Book picks similar to
Deviant Moon Tarot Borderless by Patrick Valenza


The Dreams Book: Technology for the Soul--Finding Your Way in the Dark: Kabbalah

Yehuda Berg - 2004
    In Kabbalah: The Dreams Book, Berg examines the meanings of dreams by using Kabbalistic principles. Dreams, he says, offer valuable messages and wisdom, and to ignore them is the same as leaving a potentially life-changing letter unopened. Berg shows readers how to interpret the directions in their dreams, from how to find a soul mate to ways to deflect negative energy and judgments.

Hole: A Ghost Story

Joseph Duncan
    Summer's last hurrah. For nine-year-old Eddie Gilmarten and his mother, who have fled to his aunt's home in the Shawnee Hills of Southern Illinois, Aunt Gene's isolated rural property is the perfect place to escape an alcoholic father. There are caves to explore and sprawling wooded hills to play upon, but all is not fine in this idyllic country setting. Eddie and his Ma aren't the only souls who have sought sanctuary on his aunt's sprawling property, although they might be the only innocents who have done so. There is a dark entity at large, one that might or might not be a figment of Eddie's fertile imagination, and a man of secrets with a twisted mind and a terrible appetite for innocence. Yet, even in the midst of pain there is hope, and valor may sometimes be found in the hearts of the wicked. For Frank O'Keefe-- the bank robber known as "the Fox"-- Eddie and his mother might not just be his only chance for survival... They might also be the only chance for his soul's redemption. Indian Summer is the latest novel by the indie best selling author of The Oldest Living Vampire Tells All and Mort. This novel contains adult situations, language and violence. It may not be suitable for younger readers. Approx. 80,000 words. Released June 2011 by Cobra Ebooks.

The Call of Cthulhu and Other Tales

H.P. Lovecraft
    The books penned by him are well known all over the world, although they were not so popular during Lovecraft's life. The main theme of his creativity is the Cthulhu Mythos. Lovecraft created an entire fictional world; his tales are even classified into a subgenre known as Lovecraftian horror. The tales The Call of Cthulhu, The Color Out of Space, Dagon and others are among the most famous works of Howard Lovecraft.

Our Lady Chaos

Erik Henry Vick - 2019
    Hiding out in Pennsylvania, they believe they are safe, and they may be…for a short while.Just when the demon hunters come to believe they have a viable plan for combating the demonic infestation of Oneka Falls, they learn of a new threat. Brigitta's power seems inconsequential by comparison. Confronted by an ancient demigoddess of pain and death, the demon hunter crew knows an open battle will lead to their destruction. The secret to her defeat lies steeped in Akkadian myth, obscured by time and a dead language. Harried by the archdemoness, her powerful servants, and the remaining demons in Oneka Falls, sifting the truth from the legend may prove an impossible task. Nevertheless, the hunters must find a way to save the world.. How can Toby, Benny, Shannon, Mike, and Scott hope to win a war against the demons entrenched in Oneka Falls? How can they even hope to survive?

The Darwin Effect

Mark Lukens - 2016
    They are all suffering from short-term memory loss and they can't remember why or how they got on this ship. The onboard computer (MAC) tells them that it was programmed to wake them up early. They believe MAC woke them up by mistake. They can't re-enter suspended animation, there's only enough food for a few months, and they are too far away to return to Earth ... but even if they could return, MAC tells them that the Earth has been destroyed by nuclear war. They realize that they are all going to die on this ship.Cromartie, the unelected leader of their group, tries his best to keep the others calm, but soon they are at each other's throats. After one of them is found murdered, Cromartie and Sanders form an alliance. Cromartie tells Sanders that pieces of his memories are beginning to come back to him in his dreams; he believes he's seeing clues to their survival.But after the next murder, Cromartie and Sanders must work fast to find the mind-blowing key to their survival and figure out which one of them is the killer before it's too late.

Live Before You Die: Wake Up to God's Will for Your Life

Daniel Kolenda - 2012
    Here at last is a straightforward approach to being able to recognize God's will in your life, to know with more certainty the good things He has for you, what he wants you to do and how you can live your life with more purpose, joy, significance and blessing.Daniel Kolenda has been actively serving the Lord since he was a teen. God has given him keen insights through Scripture and his own experiences that will help you discover and follow God's will. You'll discover practical truths that will enable you hear His voice with more clarity and be able to make important decisions with more confidence and assurance. Start living in a way that lines up with God's favor. He WANTS TO BLESS YOU! With advice that is both practical and inspiring Daniel reveals:- Five secrets to discovering God's will - How to start moving in the right direction - What to do when God says wait - How to stay in the will of GodHe also answers the following questions:- How do I recognize God's will? - What if God calls me to do something I don't want to do? - What if I've already missed the will of God? - If I encounter resistance, does that mean I'm out of God's will? - How do I get from where I am now to where God wants me to be? - What should I do now while seeking God's will? - What if I've been waiting for a long time? - How do I stay in the will of God?Whether your journey takes you to the mission field or medical school...whether you become a construction worker, stay-at-home mom, businessman, teacher, chef, or pastor...YOU can experience the wonder of God's will for your life and live His adventure for you. It's time to go for it!

Manuscript 512

Rick Chesler - 2018
    Thought to be buried somewhere within the Mato Grosso region of the Amazon rainforest, the lure of the vanished riches has long proven deadly to treasure-seekers who brave the forbidding wilderness and mysterious creatures in search of it. Disgraced historian Dr. Hunter Winslow, fired from a lucrative professorship for stealing rare documents in order to gain a competitive edge over his colleagues, thinks the key to Manuscript 512 lies not in its words, but in its paper itself. The only problem is that to confirm his hypothesis means to destroy the document, something the Brazil National Library in Rio de Janeiro will never allow. But old habits die hard, and Hunter knows his way around a Special Collections room. After a brazen theft that triggers an international manhunt, the rogue historian is able to reveal the document’s secrets in a way no one else can, or ever will be able to again—by using its physical properties to reveal missing sections that had supposedly been irreversibly damaged. Armed with this new information, Hunter embarks on an expedition to the deepest Amazon to put to rest the mystery of the lost city once and for all. But while Hunter is looking for the fabled treasure, the long arm of the law is looking for him. Will they catch up to him before he can locate the treasure of a thousand lifetimes, or will he become as lost as the city he seeks?

Messenger Between Worlds: True Stories from a Psychic Medium

Kristy Robinett - 2012
    When she was eight, the spirit of her deceased grandfather helped her escape from a would-be kidnapper. This captivating, powerful memoir is filled with unforgettable scenes: spot-on predictions, countless spirit visits at home and school, menacing paranormal activity, and Kristy's first meeting with two spirit guides who became her constant allies. Born into a strict religious family, Kristy believed she was cursed and hid her psychic abilities for many years. Over time, she learned to use her talent to do good in the world, and now she has decided to share her incredible story. Follow Kristy's emotional journey through a difficult childhood, stormy marriages, conflict with faith, job loss, and illness--and the hard-won lessons that opened her heart to true love and acceptance of her unique gift.

Giles Corey

Dan Barrett - 2011
    Six months before that, I used a Voor’s Head Device for the first time." This line opens the 150-page book that accompanies Giles Corey, an intensely personal, intimate portrait of depression that took me almost 4 years to make. We've called this "acoustic music from the industrial revolution," and that's as good as anything. Dominated by the acoustic guitar, the music is a gloomy mixture of Americana influences, snippets of EVP recordings, ghostly choirs and deep, heavy organ. It ranges from very dark to triumphant, hushed quiet to crashingly loud. The album follows a story arc of emotions that are detailed in the accompanying book, as much a part of this record as the music. The text switches between personal tales of struggles with depression, suicide, and a feeling of being lost, and the story of cult-leader and afterlife theorist Robert Voor. Voor's writings on death and the afterlife feature prominently across HAVE A NICE LIFE's "Deathconsciousness," Nahvalr's self-titled debut, and Giles Corey, making him the unifying factor behind most of the music I've written in the last 10 years. This record is as personal and raw as anything I've ever done. Thank you for your interest.

Every Dead Thing / Dark Hollow (Charlie Parker, #1-2)

John Connolly - 2003

Journey of a Master: Swami Chinmayananda

Nancy Freeman Patchen - 1989
    In telling the story of one master’s training and evolution in the Himalayas and his subsequent mission to his countrymen, the author enlightens you on the essence of India’s culture, philosophy and religion. His story will surely educate you, inspire you, and broaden your horizons of the meaning of life.The Swami spent five years in the Himalayas under the tutelage of two incredible Masters of live, as different as day and night. Although both were scholars of the scriptures, their manifestation was unique. One was an incredible streak of light and energy who traveled India teaching, then created a huge ashram center to serve all of humanity. The other was a quiet contemplative recluse who sang inspirational songs and taught only a few students.Swami Chinmayananda appeared on the scene at an appropriate time in Indian history. The British had just left the country with no one trained to take the helm of State. The British had taken all the top government positions. In addition, they had curtailed any industrial development; the Empire was about having consumers for British products. The Indians had lost their moorings: economically, spiritually and personally. To these countrymen, beaten down by 150 years of British rule, repression and slavery, the Swami gave a message of hope. He worked relentlessly for about 40 years to bring about a spiritual revival in India and abroad. His unique style and logical approach was appreciated by everyone from college students to bankers to priests—both Hindu and Christian.By teaching directly the wisdom of their ancient scriptures, he gave the listeners confidence and inspiration to move forward in business and in creating charitable endeavors for the uplifting of the downtrodden of the country. Through 200 centers in India, his devotees have built and operate schools, hospitals and clinics, nursing homes, retirement homes and training centers for nurses and teachers, as well as spiritual training centers.This story of the legacy of one of the most influential persons in the modern history of Hinduism is sure to surprise you, amaze you—and inspire you.

Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards

Kyle Gray - 2016
    These amazing masters transcend religion and go beyond time – they are here and willing to help all of those who call on them.   The new Keepers of the Light oracle card deck from Kyle Gray draws together 44 Ascended Masters, spiritual deities, and beings from many world traditions, and embraces spiritual teachings from ancient to modern times. The deck balances male and female energies, and includes traditional masters like Lord Buddha and Mother Mary, Earth-based deities like Gaia and Cernunnos, and modern favorites like Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and Saint Germain.   Each card is beautifully hand drawn by visionary artist Lily Moses, who paints what she sees from a deep meditative state. The deck’s aim is to help spiritual seekers to develop their intuition and to really start trusting the messages that spirit shares.

Hall of Mirrors: Tales of Horror and the Grotesque. Volume 2

Mike Bennett
    Return to the ruined pier at the farthest, darkest edge of the Internet and accompany Mike Bennett back into the Hall of Mirrors.This time around we have hell and damnation in 'Salvation'; a petty criminal in a tight spot in 'Give Me a Hundred'; something in the woods in 'The Green Man'; a revolting comedy featuring two men and a dog in 'Dessert'; a cockroach problem in 'The Exterminators; humiliation and horror in 'Wet Velvet'; and a ship bound for bloodshed in 'Night Crossing'.So, dust off your ticket stub and roll up once again for Hall of Mirrors Volume 2 – More Tales of Horror and the Grotesque.

The Withering

Joshua Jacobs - 2015
    Unlike the millions before her, she survives. Afraid she is a carrier of the disease, Alice abandons her family and disappears into what remains of the world. Bodies litter the streets. Cities lie in waste. The government ceases to exist. What the Withering doesn't destroy, the Clan kills, cleansing the world of those they hold responsible. Those like Alice.Then one night Alice meets Brandon. He brings word of a rural town untouched by the sickness. He promises a future. He reminds her of what it means to feel... of what it means to love.Yet the Clan is watching. They're always watching.

Transcending The Maya Matrix: Using the Seven Simple Step: Our Innate Guide to Co-Creation & Self-Realization

Omar M. Makram - 2018
    Makram states that trusting our Innate Guide is the missing ingredient that can create the life we have dreamed of.He encourages you to let go of the confusing chatter that leads to your unfulfilled potential. You may have read all the self-help books, tried the Law of Attraction and followed various disciplines for success, yet you still feel stuck doing the same things and expecting different results. What if your inner being is urging you to start listening from within? In this Truth-revealing book, Transcending The Maya Matrix, he uncovers the sacred laws called the Seven Simple Steps. You will learn:1.     The illusion of reality2.     Reclaiming your power from that illusion3.     Befriending your true self and life4.     Opening the door to joy and abundance5.     Allowing joy and abundance to guide you6.     Realize that you ARE that joy and abundance.This book has illustrations, examples and downloadable journaling exercises. --