Book picks similar to
Mind on the Job by Deberea Sherlock


7: How Many Days of the Week Can Be Extraordinary?

Dan Zadra - 2012
    And, in the rush to make a living, we sometimes forget to live. The 7 book makes a wonderful gift because it inspires us to stop and look around with fresh eyes. To break out of our routines. To reconnect with all the things that are truly important to us. And to savor and treasure lifenot just now and then, but every day of the week. The 7 book is the fourth addition in the best-selling Life by the Numbers series, and it is easily one of the most inspiring to give or receive.

I Know Just What You Mean: the Power of Friendship in Women's Lives: The Power of Friendshiping Women's Lives

Ellen Goodman - 2000
    Many who once believed marriage was "the" center of know that friends may be the difference between a lonely life and a lively one." In "I Know Just What You Mean," Pulitzer prize-winning columnist Ellen Goodman and novelist/journalist Patricia O'Brien provide a thoughtful, deeply personal look at the enduring bonds of friendship between women. Friends for over a quarter of a century, they bring to their book the unique mix of insight and humor that only such a long and rich relationship can produce.""You might say we've been writing this book for twenty-six years. Maybe it's the logical outcome for two writing friends. It amazes us now to look back and see what we've been building: the story of our friendship is the story of our divorces, our children, careers, loves, losses, remarriages.We rarely made a move without each other's opinion or listening ear...We moved from youth through middle-age with the requisite accumulation of both wisdom and caution that -- when shared -- made each of us stronger than we would have been alone.""Drawing on interviews with numerous women from all stages of life -- teenagers, young mothers, elderly women, women in politic and business, sports and media celebrities -- the authors reach beyond their own experiences, providing an intimate look at friendships that begin everywhere from kindergarten to nursing homes. They tell the touching, funny, and sometimes painful stories of women who don't shy away from confronting the problems and demands of friendship.""When we asked women how theydefined what a close friend is, they leaped past such qualifiers to describe the impact: being known and accepted, understood to the core; trust and loyalty you can count on, having someone on your side. Having someone to share worries and secrets as well as the good stuff of life. Someone who needs you in return.""The authors explore the problems of famous friends -- how do you stay close when your best friend is one of the richest and most powerful women in the world? They write about friendships that have endured through hardship and misfortune, survived the problems of competing with each other. Looking through history and Hollywood, real life and fiction, they get to the heart of relationships between women.""Somewhere in the meaning of the word 'trust' is the assumption that a friend has your best interest at heart. Friends can be the collaborators, the instigators who make change possible. They are often the ones who urge us to take a leap, who jump with us or help us scramble back up the other side.""Throughout the book, there is an ongoing dialogue between Goodman and O'Brien that is sure to resonate with every woman who cherishes her female friends.""Talk is at the very heart of women's friendship, the core of the way women connect. It's the given, the absolute assumption of friendship. It can be serious or funny, painful or exuberant, intense or joyous. But at the heart of the connections made is one sentence that women repeat over and over: 'I know just what you mean.'""

Tell Me More: Stories about the 12 Hardest Things I'm Learning to Say

Kelly Corrigan - 2018
    But that’s just what Kelly Corrigan has set out to do here. In her New York Times bestselling memoirs, Corrigan distilled our core relationships to their essences, showcasing a warm, easy storytelling style. Now, in Tell Me More, she’s back with a deeply personal, unfailingly honest, and often hilarious examination of the essential phrases that turn the wheel of life.In “I Don’t Know,” Corrigan wrestles to make peace with uncertainty, whether it’s over invitations that never came or a friend’s agonizing infertility. In “No,” she admires her mother’s ability to set boundaries and her liberating willingness to be unpopular. In “Tell Me More,” a facialist named Tish teaches her something important about listening. And in “I Was Wrong,” she comes clean about her disastrous role in a family fight—and explains why saying sorry may not be enough. With refreshing candor, a deep well of empathy, and her signature desire to understand “the thing behind the thing,” Corrigan swings between meditations on life with a preoccupied husband and two mercurial teenage daughters to profound observations on love and loss.With the streetwise, ever-relatable voice that defines Corrigan’s work, Tell Me More is a moving and meaningful take on the power of the right words at the right moment to change everything.

Your Life Isn't for You: A Selfish Person's Guide to Being Selfless

Seth Adam Smith - 2014
    With a mix of humor, candor, and compassion, he reveals how, years before his marriage, his self-obsession led to a downward spiral of addiction and depression, culminating in a suicide attempt at the age of twenty. Reflecting on the love and support he experienced in the aftermath, as well as on the lessons he learned from a difficult missionary stint in Russia, his time as a youth leader in the Arizona desert, his marriage, and even a story his father read to him as a child, he shares his deep conviction that the only way you can find your life is to give it away to others.

Speak Up and Get Along!: Learn the Mighty Might, Thought Chop, and More Tools to Make Friends, Stop Teasing, and Feel Good About Yourself

Scott Cooper - 2005
    Like the Mighty Might, which takes all the fun out of teasing. And the Thought Chop, which helps kids resist self-defeating thoughts. And the Squeaky Wheel, a type of persistence that gets results. And the Coin Toss, a simple way to resolve small conflicts. Each tool is clearly described, illustrated with true-to-life examples, and accompanied by dialogue and lines kids can practice and use. Stories and anecdotes show each tool in action. A terrific resource for any young person—and any adult committed to teaching social skills. Includes a note to adults.Part of the Bully Free Kids™ line

Exercise For The Brain: 70 Neurobic Exercises To Increase Mental Fitness & Prevent Memory Loss: How Non Routine Actions And Thoughts Improve Mental Health

Jason Scotts - 2013
    As more and more persons seek better ways to retain and improve their memory this text is well timed. It gives the reader the solutions that they need to get started on the path to having a fantastic memory. Of course in quite a number of instances the memory loss cannot be helped as it may be hereditary but it can be slowed down with the use of these exercises. Just as the body needs physical exercises in order to function correctly, the brain needs to be exercised as well to prevent it from becoming sluggish.

Mind Monsters: Conquering Fear, Worry, Guilt and Other Negative Thoughts that Work Against You

Kevin Gerald - 2012
    They will steal your life...if you let them. But there is good news! You can take control. In Mind Monsters Kevin Gerald shows you how to recognize destructive thoughts, take them captive, and use biblical truths to overcome them.   Today you have a choice: Will you allow your mind monsters to take up residence, affecting who you are and God’s plan for your life, or will you conquer them and experience a life that is positive, abundant, joyful, and overflowing with peace?

The Athlete's Way: Sweat and the Biology of Bliss

Christopher Bergland - 2007
     The Athlete's Way program, focusing on cardio, strength, stretching, nutrition and sleep, uses neurobiology and behavioral models to enable you to think, train and behave like an athlete, making you more optimistic, resilient, and intense. You will want to get a glow on every day to increase your daily bliss quotient. Exercise will no longer be something to dread but something to enjoy and experience to the fullest. The Athlete's Way teaches you how to make exercise a source of joy and something you will want to engage in daily. Sweat will become a symbol of your striving for a standard of excellence and a solid work ethic that is synonymous with peak performance. The stamina, tenacity, and drive fortified through athletics--and this program--can be applied to any dream, obstacle, or goal you aspire to achieve. Christopher Bergland is a Manhattan-based world-class endurance athlete. He holds a Guinness World Record for treadmill running (153.76 miles in 24 hours) and has won the longest nonstop triathlon in the world three times. He completed The Triple Ironman, a 7.2-mile swim, 336-mile bike, followed by a 78.6-mile run (done consecutively) in a record breaking time of 38 hours and 46 minutes. He directs the triathlon program at Chelsea Piers and has been sponsored by Kiehl's since 1996. He has been featured in dozens of TV, magazine, and newspaper articles including CNN, PBS, ABC, CBS, Fox, Men's Journal, ESPN magazine, and the L.A. Times.  He currently manages a specialty sporting goods shop in New York City called "JackRabbit Sports." Inspiring Lessons from a World-class Endurance Athlete"I love to sweat.  All told, I have run distance equal to four trips around the world on a treadmill and on the streets of Manhattan where I live.  I have biked to the moon and back, dueling it out with a red, blinking pacer light on a LifeCycle control panel or logging countless laps in Central Park.  I've even crossed the Atlantic a few times - in the pool - and I've swum in almost every ocean around the world competing in Ironman triathlons.  When I am running, biking, or swimming, happiness pours out of me.  I am not alone.  Everyone who exercises regularly experiences this bliss.  And it is available to you, too, anytime you break a sweat.  The Athlete's Way is an individual process but ultimately a universal experience.  We feel good when we sweat.  I have learned how to find Nirvana on the treadmill, and I am going to teach you my secrets."            --Christopher Bergland

The Survivor's Quest: Recovery After Encountering Evil

HealingJourney - 2014
    Sometimes, evil can be difficult to detect. It can be masked by charm and flattery, and it is often perpetuated by pathological lying, projection, and various other mind games. No matter how hidden it may be, evil always devastates—and isolates—any normal person who is touched by it. The Survivor’s Quest is written by HealingJourney, the former target of a psychopathic predator. He presented himself to her as a “nice guy,” but he turned out to be the precise opposite. As a result of the encounter and its sudden end, HealingJourney found herself overwhelmed by despair. But she soon realized that she was not alone in her new understanding of humanity, and she was able to find her way out of the darkness. Throughout the book, she shares the struggles and triumphs she experienced during her recovery. She also offers validation, encouragement, and practical strategies for her fellow survivors. If you have been hurt by someone with a personality disorder and are looking for recovery support, this book is for you.

The Magic of Believing (Original Classic Edition)

Claude Bristol - 2014
    Times have changed since the late 1940s, but ambitions have not, and millions of Americans have drawn on the no-nonsense techniques described in The Magic of Believing to reach their dreams and achieve success. Obstacles have become a thing of the past, when they were “blasted” with Bristol’s powerful book, T.N.T.: It Rocks the Earth. Adhering to his corner- stone philosophy on the power of believing, T.N.T. offers practical suggestions on how to accurately and scientifically proceed to get what you want in life. In these 2 great books, you will learn: • How to project confidence
• How to impress your subconscious mind
• Why a focused aim leads to achievement.
• What your appearance reveals about you.
• The mental secret to success.
• How to transfer your thoughts to others
• To have a power at your command that astounds Let the wisdom the author imparts, infiltrate both your conscious and uncon- scious mind. It’s time to shift into high gear and forward motion, as you commit to your greatest and highest purpose. The late Claude M. Bristol was a lawyer, lecturer, investment banker, and foreign correspondent. He is the coauthor of the long-time best- seller, TNT: The Power Within. Claude Bristol’s tough-minded, hard-hitting message remains as fresh and focused today as when his books were first published, when the subconscious mind was less understood. Times have changed since the late 1940s, but ambitions have not, and millions of Americans have drawn on the no-nonsense techniques described in The Magic of Believing to reach their dreams and achieve success. Obstacles have become a thing of the past, when they were “blasted” with Bristol’s powerful book, T.N.T.: It Rocks the Earth. Adhering to his corner- stone philosophy on the power of believing, T.N.T. offers practical suggestions on how to accurately and scientifically proceed to get what you want in life. In these 2 great books, you will learn: • How to project confidence
• How to impress your subconscious mind
• Why a focused aim leads to achievement.
• What your appearance reveals about you.
• The mental secret to success.
• How to transfer your thoughts to others
• To have a power at your command that astounds Let the wisdom the author imparts, infiltrate both your conscious and uncon- scious mind. It’s time to shift into high gear and forward motion, as you commit to your greatest and highest purpose. The late Claude M. Bristol was a lawyer, lecturer, investment banker, and foreign correspondent. He is the coauthor of the long-time best- seller, TNT: The Power Within.

Chess: How to Play Chess: For (Absolute) Beginners: The Journey to Your Empire Begins Here

Maxen Tarafa - 2015
     Many Chess books for beginners will overload you with information about openings, tactics, forks, history, notation, and lot of other things beginners don’t need to know and don’t understand. That might work for some people. But in this highly anticipated prequel to the Conquer your Friends series, I’m going to SHOW you how you can play the game of Chess AND WIN in a heinously short amount of time. Hi, my name is Maxen Tarafa, and I’m a Skill Artist. Most teachers struggle to show beginners how to play Chess because they forget what it’s like to start from the beginning. I specialize in working with beginners, post-beginners, and casual players, and now I’ve broken down the specific needs of the (absolute) beginner. You see, I believe Chess belongs to regular people who enjoy playing Chess with their friends or at home, not in the hands of “experts” who use incomprehensible terminology and notation. After working with several beginners, I realized their greatest struggle is not just remembering how the pieces move, but seeing the board beyond where the pieces physically sit. I’m going to show you how to play Chess using step-by-step images with arrows and interactive exercises Who is this book for? Perhaps, you’ve never played Chess but you’ve always wanted to learn and never had the chance. Or maybe, you’ve already learned how to move the pieces, but you need an easy, straight-forward refresher. Or perhaps, it’s time to show your son or younger brother how to play Chess and you want to review the basics, so you can make sure you nail the questions beginners commonly miss. Whether you’re brand new to Chess or you just want to pass the tradition down, this book is for you. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Quickly and confidently move each piece from Pawn to King Set up the board from memory quickly and correctly every…single…time Use my step-by-step method for commanding the puzzling Knight Harness the power of your own mind to visualize the board and gain an edge over your opponent Learn the little-known reason why most beginners lose and how to use it to your advantage Employ a three-question checklist to ensure you don’t lose your pieces for no good reason Blow your opponent’s mind! Predict your opponent’s strategy three moves ahead and stop their plan before they’ve even tried it I’ve taught beginner Chess players from age 5 to age 35 and beyond, anyone can learn and now’s your chance to finally learn the ancient game of Kings and Conquerors! Don’t miss your chance! Join the casual Chess revolution today!

No One's the Bitch: A Ten-Step Plan for the Mother and Stepmother Relationship

Jennifer Newcomb Marine - 2009
    Whether you just want to create a neutral, “business” partnership with the “other woman” in your life—or actually, gulp, become friends—they show you how to reach your goal through ten powerful steps.

How to Be a Person in the World: Ask Polly's Guide Through the Paradoxes of Modern Life

Heather Havrilesky - 2016
    Whether she’s responding to cheaters or loners, lovers or haters, the depressed or the down-and-out, Havrilesky writes with equal parts grace, humor, and compassion to remind you that even in your darkest moments you’re not alone.

The True INFJ (The True Guides to the Personality Types)

Truity - 2014
    But what drives these idealistic types to change the world? What keeps them motivated to work tirelessly to make all of our lives better, more just, and more humane? This book is for INFJs and the people who know and love them. You'll take an in-depth look at the INFJs values, motivations, and drives. You'll discover how the INFJ approaches work, family life, and relationships, and learn how they set priorities in life. If you're an INFJ, you'll discover how to become the best person you can be. If you know an INFJ, you'll gain a true understanding of the unique character of this sensitive, humanistic personality type.

Self Discipline: A How-To Guide to Stop Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals in 10 Steps Including 10 day bonus online coaching course to master self-discipline ... and build daily goal-crushing habits

Gemma Ray - 2018
    Life feels more fun, free and fruitful when you learn to love the power of discipline.Read the book.Sign up for the FREE online coaching course.Join the accountability Facebook group for that extra injection of goal motivation and support. It might change your life!I was struggling being the woman I wanted to be. Health, finance, habits. I realized I lacked self-discipline and that was the cause of all the issues. I searched for a book on Self-Discipline, and found a gem in Gemma’s book. Since January I am down 19 pounds, killed $5500 in debt, and more organized than ever. I track my progress on my Facebook page and am inspiring so many friends, giving credit to Gemma and her easy to follow plan to get your act together. - ★★★★★Perfect book for someone who struggles with discipline and Organization like I did before reading this book, This was the 3rd self discipline book I’ve read and by far the best gemma has made the book as straight forwarded as possible and if you really give her practices a go it will change your life for the better. Enjoy:) - ★★★★★