Break Through Your BS: Uncover Your Brain's Blind Spots and Unleash Your Inner Greatness

Derek Doepker - 2015
     Something inside of you knows this... and this is why you’re here, reading these words, ready to say “Now I make the choice to break through everything that’s keeping me from my greatness.” This Is A Game – Are You Willing To Play? "Break Through Your BS" isn't your typical self help book... It’s a game. A challenge. An experience to be had. A journey through the tricks your mind plays on you so you won't continuously be deceived by them wondering, "How can I do everything right, and yet everything is wrong?" Part poetry, part smart-ass humor, and a heavy dose practical empowerment, this book will likely leave you with more questions than answers, and yet you’ll find this is exactly what you’ve been needing all along. What’s In Store For You If you’re looking for clarity and want to make sense out of what the hell is happening right now in your life, you'll get a playful poke in the side, a compassionate kick in the ass, and sometimes a sobering slap across the face to “Wake up!” and see your own BS. Throughout all of this, you'll come away with not only more compassion and understanding for yourself, but more compassion and understanding for others. In turn, you might finally be able to help other people that frustrate the hell out of you break through *their* BS as well. #winning If You’re Brave Enough To Explore Your BS… Then you’re invited to take the journey into your mind to go beyond your mind. You will discover how to turn what could be your greatest enemy, a bullsh*tting brain with its false assumptions and limiting labels, into your greatest ally. This is a book where you must choose your own journey… You will not always be told what to do… You will be implored to explore your own thinking – and choose for yourself. You will be given many insights from psychology, philosophy, and spirituality – and walk away with no one size fits all answer, and yet still walk away with the only answer that matters. You’ll Never Be Free From BS, But… You will be able to work with your BS rather than be overcome by it. Some of the insights you’ll find in this book include… • How going after what you want is the very thing that keeps you from getting it. • The most common mental traps smart people fall for – and why your intelligence can be your greatest enemy. • Why every excuse you have may be 100% factually true, yet still be complete and utter total freaking bullsh*t. • The tricks people use to manipulate you, and how your own brain is using these tricks to sabotage yourself without you even realizing it. • Why your attempt to love and sacrifice for others may be what’s keeping you from experiencing true love.

30 Days of Discipline

Victor Pride
    But it’s not just an e-book, it is a way of life. It is a challenge. It is a bootcamp that you put yourself through. A way to discipline yourself, a way to tame those bad habits and institute new, Ass-kicking habits. To get the full benefit of the program requires work on your part. The only way you will succeed is to follow the instructions and MAKE THE DECISION to go through with it. Decide to never quit. It won’t be easy, but when you emerge 30 days later you will be amazed at the energy, creativity and vitality you will feel. You can become as you wish to be, it requires only a change of mindset, a smidgen of self-discipline and some will-power.

Discover the Gift

Shajen Joy Aziz - 2011
     From brother and sister team Demian Lichtenstein and Shajen Joy Aziz comes an inspiring book that explores the basic but vital reality that we are each given a unique Gift, a purpose in our life that is always seeking to express itself. Find that Gift and you can experience joy, power, fulfillment, freedom and unconditional love in ways beyond your imagination. Discover the Gift presents a simple roadmap to a journey of self-discovery that will, undoubtedly, change your life forever. Sharing their own heartfelt, personal stories of tragedy and redemption, Demian and Shajen introduce us to eight fundamental steps that will help you discover the gift within you—and prepare you to share that gift with others. Along the way you will receive both direction and support from a wide range of the world’s most influential transformational leaders, people from all walks of life who not only live their Gift every day, but who have made it their purpose to help you do the same. Among them: His Holiness the Dalai Lama; His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar; Mark Victor Hansen; Dr. Sonia Powers; Mary Manin Morrissey; Dr. Barbara De Angelis, Jack Canfield, and Michael Bernard Beckwith, to name just a few.Inspiring as well as practical, Discover the Gift illuminates that place inside each of us where an extraordinary Gift awaits to come alive. Your Destiny Awaits. Discover the Gift. It’s Why You’re Here.

The Art of Silence

Amber Hatch - 2017
    We lurch from one activity to the next feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Messages from media, advertising and popular culture tell us that having more will help us find happiness, yet instead we feel overloaded and burnt out. The Art of Silence offers us an antidote.It explores how we can use silence as a strategy for living well; a guiding principle to help us reign in our chaotic lifestyles and redress the balance of this crazy, noisy world that we live in. It can give us the space we need to allow our bodies and minds to relax and become the healthy, wholesome individuals we want to be. The Art of Silence explores three ways that we can harness the power of silence and bring more of it into our lives. It considers how we can take practical steps to quiet our environments and timetables; how we can cultivate peaceful relationships; and how we can work with the mind to nurture an inner peace, regardless of the circumstances.


Peter Adams - 2011
    Unlike other books on the law of attraction, the Author has successfully used the VisualFestation System to manifest miracles in his own life, and he shares them with you in VisualFestation. When you are finished with this book, you will have all the tools you need to create miracles in your life through practicing the VisualFestation System.

Make Your Life Worthwhile

Emmet Fox - 1946
    In clear, concise terms, Emmet Fox outlines the sevenmental laws that are the stepping stones to full realization of the inner, spiritual Power which ties within the reach of anyone who sincerely wants it and who is willing to apply the principles set forth. Make Your Life Worthwhile reveals how you can put these principles to immediate use to begin transforming your life.Dr. Fox explains the eleven key words in the Bible and discusses what the Bible has to say about successful living, showing how its wisdom can become a part of your everyday life.This is a lifetime plan for tapping into the great spiritual truths that underlie, everyday existence and applying them to: Reach through to true spiritual Power • Use your own inner resources more fully • Overcome difficulties • Become a dynamic person • Achieve what you really desire • Pray unselfishly • Get results with positive thinking • Make the most of the present moment • Enhance spiritual growth and material well-being • Build confidence in yourself • Understand your unique role in God's unfolding purpose • and much more.

I Wish I Knew This 20 Years Ago: Understanding The Universal Laws That Govern All Things

Justin Perry - 2014
    Once we understand these laws, we will have a better understanding of how life works.Once we understand how life works, we can make life work for us, instead of against us. This book is an intended guidebook to offer knowledge that you can use throughout life. If I can sum up this entire book in one statement it would be: Your mind is literally shaping the world around you. The Author of this book owns the largest Self-Help YouTube Channel, "YouAreCreators".

10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men: Understand His Mind And Capture His Heart

Sabrina Alexis - 2015
     For as far back as humanity goes, women have struggled to understand why men behave the way they do. Does he like me? Why won’t he commit? Why doesn’t he text back? Does he mean what he says? Why is he withdrawing? How does he really feel? These are just a few examples of questions that women all over the world are desperate to know the answers to… and now they can, once and for all. This book takes a look at the most common relationship scenarios—the ones that cause the most confusion—and explains everything. It provides a breakdown of the male psyche, as well as honest confessions from the authors and men who were brave enough to share their stories. 10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men will free you from all your doubts and confusion and give you the gift of clarity. You will never again feel the need to try to figure him out… instead you can bask in the joy of just understanding exactly why he does what he does.

Speed Reading For Beginners: Learn How To Read 300% Faster in Less Than 24 Hours (FREE Video Bonus Included)

James T. Rose - 2014
    This a complete handbook that will, if you work seriously, consistently, and methodically, help you go very fast towards improving your reading skills. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn After Downloading This Speed Reading For Beginners book How Fast Do You Now Read? Six Rules for Faster Comprehension How to Develop a Sense of Urgency When You Read How to See and Interpret More Words in Less Time How to Do Away with Inner Speech,Vocalization, and Regressions How to Skim Much, much more! Take Action Right Away To Read 300% More Faster with this Speed Reading book!!

The Subtle Art Of Dealing With People

Aruna Joshi - 2021
    It draws on your authentic nature to win with people rather than trying to impress them.This book is a practical guide to:• Communicating effectively• Mastering the art of saying No• Building genuine relationships• Learning effective listening skills• Cultivating people skills for the digital ageWhether meeting people personally or over a video call, this book prepares you to influence people and make a memorable impact in every situation.

If God Were Your Therapist: How to Love Yourself and Your Life and Never Feel Angry, Anxious or Insecure Again

David J. Lieberman - 2010
    Given the high level of both opportunity and comfort, one would expect people to be happier than ever, and even more satisfied with their lives. The reality, though, is startlingly different. Instead of thriving and feeling empowered as a result of greater choices, we are deteriorating. According to the latest research, one in four Americans suffers from mental illness. The drug companies try to keep pace, with the sales of anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and mood-stabilizing drugs at record levels, and tens of millions of new prescriptions being written each year.But that doesn't seem to be enough.Many people are finding life just too painful. Every day, 80 Americans take their own lives, and over 1,900 Americans visit Emergency Departments for self-inflicted injury. So why are we suffering from such emotional pain and anguish? Drawing on timeless wisdom and fundamental principles in psychology, If God Were Your Therapist offers insights into the human condition, and reveals how regardless of the opportunities available to us today, a lack of self-control results in poor choices, and ultimately leads to negative emotions and destructive habits.As a solution, this book offers neither exercises or affirmations, nor meditations or motivating mantras. There is no homework to do or journals to fill out. Rather, readers learn how to regain self-control and move their thoughts, choices, and lives in a purposeful, powerful, direction, free from the shackles of anxiety and stress.A Look Inside:What makes some people capable of handling life’s challenges with quiet calm and optimistic resolve, while others dissolve at the slightest insult or frustration? The answer has to do with our perspective: how we see, feel, behave, and, ultimately, respond to circumstances in our life. Imagine a small child playing with a toy that suddenly breaks. The child’s whole world is shattered, and she may respond by crying, or by becoming frustrated, sad, or even angry. The child fails to appreciate, let alone recognize, that she is still being clothed, fed, loved, and taken care of — not to mention that there is a whole world outside of her own smaller world. The child’s parents know that the broken toy has no significance, but the parents have perspective that the child lacks. Intellectually, we may know that what makes us anxious or upset is actually unimportant and insignificant. The qualities however, that most of us strive to exemplify — such as objectivity, calm, and patience — are lost to annoyance and impatience when, in a hurry, we encounter the checkout clerk with the trainee name-tag staring at the cash register as if it were the cockpit of a 757. We try to maintain our cool, but negative emotions surface, and once sparked, blaze. Now we face an uphill battle. Techniques such as taking deep breaths, reciting affirmations, or practicing visualization, might work when we face minor issues, but they’re insufficient for life’s really big challenges. Reminding ourselves not to get annoyed is not a solution. Yes, the objective is to remain calm, but this is better accomplished through not becoming agitated in the first place. When we fight the urge to blow up or melt down, we battle our own nature. Without perspective, we are forever like the child holding the broken toy. This book shows you how to experience a new kind of freedom and power when you learn how to permanently shift your perspective and move through life without anger, fear, or frustration . . .

As Many Reps as Possible

Jason Khalipa - 2019
    Jason lets his actions and accomplishments speak for themselves: devoted father, world champion, global businessman. After years of rigorous training, Jason earned the title of Fittest Man on Earth and finished first in the 2008 CrossFit Games. Hard work and insatiable drive paid off, and his company, NCFIT, grew to success.Jason thought he had overcome insurmountable obstacles throughout his career, but nothing prepared him for the moment when his daughter, Ava, was diagnosed with leukemia. For the first time, Jason was tasked with facing what felt like the unfaceable. He had two choices: succumb to overwhelming anger, or jump headfirst into the fight. He chose the latter.

How To Make Him BURN With Desire...Only For YOU (FOR WOMEN ONLY Book 2)

Lanie Stevens - 2013
    There are a few chapters dedicated to what men have shared with me about things that will make them leave a relationship or be unhappy with their mate. However, this book is to empower you (women) and help you get ANY man to desire you. Get any man without making changes to your looks, behavior or personality. If you decide to make changes it will just be to improve yourself AND because that is what you desire. Let's face facts, most relationship books tell you "what you need to do to change yourself" and attract a man. Some tell you that you need to be a "bitch" and others that you need to be a "pussycat"…really? Just like there are all kinds of reasons you are attracted to a certain man, there are all kinds of reasons he will be attracted to you. Why would you arbitrarily change anything about yourself? What if the thing you change would be the ONE thing he would like about you? There are a few things that I found ALL men hate: 1) women who let themselves go physically; 2) women who "nag, bitch and complain"; and 3) women who use the "bait and switch" to get their man. I will cover those things in the book BUT this book is not written to change you. This book will have men desiring you (and only you) in spite of what you look like, your personality, physical appearance or outward desirability. You will learn a technique that can be used at any time and place. A technique that will have him wanting you and thinking about you with desire….whenever you please. Ladies, the power of the pussy is not located between your legs. It is located between your ears! You just don't know how to use it…yet! In "Pussy Whip" A Guide To Control Your Man I taught you a technique that will change your life. Did you read it and listen? This book will take it a step further and add desire to your capabilities. You don't need to remember how long to look in someone's direction, how many times to bat your eyelashes, whether you should call him or not, how many dates before having sex….silly dating books written by people who don't know my technique. If you want to change yourself to attract a man...go for it! It you want to have a man (any man) desiring you using one simple technique... then this is the one book you need. One technique to have ANY man panting after YOU!!! It may be a total stranger OR the man who sleeps next to you each night. He will think of you with a burning desire! Lanie Stevens is the author of: Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book One Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book Two Lustful Lanie (Erotic Romance) - Book Three "Pussy Whip" A Guide To Control Your Man (non-fiction) How To Make Him BURN With Desire…Only for YOU (non-fiction)

Ebook: Design Thinking (Innovation Trends Series)

BBVA Innovation Center - 2015
    In this issue you will find out all there is to be known about Design Thinking, the different and creative approach to businesses everyday challenges.

Destroy Your Student Loan Debt: The Step-by-Step Plan to Pay Off Your Student Loans Faster

Anthony Oneal - 2020
    Debt sucks. Period. And that includes student loan debt. No matter what you believed—or were told—when you took out your loans, you need to get serious about getting rid of your debt fast, because it’s costing you more than you know. That’s why bestselling author Anthony ONeal wrote this motivating 64-page Quick Read—to show you why you need to dump your debt fast and how to do it.If you have student loan debt and have never heard of Ramsey Solutions or the 7 Baby Steps, this 64-page Quick Read is for you. Anthony will walk you step-by-step through Baby Steps 1 and 2 to show you how to dump your debt forever. You’ll learn:The ugly truth about how debt hurts youThe importance of an emergency fund and how to budget (Baby Step 1)The power of the debt snowball (Baby Step 2)Exactly what to do to pay off your student loans fasterHow to control your money so it doesn’t control youYou’ll also hear stories from real people about how they paid off their debt fastYou don’t need relief from your debt, you need to get mad at it. Because the truth is, when you get mad enough, you can pay off your loans faster than you ever thought possible—and take control of your money, and your life, for good! Don’t let anything stand in the way of your future. This plan has helped millions get out of debt and you’re next. You can do this!(Ramsey Press)