Find What You Were Born For: Discover Your Strengths, Forge Your Own Path, and Live The Life You Want - Maximize Your Self-Confidence

Zoe McKey - 2017
     The only route to success is to know yourself, inside and out. Through the framework of Professor Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, you find your strengths, unique ways to enhance them, and ultimately use them to catapult yourself to success and the life that you’ve always wanted to live. All my life changes started when I understood that I was making a living from rat race jobs I hated and best case I was mediocre in them. By finding my main intelligence type I started doing something I love and I’m good in. Today I am a bestselling author and interpersonal skills coach and created the life I wanted. Now my goal is to help you create the life you want. I particularly understand what drives success and I also know precisely what's holding you back, and I can help. Finding what you were born for empowers you: - Learn about 8+1 types of intelligence and the research proven methods how to improve each of them - How to find and bring out the maximum of your innate strengths - How to make your vocation your profession - How can you divide lifelong success to small and easy day to day tasks You will also learn: - How to build higher quality of life - How to get out of the 9-5 rat race - How to introduce your passion in your life without the risk of losing your livelihood - How to make the best decisions for short and long term success What improvements will you experience if you follow the advice in this book? - You will live a well-balanced, full life - Wake up every day grateful and excited to see what lies ahead. - Know what – when and how to improve in you for maximum results - Be the role model instead of looking for one If you want to discover your strengths, make them your passion and live a meaningful life… Scroll up and click BUY NOW to step onto the road of success and happiness.

Leadership is Hell: How to Manage Well - And Escape with your Soul

Rob Asghar - 2014
    This book punctures that misguided myth—and it will liberate you from others’ expectations and from your own illusions about success. This book is a practical manual for leading the right way and for the right reasons. It explores how to identify and overcome the blind spots that may be hurting your career; whether you have the right mindset for the kind of success that you’re seeking; how to develop just the right amount of “healthy ego” to make an impact; and how to make an impact on the world in a way that’s true to who you are (be forewarned, this might involve a completely different path than your current one). This book will take you on a journey, showing you famous figures from history and the present—some who got it right, and some who didn’t. You’ll look at seven roads to hell within the world of leadership, and seven roads out of hell, to guide you safely to a meaningful legacy. All royalties support the University of Southern California’s Neighborhood Academic Initiative to prepare local urban schoolchildren for college.


James Altucher - 2012
    I've then compiled the best questions, expanded my answers, and provided much original material to create this book, "FAQ ME".

Shocking Career Secrets - Basic Edition

Ryan Firestorm - 2013
    These secrets will help you get great salary raises, get selected in a job interview, & even get a promotion easily. Here are the closely-guarded secrets that will be revealed in this never-before disclosure. Career Secret # 1: Why would you be fired? Can you avoid the dreaded Pink Slip? And why the most-beloved perk 'Work From Home' is the surest ticket out of the company? For the first time ever, you will be taken behind the scenes of a mass-firing (multiple layoffs). You will understand what prompts a company to fire its loyal employees (this means you). And the biggest insider secret... if you are Working from Home, why you will get laid off in the next few months. You will also learn how to protect your job & make yourself almost 'fire'proof. Career Secret # 2: Job sites are utterly useless Sick and tired of job hunting? Learn why job sites are utterly useless & where you need to focus your energies for a job search. This one strategy will increase your probability of getting a job from a measly 1% to a stunning 60%. Career Secret # 3: Your experience or skills doesn't matter in an Interview! Did you know that your experience or skills doesn't count for the hiring manager? What is the recruiter really looking for? It's this one little thing... Career Secret # 4: Your manager doesn't care what you did the whole year Are you surprised? Or did I confirm what you already suspected? Is everything you are doing in your job, all in vain? Not yet. This secret will tell you how to get on your manager's radar. Career Secret # 5: Appraisal ratings and increments are your manager's headache. Here's how to force your manager to give you a fat paycheck. There is a ton of information on salary negotiation during a job interview. What about salary negotiation during a performance review? This secret will tell you the simplest & easiest way to rate your own performance. And how to make an epic presentation that will force your manager to grudgingly give you a great rating & an excellent salary raise.

Tennis Ball Self Massage: Stop Your Muscle and Joint Pain

Lauren Bertolacci - 2013
    You’ve deloaded, done your recovery session, even taken a hot bath. Oh how nice a massage would be right now. The problem is not all of us have the time or the money to invest in some good soft tissue work. Want a cheap yet extremely effective way to get rid of your aches and pains? This easy to understand guide will help you address all of those problems and more. Best of all, you don't even need to leave your house or buy any expensive tool. Just grab a tennis ball and get started.Being able to treat your own pain is a very valuable tool. It can save you a lot of money and mean less trips to the physiotherapist as well as ensuring that you are keeping your body in good condition. Trigger points and tight muscles are a common cause of muscle and joint pain. They can refer pain to other areas as well as causing problems at the site itself. Although they don't count for all the pain you might be suffering from, releasing them can certainly help get rid of a lot of the pain, if not clear up your problem entirely. Have you ever been to the doctor and he or she told you that theres nothing wrong, even after extensive scans? You might simply need some work on your muscles. Keeping the muscle tissue quality high will help reduce the amount of injuries you suffer from, improve your posture as well as help a lot of muscle and joint pain.In this book you can learn how to effectively get rid of shoulder pain, neck pain, upper and lower back pain, hip and glute pain and stiffness, leg and knee pain, calf pain, ankle stiffness, Achilles problems and much more.Actual excerpt from the book of how I discovered this great technique."When I was playing in Germany, I had really bad shoulder pain. The kind that ran down to my fingers and made me unable to put my arms over my head. One night trying to get relief I grabbed my old Motorola and started laying on it, with it digging in under my shoulder. Slowly and excruciatingly I released the rotator cuff muscles and gave myself a pain free range of motion that I had only dreamed of before. Needless to say, I thought I was a genius and upgraded to a tennis ball pretty quickly."

Business Reimagined: Why Work Isn't Working and What You Can Do about It

Dave Coplin - 2013
    The future of work must be based on being open, on focusing on results, not process and on empowerment, not hierarchy. Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer at Microsoft UK, has been immersed in the technologies that are making waves in the workplace. This is his call to reimagine business. #bizreimagined

Mindset With Muscle: Proven Strategies to Build Up Your Brain, Body and Business

Jamie Alderton - 2016
     So why can it be so hard to achieve the results we crave? Working harder rarely has the desired effect. The answer is to work smarter, and with – not against – our natural strengths. Mindset with Muscle takes you on a different transformation journey. Rather than hitting the gym and obsessing about success, this book brings you ‘sets and reps for the brain’. When you read this book, and implement Jamie Alderton’s proven strategies, you will be able to: Develop your brain and build new habits that hard-wire you for success Map out exactly what you need to do in order to achieve your physical, business and financial goals Move forward confidently and take action to build the business, body and lifestyle of your dreams Finally get in the best physical and mental shape of your life Know with certainty you can achieve whatever it is you set out to do Mindset with Muscle urges you to wake up and realise you have the choice in life to achieve pretty much anything you set your mind to.

Making Friends with the Menopause: A clear and comforting guide to support you as your body changes. 2016 edition reflecting the new 'NICE' guidelines

Sarah Rayner - 2015
     Written with Sarah Rayner's trademark warmth and humour, this new edition of Making Friends with the Menopause has been updated to reflect the latest National Institute for Health and Care guidelines on diagnosis and management of the menopause. Together with Dr Patrick Fitzgerald, she explores why stopping menstruating causes such profound chemical changes in the body, leading us to react in a myriad of ways physically and mentally. There is practical advice on hot flushes and night sweats, anxiety and mood swings, muscular aches and loss of libido, early-onset menopause, hysterectomy and more, plus a simple explanation of each stage of the menopause so you'll know what to expect in the years before, during and after. You’ll find details of the treatment options available and their pros and cons, together with tips and insights from women keen to share their wisdom on a subject many still find hard to talk about. Whether you’re worried about feeling invisible, weight gain or loss of fertility, or simply want to take care of yourself well, knowledge is power, and Making Friends with the Menopause will give you a greater understanding of the process, so you can enjoy your body and your sexuality as you age. * From the author of the international bestselling novel One Moment, One Morning * And the word-of-mouth success Making Friends with Anxiety, a warm, supportive book to ease worry and panic * Includes advice on all the major health issues that can arise as a result of hormone change * Thoroughly researched and bang-up-to-date * Includes traditional and complementary medicine * Gives guidance on how to get the most from your GP appointments and finding good alternative practitioners * Useful links throughout, plus details of helplines and recommended reads * Fully illustrated with photographs by the author * Ongoing online support group available PRAISE FOR MAKING FRIENDS WITH ANXIETY 'Simple, lucid advice on how to accept your anxiety' Matt Haig, bestselling author of Reasons to Stay Alive 'Reads like chatting with an old friend; one with wit, wisdom and experience' ,Brighton and Hove Independent PRAISE FOR SARAH RAYNER: ‘Explores an emotive subject with great sensitivity’ Sunday Express ‘You'll want to inhale it in one breath' Easy Living 'Brilliant... Warm and approachable' Essentials ‘Carefully crafted and empathetic’ The Sunday Times ‘Brilliant…Warm and approachable’ Essentials ‘A sympathetic insight into the causes and effects of mental ill-health as it affects ordinary people. Powerful’ My Weekly

Radical Frugality: Living in America on $8,000 a Year

Nic Adams - 2011
    Radical Frugality tells the story of 5 people who did it: Paul, 27, discovering how to overcome student loan debt; David and Winona, late 40's, living their retirement dream today; and Dan and Charlotte, family of 4, with an underwater mortgage. Waking up every morning debt-free with cash in your pocket helps your brain feel safe, secure, and smart. Embracing the concepts in this book frees you from the overwhelming anxiety of the consumer lifestyle by showing you how to take control. You can start today. What if you could spend 66% less money than you spend today setting yourself up to live a self-determined lifestyle doing exactly what you love to do regardless of financial compensation? Radical Frugality shows you exactly how to achieve those goals within one to five years. Using our step-by-step common sense plan, we teach you what to do (break the spell of the consumer credit con), when to do it (planning and preparation), and most importantly where to do it (discover the 5 top cities for living frugally). We'll help you evaluate your financial situation. Are you in the Yellow Zone, the Orange Zone, the Red Zone, or even the Dead Zone (paying debt with debt)? This book lays out a plan for how to pay off your debt and get into the Neutral Zone (getting back to monthly break-even), the Green Zone (debt free with $1,000 a month free cash-flow) or even the Golden Zone (living a self-determined life). Whether you are desperate right now about your financial situation, facing retirement, just starting out, or just plain tired and worn-out from struggling to pay bills, Radical Frugality can show you over 100 tips for feeling better today. Radical Frugality offers a soup to nuts plan for living a self-determined life that will leave you happier and healthier than ever before. CHAPTER ONE: IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU EARN—IT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU SPEND. HOW TO TAKE CONTROL CHAPTER TWO: THE CONSUMER CREDIT CON. HOW MARKETERS PLAY TRICKS ON YOUR BRAIN CHAPTER THREE: WHY FRUGALITY? GETTING STRAIGHT ABOUT WHY YOU'RE ON THE PLANET CHAPTER FOUR: WHO ARE YOU TODAY? EVALUATE YOUR SPENDING PROFILE CHAPTER FIVE: HOW TO DO IT. YOUR STEP BY STEP PLAN TO GAIN CONTROL CHAPTER SIX: GOING GREEN AND NEVER LOOKING BACK. THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON CASH CHAPTER SEVEN: WHEN WILL YOU BE READY? LEARNING TO ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS CHAPTER EIGHT: LIVING THE DREAM. WHERE YOU LIVE DETERMINES HOW YOU LIVE

Don't Give Your Work Away For Free

Thaddeus Cooper - 2014
    In this linear construct, you go to work for a week and at week’s end you are compensated for that work. The next week you do more work and are compensated for that work, and so on. This is a common agreement between employers and employees in many countries, including the United States. The purpose of this book is to challenge that construct. It is the author's intent to suggest a more profitable arrangement for the creator of the product — the worker. The notion is that one could work on a project for a certain amount of time but the product of that project could pay dividends for a longer term. One might work for a week and be paid for the product of that work every week for many years. Imagine how this construct would compound income week after week, project after project. At some point, with numerous streams of income from a growing number of completed projects, one would be able to discontinue taking on new projects if he or she desired, living off the residuals of the projects he or she created to that point. Indeed, one could take a vacation, still earning income from work he or she completed long ago. With the help of Dr. Frederick Von Greensburg, Thaddeus Cooper breaks down the concept of passive income and outlines a strategy for creating streams of this revenue to supplement or replace traditional income. A self-help book for the masses and a manifesto for the most creative among us, Don't Give Your Work Away For Free: A free ebook by Thaddeus Cooper is a MUST READ!


Jasper T. Scott - 2012
    The station is in a security lockdown and the sole apparent occupant, a Union captain, offers Kieran an entire ship if he can disable the lockdown. Kieran realizes that he’s probably dealing with a criminal, rather than an actual captain, but he’s just desperate enough to accept. He flies out to the nearest station and returns with a slicer and some dangerous-looking backup. As he’s making his approach to the station, Kieran hears a garbled cry for help over the comm. He hopes it’s just his imagination.But it’s not. Half the station’s crew is being held hostage, while the other half appear to be masquerading as Union officers. Kieran and his team disable the lockdown, and to Kieran’s amazement, they are given a ship as promised. As they are leaving the station, they see an entire fleet of Union cruisers pouring out of the newly-reactivated space gate. Kieran is confused. What are so many warships doing on the frontier? The Union isn’t at war.Kieran sets out to investigate, but along the way strange things start happening to him and his crew. At first there seem to be logical explanations, but before long the answers are not so clear. As time goes by, Kieran realizes the horrible truth:He wasn’t the only one trying to escape. . . .

PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide

Sandra M. Reed - 2012
    The new Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) exams from the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) reflect the evolving industry standards for determining competence in the field of HR. This new edition of the leading PHR/SPHR Study Guide reflects those changes. Serving as an ideal resource for HR professionals who are seeking to validate their skills and knowledge, this updated edition helps those professionals prepare for these challenging exams.Features study tools that are designed to reinforce understanding of key functional areasProvides access to bonus materials, including a practice exam for the PHR as well as one for the SPHR. Also includes flashcards and ancillary PDFsAddresses key topics such as strategic management, workforce planning and employment, compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulationsThis new edition is must-have preparation for those looking to take the PHR or SPHR certification exams in order to strengthen their resume.

I Like Me And I Love Me: A self-love and like book of affirmations for children

Abby Zaitley - 2019
     Let’s celebrate the joy of liking and loving who you are! I LIKE ME AND I LOVE ME is a rhyming children’s picture book focused on encouraging self-like, self-love and acceptance. The book’s main character is quirky, confident, loving, and is inspiring with their self-confidence. They examine conventional and non-conventional ways of being proud and accepting of yourself shown through beautiful water-colour images, and engaging rhyming text.

Oprah Winfrey: 50 Life and Business Lessons from Oprah Winfrey

George Ilian - 2016
    This self-made billionaire is far more than a talking head, however: she has leveraged her public profile to make a $3 billion fortune. She is the richest African American, and greatest black philanthropist, in history. Oprah has honorary doctorates from both Duke and Harvard Universities, and in 2013 President Barack Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her rise from childhood poverty in rural Mississippi, and her teenage years as a single mother in inner city Milwaukee, having become pregnant aged just 14, is nothing short of a miracle. Even in fairytales, heroines don’t triumph over adversity like this. Additionally You Get 2 Bonus Ebooks - 69 Ways to Make Money From Home - Bitcoins Beginner’s Guide

How to Discover Best-Selling Nonfiction eBook Ideas - The Bulletproof Strategy

Steve Scott - 2013
    You can't write about any topic and expect it will become a best selling eBook. The truth is the Amazon marketplace is full of fickle readers. Most will only read a specific type of nonfiction book. If you're not writing about these topics then no one is going to buy your book. It's that simple!As an expert on niche research, I know what it takes to find proven, profitable markets. I use four free websites to discover where people are spending money. In my book, I show you these sites. Plus I teach you how to find the right niche that matches your background and personal interests.Generate Hundreds Of Book Ideas and Publish Your 1st, 2nd, and 100th Best-Selling Kindle BookThe key to making a killing on Kindle is to follow a publisher's model. You don't succeed with a single title. Your best best is to locate a hidden niche full of hungry buyers who will buy everything you publish. That's how the top authors really make money with Amazon eBooks.My guide details an additional four websites for exploring any market topic. You won't have to guess what people will buy. Instead you'll do a special type of research to decipher the language they use and locate the problems they encounter on a daily basis. In addition, you'll discover the right way to get hundreds of profitable nonfiction book ideas.Discover 7 Secrets Of Highly Effective Kindle AuthorsYou'll need the right philosophy to win at the Amazon game. I've examined top-selling Kindle authors and discovered they have a specific mindset that leads to hundreds of daily sales. My guide details these 7 "highly effective" secrets and shows how you can adopt these winning habits.Use 5 Different Ways To "Hack" AmazonAll the market research in the world won't matter if you pick the wrong market. The only way to publish a best-selling book is to know if it' something Amazon readers will buy.Fortunately I know the secret to determining the profitability of any nonfiction book idea. Specifically I use five tools to "hack" Amazon's algorithm. You'll learn:1. How to determine the average daily sales of any published title2. The quickest way to find related books in your marketplace3. A simple trick for discovering "hidden" book ideas4. My system for turning an unprofitable idea into a title that readers want5. How to use the top selling charts to find what's currently popular in your market.There is a goldmine of information on Amazon. You just need the right tools to do the digging. With my "5 Amazon Hacks," you'll know...within minutes...if you have a best-selling book idea. Then all you have to do is write and publish your title!Would You Like To Know More?Get started right away and locate those best-selling nonfiction book ideas.Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy button' now.