Prayers and Promises for Supernatural Childbirth

Jackie Mize - 2005
    Jackie Mize--who was told it was impossible for her to have a baby and who is now the mother of four beautiful children--provides readers with a supernatural answer. Filled with powerful and intimate scriptural prayers, this little book gives readers a way to come before Father God in faith with issues from having a difficult time getting pregnant to joyfully cradling that precious gift from God in their arms. By taking an expectant mother--or a women who desperately wants to be expecting--through God's promises for her and her baby's future, Prayers and Promises for Supernatural Childbirth is a bundle of joy that delivers hope and encouragement, while chasing away doubts and fears. Specific issues covered in the scriptural prayers include: fulfillment over barrenness; the threat of miscarriage; a joyful delivery day; and dedicating one's baby to God.

I'm Pregnant!: A Week-By-Week Guide from Conception to Birth

Lesley Regan - 2005

The Bloke's Guide To Pregnancy

Jon Smith - 2004
    This book explores the changes, physical and emotional, that any man can expect to see in his partner and in their relationship over the coming months. It takes a comical yet informed look at the ups and downs of life as a father to be.

Giving Birth

Catherine Taylor - 2002
    This is the perfect companion for parents-to-be and all professionals who are engaged in and witness to the miracle of birth. "One of the most important books on childbirth...A colorful, anecdotal, and research-supported journey from both the mothers' and midwives' perspectives...A classic." (Pam England, nurse-midwife and author of Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation)

Primal Moms Look Good Naked: A Mother's Guide to Achieving Beauty through Excellent Health

Peggy Emch - 2012
    In Primal Moms Look Good Naked, Peggy Emch challenges conventional pregnancy wisdom—that the fate of a pregnant woman and new mothers is ugly and undesirable—and explains how eating the foods we were designed to eat can reduce or even eliminate most of the embarrassing signs new mothers go to extremes to cover up.Supported by scientific research, observational accounts of traditional peoples, and her own journey into vibrant health, Emch explains how a beautiful pregnant body is a reflection of the mother and baby's good health. Each chapter focuses on a different common pregnancy complaint, identifies causes, and details ways to prevent and repair them. Some of the topics include: - Stretch Marks - Cellulite - Varicose and Spider Veins - Diastasis Recti - Flabby Belly - Skin ProblemsEmch incorporates her years of experience and research into a practical plan for achieving and maintaining excellent physical health and, consequently, good looks throughout pregnancy. In Primal Moms Look Good Naked, Emch reveals: - How a Paleolithic diet can heal your skin tone, color, and texture - How pregnancy cravings and trips to the ice cream isle in the middle of the night are not normal symptoms of pregnancy - How stretch marks and cellulite are signs of dietary insufficiencies - How the junk we eat and the healthy food we don't affects not only our bodies, but also the bodies of our babies - How just a little bit of weight bearing exercise each week can transform our aging bodies into beautiful, youthful onesPrimal Moms Look Good Naked is a complete guide for women seeking a healthy pregnancy and baby. It includes a full nutritional guide, recipes, and an exercise program suitable for women of all athletic abilities.

Baby Bible: A Guide to Taking Care of Your Bump, Your Baby and Yourself

Bec Judd - 2018
    From carrying a baby, delivering it, feeding it and raising it, Bec has experienced almost everything motherhood can throw at you and she wants to share the secrets and stories that she has learned along the way. Not to mention all those things about pregnancy, birth and motherhood that often come as a complete surprise. Join Bec and her dream team of experts (an obstetrician, a midwife, an ultrasound specialist, a women's health physio and a paediatric sleep specialist) as they take you month by month through your pregnancy. They will share their insider advice on the best ways to eat for two (or three!), stay in shape and get you and your baby sleeping well. This gorgeous, comprehensive handbook contains a wealth of honest, practical and sometimes hilarious advice to prepare you and your baby for life after birth.

Pregnancy, Childbirth And The Newborn (2001) (Retired Edition)

Penny Simkin - 1984
    With over one million copies in print, this is one of the best-selling books about pregnancy on the market.  More complete and up-to-date than any other pregnancy guide, this remarkable book is the "bible" for childbirth educators.  Now revised with:  -a greatly expanded treatment of pregnancy tests, complications, and infections-an expanded list of drugs and medications, plus advice for uses-a brand-new chapter on creating a detailed birth plan Called "excellent" by the "American Journal of Nursing."

Sad Mum Lady

Ashe Davenport - 2020
    Savage, true and deeply relatable - finally, a book that resists the sanitised, acceptable face of parenting. You might not feel better, but at least you'll feel less alone.

Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation

American Academy of Pediatrics - 1991
    The new, extensively updated Neonatal Resuscitation Program materials represent a shift in approach to the education process, eliminating the slide and lecture format and emphasizing a hands-on, interactive, simulation-based learning environment.Changes in the NRP™ Algorithm Elimination of Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid in Initial Rapid Assessment Use of Supplemental Oxygen During Neonatal Resuscitation Use of Pulse Oximetry

Myles' Textbook for Midwives

Diane M. Fraser - 1981
    Completely updated and revised, it provides the most up-to-date perspectives and research on a complete range of the theoretical, practical, and background concepts with which modern midwives should be familiar. In addition, it offers numerous summary boxes and flowcharts and provides clear guidance on how to critically appraise valuable research.Covers the full scope of theoretical and practical issues with which a newly qualified midwife must be familiarOffers critical appraisal boxes related to recent research to help the reader understand how to analyse available research, in ways they are already required to think for assignment work.Includes summary boxes and flowcharts to make the text more quickly and easily accessible to the readerOver 150 new illustrations and 30 new colour photographsAnatomy and physiology chapters have been placed at the beginning of the book.Two new chapters - Exercises for Pregnancy, Labour and the Puerperium and Childbirth.More emphasis has been placed on the puerperium, presenting the mother and midwife as partners in determining postnatal care.Discusses the new midwifery regulatory body, examining changes in legislation from a practical perspective.The chapter on antenatal investigations examines the dilemmas faced by potential parents and the challenges that adverse outcomes present to the midwife.Includes a color plate section with over 40 full-color photographs.Includes 160 new two-color line illustrations.Offers critical appraisal boxes related to recent research.

The Best Birth: Your Guide to the Safest, Healthiest, Most Satisfying Labor and Delivery

Sarah McMoyler - 2008
    Move over Lamaze and Bradley! Already taking the west coast by storm, the McMoyler Method offers a modern, medically savvy approach to labor and delivery that addresses the hopes and fears of todays about helping moms cope, involving partners every step of the way, and working with doctors and nurses for the best birth-no matter how it happens.

Quick, Boil Some Water: The Story of Childbirth in our Grandmother's Day: Volume 1

Yvonne Barlow - 2007
    Today, we hear stories of over-worked midwives and short-staffed hospitals, but the truth is that childbirth has never been easier. For our grandmothers, pregnancy was a journey into the unknown. Rather than ponder which pushchair to buy or fret over towelling versus disposable nappies, they worried about what lay ahead. Home births were often lonely affairs with the midwife or doctor only visiting when birth was imminent. During hospital births, medical staff rarely gave explanations and would push and prod with little offer of pain relief let alone sympathy. Standard care in labour was the O.B.E. - Oil, Bath and Enema. Nursing staff gave firm rules on how long to stay in bed, how to lie in bed and even when to go to the toilet. And life didn't get much easier after giving birth. Taking care of a home and baby was hard work when there were few washing machines, no disposable nappies and heating came from coal carried in from the back yard.

The Conception Chronicles: The Uncensored Truth about Sex, Love & Marriage When You're Trying to Get Pregnant

Patty Doyle Debano - 2005
    We'd just toss out our birth control pills and before we knew it, we'd be rocking our little one to sleep. Little did we know what was in store for us, or the energy it would take to face all of the crazy, unpredictable and (sometimes) irrational emotions we felt along the way. Neither did our husbands. Sound familiar?If your idea of foreplay is screaming, "I'm ovulating; it's time!!!" to your oblivious husband... If your ovulation schedule is ruling your life and every trip to the drug store includes a bulk purchase of pregnancy sticks... If you're running out of answers to the chronic questioning from the pregnancy paparazzi about your plans for parenthood ... Then this is the book for you. Whether it's been three months or three years since you've been trying, the more complicated and overwhelming the process becomes.The Conception Chronicles shares candid humor, hold-nothing-back banter and practical advice on everything that goes along with trying to start a family: from dealing with your fertile friends to the battery of tests you may have to face; from surviving "sex on demand" to navigating the ins and outs of high-tech fertility treatments. This book will guide you through the emotional journey to motherhood, offering compassion and laughter like only your best girlfriends can. And we promise you'll never hear us say, "Relax and you'll be pregnant in no time."

The Essential C-Section Guide: Pain Control, Healing at Home, Getting Your Body Back, and Everything Else You Need to Know About a Cesarean Birth

Maureen Connolly - 2004
    Despite the fact that roughly one in four babies in the United States is delivered by c-section, very little information about the experience is included in typical pregnancy books and physicians and childbirth educators often gloss over the details.The Essential C-Section Guide is written not only for women to read in preparation for a scheduled c-section and for those considered “high risk” who know that a c-section may become necessary but also for women recovering from an unexpected surgical delivery. This book provides answers to important questions about what the surgery entails, what a woman can expect as she recovers, and what considerations should be made for future pregnancies and deliveries.With frank discussions about the physical and emotional aspects surrounding a c-section, the authors share comforting wisdom about early bonding, pain control, breastfeeding, infant care, healing from surgery, postpartum exercise, partner involvement, and much more, in detail not available anywhere else.Written by authors who have firsthand knowledge of birth by c-section, The Essential C-Section Guide is well-researched and addresses its unique concerns with intelligence and

You & Your Baby Pregnancy: The Ultimate Week-By-Week Pregnancy Guide

Laura Riley - 2006
    It also contains descriptions and eight pages of in-utero photographs."