know, not what they want to know? Whether you’re a nursing student struggling with touching anuses or a 40 year old thinking that becoming a nurse will make life meaningful, you will find value in this book. Heck, even a nurse practitioner with a business practice will find timeless advice. I quit nursing, only to come back again. Here are some stories and lessons along the way.

The Tsars

Alexander Ivanov - 2018
    Here, historian Alexander Ivanov reveals their fears and betrayals, privilege and debauchery, conspiracies and rivalries, love and tragedy as they forged Russia into one of the world's greatest empires. No ruler in history has embodied the oppressive domination of these rulers more vividly than Alexander Ivanov's opening subject, Tsar Ivan IV, the first of all the Russian tsars, known to history as Ivan the Terrible. Although a gifted ruler who did much to unite and improve the conditions in his primitive country, Ivan was also a notorious sadist who delighted in torturing and murdering anyone who displeased him. Ivan's death in 1584 ushered in the Time of Troubles, thirty-five years of famine, plague, and war that crippled the nation. A series of rulers attempted to cope with the devastation, beginning with Ivan's successor Boris Godunov. Finally, grasping for stability, Russia's nobles begged young Michael Romanov, the great-nephew of Ivan's beloved wife Anastasia, to take the throne. Michael successfully united the war-torn and ravaged nation and founded a dynasty that would rule for 300 years. The Romanov line produced Russia's most brilliant yet most unconventional sovereign: Peter the Great, a towering figure of a man whose restless, creative mind led him on an inexorable quest to modernize and civilize the still backward nation. The reforms he enacted so enraged nobles and peasants alike that Peter had to quash a series of rebellions to keep his crown. Ruthlessly stifling dissent and massacring rebels, he ultimately cowed the Russian people into submission, achieving a legacy that nearly equaled his ambitions. It was left to a woman - and a foreigner, at that - to lead the nation further out of the darkness. German princess Sophie Friederike Auguste of Anhalt-Zerbst, known to the world as Catherine the Great, absorbed the principles of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment and applied them to a country built on the backs of millions of serfs. However ineffective some of her policies, in the end, she made Russia a major player on the European stage. Serfdom was finally abolished in the nineteenth century, but it would be decades before Russian peasants could own land of their own and learn to farm it productively. The boyars and tsars clung to power until the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. The sad fate of the last tsar, Nicholas II, and his family, marked the end of the absolute power that Ivan the Terrible had so exploited. The abuses would continue but under a new and drastically different form of government.

Nourish Glow: The 10-Day Plan: Kickstart a lifetime of healthy eating

Amelia Freer - 2017
    She will empower you to challenge any negative stories or attitudes you might have towards food and transform them into a positive lifelong love affair with eating well. The exclusive 10 day plan included in this book is a version of the plan Amelia gives to her clients, which has been developed and refined over her decade of work as a nutritional therapist. It is NOT about deprivation. It is a liberating, energising plan that will equip you with the building blocks needed to develop and implement a lifetime of balanced eating that is unique to you. Leaving behind all the confusion and negativity surrounding diets and healthy eating, this book helps you find out exactly how and what it means to eat well for you, for the rest of your life.This ultimate guide includes over 50 exclusive gluten, dairy and refined sugar free recipes, complete with vegan and vegetarian alternatives. Together with a unique and exclusively curated tool - Amelia's Positive Nutrition Pyramid - which will ensure you are unequivocally nourishing yourself with all of the essential ingredients needed for a happy, healthy body and mind.Give Amelia ten days and she will change how you think about food for life.

Super Juice Me!: 28 Day Juice Plan

Jason Vale - 2014
    'Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan' has been specifically designed for those who need to lose a lot of weight and/or who need to make considerable changes to their health. Jason Vale challenges anyone suffering from overweight or a lifestyle disease, to try it on for size. His most comprehensive juice programme to date comes off the back of his ground-breaking and critically acclaimed film, 'Super Juice Me! The Big Juice Experiment'. In the film eight people with twenty-two different diseases between them, lived on nothing but freshly extracted juice for 28 days. Jason wanted to test what effect, if any, living on a juice only diet for 28-days would have on their diseases and overall health. At the end of the Super Juice Me! Big Juice Experiment every person experienced positive changes to their health conditions; one person even lost 38lbs in just those 28 days. Jason says 'Give Me 28-Days and I ll Give You Back Your Life.' The book contains: The Full 'Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan', the 28-Day Journal To Track Your Progress, The Right Psychology For Success, Why Medical Drugs Aren t Always The Answer, Exactly What To Do After You ve Been Super Juiced!, a Full Q&A Section plus a Full Shopping List And Much More ..

Total Knee Replacement and Rehabilitation: The Knee Owner's Manual

Daniel J. Brugioni - 2004
    For patients to achieve maximum benefits of this surgical correction, they need understand and manage many important details both before and in the first year after surgery.This comprehensive guide explains everything from the preoperative decision-making process to the surgery itself, how to prepare your home for post-surgery rehabilitation, and a week by week description of how to rehabilitate yourself following your TKA. The road to recovery is laid out clearly in this book in such detail that there are no surprises. It concentrates extensively on postoperative rehabilitation, which is vital to the success of a TKA, and as important as the surgery itself.This book contains 145 exercises, 190 illustrations and photos, and questions and answers at the end of each chapter. It empowers patients with the knowledge they need to take charge of their own rehabilitation program.

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster

Peggy Huddleston - 2002
    Mind-Body techniques that will help a patient: feel calmer before surgery, recover faster, have less pain after surgery, strengthen the immune system, use less pain medication, and save money on medical bills.

Women Who Kill: A Chilling Casebook of True-Life Murders

Al Cimino - 2019
    But this disproportion can make their crimes seem all the more shocking. In this chilling casebook, Al Cimino explores 34 female murderers. We meet 'Angel of Death' Kristen Gilbert who induced multiple cardiac arrests among her patients while working as a hospital nurse, Enriqueta Mart�, the 'Vampire of Barcelona' who killed children to make cosmetics, and many more. These case studies give riveting insight into the lives and motives of women who decided to commit the ultimate transgression. In many of these cases, the women had suffered years of abuse and psychological breakdown before their eventual crimes. Other times their heinous acts seemed to spring from nowhere, with an unpredictability that is haunting. The gruesome details within these pages are not for the faint hearted.

The Good Menopause Guide

Liz Earle - 2018
     I want all of you who read this book to know you have the tools to feel and look your radiant best. And more than that, I want my daughters - and yours - to embrace the menopause as simply another phase in our lives which is natural and liberating.' Liz Earle, MBE, is one of the world's most respected and trusted authorities on wellbeing. Following on from her bestselling books Skin and The Good Gut Guide, this beautifully illustrated guide shares all of the information, tips and advice you need for a healthy menopause. She provides guidance on how to balance your hormones, the importance of a nourishing diet, the myths and facts about HRT, osteoporosis, how to optimise bone health, and how to boost energy and self-esteem.An expert on beauty, Liz Earle also provides advice on how to take special care of skin, hair and nails, and how to combat ageing with supplements. She also shares 60 nutritious recipes - including many suitable for vegetarians - to help you feel and look your best. 'Liz Earle's practical, honest and uplifting book will help women become stronger as we navigate the Menopause. It's time to celebrate a new chapter in our lives' - Kirsty Wark

A Statin Nation - Damaging Millions in a Brave New Post-Health World

Malcolm Kendrick - 2018
    Dr Kendrick, a well-known statin sceptic and author of the bestselling The Great Cholesterol Con, has returned to the diet-heart-cholesterol battlefield to warn that people are being conned.In relaxed and humorous style, he lifts the rock to allow the reader to peer underneath. He points out that statins, even in high-risk individuals, increase life expectancy by a mere four days after five years of treatment. Yet adverse effects have been swept under the carpet by researchers who are closely tied to the industry.The way to avoid heart disease, and strokes, is simple - but, as this riveting book shows, it has nothing to do with lowering cholesterol levels.