
Neville Goddard - 1965
    Feeling Is the Secret: All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Neville tells how this is so. Freedom for All: The Bible's buried truths reveal ways to change consciousness. Out of This World: Lays the foundation for changing the future - a controlled waking dream. Resurrection: Biblical citations and commentary - a confession of faith in terms of experience.

Telos Volume 1: Revelations Of The New Lemuria (Telos, Vol. 1)

Aurelia Louise Jones - 2002
    Timely and fascinating messages from the people of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, living in the fifth dimensional city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. Telos is an ancient Lemurian City of Light that is real and still exists to this day in the physical realm, underneath Mount Shasta. Re-acquaint yourself with Adama, the High Priest of Telos and your eternal father, as he describes the kind of Earthly paradise they have forged for themselves as they raised their consciousness to a fifth dimensional reality. They are the survivors of the lost continent of Mu who perished beneath of waves of the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago. Our Lemurian brothers and sisters of Telos and our former family of ancient times are soon looking forward to coming out, when we are ready, to teach us how to do the same here on the surface. Due to their isolation from the surface population, they have succeeded in creating a civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or death. They have mastered immortality in physical expression and they wish to teach us to do the same. Vividly and heroically, Telos delivers a clear understanding of what is required on the surface to create a prosperous society and a healthy environment. The Telosians and many other spiritually advanced civilizations are very real inside the Earth. They are coming forward at this time to inspire us to follow in their footsteps. The return of the Lemurians and their eventual emergence among us is nothing less than the "Second Coming" that we have been waiting for, for so very long. The Lemurians have long achieved the fullness of the Christ consciousness, and as we are ready to receive them among us, they will teach us how to implement, right here on the surface of this planet, the type of paradise they have forged for themselves in Telos. They will assist us in building a golden age that will manifest the fullness of the Christ consciousness, which is the divinity that has always been there within our hearts. The indwelling Christ of our being becoming tangibly manifested on this planet and in our daily lives. Here is what Adama has to say at this time: It is with much delight and anticipation that we bring to you the memories of Lemuria. Though these memories have appeared to be lost for a while, they have continued to live and thrive in your hearts unto this now moment in time. In Telos, we are honored to join hearts with you, and to assist in the unification of our two civilizations. We send you much love from Telos, where this divine energy flows in great abundance. Until we meet, keep practicing the art of true love, which starts with loving yourself. May love abound in your heart for each other and for all of creation, as precious jewels and expressions of the Love of the Mother/Father God! We hold you dearly in our hearts. Adama.

Bonewits's Essential Guide to Druidism

Isaac Bonewits - 2006
    This is a book that belongs in the library of every modern Druid, regardless of their particular path or style of Druidism.

Kabbalah on Love

Yehuda Berg - 2005
    Buried by layers of ego, fear, shame, doubt, low self-esteem, and other limitations, love can only be activated by sharing and serving unconditionally. Only then will the layers fall away and the essence of love reveal itself. Berg makes the distinction between love and need — which is a selfish product of ego — and reminds readers that only after connecting with the love within, and learning to love themselves, can they truly love someone else. This charming book, published just in time for Valentine’s Day, is also a thoughtful gift for any day of the year.

Daily Guideposts 2021: A Spirit-Lifting Devotional

Guideposts - 2020
    Each day readers will enjoy a Scripture verse, a true first-person story told in an informal, conversational style, which shares the ways God speaks to us in the ordinary events of life, and a brief prayer to help focus the reader to apply the day's message. For those who wish for more, "Digging Deeper" provides additional Bible references that relate to the day's reading. Enjoy favorite writers like Debbie Macomber, Edward Grinnan, Elizabeth Sherrill, Patricia Lorenz, Julia Attaway, Karen Valentin, Sabra Ciancanelli, Mark Collins, and Rick Hamlin. In just five minutes a day, Daily Guideposts helps readers find the spiritual richness in their own lives and welcomes them into a remarkable family of over one million people brought together by a desire to grow every day of the year.

Coming to Know Christ

Robert L. Millet - 2012
    But how can we accomplish that?In this thoughtful volume and with his warm, accessible style, author Robert L. Millet shares poignant stories and fresh scriptural and doctrinal insights to help us feel our Savior's love and realize that He stands ready to assist us in coming to know Him.The author's heartwarming reflections on what it means to worship Christ and to trust in Him and in His grace renew in us a desire to stay focused on our Savior through all the ups and downs of daily life. Insights into how much Christ loves us and how He can lift us up to where He is strengthen our commitments to Him.Throughout, the author conveys his deep witness of the essential truth that eternal life consists of knowing God and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.Coming to Know Christ invites us to experience what it means to know our Lord-not just know about Him but how to come to know Him, our Savior and our Redeemer.Robert L. Millet is Abraham O. Smoot University Professor and professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. He taught with LDS Seminaries and Institutes before joining the BYU faculty in 1983.He has served in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Satins as a bishop, stake president, temple worker, and member of the Church Materials Evaluation Committee. He is a popular speaker and prolific writer who recent books include Talking with God, Men of Valor, Men of Influence, Are We There Yet? and When a Child Wanders. He is a coauthor of the landmark volume LDS Beliefs: A Doctrinal Reference.