3 Words That Will Change Your Life: The Secret to Experiencing the Joy of God's Presence

Mike Novotny - 2020
    Ready for it?"God is here."It may sound obvious at first, but truly understanding these three words is the key to more happiness, less boredom, more rest, less rush, more love, less drama, more peace, less fear.A deeply satisfying life doesn't require a sabbatical, a mission trip, or a New Year's resolution. As long as God is glorious enough and near enough, you can enjoy the life that is truly life--not just the cheap substitutes we've settled for.This book will help you move from just enjoying the good moments in life to worshiping the God who is right here, right now. This movement will exponentially increase your happiness, peace, and contentment. It will allow you to shake off the guilt and shame of sin and see yourself as God sees you. Learn how to recognize God's impact on your life and find the joy he's been waiting to give you.

Transfigured: Patricia Sandoval's Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood

Christine Watkins - 2018
    Donald Calloway, MIC, say that the world, especially Catholics, need to read this story of redemption? Why would he claim that Transfigured is one of the most powerful conversion stories ever written? Because Patricia Sandoval’s life story is an unusually gripping, hard-to-put-down ride along a journey that leads to an extraordinary triumph of God’s mercy—the mercy that waits patiently for all of us. Patricia came from a broken home, good and bad boyfriends, three abortions, a job at Planned Parenthood (where she was told never to reveal what she saw), followed by methamphetamine addiction and homelessness. The way that Jesus came to her in the streets will leave you breathless, as will the heights to which God has since carried her. If you know of someone who believes they cannot be forgiven, or return to Church, this is the book to give them. (Watch the video of reader comments below.) Read Transfigured. Be Transfigured. Patricia now travels the world as a pro life speaker, sharing her story with millions in packed stadiums and on radio and television shows, such as EWTN’s Bookmark, Life on the Rock, Women of Grace, At Home with Jim and Joy; and in Spanish, on EWTN’s Cara a Cara, Nuestro Fe en Vivo, Ellas lo Dicen—and now on her own show with Fr. Víctor Salomón: De Dos en Dos. Transfigured, endorsed by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, and Bishop Michael C. Barber, has been translated into Spanish (Transfigurada) and French (Transfigurée). Patricia Sandoval's story is available, as well, on a critically acclaimed, life-changing DVD, as seen on EWTN. See PatriciaSandoval dot com.

The Book of Isaiah: The Vision (The Passion Translation)

Brian Simmons - 2018
    The book of Isaiah is an enormous collection of prophecies described as “The Vision.” It is not simply a teaching or a historical record; it is the overarching vision of the heart of God revealed to His seer-prophet. This vision spans the ages and touches every nation on earth, becoming a collective overview of all that God has planned. The prophecies are vast and their grand themes are unrivaled in all of Scripture. With panoramic insight, Isaiah preaches about the virgin birth of Christ, the Bride of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. These prophecies also present a description of the cataclysmic judgments, the survival of a holy remnant emerging in Zion, and the canopy of glory that is coming to earth. The poetic message of Isaiah is one of victory, hope, comfort, and restoration of all things. Explore the vision of a man who saw the glory of God and spoke with burning lips, for true prophetic ministry flows from this “vision” until it grows into a burden.

David The Great: Deconstructing the Man After God's Own Heart

Mark Rutland - 2018
    But too often he is viewed as an Americanized shepherd boy on a Sunday school felt board or a New Testament saint alongside the Virgin Mary. Not only does this neglect one of the Bible’s most complex stories of sin and redemption; it also bypasses the gritty life lessons inherent in the amazing true story of David.  Mark Rutland shreds the felt-board character, breaks down the sculpted marble statue, and unearths the real David of the Bible. Both noble and wretched, neither a saint nor a monster, at times victorious and other times a failure, David was through it all a man after God’s own heart.

The Jewish Candidate

David Crossland - 2013
     After a four year posting in Islamabad, Frank Carver, a reporter for the London Chronicle, is sent to Germany to cover the country’s most fascinating election campaign since the Second World War. Rudolf Gutman, the first Jew to run for chancellor, is promising to free Germany from the shackles of its past. He is up against Hermann von Tietjen, the charismatic Far Right candidate whose mantra is to rid Germany of the threat from its Muslim immigrants. Carver and Wolfgang Renner, a freelance journalist, believe Tietjen has a more deadly agenda. He is secretly guiding Neo-Nazis in a plot to assassinate Gutman, using cash and contacts of old SS men to hire a killer. They prepare the ground with terrorist attacks that are pinned on islamists, sowing fear and hatred of Muslim immigrants.

 Carver and Renner race to clinch the scoop of their lives. But no one believes them as Tietjen covers his tracks with his devilish gambit that plunges the nation into terror and a trail of killings. As the clock ticks down to election day and the noose tightens around Gutman’s neck, their quest turns into a lone, bloody struggle for survival that brings them face to face with modern Germany’s dark secret. It seems that Carver has run out of time to unmask the assassin and to save Gutman. 'As the European Union faces a resurgence of the right-wing ultranationalism, veteran journalist David Crossland paints a chilling scenario of the threats posed to contemporary German society by neo-Nazi extremists. A real page-turner.' Efraim Zuroff, The Simon Wiesenthal Center

The Alaskan Homesteader

Mel Adkins - 2013
    They learned to be inventive and self reliant in a land untouched by humans after moving more than twelve miles from the nearest road, to a one hundred and sixty acre homestead on the Kenai Peninsula. To a young man just entering his teens this was a dream come true, but the physical labor that had to be done the first year, simply to survive, was more than he had ever imagined. Cutting firewood with a manual cross cut saw, packing water from the spring, working on a sawmill, and packing supplies in to the homestead on his back left little time for hunting and fishing. The family almost starved and froze out that first year, but sheer will power, stubborness, and rugged determination for a better way of life persevered; A family of the greenest chechocko's that ever homesteaded in the land of the midnight sun.

Another 365 Things People Believe That Aren't True (The Misconception Trilogy Book 3)

James Egan - 2015
    James Bond isn't a secret agent. The funny bone isn't a bone. E-readers like the Kindle were invented in 1949. Slavery has never been more common as it is today. Neanderthals were extremely smart and were able to speak. Vikings invented rap battles. Natural oranges aren't orange. Rats didn't cause the Black Death. Halitosis doesn't exist. Buddhists don't worship Buddha. Everyone mispronounces "Nutella." St. Patrick wasn't Irish. There has never been 50 states in the United States. Selfies aren't a recent fad. They have existed since 1839. Guardian angels aren't mentioned in the Bible. A comatose person can speak and walk around. Nicotine doesn't cause cancer.

49 Questions to Annoy Your Parents (The 49... Series)

James Warwood - 2015
    Parents getting on your nerves… again?... Need some verbal ammunition?… Here's 49 (extremely silly) questions to annoy your parents.Join the hilarious adventure of these naughty kids who will ask absolutely anything to make their parents blood boil. With an illustration for each haphazard attempt you're guaranteed to laugh, smirk, and chuckle for hours.Disclaimer: reading this eBook will definitely get you into trouble! (So if your parents ask where you heard these questions you didn’t hear them for me).Recommended Age: 7+

The Thanksgiving Innkeeper and The Desperate Widow (Brides For All Season Volume 6 Book 1)

Terri Grace - 2020

Holy Spirit Are We Flammable or Fireproof?

Reinhard Bonnke - 2017
    Bonnke has compiled some of the greatest uncompromising truths about the Holy Spirit that have been at the cornerstone of his ministry for over 50 years.

The Prodigal Para: An Afghan War Diary

Andy Tyson - 2018
    He was 47 years old. During his time on the ground he kept a diary. Humorous, authentic and sad, it is a warts and all account of infantry soldiering in a hot and dangerous place. This is his storty.

Saving Sarah (The Gold Coast Retrievers Book 1)

Melissa Storm - 2021

Worse things happen (I think I'll go to sea Book 2)

Bob Jackson - 2015
    These memoirs take him from enjoying the odd cold beer sailing peacefully across the Indian Ocean to being trapped in a war zone. Here he sees life at sea changing from the leisurely days of general cargoes to the hectic computerised containerships. He seems to have done it all – rescuing drug runners from the ice, dredging aggregates in the North Sea and finally skippering a ‘steamer’ on a tranquil lake. This volume is the second of Bob’s memoirs covering his service as master on a wide variety of ships. The first book ‘I think I’ll go to sea’ relates to his experiences climbing up through the ranks. In this book he has to flee the USA to avoid arrest for drug smuggling, assists rescuing a ship’s crew when their ship sinks in pack ice and gets stuck in the middle of the Iraq/Iran war. He also experiences alcohol free ships which take away the pleasure of his ‘cold beer’

A Groom Worth the Risk (Mail Order Brides of Nebraska)

Susannah Calloway - 2021

Amazing Optical Illusions: Visual Illusion Picture Book (Brain Teasers Books 1)

Barry Buggles - 2013
    Some of the mind-blowing visual illusions appear to be moving! Vibrating, pulsing, rippling and spinning... Others like the 3D optical illusion, 'the impossible staircase,' will have you in a state of fascination. While 'little red corvette' along with the other funny optical illusions will get you laughing. These mesmerising and playful optical illusions and puzzles trick our sense of perspective so cleverly that they simply outwit our brains: we cant just take a quick glance and turn away. They impel us to look once, twice, and over and over again, as we try to work out exactly how the magical optical illusions science works. These optical illusions for kids will be loved by people of all ages. Every one of these optical illusions is a wonder to behold. Lots of fun for all the family... Scroll Up and Claim Your Copy Now!