Book picks similar to
Kuby Immunology by Judy A. Owen
Human Molecular Genetics
Tom Strachan - 1996
While maintaining the hallmark features of previous editions, the Fourth Edition has been completely updated. It includes new Key Concepts at the beginning of each chapter and annotated further reading at the conclusion of each chapter, to help readers navigate the wealth of information in this subject.The text has been restructured so genomic technologies are integrated throughout, and next generation sequencing is included. Genetic testing, screening, approaches to therapy, personalized medicine, and disease models have been brought together in one section. Coverage of cell biology including stem cells and cell therapy, studying gene function and structure, comparative genomics, model organisms, noncoding RNAs and their functions, and epigenetics have all been expanded.
Janeway's Immunobiology
Kenneth M. Murphy - 2007
The Eighth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and is available in both print and e-book formats.Janeway s Immunobiology continues to set the standard for currency and authority with its clear writing style and organization, uniform art program, and scientific accuracy. It presents a consistent point of view throughout that of the host s interaction with an environment containing many species of potentially harmful microorganisms. The full-color art program is conceptually coherent and illustrates the processes and mechanisms underlying the concepts in the text. The 16 chapters in this readable, accessible textbook are organized and presented in such a way as to help deliver a complete one-semester immunology course, beginning with innate immunity, then moving to adaptive immunity, and ending with applied clinical immunology.Discussion questions are provided at the end of Chapters 2 to 16. These questions can be used for review, or as the basis for discussion in class or in informal study groups. Summaries conclude each section and each chapter. As in previous editions, a caduceus icon in the margins indicates topics which are correlated to Case Studies in Immunology, Sixth Edition by Geha and Notarangelo.New in the Eighth EditionInnate immunity has been updated and expanded and is now presented in two separate chapters (Chapters 2 and 3), as well as being further emphasized in the rest of the textbook. Chapter 2 covers antimicrobial peptides and the complement system, and Chapter 3 deals with cellular innate receptors and cell-mediated innate immunity (e.g. TLRs, phagocytosis, NK cells, interferon production, innate-like lymphocytes). The section on complement has been reworked and reconceived explaining the lectin pathway first making it easier to teach by placing it into the context of innate recognition. Evolution is now incorporated throughout the text, helping students see similar strategies used by different organisms. The text and figures of Chapter 7 Signaling Through Immune System Receptors have been revised to present a cohesive synthesis of signaling for immunology, focusing on improved illustration of antigen recognition signaling and lymphocyte activation. Signaling through other receptors is dealt with wherever appropriate throughout the book. Updated chapter on B-cell immune responses (Chapter 10), especially on trafficking of B cells in peripheral lymphoid organs (e.g. lymph nodes) and the locations at which they encounter antigen. Coverage of mucosal immunity (Chapter 12) has been brought up to date, including responses to the commensal microbiota and the role of specialized dendritic cells and the regulatory T cells in maintaining tolerance to food antigens and commensal bacteria. Chapter 13, Failures of Host Defense Mechanisms, has been reorganized and revised to structure an understanding of primary immunodeficiencies in the context of developmental pathways. Chapter 16, Manipulation of the Immune Response, has been heavily revised to include a greater emphasis on clinical issues and a complete update of immunotherapeutics and vaccines. Many new and revised figures illustrate the processes and mechanisms underlying the concepts presented in the text. The icons used have been updated and expanded to incorporate a new emphasis on signaling pathways. New references have been added throughout the text.
Principles of Biochemistry
Albert L. Lehninger - 1970
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition brings clarity and coherence to an often unwieldy discipline, while incorporating the field's most important recent developments and applications.
Medical Physiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Walter F. Boron - 2002
The most up-to-date and beautifully illustrated text on the market, it has a strong molecular and cellular approach, firmly relating the molecular and cellular biological underpinnings of physiology to the study of human physiology and disease. Contributions from leading physiologists ensure authoritative, cutting-edge information, and thorough and consistent editing have produced a readable and student-friendly text.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Neil A. Campbell - 1987
This text has invited more than 4 million students into the study of this dynamic and essential discipline.The authors have restructured each chapter around a conceptual framework of five or six big ideas. An Overview draws students in and sets the stage for the rest of the chapter, each numbered Concept Head announces the beginning of a new concept, and Concept Check questions at the end of each chapter encourage students to assess their mastery of a given concept. New Inquiry Figures focus students on the experimental process, and new Research Method Figures illustrate important techniques in biology. Each chapter ends with a Scientific Inquiry Question that asks students to apply scientific investigation skills to the content of the chapter.
Human Physiology
Stuart Ira Fox - 2007
The beginning chapters introduce basic chemical and biological concepts to provide students with the framework they need to comprehend physiological principles. The chapters that follow promote conceptual understanding rather than rote memorization of facts. Health applications are included throughout the book to heighten interest, deepen understanding of physiological concepts, and help students relate the material to their individual career goals. Every effort has been made to help students integrate related concepts and understand the relationships between anatomical structures and their functions.
Jeremy M. Berg - 1975
In the new edition of Biochemistry, instructors will see the all the hallmark features that made this a consistent bestseller for the undergraduate biochemistry course: exceptional clarity and concision, a more biological focus, cutting-edge content, and an elegant, uncluttered design. Accomplished in both the classroom and the laboratory, coauthors Jeremy Berg and John Tymoczko draw on the field's dynamic research to illustrate its fundamental ideas.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language
Bonnie F. Fremgen - 2004
For each body system, broad coverage of anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnostic procedures, treatment procedures, and pharmacology is provided. The author emphasizes both terms built from Latin and Greek word parts, and modern English terms, helping students develop a full working word part vocabulary they can use to interpret any new term. This edition contains many new terms, and has been reorganized for more efficient learning. To eliminate confusion, Word Building tables have been removed from each chapter and the terms have been distributed throughout the pathology, diagnostic procedure, and treatment procedure tables, where they are more immediately relevant to students. Note: This ISBN is just the standalone book, if the customer wants the book/access card order the ISBN below; 133962032 / 9780133962031 Medical Terminology: A Living Language PLUS MyMedicalTerminologyLab with Pearson etext -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0132843471 / 9780132843478 Medical Terminology: A Living Language 0133936236 / 9780133936230 MyMedicalTerminologyLab with Pearson etext - Access Card - Medical Terminology A Living Language
The Immune System
Peter Parham - 2004
This class-tested and successful textbook synthesizes the established facts of immunology into a comprehensible, coherent, and up-to-date account of how the immune system works, rather than presenting immunology as a chronology of experiments and discoveries. Emphasizing the human immune system the text has been designed to break down the barriers which often divide basic and clinical immunology. The reader-friendly text, section and chapter summaries, and full-color illustrations make the book accessible and easily understandable to students. The Immune System is adapted from Immunobiology by Janeway, Travers & Walport.
Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine [with Student Consult Online Access]
Robert L. Nussbaum - 2001
The 7th edition incorporates the latest advances in molecular diagnostics, the Human Genome Project, and much more. More than 240 dynamic illustrations and high-quality photos help you grasp complex concepts more easily. In addition to the book, you will also receive STUDENT CONSULT, enabling you to access the complete contents of the book online, anywhere you go
Donald Voet - 1990
It includes extensive material on molecular biology, and presents biochemistry from a chemist's perspective.
Inorganic Chemistry
Catherine E. Housecroft - 2001
It offers superior coverage of all key areas, including descriptive chemistry, MO theory, bonding, and physical inorganic chemistry. Chapter topics are presented in logical order and include: basic concepts; nuclear properties; an introduction to molecular symmetry; bonding in polyatomic molecules; structures and energetics of metallic and ionic solids; acids, bases, and ions in aqueous solution; reduction and oxidation; non-aqueous media; and hydrogen. Four special topic chapters, chosen for their currency and interest, conclude the book. For researchers seeking the latest information in the field of inorganic chemistry.
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology
Richard A. HarveyVictor Stollar - 2001
The book has the hallmark features for which Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews volumes are so popular: an outline format, over 600 full-color illustrations, end-of-chapter summaries, review questions, plus an entire section of clinical case studies with full-color illustrations. This edition's medical/clinical focus has been sharpened to provide a high-yield review. Five additional case studies have been included, bringing the total to nineteen. Review questions have been reformatted to comply with USMLE Step 1 style, with clinical vignettes.
Prescotts Microbiology
Joanne Willey - 2007
Because of this balance, "Microbiology" is appropriate for microbiology majors and mixed majors courses. The new authors have focused on readability, artwork, and the integration of several key themes (including evolution, ecology and diversity) throughout the text, making an already superior text even better.
Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories
Jay Withgott - 2011
Jay Withgott and new co-author Matt Laposata present the latest coverage of environmental science and introduce new FAQ sections to address common student misconceptions. Note: This is the standalone book if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0321752546 / 9780321752543 Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories Plus MasteringEnvironmentalScience with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0321752902 / 9780321752901 Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories 0321754077 / 9780321754073 MasteringEnvironmentalScience with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card -- Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories (ME component) "