Fight the Shock: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (World in Collapse Book 1)

William Oday
    An EMP attack knocks planes out of the sky and turns roads into disaster zones. And that’s just the first minute. The attack leaves Cade Bowman stranded a thousand miles from home and those he loves most. He’ll do anything to get back to his family, but it may not be enough.A weekend in Las Vegas turns deadly for his daughter Lily and her best friend. She knows she has to get out of the city before it’s too late. But with junkies and opportunists on the hunt for easy prey, she’ll have to be stronger than ever to survive.Fight the Shock is the first book in the heart-stopping World in Collapse series. Could you fight through the shock and do what it takes to survive?Get it now!

Fallen Empire

Marc Alan Edelheit - 2021
    The First Galactic Empire has fallen. The Keeper of the Unknowable, Guardian of the Gates, the Eternal Emperor, is dead. Entire star systems have been ravaged by war, planets cracked by powerful weapons, and suns sent into supernova. The infrastructure of an advanced civilization that spanned thousands of stars is ruined. Trillions have died. Instead of liberation and a return to democracy, freedom, and a new golden age, humanity has been plunged into darkness.Eighteen years after the Great Fall of civilization, stranded on the wrecked world Asherho, Keira Kane struggles to make her way. Shattered by war, the climate of the planet has become inhospitable to life and is getting worse with each passing year. The government is a brutal regime, focused on maintaining its own grip on power instead of feeding the few million ragged survivors living upon its surface. What little law and order there is has begun to erode and break down.Adopted, protected, and raised by former Imperial Marines, Keira has been trained as a mechanic and technician. Her skillset is indispensable to maintaining the decaying infrastructure of her dying planet.Sent out on a routine repair job to Hakagi Tower, a seedy apartment block, Keira rapidly finds herself a fugitive, hunted not only by the government she has faithfully served, but by the planetary militia who wants her for their own nefarious reasons. A mysterious battle-damaged warship has also arrived in-system and they want something too.Unbeknownst to Keira, her Imperial Marine companions have been guarding an incredibly valuable secret, one that has the potential to save humanity or see its light extinguished from the galaxy forever.Caught up in a planetary revolt and hunted, Keira is thrust into a life-or-death struggle she never imagined possible. Though she has yet to suspect it, the road ahead is not only dangerous, but a path destined for her and her alone.Does she have the courage to walk it? Does she have the willpower to pick up a fallen standard? Or will she falter and allow humanity to continue its fall into darkness? Only time will tell…Find out why thousands of readers have fallen for Amazon bestselling author Marc Alan Edelheit’s captivating books! The battle to save the galaxy begins here!

Crime Fiction: Private Eye Thriller

B.A. Savage - 2016
    When he finds, Coleman's dead he may be pursuing the wrong suspect. Shallow Grave When Stone is hired to pick up a jar of face cream from a Frenchman named Lorenzo Carlos, he thinks it's going to be a quick one thousand bucks, but faith has its own plans. Stone's life is threatened by a cosmetic company owner that has a soft voice but an itchy trigger finger, leading to an explosion that rocks the foundation of the case. All this for a jar of face cream? There's something wrong in Central City, and it's Stone’s job to find out the truth. Wishful Thinking When a carnival employee hires Randall Stone to investigate his girlfriend, a girl is murdered in a fire accidentally blowing a secret wide open. Cold Fury When Stone meets a beautiful woman in the Lake View Bar, she shows him a clipping out of the Personal columns of the newspaper. An attorney wanted to know the whereabouts of Mary Patton, wife of the late, Ben Patton, who died seven years ago in the Philippine Islands. Mr. Patton left a legacy of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for his wife. She hired Stone to claim her inheritance and he meet a man with his code of vigilante justice and Randall Stone’s on the top of his list.Die to Be Rich When Stone's hired to pick up an envelope for Mellissa, it's supposed to be a simple case, but nothing is as it seems when you’re a private eye. On the way back from the pickup, Stone is covered by two thugs that use him as a punching bag. Now Stone carries out his own brand of justice on the streets of Central City. You’re Going to Die Mr. Stone When a Puerto Rican man walks into Stone’s office and tells him; he’s going to die Stone’s asked to deliver a letter to the man who’s trying to kill the Puerto Rican. A guy just released from prison named Tony Ramirez. And when two men are murdered, Stone tries to find the link between the dead men and lottery racket in the Northpark area. It’s Called Murder Scott Braga has one wish, to talk to his son before he leaves Central City and has 12 hours before he goes. He hires Randall Stone to find his son on Fifth Street one of the most dangerous areas in town. When a murder happens, Stone tries to identify the real culprit. Sweet Letters of Death When a man hoping to find a companion or even a soul mate gets taken for a considerable amount of money through a mail order bride he hires Randall Stone to get his money back. Stone races to expose them before it happens to someone else. Tales of: Detective, Police Detective, Police, Murder, Investigation, Death, Violence, Blood, Shootout, Police Officer, Shot to Death, Corpse, Revenge, Fight, Gun, Murder Investigation, Gunfight, Husband Wife Relationship, Fistfight Neo Noir, Interrogation, Police Investigation, Deception Blood Splatter, Gangst

The Scattered and the Dead

Tim McBain - 2017
     Endings and beginnings. The road trip from hell continues as planned. Delfino shares revelations from his past as Baghead begins to recover from his injury. But there's a problem. They're being followed. What drives people to destroy each other? And what drives some of them to survive and take care of one another no matter how dark things get? Izzy and Erin stare these questions in the face. And after this, they'll never be the same.

Good Morning Vendemiatrix

H. Paul Honsinger - 2020
    In these labors, there is one friend that they can count on, day in and day out . . . he’s a constant companion in their headsets with the Smack and Crack, Sno Bro, and other music they love, as well offering a seemingly endless stream of friendship and encouragement: the morning DJ on Company Radio Channel D, Robin Whitlake. But, Robin is more than a warm human voice in the endless night, he is a man with a heroic, yet deadly and dangerous secret past that could condemn him to death at any time. Disfigured and aging rapidly, he must work harder and harder to project the youth and vitality that he brings to his broadcasts, all the while wondering when and if his past will catch up with him. On 14 January 2314, it did. A disaster in the mining colony brings the heroic and deadly elements of Robin’s past into sudden collision. Not only must he decide whether to subject himself to possible execution, Robin has to call upon all his professionalism as a broadcaster, the skills he spent decades honing in his former life, and the Morse code abilities of a red-headed, pig-tailed Space Scout named Elaine, in a desperate “Hail Mary” improvisation with thousands of innocent lives hanging in the balance. Good Morning Vendemiatrix is an 8800 word stand-alone novelette set in the “Man of War” universe. Fans of Honsinger’s other work will recognize the setting and be treated to a cameo appearance by a familiar character, while new readers will not find themselves “lost in space.” It is a humorous and exciting piece of shorter fiction written to be enjoyed by all Science Fiction readers.

Echoes of a Dying World:

Don M Esquibel - 2017
    What he never expected was it turning into a weekend he wished he could forget. Unbeknown to Morgan, a shadow terrorist organization has been building over generations, quietly infiltrating the world’s governments and armies, all so they might one day be in a position to destroy our way of life. On a bright July morning during the summer of 2020, that fateful day arrives. When an EMP levels North America, Morgan and his friends are viciously thrown into a world without rule or order, and in which survival itself does not come without sacrifice. In their mad dash to escape a city suddenly swarmed in chaos, they are joined by two young sisters, an act of violence bringing their paths together. Once cleared of the city, shell-shocked and desperate to reunite with their families, the group embarks on the Colorado Trail—a 500-mile long hiking trail beginning in Waterton Canyon just outside of Denver, and ending in their hometown of Durango. But to make it home, they must find within themselves the strength and resolve to navigate 500 miles of hostile country, filled with hungry and desperate souls who wouldn’t hesitate to kill them for what they have. On its surface, Echoes is a tale of survival—of a group of friends who must band together against insurmountable odds. At its heart is a story of the power behind a family’s love, and how even in the darkest of times, it alone can serve as the light to guide you home.

In Vitro Lottery

Ed Ryder - 2016
    Decades later, the children of the survivors find themselves unable to conceive, with complex and expensive fertility treatment the only option. Some can afford it, but for everyone else, there is the In Vitro Lottery.Kate Adams never really wanted a family, so when her numbers come up for treatment at the clinic, she gives her winning ticket to her sister, Emily. Then tragedy strikes, and Kate is sent on a collision course with the clinic head Victor Pearson, and the Government, in her quest for answers.When Kate's investigation reveals devastating truths about her sister, she is drawn towards the pressure group IVFree and begins to question everything she believes in. Together, they formulate a plan to get answers and to uncover the real purpose behind the Lottery. When the fate of Humanity is at stake, who really controls the future, and what will they do to protect it?New Apple Summer e-Book Awards 2016 winner in SciFi / Dystopia

The Day America Died!

A.J. Newman - 2016
    The shit hit the fan, our country has seen the apocalypse and is now trying to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. Zack Johnson is no hero, but he does have some valuable prepper skills to help him survive. He is a thousand miles from home, the grid and all modern transportation have failed. The country is degenerating into violence and dog eat dog scenarios. People are killing their neighbors for a scrap of moldy bread or a sip of water. The remnants of the US Government are not helpful at best and his enemy at worst. The Department of Homeland Security is forcing people into relocation camps for their own good. Zack has to get back to Kentucky to find his daughter so he can take her to the safety of his farm. Davi is an Israeli intelligence officer who flees to the USA after delivering the bad news that Iran and North Korea are about to nuke the USA and Israel. She must keep her mom and dad safe while finding a safe hideout. Zack’s daughter, Callie, is 15 and is a daddy’s girl. She grew up hunting, fishing and back packing. She tries to keep her mom alive until the danger passes. Zack goes from trying to figure out how to deal with his girlfriends and ex-wife to how to save his and his daughter’s lives while America becomes more dangerous by the minute. Mike Norman is Zack's best friend and his ex-wife's brother. He is a ladies man who has to step up to the plate and keep Callie safe until her dad gets home. He knows Zack will get home. He just doesn't know what Zack will have to do to get home. How are all of these people tied together? Are the attacks over and will the USA be invaded by the perpetrators of this heinous disaster? Read The Day America Died and find out.

Dark Coup (The Dark Grid Series)

David C. Waldron - 2013
    However, looming dangers to life and liberty remain--and not all of them come from outside of the community.As the Colonel's attacks on neighboring bases increase in both number and ferocity, the rebels uncover the startling, almost unbelievable, truth about a corrupt and shadowy cabal linked by greed and lust for power, and their dangerous conspiracy to fulfill a lethal agenda that originated years ago. With diminishing resources and an unequal fighting force, can the rebels recapture America for those who value freedom, self-determination, and God-given rights, over exploitation and suppression?

Orb Station Zero

Dan Davis - 2016
    An alien space station, a threat to the Sol System and a gateway to the galactic civilization. For the last hundred years, humanity has sent a champion to fight for our future. Every one has lost. Now, monstrous aliens have designs on the Sol System itself. The winner of a single bout of deadly combat inside the Orb Station will be granted the rights to conquer Earth and all of her fledgling colonies. This is the final chance for victory before humanity is destroyed. Rama Seti is a professional gamer, a hero of the virtual world. He has not left his apartment in years, he is morbidly obese and has no real world combat experience. But, when the tactical surgeon from the United Nations Orb Project breaks into his home and cuts off his head, Rama is transplanted onto a giant, genetically engineered body designed to be the perfect weapon. Success in this mission means humanity will finally take its place as a member of the galactic network of alien empires. Failure will mean our destruction. If you enjoyed Ender's Game, Starship Troopers, The Forever War, and Old Man's War, you'll love Orb Station Zero, the first in a new military science fiction series.

Witch: The Moondark Saga

Don McQuinn - 2014
    All the while, Gan Moondark has been struggling to keep his young empire alive. The kingdom suffers under constant attacks from enemies on all sides, and Gan's campaign for freedom may already be dead. As winter falls, The Three Territories' enemies have begun to conspire, planning a coordinated attack on Gan's castle. Church means to reassert it's power in the region and punish Sylah for heresy. Moondance wants nothing less than the total domination of Gan's kingdom. The Skan intend to raid the entire coast for slaves, looting the lands for all they are worth. Gan must once again turn to Conway and the other survivors to use their skills and weapons in the coming battle. They will need every advantage against the combined force of their enemies. But the people of Gan's kingdom are restless, fearful of their enemies and distrustful of the magic being produced by Sylah's books. Gan must convince his people to trust him, and the strangers, or his kingdom will be lost before the war has even begun. Read Witch today This box set continues the story that began with Warrior: The Moondark Saga, Books 1-3. Included in Witch: Malice (The Moondark Saga Book 7) Poison (The Moondark Saga Book 8) Renewal (The Moondark Saga Book 9)

The Slip Trilogy Complete Boxed Set

David Estes - 2015
    As sea levels rise and livable landmasses shrink, the Reorganized United States of America has instituted population control measures to ensure there are sufficient resources and food to sustain the growing population. Birth authorization must be paid for and obtained prior to having a child. Someone must die before another can be born, keeping the country in a population neutral position at what experts consider to be the optimal population. The new laws are enforced by a ruthless government organization known as Pop Con, responsible for terminating any children resulting from unauthorized births, and any illegals who manage to survive past their second birthday, at which point they are designated a national security threat and given the name Slip. But what if one child slipped through the cracks? What if someone knew all the loopholes and how to exploit them? Would it change anything? Would the delicate resource balance be thrown into a tailspin, threatening the lives of everyone? And how far would the government go to find and terminate the Slip? In a gripping story of a family torn apart by a single choice, Slip is a reminder of the sanctity of a single life and the value of the lives we so often take for granted.

Run, Run, Run

Mark Capell - 2011
    But even that can't protect him and his wife, Sally. Somebody knows their new identity - somebody who shouldn't.Frank Tong is an artist who finds inspiration for his paintings from the violence of his criminal life. When his brother is put away for murder he wants revenge. And Frank has a mole in the Witness Protection Scheme.Dan and the pregnant Sally have no choice. They have to flee. They go on the run from both sides of the law.They must learn to lie, steal, shoot and fight to survive. They can't use their credit cards, cash machines, mobile phones - anything that will give away their location. They must constantly look over their shoulder. It's living life like a criminal - a difficult task for two law abiding people.What will it take to return to a normal life? How far are they prepared to go? What will they sacrifice for their freedom?'Run, Run, Run' is a crime thriller that will have your heart racing and your mind buzzing....Sometimes the best way to get justice is to run away from it...(2014 REVISED EDITION)

One Final Gasp

Jacqueline Druga - 2019
     In a misguided attempt to avert the future deadly threat, Biologist Elias Marcum creates his own impervious virus. His arrogance in his work inadvertently causes the accidental release of the virus. By the time it is discovered, it is too late. Aging television reporter, Eve Montgomery finally sees her chance to return to the spotlight when she is given the assignment to cover the Legends of Rock Cruise on the Magnificent Jewel. Her dreams of covering the glitz and glamour of rock stars are quickly squashed when the ship anchors in quarantine in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. A ferocious virus is rampant on the ship and it quickly begins to decimate the lives of the thousands on board. There is no cure or treatment. The events of the ship are parallel to the events happening across the globe. No country is immune. Nowhere is spared. Unaware how widespread the virus is, Eve does her best with limited communication to convey the story to the news station. It’s a matter of waiting it out until the virus runs its course. Eve finds hope in the prospect of leaving the sea and returning home. She focuses on that, oblivious to the fact that things are far worse on land.

The Drowned

Kevin Partner - 2020
    Billions are dead, governments are in chaos, and the few survivors left are literally treading water, trying to find the few bits of dry land left.In the midst of the chaos, family ties, determination and the sheer will to live will be the only protection against the complete annihilation of mankind.