The Nude Nutritionist: Stop obsessing about food and never diet again

Lyndi Cohen - 2019
    Learn how to listen to your hunger and calm your mind. Lyndi is one of Australia's most popular dietitians, known as The Nude Nutritionist of Channel 9's TODAY show. She started dieting as a young teenager, unhappy with her growing body, and gave up in misery, having steadily gained weight for more than a decade. Almost by accident she become a mindful and intuitive eater, and along the way she gently lost 20kg. With over 50 deliciously realistic recipes (no 'superfoods' required) you'll also be inspired to eat well to boost your mood and balance your hormones. Change starts today.

Karma Sutra: Cracking the Karmic Code

Hingori - 2014
    During his early years, when the author contracted arthritis and suffered it for 10 years. Then he met his spiritual teacher, who cured him in 60 seconds flat! The minute that happened, his life changed.The second half of his life was devoted to practice, philosophy and philanthropy. His learnings, which are the secrets of the spiritual path, have been guardedly kept close to his chest. But as he approaches the final phase of his life, he has decided to share them with those fortunate enough to receive them.So here is spiritualism; not sacrificed, but SIMPLIFIED.

Confidence: Build Unbreakable, Unstoppable, Powerful Confidence: Boost Your Confidence: A 21-Day Challenge to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Live Well (Self-Confidence)

Justin Albert - 2014
    Boost Your Confidence: A 21-Day Challenge to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Live Well provides an extensive, day-by-day guide to renew your self-confidence. It allows you to formulate a specific plan to beat back against your worst enemy: yourself. With its assistance, you can train your mind to rid yourself of past stressors, to formulate fresh ideas about your goals, and to reach toward a renewed sense of self. Your zest and positivity will form strength going forward, allowing you to retain assurance in your work and relationship life. Scientific Approach: Because your self-confidence exists on a neurological level, this book is required to prescribe precisely how you can utilize Neuro-Linguistic Programming and specific techniques to hone your self-confidence. This book provides state-of-the-art, scientific steps to cultivate neurological and communicative strength. How do you train your mind to beat back against years of low self-confidence? The 21-Day Challenge to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Live Well allows you to hold the reigns. It lends you specific techniques to hone every single day, to build your interior strength, and to push past your interior dialogue. Finally, after all these years, you can truly make your life your own. Are you ready to... Be Unstoppable? Be Unbreakable? Build Powerful Self-Confidence? Go through Personal Transformation? Be the Best Version of Yourself? Take The Challenge Today! - Imagine your life 21 days from now. - Imagine how powerful you will feel at the end of this challenge. - Imagine all the things you could do. - Imagine what you'll be going after once you build unbreakable self-esteem within you. You won't have to imagine 21 days from now.

Untame Yourself

Elizabeth DiAlto - 2015
    I write about not only relating to yourself in a more loving, peaceful and powerful way, but learning to communicate with others from a place of compassion with an open heart for more positive outcomes, greater intimacy, and deeper connection. Finally, the book also teaches you how to balance, integrate and harness the often unknown or misunderstood gifts in both your masculine and feminine energies. After being a personal trainer for years and teaching women how to work out, I realized the importance in my own life and that of clients of working in. That inspired me to create Wild Soul Movement in 2013. From there through my blog, a Facebook group with 3500+ members, YouTube videos, free online challenges, paid programs, courses, coaching, and a podcast, I became intimately familiar with the struggles of 21st century women. Some of those struggles include: - lack of trust, a need to control everything, and exerting an exhausting amount of force, effort and energy to make things happen all the time. - body images issues ranging from never feeling comfortable in your skin to intense eating disorders and chronic self-loathing. - terrible boundaries, incessant people pleasing, putting yourself last and the stress, resentment, low energy and even illness that comes with it. - highly unsatisfactory relationships in all categories, romantic, family, professional, and friendships. - shame, low-self-esteem and harboring secrets, or emotions you don’t feel safe to share with anyone—for fear of being judged, abandoned or labeled as “crazy”, “bitchy”, “high maintenance” or “needy.” We live in an odd time. Western women, especially, have every right and capability of western men and that’s confusing. We’ve been cultured and conditioned to behave, basically, like lovelier versions of men—which often leaves us burned out, resentful, stressed to the max, and sometimes, in identity crises, totally disconnected from our bodies, our souls, and the truth of of who we really are. Untame Yourself is the guidebook I wish I’d had several years ago when I began the process of awakening to who I really am and developing a personal relationship with my own femininity. I’ve filled its pages with practices, tools, advice and stories to help you have an easier, more graceful experience than I did. I also aim to save you the time of figuring much of it out as you go as I did, too.

What the Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well

Rebecca Rosen - 2017
    But of course Rebecca’s life is also colored with signs from the other world, with messages that spirits from the Other Side urgently want to share with their loved ones. Just like you, Rebecca can get overwhelmed at times, but she has developed strategies for coping with those feelings and refocusing when she feels herself going off-course. In this book, she shares those exercises, practices like creating a special space for tapping into higher spiritual guidance, how to get “spiritually dressed” in the morning by getting centered and protecting the energetic body, and how to cleanse negative energy from a room.After serving as a psychic medium between the spirit world and our day-to-day world for more than two decades, what Rebecca knows for sure is that the spirit world is always trying to get our attention. They intervene in our lives every day to let us know that our real-life struggles have a rhyme, a reason, and a purpose, and that we’re not alone to figure it all out. Our guides have our backs every step of the way, and What the Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well reveals how to become more in tune with their guidance.

Man Up: How to Cut the Bullshit and Kick Ass in Business (and in Life)

Bedros Keuilian - 2018
    . ." "There's no way . . ." "It's impossible . . ." Enough. Get off your ass make your "someday" goals a priority—today. After years of coaching and consulting hundreds of startup rookies as well as seasoned entrepreneurs, executives, and CEOs, Bedros Keuilian realized that most people who want to start a business, grow an existing business, author a book, make more money, or make a bigger impact usually take the long, slow, painful way to get there . . . and more than 80 percent of entrepreneurs never get to their desired destination or achieve their full potential in business. They treat their dream as if it were merely a hobby and dip their toes in the water, but they never commit to diving in—you get the idea. It's time to cut the bullshit excuses. Everyone has a gift, a purpose. It's your duty to figure out what your gift is and how you're going to share it with the world. Man Up: How to Cut the Bullshit and Kick Ass in Business (and in Life) is your guide to doing exactly that. Keuilian, founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp and known as the "hidden genius" behind many of the most successful brands and businesses throughout multiple industries, will show you how to break out of the sea of mediocrity, get singularly focused on your purpose, and do what it takes—not only to achieve but dominate your goals. With Keuilian's no-nonsense approach in both business and personal spheres, you'll be able to define your purpose and have clarity of vision—and a plan—to make the quantum leap. Whether it's creating and growing a company, leaving a legacy, making a difference, or launching a new brand, you will discover how to use your passion, purpose, and sheer grit to overcome any adversity that attempts to derail your progress. If there's an area of your life in which you need to man up, this book will get you there.

30 DAYS: Change your habits, Change your life

Marc Reklau - 2019
    All you have to do is stop waiting and start acting!Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get everything easily while others don't? Are you tired of waiting for your life to change? How long are you willing to wait till your circumstances change magically?30 Days is a simple, fast-paced book where you will learn what it takes to create the life you want.In this book, international bestselling author Marc Reklau introduces the readers to some proventips, tricks and exercises that can improve their life beyond imagination! All it takes is followingthem constantly and persistently.More good news: You can start by creating new habits and working towards your goals consistently,doing things that bring you closer to your goals every single day. This book shows you how tomake it possible. You can do it! You deserve it!Thirty days does make a difference and you CAN really create a happier, healthier and wealthierlife. All you have to do is stop waiting and start acting!

Strategic Mindset : A 7-Day Plan to Identify What Matters and Create a Strategy that Works (Productivity Series Book 4)

Thibaut Meurisse - 2021

Talking to Spirit: How to Become a Medium & Connect with the Afterlife

Emily Stroia - 2015
    Bonus FREE gift included with your purchase! What Signs & Signals Spirits Give Spirit loved ones have many ways of communicating with us. In this book you will learn the common signals and signs when a Spirit loved one is trying to communicate with you and how to identify them more easily so you can have faster and easier communication with the beyond. How to Successfully Communicate with Spirit Loved Ones Learn what makes mediumship successful including a method on communicating with Spirit loved ones and several exercises on making contact. You will also learn the importance of sitting with spirit and what to look for in your meditations. How to Become a Medium & Talk to a Spirit Loved One In this book, Emily will teach you all the various methods and details to look for when practicing mediumship and spirit communication. You will learn all the evidence and details to look for when doing mediumship and how to communicate these details to your sitter or receiver. In this book are all the keys to successful mediumship including how to tell the story of your spirit loved ones, interpreting symbols from Spirit, the importance of the message and how to find out what messages the Spirit wants to communicate. You will also learn how to create your own Spiritual Toolbox Kit and how to Set your Intention with the Spirit World. Emily believes we all have an intuition and use it more than we know or are aware of. Learn today how to become more in touch with your inner voice and develop your psychic awareness! About The AuthorEmily is a professional Intuitive & Evidential Medium based in the New York & New Jersey area. She teaches classes, has written several books on psychic & mediumship development available on Amazon for purchase and continues to have private sessions with clients. Visit her website, for more information about her. Scroll up and grab your copy now! Free gift inside with purchase!

Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques: Mastering Manifestation and Attracting What You Want Fast!

Eddie Coronado - 2015
     The fastest way to manifest your desires is by implementing a Law of Attraction Action Plan. Since everything in the Universe is energy, the necessary ingredient for manifestation is the consistent mental and emotional energy that you emit in the form of thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It’s very important to remember that the phrase "Law of Attraction" contains the word ACTION. So many people on this spiritual path get caught up reading lots of books about the Law of Attraction, but they fail to take the daily action that will translate their desires from the invisible world of thought to the visible world of manifestation. There are many books on the market that explain what the Law of Attraction is and what it does, but few that actually teach people how to use this creative power on a daily basis. As a result, this book will provide you with step-by-step instructions, proven techniques, spiritual insights, and success stories that will help you manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. Like all my other books, this book is all substance without the unnecessary fluff and filler. It gets right to the point by explaining what you must do on a consistent basis to manifest your desires. So, if you are serious about manifesting your desires, you should read this book and then implement your Law of Attraction Action Plan today. The Table of Contents: PART 1 - THE ADVANCED LAW OF ATTRACTION TECHNIQUES: This section contains a number of metaphysical techniques that will help you manifest your desires easily and effortlessly. Within this section you will learn how to harness the tremendous power of an Intention Statement, a Belief Statement, and a Vision Board. You will also learn how to use Emotional Visualization and Mirror Work to manifest desires. This section also includes three powerful visualization scripts that you can use to manifest money, material possessions, love and romance, or anything that you can make a part of your beliefs and feelings. PART 2 - MANIFESTING DESIRES: This section includes interviews with people who have successfully manifested their desires with the Law of Attraction. You will read about their metaphysical insights and what they did to manifest financial abundance, a successful business and a lucrative career. This section also covers each interviewee’s Law of Attraction Action Plan. PART 3 - MANIFESTING LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS: This section includes detailed interviews with people who have manifested love and romance with the Law of Attraction. Once you read this section you will have no question about what you should do to manifest a soul mate. PART 4 - COMMON DENOMINATORS OF SUCCESSFUL MANIFESTATIONS: This section highlights the common denominators of all successful manifestations and explains what is required to manifest any desire. After reading this section you will have no question about the actions you must take to manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. PART 5 - QUESTION AND ANSWER SECTION: This section addresses some of the most important questions relating to the Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques. Some of the questions covered are: Can I really manifest any desire with the Law of Attraction? How can I make my manifestation exercises easier to perform each day? How long will it take to see results with the Law of Attraction? And more. PART 6 - CREATING & IMPLEMENTING YOUR DAILY LAW OF ATTRACTION ACTION PLAN: This section explains how you can create and implement a successful Law of Attraction Action Plan.

Already Here: A Doctor Discovers the Truth about Heaven

Leo Galland - 2018
    After his death, he revealed to Leo the real purpose of his life, as a spiritual guide who taught others by confounding their assumptions and expectations. And he began to share with Leo a new perspective on everything from the nature of good and evil to the concept of timelessness to the notion that the universe is, fundamentally, an act of love.Christopher’s wisdom was revealed to Leo over the course of a year, coalescing into three themes, which Leo calls the Gift of the Opposite, the Gift of Presence, and the Gift of Timelessness. Leo quickly came to realize that these gifts were not for him alone: they contain ancient wisdom, held sacred in many traditions, that Chris intended him to share with others. He has written this book, under Chris’s direction, to do just that.Already Here presents a unique dialogue in which an analytical, scientific mind tries to comprehend truths from another plane of existence—one that, nonetheless, is inseparable from our own. Chris describes Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter, as unified opposites that cannot exist without each other and cannot be separated from human consciousness. The book takes its title from Christopher’s final message to Leo, in which he describes Heaven as an “eternal present” where everyone is together, even those of us still living earthly lives. “Lighten up,” Christopher says to his father. “You’re already here, you know.”

Healing Spirits

Sally Morgan - 2009
    When loved ones die, where do they go? Are they still with us? If so, can they see us, even hear us? How can we communicate with them? This book explores the process of grieving and the earth-shattering feeling that comes from losing someone close to us.

Buddhism for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know about Buddhism for Complete Beginners (Become a Zen Master - Learn the Culture and Practices of Buddhism)

Anzan Tashi - 2014
    This book - Buddhism for beginners, tackles the most basic question on Buddhism: What is the essence of Buddhism? It explains the life of Buddha in detail and also highlights the methodology that you can deploy in order to become 'Buddha' in real life. You can treat this simple book as your manual for a mindful, aware, peaceful and satisfied life. The detailed chapter on meditation not only guides you through the manner in which you can meditate, it also answers some of the most important questions related to meditation. The five percepts of Buddhism are explained with examples in simple English that everybody can understand. There is also a detailed chapter on mindfulness and living the Buddhist lifestyle in real life. Remember, Buddhism is a way of life - it is the philosophy of life and this book is not intended to modify your existing religious beliefs in any manner. It simply supplements those beliefs so that you can develop mindfulness in all your actions in order to live a blissful life! A Preview to Buddhism for Beginners - What Is Buddhism? - Who Was The Buddha? - Buddhist Traditions - The Theravada School Of Thought - The Mahayana School Of Thought - The Vajrayana School Of Thought - The Three Treasures Or Jewels Of Buddhism - The Three Poisons Or Roots Of Evil In Buddhism - The Five Percepts Of Buddhism - The Ten Grand Percepts - The Foundation Of Buddhism - The Four Noble Truths - Living The Buddhist Philosophy: The Eightfold Path - A Day In The Life Of A Buddhist - Living In The Present - Mindfulness And Meditation - Having Faith - Meditating On Koans - Karma And Reincarnation Start Getting the Benefits of Buddhism for Beginners!! Grab this book today! You can read on your Kindle, PC, MAC, Smart Phone, or Tablet! For less than a cup of coffee you can buy a book that could change your life for the better..... Simply scroll up and click the BUY button to instantly download Buddhism for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know about Buddhism for Complete Beginners Tags: Buddhism, Buddhism for Beginners, Buddhism guide, Buddhism ultimate guide, learn Buddhism, modern Buddhism, Buddha, philosophy, essence of Buddhism, Buddhism for dummies, practice Buddhism, Buddhism plain and simple

Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

Donald Allen - 2015
    Steve Jobs: 11 The Most Important Life And Business Lessons Of Steve Jobs

A Stoic's Diary

Dipanshu Rawal - 2018
    Here's the link- have been both good and bad to people.Because,I have had ups and downs in my life.---I have been extremely happy whenever something good happened.And like everyone else, I have had my fair share of failures as well.I have been sad and depressed as well.There was a time when nothing went right.I know you might have witnessed such time in your life as well.So, at that moment,I started seeking life advices.While searching-“How to be happy in your life”,on Google,I stumbled upon a few philosophies.Out of those,stoicism was the one that attracted me the most.While researching on stoicism,I couldn’t help but notice that the simplicity and effectiveness of stoicism were lost in either the fancy words of contemporary writers or the outdated words by ancient stoic writers.So, here are my interpretations of stoicism in the simplest way possible.