That is how I became A SANYASI

Khemlata Negi - 2020
    We all are connected. Are you a dreamer? Do you dream to be a successful person? Do you know sometimes the pursuit of monetary success could take you away from you? Have you felt the pain of separation from your loved ones? Have you felt lost some point in your life? This is a story about two people who lose the real treasures of their life in the pursuit of materialistic success and gratification. Gautam changes his life by following his dreams. But along the way, his life transforms into a living nightmare that he resolves to finish. Diksha is a young, brilliant, and headstrong person. Her dedication to be a perfect and sincere daughter, student, and employee turns her into an automaton. When both of them lose their last hope, something inexplicable happens in their life, which eventually sets them on the path of Sanyas. Can you give up your vain success to build an ever-lasting peace and tranquility within you? Can you stand tall and fight back your fears? Can you be a Sanyasi? Gear up to experience a mystical adventure! It’s a story about dreams, relationships, betrayal, courage, separation, and repentance. About the Author: Khemlata Negi is a novelist, poet, and educationist based in Chandigarh, India. Her first novel Hope: the journey to life was published in the year 2016. She has also written a collection of poetry Seasons of life and a book on yoga asana Stay Healthy. She loves reading, travelling, photography, yoga, and spending time in nature. She believes storytelling is one of the most effective methods to inspire and move the masses.

The Comanche Captivity of Sarah Ann Horn

James A. Crutchfield - 2015
    After spending several months in New York City, the family signed up for a journey to the Republic of Texas where they could homestead and eventually acquire 137 free acres for their efforts. Soon growing discontented with, not only the land, but also the management of the colony in which they had settled, the Horns decided to return to England. But, it was not to be. Attacked and captured by a party of Comanche Indians, Sarah Ann was faced with challenges and realities the like of which she never could have dreamed. Over a period of fifteen months of Comanche captivity, she and her captors rode endlessly across the Texas plains until finally she was purchased out of bondage and befriended by traders in New Mexico. This is the true story of a remarkable woman who endured an unimaginable amount of suffering and pain in her short lifetime.

Wild life in the Far West; Personal Adventures of a Border Mountain Man (1872)

James Hobbs - 1976
    He became a Texas Ranger, and fought as an American in the Mexican-American War, and roamed the Southwest with other mountain men such as Kit Carson. He belongs to that class of pioneers and trappers, now extinct, of which the famed Kit Carson, who was for many years the companion of the author, has been considered the most perfect type. In addition to his experiences as a hunter and trapper, we have an account of his life as a prisoner among the powerful and warlike Comanches, his adventures as a trader in Mexico, his services as interpreter and guide, under Doniphan, in our war with Mexico, and with the Liberals in the Franco-Mexican war as Captain of artillery, as well as his experience in mining in the days of the “ forty-niners” in California, and elsewhere. Probably no man then living passed through so varied and exciting a life as this one. Hobbs writes: "I was nearly full grown when I found an excellent chance to join a fur company that had just started out from St. Louis, under the lead of Charles Bent, and were going out to a fort and trading-post called Bent’s Fort, some three hundred miles south of Pike’s Peak on Big Arkansas river. The party consisted of about sixty men. The more prominent hunters were Charles Bent, Guesso Chauteau, William Savery, and two noted Indian trappers named Shawnee Spiebuck, and Shawnee Jake." On this expedition, he was captured by the Camanches, with whom he spent four years, marrying the daughter of "Old Wolf". Four years later, was ransomed by Charles Bent, who paid Old Wolf when the Indians had come to trade at Bent's Fort. It was during this time at Bent's Fort that Hobbs went out trapping with Kit Carson, and he became his lifelong friend. Hobbs became one the most famous mountain men, trappers, and fighter, partly due to his years of training in the ways of the wilderness with the Comanche. Hobbs writes: "IN the foregoing pages I have endeavored to give an account of a portion of my adventures in a life of more than usual peril and excitement. I was induced to publish this account by the earnest recommendation of many friends. It has been written out, as I have had time, entirely from memory, as I never kept a diary of events, never thinking that I should publish my experiences. For this reason, I have been unable to give exact dates in all cases; but as the object I had in view, was not to publish a history of the country where I have been, but to relate personal adventures, this will not prove, I hope, any drawback to the interest of the reader. As far as the narrative relates to my transactions, I have confined myself to the literal facts. "In looking back over my life, I find that although I have not, perhaps, always obeyed the Golden Rule, yet it is a great satisfaction to me to think of the numbers of my fellow beings I have been instrumental in saving from death and misery at the hands of savages, and from the horrors of starvation. "And now, that my labors in this direction are completed, I shall probably retire to my California home, and devote myself to stock raising. Hoping that this narrative may prove of interest to the reader, I will say -—GOOD-BYE." Originally published in 1872; reformatted for the Kindle; may contain an occasional imperfection; original spellings have been kept in place.

Solutions Manual For Continuum Mechanics For Engineers

G. Thomas Mase


Maharshi - 2014
    Children’s thinking capabilities would be increased because of the smart answers of the Minister Birbal.Each of the 50 stories contains a moral , a logic to think. Exchanges by Akbar and Birbal have become part of Indian folk tradition. These tales are also an integral part of Indian culture. Akbar and Birbal are extremely popular even in the modern age. This book is a compiled version of 50 good stories,illustrated with images as well. 50 Chapters are - A. AKBAR AND BIRBAL INTRODUCTION B. HOW AKBAR MET BIRBAL C. HOW MAHESH DAS BECAME BIRBAL 01. ANSWER FOR QUESTION IS A QUESTION 02. WHO IS A DONKEY? 03. WHY IS THE CAMEL’S NECK CROOKED? 04. BIRBAL’S VISIT TO HEAVEN 05. BIRBAL CAUGHT THE THIEF 06.I AM YOUR SERVANT, MY LORD 07. HOW MANY CROWS IN THE KINGDOM? 08. BIRBAL SOLVES THE PROBLEM 09. FLOWERS FOR AKBAR 10. BIRBAL’S SWEET REPLY 11. BIRBAL IDENTIFIES THE GUEST 12. TIT-BITS (BETWEEN AKBAR AND BIRBAL) 13. A LITTLE LESSER AND LITTLE MORE 14. BIRBAL’S BEAUTIFUL EXPLANATION 15.THE NOBLEST BEGGAR 16.FAST HORSE 17.THE LOYAL GARDENER 18. BIRBAL BETRAYS HIMSELF 19.RED HOT TEST 20.FOUR FOOLS 21.MILK OF AN OX 22.JUST ONE QUESTION 23.THE PARROT NEITHER EATS, NOR DRINKS 24.NEITHER HERE, NOR THERE 25. BIRBAL’S HELP TO ASTROLOGER 26.HEAVY BURDEN 27. BIRBAL PASSES THE TEST 28.THE MAGICAL DONKEY 29.PICKLED CLUE 30.HUNTING AND THE DOWRY 31. BIRBAL AND AKBAR’S RING 32.AKBAR’S DREAM 33. BIRBAL HELPS A PUNDIT 34. BIRBAL’S KHICHADEE 35.THE POET RAAYADAAS 36.THE THREE QUESTIONS 37.FEAR IS THE KEY 38.PROTECTION OF THE FOOT-MARK OF AN ELEPHANT 39. BIRBAL, THE PROBLEM SOLVER 40.WHO IS THE REAL KING? 41.WHO IS FOOLED? 42. BIRBAL, THE CHILD 43. BIRBAL’S LIST OF BLINDS 44.THE BLIND SAINT. REALLY, IS HE? 45.THE SHARP SHIELD & SWORD 46.THE LOST RING 47.WHO IS THE REAL MOTHER? 48.A MERCHANT AND THE STOLEN TREASURE 49. BIRBAL STRIKES AGAIN 50. THE LINGUIST’S CHALLENGE CHAPTER - 05 BIRBAL CAUGHT THE THIEF It so happened once that once a rich merchant's house was robbed. The merchant suspected that the thief was one of his servants. He tried to find out the thief was on his own, but failed. So he went to Birbal and explained the whole incident in detail. Birbal went to his house and assembled all of his servants in the front hall and asked that who stole the merchant's things. Everybody denied. Birbal thought for a moment, then gave a stick of equal length to all the servants of the merchant and said to them that “The stick of the real thief will be long by two inches tomorrow”. All the servants should be present here again tomorrow with their sticks. All the servants went to their homes and gathered again at the same place the next day. Birbal asked them to show him their sticks. One of the servants had his stick shorter by two inches. Birbal said, "This is your thief, merchant.


Jordan Wylie - 2017
     Jordan Wylie, a young man from a tough area of Blackpool where kids like him often went off the rails, chose a life in the army. He saw service in Iraq and learned to cope with the horrors he'd witnessed, then suffered an injury that blocked any chance of climbing up the military ladder. But an old army colleague suggested he join a security team on a tanker in Yemen. Ex-servicemen were offered dazzling salaries and `James Bond' lifestyles between jobs protecting the super-tankers carrying consumer goods to Europe and the US. However, for the men tempted to go, the price they paid was the claustrophobia and isolation of life on board and the ever-present possibility of death skimming towards them across the vast, lonely blue sea. Jordan was one of these men. In Citadel, he writes the first account of these dangerous years from someone 'at the front'. A young soldier from the backstreets of Blackpool, he was determined to make the most of his life, but unsure of the way forward. To his surprise, he found his answers in the perilous waters of 'Pirate Alley'.

A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy

Max Gerson - 1958
    Again the simple procedure applies that disease comes from an accumulation of inorganic toxic waste in weakened area's of the body, which cause an environment for disease to proliferate. There is now a support network in the UK for this treatment, but as with all naturopathic medicine it requires a lot of discipline and hard work to achieve results, just reading the book ain't gonna make you well! nevertheless it will give those who have been given up as dead a very good insight into the possibilities which can be achieved if the spirit is still strong and ready to fight. Personally I'd also recommend the work of Dr John R Christopher and Dr Richard Schulz who have taken Gerson's work to next level.

Legend of Starcrash

Dolores Cannon - 1994
    Tuin was a member of a tribe who thought they were the only people on Earth because they had never encounter another tribes throughout their existence. Tuin reports the story of the history of his people as told by the Shaman during long narratives around the campfire. They were descendants of the Old Ones who had travelled across the void of space and had crashed in the area many years ago.

NZ Frenzy: New Zealand South Island

Scott Cook - 2010
    This guidebook is not meant to replace a Lonely Planet/Frommers/Rough Guide, but rather to compliment them. In NZ Frenzy you'll find info about all the South's must-see spots, plus detailed info about the lesser-known and unheralded off-the-beaten-path wonder spots. This guidebook goes WAY beyond the vague outdoor info in the mainstream travel guidebooks. NZ Frenzy is about giving you the details you'll need to find the "real" NZ, the one without lines of tour buses, the one without brochures of pay-to-see commercialized natural "attractions". NZ Frenzy, unlike any of the other mainstream guidebooks, will deliver you to the New Zealand that you've been planning for and fantasizing about. I guarantee it. Please read the reviews of NZ Frenzy North Island to see what travelers think of my info. Are you going to NZ to be a tourist at touristy crowded places or do you want to find the "Real" New Zealand that you'll tell stories about?? When you have an NZ Frenzy in hand, you'll leave the other guidebooks in the glove box and you'll leave the tourists behind!! The South Island has natural wonders beyond compare, but the mainstream media only promotes the commercialized stuff. Don't waste your precious time while in NZ waiting in line at the tourist visitor centers...get NZ Frenzy and go experience the Real New Zealand, the Fabled New Zealand. You can have the trip of a lifetime, you will have the trip of a lifetime!!

Physics Part 1 Class - 10

Lakhmir Singh
    Salient Features: 1.Very short answer type questions (including true-false type questions and fill in the blanks type questions). 2.Short answer type questions. 3. Long answer type questions (or Essay type questions). 4. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on theory. 5. Questions based on high order thinking skills (HOTS). 6. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) based on practical skills in science.. 7. NCERT book questions and exercises (with answers). 8. Value based questions (with answers).

Yoga from the Inside Out: Making Peace with Your Body Through Yoga

Christina Sell - 2003
    This book includes interviews with yoga students, teachers and a series of stunning photographs of "real women" practising yoga. Yoga from the Inside Out explains Tantric philosophy and practice in a way that is immensely practical, spiritually uplifting and immediately relevant to the everyday yoga practitioner. "... perhaps the most important and inspiring book on the philosophy of hatha yoga, which it elevates to a spiritual art of self-love and acceptance that can transform your self-image." (From the Foreword by John Friend, founder of Anusara Yoga)

Escape from Dubai

Herve Jaubert - 2009
    From a life of luxury in the opulent city of Dubai to promised ruination, Jaubert tells a tale of espionage and escape that rivals any best selling novel on the market. Immersed in a luxury submarine business, Jaubert was hired as CEO by Dubai World to develop and design miniature subs for the wealthy. Once problems developed within the business, Herve Jaubert became the scapegoat of government officials and found himself ensnared in a web of police threats, extortion, human rights abuses and coercion. With no chance to make it through their biased legal system, Jaubert planned the escape of his life.

More Ghost Stories of Shimla Hills

Minakshi Chaudhry - 2012
    Stories from the colonial era will both entertain and enthral readers. The author is very well-known in the Himachal as a prolific and an entertaining writer. About the Book: More Ghost Stories of Shimla Hills A collection of sixteen stories about the supernatural, originating from Shimla folklore and the days of the Raj. The haunted foothills of Himalayas present the perfect setting for the dark and sinister world of phantoms and apparitions. Many spirits wander about these hills-the English nurse, the theatre manager, the English lord and his sister, even a family of local ghosts Many of these are real encounters narrated by the inhabitants. With thrilling twists and turns, each story recreates the horror of the victims and the fear of the unknown. Get ready to be spooked! About the Author: Minakshi Chaudhry Minakshi Chaudhry, an author and former journalist, lives in Shimla with her husband. She is a keen observer of people, cultures, lifestyles, and loves trekking and travelling. Minakshi has authored several books-Sunshine: My Encounter with Cancer, Love Stories of Shimla Hills, Whispering Deodars: Writings from Shimla Hills, Destination Himachal: 132 Offbeat and 12 Popular Getaways, Ghost Stories of Shimla Hills, 65 Treks and Over 100 Destinations: A Guide to Trekking in Himachal, and Exploring Pangi Himalaya: A World Beyond Civilization. She is currently working on her next book and can be contacted at

We, The Arcturians

Norma J. Milanovich - 1990
    Norma Milanovich, who resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was living a quiet, quite normal existence when she began experiencing a series of extraordinary events. These events began with strange paranormal and psychic experiences and have escalated to her receiving transmissions via her microcomputer from other life forms who have identified themselves as Beings from the star Arcturus. With the support and assistance of two friends, Betty Rice and Cynthia Plosky, a book, WE, THE ARCTURIANS, has been produced which contains numerous messages transmitted from these Beings.The Arcturians, speaking through Norma, have sent Earthlings a gentle message regarding their purpose for being here. They claim they are here to assist Earth as it enters a New Age of spirituality. They cannot interfere with the free will or decision-making process of any Earthling, but are here to educate and help raise the vibrations of all who choose to journey to the new dimension the Earth is entering. They are also "commissioned" to help us understand the true nature of God, ourselves, and the universes.Who are these Beings and why are they here? Are they friends, foes or merely observers? The answer to these questions may come from the words of the Arcturians themselves :We wish only to be accepted on the Earth plane for the gifts and benefits that we bring. We try to do our jobs with total dedication to the Light and to the sisters and brothers of Earth, whom we serve.We would like for this document to be read as the comparison of two different worlds.We look for ways to belong. We do not wish to be considered separate in a universe that is only one.We are talking about a transit of time, over the next several years, that will transform the energy of the beloved Earth to a Garden of Eden in the galaxy.

Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim

Rob Skiba - 2012
    Who or what is an Archon? What is "The Genesis Six Experiment?" Who were the Nephilim? How did they return both before and after the Flood? What differentiates the days of Noah from the days of Jared? Were there female Nephilim? Could the giants reproduce? Why should we be concerned about the act of mixing animal and human DNA? Why did Jesus say the Last Days would be like the days of Noah? Find out in this information packed book by Rob Skiba!