Book picks similar to
Tantric Thelema by Sam Webster
The Heart of the Master & Other Papers
Aleister Crowley - 1992
whose purpose has been to transform human consciousness and guide its evolution.
Initiation in the Aeon of the Child: The Inward Journey
J. Daniel Gunther - 2009
The doctrine codified in The Book of the Law and the numerous other Holy Books known as Thelema revealed Aleister Crowley as the Prophet of the new Aeon.In this ground-breaking book, author J. Daniel Gunther provides a penetrating and cohesive analysis of the spiritual doctrine underlying and informing the Aeon of the Child, and the sublime formulas of Initiation encountered by those who would probe its mysteries. Drawing on more than 30 years of experiences as a student and teacher within the Order of the A.·.A.·., the author examines the doctrinal thread of Thelema in its historical, religious, and practical context. This book is written in clear, precise language that will aid those students who seek to navigate the difficult terrain of the spiritual quest. More advanced students will find tantalizing clues to serve as guideposts and eventual confirmation of direct experience. With numerous diagrams and detailed references encompassing ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, the Apocrypha, the Old and New Testaments, alchemy, hermetic Qabalah, and tarot, as well as the writings of Carl Jung and Aleister Crowley.
The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley
Richard Kaczynski - 2009
A carefully chosen series of his instructions for concentration, meditation, magick, invocation, even sex magick are included. Crowley's descriptions of the teaching Orders A:.A:. and OTO are presented, along with the Creed of EGC. In addition, a suggested reading list of Crowley's "top-eleven" most important books is enhanced by an extensive bibliography for further in-depth research. This is the first and only introductory book that does not pretend to "improve" upon the Master's writings, but attempts to showcase them into a coherent introduction to his spiritual system. .A practicing occultist whose mastery of western magick and eastern mysticism was unsurpassed by any of his contemporaries, and who continues to be an icon for many of today's practicing magicians..The founder and prophet of the new religious movement of Thelema, best known by its oft-misunderstood catchphrase, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.".A prolific poet whose Collected Works, by age thirty, filled three volumes, and whose last published work, Olla, was subtitled Sixty Years of Song..A maverick mountaineer whose numerous innovations and world records in the sport are acknowledged by even his most vocal critics..An adventurer whose exploits in the far east were serialized by Vanity Fair magazine as "A Burmese River.".An impresario who took the violin troupe, the Ragged Ragtime Girls, on a tour of Russia..A British secret agent who marshaled his literary and occult connections to the service of his country, including (reputedly) the invention of the "V for Victory" sign as a magical antidote to the swastika..A ranked chess master who could trounce many players without even looking at the chess board..A pioneering entheogenic explorer who conducted psychedelic experiments with mescaline..Producer and star of The Rites of Eleusis, a series of ritualistic plays featuring an innovative blend of magick, drama, music and poetry. .One of the most unjustly vilified men in the history of journalism, garnering headlines like "The Wickedest Man in the World" and "A Man We'd Like To Hang."More mistruth and rumor has circulated about Aleister Crowley than perhaps any other figure in recent history. When the reporter Henry Hall introduced him to readers of the New York World Sunday Magazine, he wrote, "Some said that he was a man of real attainments, others that he was a faker. All agreed that he was extraordinary." Crowley openly defied social conventions, challenging people to examine what they really believed, and why they believed it. He confronted blind faith with rational skepticism. Yet he likewise challenged the skeptic with scientific illuminism, a systematic approach to spirituality that he described as "The method of science, the aim of religion."
Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary
James Wasserman - 1993
John and A Master of the Temple. These were the only two works regarding the magical diary published in Crowley's lifetime. Both were first published in Crowley's immense collection of magical instruction, The Equinox. John St. John chronicles Crowley's momentbymoment progress during a 13day magical working. Crowley referred to it as "a perfect model of what a magical record should be." A Master of the Temple is taken from the magical diary of Frater Achad at a time when he was Crowley's most valued and successful student. It provides an invaluable example of a student's record, plus direct commentary and instruction added by Crowley.With commentary and introductory material by editor James Wasserman, Aleister Crowley and the Practice of the Magical Diary is the most important and accessible instruction available to students of the occult regarding the practice of keeping a magical diary.This revised edition includes a new introduction by Wasserman, a foreword by noted occult scholar J. Daniel Gunther, revisions throughout the text, a revised reading list for further study, plus Crowley's instructions on banishing from Liber O.
The Sacred Wheel
Momma White Cougar - 2012
Come on a journey through the Wheel of the Year, joining in the celebration of the Gods, Goddesses and festivals that have been a part of mankind since the Dawn of Time.Although aimed at beginning Solitary Practitioners, the original Heartsongs would add depth to the workings of even the most seasoned Pagan.
Homemade Magick: The Musings & Mischief of a Do-It-Yourself Magus
Lon Milo DuQuette - 2014
Written in Lon's humorous style that makes learning and discovery a joy, Homemade Magick will show you that everyday life events are, in fact, true magical adventures.As you navigate your journey, learn how to:Choose your magical motto Perform a self-initiation ritual Make your own tools Raise children in a magical home Perform the Rite of Earth Learn how to make your whole life magick With this insightful book as your guide, you can see how the magical world is already an integral part of your life. Between easy-to-follow instructions and Lon's colorful stories about his years as a domesticated magician, you'll be inspired to wake up to your own magical identity--and have a whole lot of fun along the way.
A Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule (Heathen-style!): Folklore, Activities and Recipes For The Whole Family to Enjoy For 12 Days!
Jenn Campus - 2016
For most Pagans of any denomination, Yule is a high holy season. The ancient festival was a 12 daylong celebration beginning on the eve of the Winter Solstice (known to most Pagans as Yule) and ending at the new calendar year. This celebration was so important in ancient times that it was converted by the Christians to the 12 Days of Christmas. Many Pagans, especially those devoted to the Norse and Anglo Saxon Gods and Goddesses try to find some way to keep these 12 days, yet many are unsure exactly how to celebrate. Social media blows up in the weeks leading up to the Solstice with questions like: How do you celebrate? What do you do exactly? What activities, what rituals, what prayers and celebrations? For the past several years I have been working on this guide in an attempt to answer some of those questions for my own family and for others. This guide is a result of creating family traditions for this special and most sacred (not to mention FUN!) time of year. I put it all together into one little, handy and easy to follow guide, so that you and your family can celebrate the 12 Days of Yule together, with a little inspiration from what our family has been doing. Please enjoy!
Abrahadabra: Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thelemic Magick
Rodney Orpheus - 1995
And yet Thelemic Magick, separate from Crowley's admittedly polarizing exploits and personality, remains one of the most effective and well-documented systems of ritual magick available to modern spiritual seekers. Rodney Orpheus does a remarkable job presenting this magical system in a way that will have even neophytes practicing magick—and more importantly, understanding it—in no time. Abrahadabra covers the meditation, ritual, and philosophy that form the foundation of magical study in a fun and casual style and balances this theory with hands-on exercises. Abrahadabra is an excellent introduction to Crowley's form of magick, and it presents a workable system of magick for anyone interested in "The Science and Art of causing Change in accordance with the Will."
Sane Occultism
Dion Fortune - 1920
Contents: What is Occultism? Is Occultism Worth While? Deeper Issues of Occultism; Credulity in Occult Research; Meditation & Psychism; Use & Abuse of Astrology; Records of Past Lives; Numerology & Prophecy; Group Karma; Authority & Obedience; Secrecy in Occult Fraternities; Left-hand Path; Occultism & Immorality; Psychic Pathologies; Mental Trespassing; Occultism & Vegetarianism; Eastern Methods & Western Bodies; Standards of Judgment; Ideals of Occultism.
The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic
Israel Regardie - 1931
It has continued to sell for decades. And no wonder. Up until the time this book was published, very little information about true high magic was available to the public.In this book, Regardie reveals the secrets of real magic. He begins with an explanation of what magic is and, just as importantly, what magic is not. He explains that it is a spiritual study and practice which, along with forms of yoga, forms the two branches of the tree that is mysticism. Magic is not being a medium or a psychic. Then he explains the tools of the magician, what they mean, and how to use them. He explains the techniques of evocation and invocation, skrying, and astral travel. He shows how the Qabalah unites everything. He even gives a description of the secrets of sexual magick. All of this is in a clear, lucid writing style. This book is simply a must for anyone who is, or aspires to be, a real magician.Although Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero were friends of Regardie and are Senior Adepts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, what changes could they have made to this classic book? Well, they did change the spelling from British style to American. And they did change his transliterations of Hebrew into the more popular style he used in his later books. But nothing vital was changed or removed. Everything else they added was complementary to the text that was there. And what incredible additions they are! Extensive annotations throughout every chapter; over 100 illustrations; more descriptive contents pages; a glossary, a bibliography and an index. They've even added a biographical note on Regardie and the importance of this book to him and to the occult world.This book contains some of the finest occult writing that has ever been produced. And with the new material by the Ciceros, it becomes a must-have for any magician!
The Red Goddess
Peter Grey - 2007
The Red Goddess takes you through a tale of sex, drugs and violence.This is an ecstatic journey through the unheard history of BABALON from Revelations, back through the Ishtar Gate and forward into a living modern magickal current.This is an explicit and challenging vision of a very modern goddess coming into power.This is more than a history, it is a passionate account of living magick and the transcendent power of Love.The Red Goddess answers the fundamental questions:Who is BABALON?Why should we care?Where did She come from and where is She going?Does Revelations have anything to tell us?Is there a hidden western tradition of sacred sex?The epic sweep of the text takes us from Babylon to Jerusalem to Rome, and onwards to Apocalypse.It looks at the angelic work of renaissance mage John Dee.It delivers a devastating exegisis on the excesses of Aleister Crowley, and unlocks the secrets of Waratah Blossoms.It explains the immolation of the Californian antichrist-superstar Jack Parsons and his relationship with Scientology founder L.Ron Hubbard.There is also a full supporting cast of Solomon, Simon Magus, St John the Divine, Earl Bothwell, the Templars, Mary, the Magdalene and countless others.This is the missing history of the Holy Whore.Thirteen essays conclude the book on subjects including: roses, mirror magick, BDSM, aphrodisiac drugs, the information age, love vs lust, and the meaning of apocalypse.Those working with Ishtar, Inanna, Lilith, Kali, Sekhmet, Bast, Freya, Pomba Gira, Erzulie, witchcraft, tibetan tantra, sacred sex and transgression will find much here to intrigue and inspire them.The Red Goddess is suitable for anyone with blood in their veins, regardless of tradition, background or experience.It is a Love story.
The Master Book of Candle Burning
Henri Gamache - 1942
Some historical and other data are included to better illustrate the symbolism involved in modern candle burning. The modern rituals outlined in the book are based on practices which have been described by mediums, spiritual advisors, evangelists, and others who should be in a position to know. All the candle burning rituals include a Psalm best suited to the purpose you want to achieve, whether it is to find love, attain money, stop slander, overcome an enemy, or countless others. 106 pgs.
Enochian Magic for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic the Original System of Angel Magic
Donald Tyson - 2002
The Golden Dawn used it. Aleister Crowley used it. A growing number of magicians use it. And now, you can use it too thanks to Donald Tyson and his book, "Enochian Magic for Beginners. "Revealed to John Dee and Edward Kelley over 400 years ago, much of this system has been ignored or misunderstood, even by famous magicians. Some of the source material has been fragmented, obscure, or unavailable. Thankfully, Mr. Tyson has worked long and hard to rediscover what was missing and piece together what had been changed. Make no mistake—this is not a superficial treatment of Enochian magic. Yes, it is written for beginners, but it is also a vital and important resource for those who are currently practicing the Enochian system. Most people today follow the Golden Dawn's method of Enochian magic. But did you know that they left out a major portion of the system? It's true! They did not include the "Heptarchia Mystica," a manuscript discovered amongst John Dee's belongings. In "Enochian Magic for Beginners, " you will learn the secrets of the "Heptarchia Mystica," including such things as the Angelic seven rulers, the preparations for practice of the system, and how to perform the ritual of the system. But the Golden Dawn Enochian system is also quite powerful, and you will learn all of the inner secrets of this system so you can practice it on your own. Also included are two new designs for Enochian typefaces, Donald Tyson's reconstruction of the Enochian Book of Spirits, and much more. If you have found that your magic has not been as successful as you would like, this is the book you need to start a new page in your magical career. If you want to learn about the Enochian system, this book is the best introduction to it to date. And if you are already practicing Enochian magic, you will find this book to be a valuable resource.
Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board
J. Edward Cornelius - 2005
This book provides surprising information on hos the renowned twentieth-century magician Aleister Crowley employed the Ouija Board to great effect, even attempting to create his own version of the device for sale.Like any powerful tool, the Ouija Board requires knowledgeable and proper use. Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board suggests ways of protecting the magician while using this remarkable spiritual implement.
Planets in Aspect: Understanding Your Inner Dynamics
Robert Pelletier - 1974
Planets in Aspect, the first volume published in Para Research's Planets series, is undoubtedly the most thorough in-depth study of planetary aspects (including the inconjuncts) ever written. It's intelligent, yet easy to read. It's personal, yet objective. It's astrology that really works... and keeps on working for you.