Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming
Luciano Ramalho - 2015
With this hands-on guide, you'll learn how to write effective, idiomatic Python code by leveraging its best and possibly most neglected features. Author Luciano Ramalho takes you through Python's core language features and libraries, and shows you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable at the same time.Many experienced programmers try to bend Python to fit patterns they learned from other languages, and never discover Python features outside of their experience. With this book, those Python programmers will thoroughly learn how to become proficient in Python 3.This book covers:Python data model: understand how special methods are the key to the consistent behavior of objectsData structures: take full advantage of built-in types, and understand the text vs bytes duality in the Unicode ageFunctions as objects: view Python functions as first-class objects, and understand how this affects popular design patternsObject-oriented idioms: build classes by learning about references, mutability, interfaces, operator overloading, and multiple inheritanceControl flow: leverage context managers, generators, coroutines, and concurrency with the concurrent.futures and asyncio packagesMetaprogramming: understand how properties, attribute descriptors, class decorators, and metaclasses work"
The Politics of the Administrative Process
Donald F. Kettl - 2001
Kettl and Fesler understand that the push and pull of political forces make the functions of bureaucracy ever more contentious, but no less crucial to governance.Based on reviewer feedback, and given advances in scholarship and in practice, the authors introduce the crucial topics of ethics, accountability, and leadership early on, utilizing these central ideas as touchstones throughout the book. While this text continues to focus on the core components of public administration--such as budgeting, personnel, and implementation--it's been thoroughly updated to cover recent developments, including administrative issues spotlighted during the 2008 presidential campaigns, the use of technology in government management, and the changing face of the federal workforce. Fully updated tables and figures feature a wealth of current data, and photos add visual context to the book's core concepts.What was an appendix showcasing fourteen case studies in the previous edition is now a set of fully-integrated case studies--one in each chapter--that challenges students to apply ideas and analysis as they go. Each case emphasizes the people on the front lines at the local, state, and federal levels with topics ranging from Taser use in law enforcement to the recent economic bailout. Useful discussion questions at the end of each case help shape student responses and in-class conversation.
The Algorithm Design Manual
Steven S. Skiena - 1997
Drawing heavily on the author's own real-world experiences, the book stresses design and analysis. Coverage is divided into two parts, the first being a general guide to techniques for the design and analysis of computer algorithms. The second is a reference section, which includes a catalog of the 75 most important algorithmic problems. By browsing this catalog, readers can quickly identify what the problem they have encountered is called, what is known about it, and how they should proceed if they need to solve it. This book is ideal for the working professional who uses algorithms on a daily basis and has need for a handy reference. This work can also readily be used in an upper-division course or as a student reference guide. THE ALGORITHM DESIGN MANUAL comes with a CD-ROM that contains: * a complete hypertext version of the full printed book. * the source code and URLs for all cited implementations. * over 30 hours of audio lectures on the design and analysis of algorithms are provided, all keyed to on-line lecture notes.
Introductory Chemistry
Nivaldo J. Tro - 2002
"Introductory Chemistry, "Fourth Edition extends chemistry from the laboratory to your world, helping you learn chemistry by demonstrating how it is manifested in your daily life. Throughout, the Fourth Edition presents a new student-friendly, step-by-step problem-solving approach that adds four steps to worked examples (Sort, Strategize, Solve, and Check). This proven text continues to foster student success beyond the classroom with MasteringChemistry(R), the most advanced online tutorial and assessment program available. Note: This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0321741021 / 9780321741028 Introductory Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0321687930 / 9780321687937 Introductory Chemistry 032173002X / 9780321730022 MasteringChemistry with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card -- for Introductory Chemistry
Statistics for Psychology
Arthur Aron - 1993
This approach constantly reminds students of the logic behind what they are learning, and each procedure is taught both verbally and numerically, which helps to emphasize the concepts. Thoroughly revised, with new content and many new practice examples, this text takes the reader from basic procedures through analysis of variance (ANOVA). Students cover statistics and also learn to read and inderstand research articles. - SPSS examplesincluded with each procedure - Dozens of examples updated (especially the in-the-research-literature ones) - Reorganization - The self-contained chapters on correlation and regression have been moved after t-test and analysis of variance - Emphasis on definitional formulas - As opposed to computational formulas - Practical, up-to-date excerpts - For each procedure, the text explains how results are described in research articles. example being described in each way - Interesting examples throughout - Often include studies of or by researchers of diverse ethnicities - Complete package of ancillary materials - A web page with additional practice problems and extensive interactive study materials, plus four mini chapters covering additional material not in the text, a very substantial test bank; an instructors' manual that provides sample syllabi, lecture outlines, and ready-to-copy (or download) power-point slides or transparencies with examples not in the book; and a very complete students' study guide that also provides a thorough workbook for using SPSS with this book.
Signing Illustrated (Revised Edition): The Complete Learning Guide
Mickey Flodin - 2004
This easy-to-use guide is updated and expanded to include new computer and technology signs and offers a fast and simple approach to learning. Includes:- Vocabulary reviews- Fingerspelling exercises- Sign matching and memory aids- A complete glossary and a comprehensive index- Clear instructive drawings
Contract Law
Ewan McKendrick - 2000
McKendrick explores the underlying themes and explains the basic rules of English contract law, introducing the current debates about the nature, scope and functions of this law and discussing some of the wider controversies surrounding basic doctrines.
Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches
R. Burke Johnson - 2003
Readers will develop an understanding of the multiple research methods and strategies used in education and related fields, the ability to read and critically evaluate published research, and the ability to write a proposal, construct a questionnaire, and conduct an empirical research study on their own.
Teaching for Quality Learning at University
John Biggs - 1992
Individual teachers, as reflective practitioners, still need to make their own decisions about how they are going to get students actively involved in large classes, to teach international students, and to assess in ways that enhance the quality of learning. But now that quality assurance and quality enhancement are required at the institutional level, the concept of constructive alignment is applied to the reflective institution, where it becomes a powerful underpinning to quality enhancement procedures. widespread than expected, leaving some teachers apprehensive about what it might mean for them. A new chapter elaborates on how ET can be used to enhance learning, but with a warning that any tool, electronic or otherwise, is as good as the thoughtful use to which it is put. interested in enhancing their teaching and their students' learning, and for administrators and teaching developers who are involved in teaching-related decisions on an institutional basis.
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan
Richard McElreath - 2015
Reflecting the need for even minor programming in today's model-based statistics, the book pushes readers to perform step-by-step calculations that are usually automated. This unique computational approach ensures that readers understand enough of the details to make reasonable choices and interpretations in their own modeling work.The text presents generalized linear multilevel models from a Bayesian perspective, relying on a simple logical interpretation of Bayesian probability and maximum entropy. It covers from the basics of regression to multilevel models. The author also discusses measurement error, missing data, and Gaussian process models for spatial and network autocorrelation.By using complete R code examples throughout, this book provides a practical foundation for performing statistical inference. Designed for both PhD students and seasoned professionals in the natural and social sciences, it prepares them for more advanced or specialized statistical modeling.Web ResourceThe book is accompanied by an R package (rethinking) that is available on the author's website and GitHub. The two core functions (map and map2stan) of this package allow a variety of statistical models to be constructed from standard model formulas.
The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications, with Exercises and Answer Keys
Amy Einsohn - 2000
Addressed to copyeditors in book publishing and corporate communications, this thoughtful handbook explains what copyeditors do, what they look for when they edit a manuscript, and how they develop the editorial judgment needed to make sound decisions.This revised edition reflects the most recent editions of The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.), and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.).
Using Information Technology
Brian K. Williams - 1990
This text is user-focused and has been highly updated including topics, pictures and examples. The Williams text contains less theory and more application to engage students who might be more familiar with technology. Continually published and updated for over 15 years, Using Information Technology was the first text to foresee and define the impact of digital convergence--the fusion of computers and communications. It was also the first text to acknowledge the new priorities imposed by the Internet and World Wide Web and bring discussion of them from late in the course to the beginning. Today, it is directed toward the "Always On" generation that is at ease with digital technology--comfortable with iPhones, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and the blogosphere--but not always savvy about its processes, possibilities, and liabilities. This 8th edition continues to address the two most significant challenges that instructors face in teaching this course: -Trying to make the course interesting and challenging, and -Trying to teach to students with a variety of computer backgrounds. In addition, this text correlates with Simnet Online for full integration of resources within the Computing Concepts course.
Whistling Vivaldi: And Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us
Claude M. Steele - 2010
Steele’s conclusions shed new light on a host of American social phenomena, from the racial and gender gaps in standardized test scores to the belief in the superior athletic prowess of black men. Steele explicates the dilemmas that arise in every American’s life around issues of identity, from the white student whose grades drop steadily in his African American Studies class to the female engineering students deciding whether or not to attend predominantly male professional conferences. Whistling Vivaldi offers insight into how we form our senses of identity and ultimately lays out a plan for mitigating the negative effects of “stereotype threat” and reshaping American identities.
The Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion: A Basic Guide for Library Staff
John J. Burke - 2000
In this revised edition that includes coverage of new Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 tools, tablets, and omnipresent wireless devices, Burke demonstrates how to successfully conceptualize, purchase, implement and maintain a library's invaluable tech assets. Highlights in this eagerly anticipated edition include enhanced coverage of e-books and cloud computing. This comprehensive resource should be at the top of the list for any current or future library professional looking to stay at the forefront of technological advancement.
The Principles of Learning and Behavior
Michael P. Domjan - 1982
The book covers habituation, classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning, stimulus control, aversive control, and their applications to the study of cognition and to the alleviation of behavior problems. Biological constraints on learning are integrated throughout the text, as are applications boxes that relate animal research to human learning and behavior. The book closely reflects the field of research it represents in terms of topics covered, theories discussed, and experimental paradigms described.