How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise: Practical Techniques and Strategies to Develop a Lifetime Habit of Exercise

Martin Meadows - 2016
    You've probably even put some money down before, vowing that THIS was the year you'd get in shape, lose that extra weight, and become the energetic person you know is hiding inside you. Unfortunately, life happens, and you fall into the habit of "I'll start tomorrow." Your motivation drops, and your self-discipline fails to push you through to achieve your goals. You begin to make excuses: you'll be really sore after working out, it's been too long since you've last exercised, you don't have willpower, your friends and family tell you to be happy with how you are, you think you're too weak, inflexible or otherwise unfit for exercise, and many more. There was that one time you started a program, but you couldn't keep up with the weekly or monthly goals, so you got frustrated and gave up. All of that has added up to make you think you're incapable of starting and continuing an exercise program. You're afraid you aren't mentally or physically strong enough, but still hold out the hope that someday a magic pill will change all that. The magic exists today, but it's not as easy or fast as swallowing a pill. However, it can be simple and enjoyable. How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise is a concise, practical guidebook on how to introduce and keep exercise in your life. Inside, you'll learn: - why the most common type of motivation people use to exercise is usually ineffective (and which types of motivation are much stronger) - the wrong "P" that will lead you to giving up when you face obstacles - how to overcome procrastination and finally start exercising – including a slightly uncomfortable trick that will ensure you'll get plenty of exercise - how to find time to exercise despite a hectic schedule (and surprising math that shows you actually lose time when you don't make time for exercise) - practical tricks and tips to stay motivated forever, even when you encounter obstacles - how to enjoy exercise while still getting the most powerful benefits of it (hint: if your workout involves "work," it's not a good workout) - how to prevent injuries, improve recovery, and handle the inevitable muscle soreness so you stick to exercise even if your body acts against you - how to deal with other people, wrong expectations, and negativity (from both your surroundings and yourself in the form of self-criticism or self-doubt) When put together and acted upon, the six chapters in this book – supported by over 80 references to scientific studies and credible experts – will help you form a new habit and make one of the most important changes you'll ever make in your life. Purchase the book now and let's embark on the journey to learn how.

Short Cuts to Happiness: Life-Changing Lessons from My Barber

Tal Ben-Shahar - 2018
    . . In his trailblazing Harvard courses, his internationally bestselling books, as well as his lectures and videos, positive psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar has shared his wisdom on finding fulfillment with people around the world. But even a happiness expert needs a sympathetic ear now and then. Tal found his—not in a fellow psychologist or guru, but in his longtime Israeli neighborhood barber, Avi, who (along with cutting hair) dispenses wisdom beyond his years:Moving fast is important, but so is knowing when to wait. The more you provide for your children, the less they gain for themselves. If only people brought the same levels of commitment to their relationships as they do to their work. The best way to gain trust is to give trust.Short Cuts to Happiness distills two years of Tal and Avi’s revelatory barbershop talk into forty brief chapters to dip in and out of, or to enjoy straight through. Each one reminds us how easy it is to find common ground on the things that matter most—and how good it is to talk with a tried-and-true friend.

Anthony Robbins PowerTalk (Conquer the Crash)

Anthony Robbins - 1958
    In tape #1, Robbins speaks directly to the listener about turning a "foe" (problem) into a "friend". Tape #2 features a discussion with financial expert Charles Givens, author of Wealth Without Risk.

Big Fat Lies

Kaelin Tuell Poulin - 2017
     This book is not for those who want to continue in the energy draining cycle of losing weight only to gain it back again.  This book is for those who want the TRUTH.  Everything You’ve Been Told about Weight Loss Is A Big Fat Lie! Seriously, it really is. You’ve tried it all haven’t you? Weight-Loss fads, challenges, and every other diet out there—but nothing seems to stick. Finally, someone has the courage to tell you why.  Kaelin Tuell Poulin, the woman who lost 65 pounds in 7 months while still eating pizza and ice cream, cuts through the B.S. She debunks the MYTHS and reveals the TRUTHS about losing weight and creating a lasting healthy lifestyle that will TRANSFORM your life.  No more weight loss tips from people who haven't lost any weight. On her own personal journey, Kaelin discovered that the reason her and other women had a hard time losing weight and keeping it off was because the weight-loss industry was lying about how to actually get healthy and have long-term success. To help you discover your own incredible story, the founder of the LadyBoss movement now shares her inspiring personal journey from being clinically obese and hopeless to fit and confident.  Kaelin’s award-winning achievements in fitness and health , backed by careful research, led her to develop the Lady Boss Formula for weight loss success that tens of thousands of women around the world—housewives, executives, athletes, students, and busy moms—have used to lose weight and keep it off forever. How is your health holding you back? What would life be like if it wasn't? Through this book you will lay the foundation to create YOUR story so it becomes one you love to tell. You deserve the life of your dreams. It's time to start living it.  Kaelin will show you the way as you become part of the most powerful community of women on the planet. Are you ready for the truth?

Hero on a Mission: A Path to a Meaningful Life

Donald Miller - 2022
    These four characters live inside us. If we play the victim, we’re doomed to fail. If we play the villain, we will not create genuine bonds. But if we play the hero or guide, our lives will flourish. The hard part is being self-aware enough to know which character we are playing.In this book, Donald will use his own experiences to help you recognize if the character you are currently surfacing is helping you experience a life of meaning. He breaks down the transformational, yet practical, plan that took him from slowly giving up to rapidly gaining a new perspective of his own life’s beauty and meaning, igniting his motivation, passion, and productivity, so you can do the same.The lessons in this book will teach you how to:Help you discover when you are playing the victim and villain.Create a simple life plan that will bring clarity and meaning to your goals ahead.Take control of your life by choosing to be the hero in your story.Cultivate a sense of creativity about what your life can be.Move beyond just being productive to experiencing a deep sense of meaning. Donald Miller will help you identify the many chances you have of being the hero in your life, and the times when you are falling into the trap of becoming the victim. He will guide you in developing a unique plan that will speak to the challenges you currently face so you, too, can take find the fulfillment you have been searching for in your life and work.

Love Heals

Becca Stevens - 2017
    Becca Stevens, founder and president of Thistle Farms, shares true stories of healing and joy where brokenness is transformed into compassion. In each chapter, Stevens provides encouragement and practical steps for anyone going through a difficult season or searching for a deeper faith. Love Heals is:A gorgeous gift book with beautiful photography and inspirational calloutsFor women of any age seeking healing and hopeA gift of hope for a friend or self-purchaseAfter reading, readers will learn:Love heals by the mercy of God.Love heals with compassion.Love heals during the act of forgiving.Love heals past our fears.Love heals across the world.In Love Heals, you'll find principles that have transformed lives. Stevens has been featured in the New York Times, on ABC World News, NPR, the TODAY show, and PBS, and named a 2016 CNN Hero. In 2011, the White House named Becca a "Champion of Change."

Seven Valleys

Bahá'u'lláh - 1994
    Written in the mystical tradition of the Sufi poets, this book recounts the odyssey of the human soul as it travels from the world of creation to the sphere of the absolute, its ultimate goal being reunion with God.

SEAL Survival Guide: Active Shooter and Survival Medicine Excerpt

Cade Courtley - 2016
    Think and act like a Navy SEAL, and you can survive anything. The world is a dangerous place. You can live scared—or be prepared. “We never thought it would happen to us.” It's difficult to imagine encountering an active shooter situation, but the reality is that modern life is unpredictable and dangerous. Don’t live in fear or rely on luck. Learn the SEAL mindset: Be prepared, feel confident, and know exactly how to escape a life-threatening situation such as a mass shooting. Former Navy SEAL and preeminent American survivalist Cade Courtley delivers step-by-step instructions anyone can master in the illustrated, user-friendly SEAL Survival Guide. Don’t be taken by surprise. Fight back, protect yourself, and beat the odds. Check out this excerpt and then purchase the essential manual no one in the twenty-first century should be without.

Conquering Your Own Goliaths

Steven A. Cramer - 1988
    And you can claim it beginning now. The well know Bible story of David and Goliath is the back drop that Steven A. Cramer uses to show how we can enlist the aid of the Lord in overcoming any of our problems. In our day, we do not have to face nine-foot giants physically, but often our Goliaths come in the form of spiritual giants that will not yield to a stone or sword.

How To Become Money Workbook

Gary M. Douglas - 2015
    Simple steps to getting clarity around money and how to start having MORE! What if money was just a vehicle to change the world? What if you were willing to receive unlimited amounts of money?

The Essence of Reiki 1: Usui Reiki Level 1 Practitioner Manual

Adele Malone - 2012
    The Essence of Reiki 1 is the first Reiki Manual in our series of 3 Reiki Manuals covering the complete guide to the Usui method of natural healing.In the Usui Reiki Level 1 Practitioner Manual you will be guided through an introduction to Reiki and 17 further Reiki 1 lessons that we teach in our Reiki Level 1 Workshops and Reiki Level 1 Video Home Study Courses.You will discover What is Reiki, How Reiki Works, The Five Reiki Principles, How to Treat Yourself and Others with Reiki and how to treat Animals with Reiki.

The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence: A Woman's Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less, and Loving More

Jessica Ortner - 2014
    We see it all the time: We must establish a career before looking for a relationship. We must find love before feeling fulfilled. We must feel stressed out until we finish everything on our to-do list. But by far, the most common conditions we put on ourselves revolve around our weight—no love until we lose the weight, no pursuing a dream until we lose the weight, no happiness until we lose the weight. But now there’s a better option.Using tapping, also known as EFT, Jessica Ortner walks you through a process that helps you drop stress so you can drop pounds—without dieting, deprivation, or extreme exercise. Tapping, a tool that is based on the principles of both ancient acupressure and modern psychology, helps you address the underlying issues that make your body hold on to weight and gives you the ability to overcome some of the most common weight loss obstacles. Say good-bye to the cravings, panic, and self-doubt that keep you in a constant fight against your body!Using her own struggles with weight loss, along with success stories of some of the thousands of women she’s worked with, Jessica teaches you not only the basics of tapping but also how to use it to address the deeper facets of your weight and self-worth challenges. This proven process is based on extensive research into the effects of tapping on stress hormones, and it provides simple, step-by-step instructions throughout and easy tapping meditations at the end of each chapter. With this loving and supportive guidance you can learn to create a more empowering relationship with food, find pleasure in exercise, and implement self-care into your life.So join Jessica and learn to love yourself and your body!

Angel Inspiration

Diana Cooper - 2001
    Diana Cooper introduces us to the importance of them in our lives by drawing on countless stories of people who have had their own lives changed by the miraculous assistance of angels. These incredible accounts prove what a difference the divine messengers can make and are an inspiration to us all. Everyone has their own guardian angel, there to help and protect whenever possible. Few of us yet understand, however, the healing and support these angels can bring us and how to invoke their help. Diana Cooper introduces us to the whole hierarchy of angels and the special powers that we can call upon. With exercises and lessons to encourage your angelic presences, Angel Inspiration not only brings you closer to your angel but helps change other people's lives too.

GTD Life with David Allen

David Allen
    If youve ever wanted to attend a David Allen seminar but could not, this is the next best thing. GTDLive is our brand new audio of a full 2-day seminar - packed with insights, tips, and practical applications on GTD or Getting Things Done in a way that only David can tell you. This is a great value at over 50% off the cost of just a one-day seminar! With GTDLive, you receive this recording of a full 2-day seminar that you can listen to over and over again anywhere, anytime. Getting Things Done Live reveals powerful techniques for processing everything in your personal and workplace environments. From email, paperwork, and voice mails to tasks, commitments, and internal thinking.Major topics of the seminar include:Mastering the Five Stages of Workflow;The Productive Experience;Keys to Collecting and Processing your Stuff;Project Thinking;Organizing Email and Filing Systems;Dealing with Procrastination and Setting Priorities; Planning and the Power of Focus; Establishing Your Ideal Scene, Successful OutcomeThe set contains approximately 9 ½ hours of audio recorded live at a large southern California University. It is packaged in a handsome 10-CD boxed set. GTD System Guides; the core principles of GTD, referenced in the recording, are presented on laminated cards for easy reference.

Self-Administered EMDR Therapy: Freedom from Anxiety, Anger and Depression

Katherine Andler - 2013
    Whether we've experienced small or major trauma, and whether we are aware of the foundation of our issues, EMDR will desensitize disturbing and painful thoughts, sensations, images, and emotions, and turn around our negative beliefs.This guide explains the theory behind the therapy, and what to expect from self-administered EMDR. It provides a framework for self-help so that you can apply the 8 stages of EMDR correctly without the need of a therapist.