Soldiers of Fame and Fortune Full Series Omnibus: Nobody’s Fool, Nobody Lives Forever, Nobody Drinks That Much, Nobody Remembers But Us, Ghost Walking, 12 Book series...

Michael Todd - 2019
    THEY DIE FAST AND HORRIBLY.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle Read the entire series in the bestselling Soldiers of Fame and Fortune series at a discounted bundle price! Nobody’s Fool Decades ago, an alien ship fired a missile at Earth as they passed by, and we caught it. That was when humanity truly opened Pandora's box.One more trip into danger, or something beyond danger?Holly Smith has been hired as a consultant to go into the ZOO and retrieve information to help a company find a unique chemical.Holly is not a stranger to danger when trying to uncover that next billion-dollar ingredient, but even Holly has to admit something is wrong with the vibe coming from the ZOO. There should not be a lush jungle in the middle of the Sahara. Needing more information, she leaves the American security enclave and heads to the French/Israeli/India military encampment where mercenaries are known to congregate. Plenty of alcohol should get her the answers she needs, right? The more she learns, the more her concern intensifies. Can she learn if there is real danger, or are they lying? Nobody Lives Forever Holly has found FU*BAR in the French encampment and she hopes to learn more about the ZOO from those who have been there.Will she get the truth, or will she make decisions on tall tales?JB is looking for someone special, someone to help him in the future. He might have found that person in Holly.Will each of them find the answers they need?Holly is back, learning about another story ripped out of the ZOO. Can she learn enough about the ZOO before those back in America push her to make a decision? Plus 10 more stories in the ZOO! This entire series boxed set will have you laughing so hard you just might pee your pants, or so frightened you'll never look at plants the same way again! The future is looking interesting and humorous, except for the dying part. Go up and click on the 'Read Now' button and enter the ZOO.

Dawn The Warrior Princess of Kashmir

Rakesh K. Kaul - 2019

Ghost Galaxy Omnibus

Sarah Noffke - 2020
    Save the galaxy. All in a hard day's work. Get both the Completed Omnibus of Ghost Squadron and Precious Galaxy series in one GIANT omnibus for a stellar price!Ghost Galaxy encompasses the two Age of Expansion series co-written by Sarah Noffke and Michael Anderle!Ghost Squadron's 7 book set:After 10 years of wandering the outer rim of the galaxy, Eddie Teach is a man without a purpose. He was one of the toughest pilots in the Federation, but now he's just a regular guy, getting into bar fights and making a difference wherever he can. It's not the same as flying a ship and saving colonies, but it'll have to do.That is, until General Lance Reynolds tracks Eddie down and offers him a job. There are bad people out there, plotting terrible things, killing innocent people, and destroying entire colonies.Someone has to stop them.Experience this exciting military sci-fi saga and the latest addition to the expanded Kurtherian Gambit universe. If you're a fan of Mass Effect, Firefly, or Star Wars, you'll love this riveting new space opera.Precious Galaxy completed 4 book set:A new evil lurks in the darknessAfter an explosion, the crew of a battlecruiser mysteriously disappears.CorruptionAfter an explosion, the crew of a battlecruiser mysteriously disappears.Bailey and Lewis, complete strangers, find themselves suddenly onboard the damaged ship. Lewis hasn’t worked a case in years, not since the final one broke his spirit and his bank account. The last thing Bailey remembers is preparing to take down a fugitive on Onyx Station.Mysteries are harder to solve when there’s no evidence left behind.Bailey and Lewis don’t know how they got onboard Ricky Bobby or why. However, they quickly learn that whatever was responsible for the explosion and disappearance of the crew is still on the ship.Monsters are real and what this one can do changes everything.The new team bands together to discover what happened and how to fight the monster lurking in the bottom of the battlecruiser. The stakes have never been higher No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice, one thing is certain.The Federation cannot be allowed to fall.Note: If cursing is a problem, then this might not be for you.

The Shadows - Escaping Darkness Book 6: (A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller Series)

E.S. Richards - 2020
     A routine survey mission turns into the unthinkable as the Yellowstone Caldera finally breaks free of its earthen chains, releasing thousands of years of pent-up energy in an instant. As fire and ash consume all in their path, signs point to the disaster not being as natural as it first appears... Barely escaping the disaster in a small plane that takes off from the Yellowstone airport, Mia finds her Texas A&M life turned upside down as the days of class and studying turn into a fight for the very air she needs to survive. While she tries to help her fellow survivors, her niece and nephew are being watched over by her parents on a small farm that quickly succumbs to the choking clouds of ash. Both sides of the family must fight against man - and nature - in this unique take on the classic Yellowstone post-apocalyptic story. Written by ES Richards in conjunction with #1 best-selling post-apocalyptic author Mike Kraus, this thrilling post-apocalyptic series features characters that are vulnerable, naive and inexperienced who work alongside the prepared and experienced to get through the end of days. The Escaping Darkness series will be 6-books long, published at a rate of approximately one book per month.

Stellar Survival Quest

Jalf Whitemage - 2019
    With no hype building announcements, no history of any Alpha, or beta, or even as much as a leaked snapshot they released a first-generation fully immersive virtual reality pod and their bundled game Stellar Survival Quest. Even being 20 years ahead of anything else out, a new entertainment media is not typically world shattering. Especially, when players reported not being able to recall their time playing. The company made claims of not allowing meta-gaming, Thus keeping the game world pure. After every gaming session regardless of length the player could watch a short video of their session. Each video was only three minutes of randomly recorded footage from every hour played. Thus, a nearly impenetrable wall of secret gameplay was maintained.However, when that first generation of gamers left the white-grey egg-shaped gaming pods, they gave the world an even bigger shock! The technology was amazing, true VR with all five senses was outrageous, the stuff of fiction novels! No, what really sent the world reeling was skills learned in game translated to real life skills! Overnight the world was thrown on its heels. A new player could log into the game to be given a job in some way decided by the game and come out an ivy league educated scientist, or special ops level soldier. As the world reels from these first-generation gamers suddenly becoming some of the most highly skilled individuals in the world, more gamers clamor to buy their own expensive pod and hop into space!Nathan Tyrone Rogers or Bubba to his friends and family awoke on a small transport. Freshly landed on an ancient space station. As the first Human to be spawned outside the Sol System, Nathan is vastly unprepared and overwhelmed for the task. With a cryptic message that he needs to claim the solar system of Epsilon Indi before one of the other 12 alien species; whom were also spawned in system can. Some of which will supposedly be hostile to humanity. Nathan attempts to survive in the completely unforgiving environment of space. All the while trying to choose a path for himself, avoid being eaten by monstrous alien women, and growing more and more annoyed with his “real self” still back on Earth.Nathan’s first step to claiming the Solar system is simple to say, hard to do. He must survive!***This is the first Sci-Fi LitRPG in the Stellar Survival Quest series set in Jalf Whitemages Total Expanse Universe. This book contains adult themes, mild harem themes, base building, and real time strategy elements. It is not recommended for those new to the Lit Genre, and definitely not anyone who is easily offended by … well anything. You have been warned 

Savage Stars (Chaos Core Book 3)

Randolph Lalonde - 2018
    That means going to the Geist System, which is about to become the most prized looting target in the galaxy. Governments, raiders and corporations alike are ready to go to war over the advanced technology there, and Spin has to lead her people straight into the middle where she's unsure of what other obstacles the mad artificial intelligences have left for them.


Greg Stolze - 2005
    Ignorance is no excuse for the cops and creeps and exterminators whose desires shaped the world. Knowledge is a little power, a dangerous thing, to the cross-dressers and risk-takers who understand enough to damage the world more to their liking. They all collude and collide on a driverless ride, each trying to be the one to break the secret heart of the world. But only one can claim the prize of being the cosmos' corrupt ward boss. Only one can be the Godwalker.

Dark Star

Vaughn Heppner - 2016
    Then, the Coalition invaded, smashed the fleet and conquered the homeworld. The battered Dark Star barely escaped to wander the stars, helping its centurion eke out a living as a bounty hunter. Now, bad luck dogs Centurion Tanner. On Calisto Grandee, officials jail his crew and impound his ship, demanding fees he cannot pay. Rich strangers offer to hire him…maybe because he’s the only one desperate enough to accept their deal. They’ll pay to fix his ship and promise him a weapon to help him free his world. First, he must race to the galactic rim while there’s time and sneak into the most heavily fortified star system in the galaxy. There, they must destroy an extinction level threat before it can spread like a cancer against humanity. Tanner agrees. Now, the fate of the galaxy rests on one man and one ship to do the impossible before the clock strikes zero.

The Cyclops Effect

CJ Williams - 2020
    But that’s what happens when medical technology goes awry. Doctors said they could train her brain to interpret digital signals from the camera in her artificial eye. The module even has wi-fi so they can monitor signal traffic across her optic nerve. What they didn’t anticipate was that her brain would figure out how to use the wi-fi connection both ways. Asha can now see the Internet. ASHA'S INTELLIGENCE IS NOT ARTIFICIAL As her digital brain develops, she creates an online AI by copying part of her mind to the cloud. The AI she calls Abbot becomes her right hand as she goes to work for the FBI tracking down international terrorists. Unfortunately, she is so effective, the government believes she may be a co-conspirator. When they refuse to pay her, she walks out. IT'S NOT JUST THE FBI WHO SUSPECT HER When Asha crosses paths with Chinese military hackers, she stops them by taking out Shanghai’s electrical grid. Now the communist government wants to know who did it and how. Things go downhill after Asha gives a copy of Abbot to her husband’s company. When the Chinese military steals a copy of it, they immediately recognize its military significance. Their top priority, however, is to take out the woman who came up with it in the first place. CHINA FLEXES ITS NEW CYBER WARFARE TOOL Using her own technology against her, the Chinese suddenly become a serious threat to the US. The FBI calls Asha back and ask one last favor: stop the Chinese attack. She agrees, but this time there are conditions. Either they pay upfront, or she will take care of the Asian threat in her own way, and knowing Asha, that could mean World War Three.

An AWOL Stardrives: Fleet of Man

Mervin Miller - 2015
    The location of Earth has been lost for nearly as long. Through a series of incidents a single man has stumbled upon clues to the location of this fabled world and begins a quest to find the lost Man Home. His actions trigger consequences beyond his understanding or control.

Kyrzon Breeding Auctions

Luna Voss - 2021
    It's obvious that this is a much, much higher price than any of them would usually consider paying for a mate. All of them are looking at the handsome, bearded warrior, waiting to see what he’ll do next.The bearded Kyrzon steps forward, his expression fierce. "100,000 power units for Cleopatra."The entire room falls silent.For the price of 100,000 power units, I now belong to the war chief.On the Planet Kyrzon, powerful alien warlords compete for the right to breed with a human female. Each story follows a different human bride as she is purchased at auction by a fearsome warrior and claimed as his mate. There's action, adventure, twists and turns, and more than a little steam as these plucky young women go from shivering on the auction block to owned, cherished, and pregnant by their muscular, doting Kyrzon mates. No cheating, and happy ending guaranteed!This collection includes:Sold to the BabymakerClaimed by the BabymakerProperty of the BabymakerAuctioned to the BabymakerCaptured by the BabymakerA Curvy Gift for the Alien Warrior

Truman's War: Vol. Two: The World in Flames Trilogy

Jack Strain - 2015
    Stalin’s War told the story of the build up to war, and now Truman’s War tells the story of two superpowers at war in the devastated landscape of post-war Germany that soon spreads across the globe. The drama opens with a massive series of attacks across a four hundred mile front as Marshal Zhukov’s powerful Red Army launches Operation Stalin’s Revenge against the ill-prepared Allied armies. The American and British armies having never faced such a powerful foe are sent reeling back from the opening attacks as entire units are soon overwhelmed by the advancing Soviet forces. The relatively untried American President is forced to grapple with the realization that the United States is threatened with its most deadly enemy in its history and a choice must be made…fight or retreat across the Atlantic in disgrace. Will President Truman rise to the occasion or instead falter and fail to live up to the exalted legacy of his predecessor. Massive battles in the air, land, and sea break out as Allied forces strike back but at an appalling cost. Massive pitched battles from Hamburg to Pilsen try to stem the Soviet onslaught, but victorious Soviet tanks push hard for the Rhine to secure a swift victory ever mindful they are up against the clock trying to win before American atomic arms can be brought to bear. Heroes emerge while others fall in disgrace unable to stand up to a new type of war, a total war unlike any the Allied armies ever thought possible. Truman’s War tells the story through the lives and actions of numerous historical figures from Truman, Churchill, Eisenhower, Patton, Montgomery, Bradley and countless others while also focusing on the great Soviets figures of the era, Stalin, Zhukov, Khrushchev, Rokossovsky, Chuikov, and others. Plus, numerous lesser known historical figures play their parts and fictional characters are also introduced to play important roles in the drama that plays out page-by-page until we reach the stunning conclusion setting up the third and final volume of the World in Flames trilogy.

Union Station 1, 2, 3: Three Book Bundle

E.M. Foner - 2017
    EarthCent's diplomats are learning on the job - but the galaxy doesn't come with instructions. Get a running start on the funny and heartwarming Union Station series with a three book bundle at the special introductory price. Kelly Frank is EarthCent's top diplomat on Union Station, but her job description has always been a bit vague. The pay is horrible and she's in hock up to her ears for her furniture, which is likely to end up in a corridor because she's behind on rent for her room. Sometimes she has to wonder if the career she has put ahead of her personal life for fifteen years is worth it. When Kelly receives a gift subscription to the dating service that's rumored to be powered by the same benevolent artificial intelligence that runs the huge station, she decides to swallow her pride and give it a shot. But as her dates go from bad to worse, she can only hope that the supposedly omniscient AI is planning a happy ending.